gentlejack · 2 years
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@amazonluthor​​ sent: 7) our muses shower together after something traumatic for comfort and emotional intimacy, bonus points if they aren’t even together romantically yet. / what if. when they reunite meme (if you read this you should send one >:D)
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        She doesn’t, as a rule, expose herself in front of others -- certainly not without any dire necessity, and certainly not in front of anyone other than her femme de chambre, whose presence is tolerated only on account of her helpfulness. This, however, is an exceptional occasion. All things considered, it seems a most urgent necessity indeed to feel Lillian’s skin against her own, to cradle her against her chest in the narrowness of the tin bathtub, to pull her into the intimate space between Anne’s thighs and let their heartbeats melt into one. Still, she hesitates, dressed in her stays, drawers, & undershirt, keeping herself firmly perched upon the edge of the tub. Her fingertips alone venture into the water to make an idle assessment of the temperature. She wants to lean closer, truly -- but then, it’s been so long since familiarity has come easy to them, and time stands between their bodies like a fortress.
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         “ Shall I join you? ” she asks at last, seeking her woman’s long-lost gaze and masking her uncertainty behind a boldly raised brow. ( Though she rather believes she knows the answer already. )
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godblooded · 2 years
@amazonluthor asked : ” I– Can I– I don’t know, can I hug you? ” / for stark
periwinkle baby blues blink. stark doesn’t comprehend the idea of comfort. stark doesn’t imagine the idea of someone making him feel better if he’s having a bad time. he just doesn’t. there’s no computing the idea that he’s even worthy of the idea. why bother? it’s just going to pass and—
the man of iron gestures inward to say yes, leaning heavy on a crutch to stay up. damage to one side’s prosthetics leave her repairing the mess and therefore without for the moment. just two ravaged, smoothed stumps of scar tissue carefully covered by a seemingly thin, intuitive cap of netting stretched over them. she balances excellently on her remaining organic limb— left leg— one scarlet and grey arm clutching. she’s gotten good at hopping around like it’s second nature until she’s reassembled.
“ i’d love one, actually. ”
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reignthem · 3 years
@amazonluthor​ // starter call 
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“  you told me i could trust you.  i could really use it.  ” 
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flyingupward · 2 years
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       there’s a soft smile on jack’s face as she watches the young soldier test out her new prosthetic. it’s moments like these that make this job WORTH IT, and as much as she misses her old co-workers sometimes, seeing the young woman’s utter elation proves to jack that she made the right choice in pursuing something new. her eyes shift over as the woman who has made this possible falls into place next to her. ❝ it’s really incredible work, ❞ jack murmurs, a small laugh in her voice as the soldier and her physical therapist get to work acclimating her to the new limb. ❝ i don’t think i’ve seen her look that happy the entire time i’ve known her. ❞ 
       FINALLY, the blonde turns fully towards lillian, a dazzling smile of her own on her face. ❝ you have to let me take you for lunch or something as a thank you. besides, these two will be working at it for a while and i’m giving the corporal a ride home so really you’ll just be doing me a favor and keeping me company. ❞ the smile on her face only grows. ❝ i’m JACK, by the way. jack sloane. i help out around here a lot. ❞
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pyreshegone · 2 years
 🍒 + me mayhaps? if ur still doing it hksjdf
listen you are consistently like,, the Sweetest and I cannot stress enough how much I am gently bumping my face into your shoulder like a loving cat everytime u message me. also; I love lillian bc of u
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MORE PROTECTIVE PROMPTS / LILLIAN LUTHOR – @amazonluthor​ ❛ are you alright? ❜
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     ❝HM? OH THIS? yeah, i’m good. it looks worse than it is, trust me.❞
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fortislumen-archive · 2 years
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❝  wasn’t  sure  i’d  see  you  again.  ❞    words  are  almost  spat  out,  but  the  tiniest  smile  reaches  her  face.    and  it  isn't  a  fake  one,  the  one  she  usually  gives  people.    only  one  who  truly  knows  the  vampire  woman  can  spot  the  difference.  
@amazonluthor​     [ SC ] 
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inze · 3 years
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It hurts. Not just the way that her body aches with the pain from the fall, but in her heart. There was a piece missing torn away from the depths of her soul. Her hands reach out and try to push herself up, only to shake and pathetically fall back into the crater she’d made on impact. Everything is on fire, burning, charred black with the painful heat. How had her questions deserve this sort of punishment? Had she not been one of the many chosen who had protected humanity since it’s conception without flaw? Without a dereliction of duty? Surely this was a mistake. But of course, there were mistakes made by the heavens and it would be her job to accept it without recourse. And yet... 
She places her hands back down and focuses. There is still power within her. One that is tainted like the rest of her heart, but it is still power. Astra pushed and the Earth responds by pushing her back up. Her wings snap out, flapping to steady herself, two steps taken to steady herself. What should she do now? Then the voices hit her. They are similar to prayers, but more desperate, more reckless. Of course. If she wasn’t allowed to save humanity, her job would be to damn them. Wings fold in, disappearing as Astra’s power surged with her heavy acceptance. The pain was still there, boring into her chest. But it would pass. Perhaps one day, it would pass. 
With a gesture, one that was once familiar, she summons a portal. Stepping through, she finds herself presented with the back of a human woman. She’s well dressed and Astra can’t stop herself from noting just how poised she was. The woman wouldn’t be able to see her, not yet, not until she determined what her desire would be. 
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gentlejack · 2 years
3-5 Things Survey   
The rules are simple: for each of the below items, fill in three to five things that your character might be identified by. After that, repost and tag away!
stolen from: my old blog dgjdhgdjhdg tagging: @wellvcrsedetiquette / @neebelcombe / @strnza / @governinglion / @amazonluthor / @idolbound / @vorcotec​ / @livingecho / @violetyorkshirelady / YOU!
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Emotions/Feelings: Pride. Flirtation. Aloofness. Excitement. Outbursts of anger.
Greetings: A curt nod. A firm handshake. A soft kiss to a woman’s knuckles. A beaming smile. “ Good morning. ”
Colors: Black. Midnight blue. Dark purple. Wine red. Earthen brown.
Scents: Dirt. Coal. Expensive cologne. Clothes of linen and wool. Leather.
Clothing: Top hats. Long black coats. Military-style jackets. Sturdy boots. Broad shoulders, sleek lines, dramatic sleeves.
Objects: Walking cane. Journal written in secret code. Heart-shaped brooch. Comically large thermometer. Handkerchief.
Vices and Bad Habits: Arrogance. Lack of empathy. Walking all over people like a steamroller high on lesbianism. Constantly showing off her big clit energy. Being a conservative <3
Good habits: Caring for your needs. Being protective. Independence. Having a lot of love to give. Big brain & big heart.
Body Language: Standing tall and proud. Fast, long strides. Spread legs. Taking up space. Being precise and calculating in every movement.
Aesthetic: Dark academia. Being a 19th century goth. Animal skulls and seashells heaped up on old paper. Yearning love letters. Your aristocratic female cottagecore husband.
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danviers · 3 years
Mirrored in the oil spill gathering in the grooves of her boot soles, its prismatic slick lifting the smell of gasoline and damp, and peeling rust into the frigid early evening air, Alex caught the flare of white sunlight streaming in through a fissure in the door she’d slipped through;  The shift of her own desperate, nearly silent shadow, helmed by the service weapon she held outstretched in her steady hands.
After days, weeks, months spent tracking every inconsequential lead that’d led the DEO’s alpha team to dead end after dead end, impasse after impasse, Alex had felt every iota of hope begin to leave her, the way nearly every last stitch of confidence that some arcane, unknowable trace of the elusive Cadmus’ whereabouts had.  As hopeless as she’d begun to feel, as unachievable as the mission had seemed after the last onslaught of raids she’d led on more than a dozen abandoned agrarian outposts, something in her gut, to say nothing of Winn’s intel, had told her they were close.  
Close, in the abstract, had so far been evidenced by abandoned vehicles still full of gas and open gates, flickering bulbs illuminating recently vacated hangars ---- the indistinct feeling that someone had just left.  
Now, it seemed tangible.  Someone was still here, within hearing distance, in defiance of the rumble of a motor running.  Alex could hear footsteps between the wide, measured pace of her own guarded strides, between tense, protracted breaths, through the echoing, repetitive drip of stagnant water plummeting from the roof above.  Someone was here, lurking just out of sight and shooting range, and come hell or high water, gunfire or hellfire, she wouldn’t let them slip through her fingers without a fight.
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“ I know you’re in here, ” Alex barked, the steel in her voice sharper than the hammer of her glock biting into the arch of her thumb.  “ You’re surrounded.  Come out with your hands up.  Right now.  Or swear, I will light you up. ”
@amazonluthor​   gets a starter
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jcyfulmess · 3 years
starter call. x  @amazonluthor​​​
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          A mug filled of fresh tea, a couple of pieces of breads and jam resting before Bette. Newspapers in hand, cup in the other, she smiled back at the woman who entered the room.      “Good morning,”     she said softly, watching her up and down with a knowing look. For the first time Bette had brought back someone at home. She had expected the woman to flee during the night, but she found her in the sheets hours later.      “Angelica is off to school, but I am certain she noticed your car in the driveway.” 
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taavros-moved · 3 years
@amazonluthor​ said ❝ your share of pains would fill a sea. ❞
he remembers her face. it takes him back through the fog of his memory, back to his childhood before the labyrinth. he does not remember her well---a friend of his mother, though he never actually met her prior to this moment. minos always ordered him shut away whenever there had been guests at the palace. often he was content to be so, but sometimes he had caught a glimpse or two of the people visiting. this woman had been one of them.
asterion does not rise from the stone floor to greet her. he is too big---too strong---to be shut away like a child again. but that doesn’t mean he is interested in unfamiliar company. instead he pauses only long enough to glance up at her before he returns to tracing shapes against the floor with a stick he had found, as though such imaginary figures are a story that he alone has the power to reshape. like the gods reshape the world around them.
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“ the sea is full of the pains of other men, ” he responds cryptically, propping his elbow on his knee and leaning his head on his fist, eyes focused on the pattern he is making. “ my pains are of the earth, and far below it... ”
after all, the labyrinth still stands.
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queensupe · 3 years
@amazonluthor​​​  (  lillian luthor  )  |  dialogue starter call
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❛      as  a  rule,  i  don’t  usually  go  out  after  a  gory  massacre.    ❜
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flyingupward · 2 years
@amazonluthor​ said: ✐ for alma or callie?
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       it’s not that alma doesn’t trust lillian. it’s more that she herself doesn’t want to deal with her father’s particular brand of... everything. having him near sofia once had been more than enough for her, and after the threats he’d made against her the last time they’d seen each other, she has NO INTEREST in hearing him out. so she makes quick work of slamming the door in his face, but she’s sure the other woman has questions. and, as expected, one of the first things she’s greeted with is lillian’s questioning gaze. a sigh falls from her parted lips and, not for the first time, she internally curses her father for being everything he is. ❝ we all create STORIES to protect ourselves, ❞ is what she offers as an explanation. ❝ one of mine is that my father is dead. because he is to me. ❞
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alyafae-a · 3 years
❦ all our muses hskjdshf
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been there, done that, LETS DO MORE YES!
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fortislumen-a · 3 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂.     —     @amazonluthor​​    sent:   [ FEAR ] : sender, out of instinctive fear, grabs receiver's hand for comfort. 
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Her posture changes the moment she feels a hand grab hers.   Her instincts scream for her to fight, free hand is quick to reach for her blade behind her.   She is, however,  SURPRISED  when she sees who it is that grabbed her hand.   One didn't need to be a demon like herself to smell the fear that radiates from the brunette, and quickly, as well as to her own surprise, she's worried.   Eyes scan around, not finding anything deemed to be a threat, and she holds her blade steady to her side, not wanting to scare the woman even more.   ❝   Tell me what's wrong. What are you afraid of, beautiful?   ❞   Maze is frowning now, eyes studying the woman.    ❝  You're safe with me.  ❞  
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