#amber denelorac
taldigi · 7 months
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more sillies.
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taldigi · 11 months
What is the FC: Faerie Festival Arc?
I was catching up on Komi-san AND playing the new poke DLC and was kinda lamenting how like, where I live- we don't really have culture celebrations like some other places do. We have farmers markets and harvest festivals but nothing as culturally poignant as some of what they have (not just japan, other countries too)
Sooo I thought it might be fun to have a little festival specific to this story! Very geared to the faeries established presence- so i did some light research- stuff like festival foods and traditional clothing--!!
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"Wouldn't it be wise for Ladybug and Chat Noir to keep an eye on a faerie festival?" Marinette asked, arms folded and leaning back in her chair, prompting a sour look from Felix. "It would be wise for them to stay away from the event entirely." He remarked, "TsuTec hardly has a clean reputation. It could be a trap." "Actually." Alina grinned, strained, as she grabbed both their arms and forced them into a huddle, "It would be wise for Marinette and Felix to accept their very good friend Kagami's very generous offer." The trio looked over their shoulders, as Kagami stood akwardly, a wet look peeking out from behind her bangs. Marinette and Felix wilted with guilt, as they cast a glance at each other.
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So some preface if you aren't aware: TsuTec's main role in the story is developing something known as Faeglass, which is refined, pressed Faerie Dust harvested from Faeries. The thing about Faeglass is that it's gorgeous. Anything made with Faeglass is mildly addictive and very alluring. The QuaMii toys (in-universe Tamagatchi) were a trial run of using the glass to make things, and have been wildly successful- almost everyone has one. Fury/Richard Sphinx invested in the project, and now has a partnership with TsuTec to develop new Slot Machines for his casino using this Faeglass- rendering an already addictive activity doubley so. A side effect/double edged sword element of the Faeglass is that Faeries can "infest" the glass, taking it over and hiding within it.
Anyway, the gist of the festival is that it's a new thing developed by TsuTec to further market and strengthen their brand, disguised as a "Faerie Festival". Here, they sell masks infused with the glass/dust that line up with their QuaMii characters, and paired up with food, music, games, and culminating an odd event known as the Faemoon.
The Faemoon It's a new thing that started happening since the Faewild was cracked open (by Tsutec, to harvest Faerie Dust) and faeries started inhibiting the real world. The moon turns pink at roughly 11-Midnight, and at this time, and a bit before and after, the faeries- overloaded with magic -start getting rambunctious and a little silly. The more you fight against it (scolding, trying to silence them, ect) the more chaotic it is. But if you play along and have fun, the event goes smoothly. It happens once every few months, but the festival happens only once a year, when the Faemoon is at it's strongest.
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So the masks themselves, like I said, are themed after popular cartoon/Tsutec characters. You get to purchase one based on what QuaMii you have (if you have & show one, you get a mild discount, which in conjunction with the faeglass/dusting means everyone has one at the festival) however, the Faemoon/Faeglass combo means that the power boost+infestation event means that during the Faemoon, the faeries can temporarily override the personality of the mask wearer (if worn on the face, not on their head. For story/visual clarity reasons.) In fact, St. Claude is possessed by Mimic for the majority of this "arc" because he doesn't really have a strong willpower + Mimic is very very intense.
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The mains are influenced or can be posessed, but unlike Mimic; Tikki, Plagg, and the other main Faeries do genuinely love their chosen and don't abuse that trust by doing anything heinous. Tikki and Plagg (in Mar and Felix' bodies) dance together, and the masks mimic a smooch at the end by bopping noses. (i am not immune to Plikki)
Null is drained by the faemoon/would rather not challenge faeries when they are at their fullest, wildest power- and chooses to stay away from the event. Which is why the event is ultimately safe for the protags, even if they themselves don't know it. Also, the masks are worn by multiple people- lots of people have black cats and red puppies/ladybugs and bees and such, the protags do not have unique masks... except Kagami. She has a wholly unique mask and QuaMii toy. (Felix too, technically, but his is a prototype of a popularly retailed one, and Marinettes is modified/customized after she broke hers.) Which means that the even is just fun for them (because the characters deserve to have fun.)
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Not to say that the festival doesn't have ulterior motives. The event drew a lot of wishmakers, and so it drew a lot of faeries- who shed a lot of Faerie Dust due to the moon, ultimately causing the event to be a successful harvest method for TsuTec, who also gathered a census via the mask distro. The mains, fortunately, accidentally avoided this census, because Kagami invited them and gave them their masks personally.
Ultimately, there isn't a "set story" for what happens during the festival, it's sort of freeform for whatever stories I might want to tell with it/worldbuilding event- like the Plikki dance or the Mimic!Claude thing. (and also having fun designing outfits and masks!)
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taldigi · 1 year
Can we please know more about your version of Amber Clairmont
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What I wanted to achieve with Amber was to do what Chloe and Lila were trying to do + some of what really pissed me off about Alya. Chloe is a bully, she's mean, and the stereotype of the queen bee- popular, beautiful.. and Lila is a petty manipulator who seems to press the exact buttons needed to get her way.
Amber is.. well... she's a real queen bee with the school buzzing all about her! She's beautiful, she's popular- and with good reason, too- she's generous, she's patient, she's polite. she's top of the class and she's the rep too! She's an overachiever and a perfectionist.. she can read you like a book and twist you in the right way to keep that reputation. Even the teachers love this golden girl!
So when she does do anything particularly despicable? Not a soul would believe you! Thing about Amber is that she has ambitions, and she uses her empathy, popularity, and ability to manipulate people and uses it to get ahead... when she sets a target, you better hope you're not in her way.
She's head of the journalism club, and duh, why wouldn't she be? People hang on to her every word.. and what words are more exciting than the exploits and drama of Ladybug and Chat Noir? Sure, she polishes it up a bit, but nobody notices- and it brings in the views, sells the papers, and gets people subscribing to her blog all about it.
The Ladyblog is hers in my stories, more of a gossip column and dramabait site than anything truly newsworthy. It's wildly popular, and she often gets the spotlight as the utmost authority on the heroes- which she laps up eagerly. this props her up against Alina, who is less of a "obnoxious reporter" and more of a tech wiz who is trying her best at using her abilities to help people.
Only a few people seem to see through her- those who have been wronged by her (Alina, as well as the other three), those who are aware of her intentions (Claude, Alix), and those who are unable to justify her lie by living the truth (Marinette and Felix as LB and CN, specifically.).
in Fashion Club, it's revealed that her ability to do this has been magically boosted by a kwami called Brocc. Her desire for attention and power leads her to gaining an internship, and eventual job at Pergue/Fury- where she uses her charisma and sway to fuel a slander campaign against LB & CN as well as prop up the company. What little humanity she may have had is eventually stripped away by Null (due to being too close to Richard/Null) and her vendetta against the heroes for slighting her goes from personal to just her default state of being. She's one of the few people who go down with Richard at the end of the world, and reveals that her Nullification was very very willing.
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