beavforts · 6 years
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𝓬𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽'𝓼 ᴍᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ʙʀᴏᴏᴋʟʏɴ [ 02/?? ]
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wndybird · 6 years
‘ fuck your feelings . ’ / ‘ i’ve had dreams where there’s blood on you . ’ / ‘ i’m just fine ‘cause i know that you are mine . ’
‘ fuck your feelings . ’
her retort falls short when he spits out the words , stopping only to look over at him with such pure contempt that she isn’t quite sure how she keeps herself from reaching over the threshold and wrapping both delicate hands around his throat. she doesn’t know where the impulse comes from — the horrid depths of her person that she tries to keep nice and tidy , nothing left out of place , no smear of dark ink on her conscience, but god , if she didn’t know better , she’d say peter was the one who’d given her such awful thoughts in the first place. they hadn’t begun to bloom in the recesses of her mind until — it’s no matter , now. she unzips the jacket she wears; it’s his , of course , a scarlet bomber that is just as much of a calling card for her as it is for him , with how often it hangs from her shoulders instead. tosses it towards him as she faces him again , lips drawn in a snarl , teeth bared. she is the wolf’s mother , like this , with her hackles raised. truly , she doesn’t like who she becomes when he pushes and pushes and pushes her.
“   get out. get the fuck out of my apartment , peter.   ” it’s the first time she’s referred to it as her apartment and simply not home in decades. the words don’t tremble; they are steadfast and they burn with her animosity. she’ll get the locks changed , fuck it , she’ll move if she has to — she wants him out and she wants him out now , tired of his flippancy when it comes to her feelings , her thoughts. she does everything she can for him save murder and still , he walks about as though she is a doll to toss aside. he has been here long enough to have learned better , to know better , and yet he refuses , believing his childish ways will continue to enamor others. wendy swallows every terrible , screeching thought she has to hurt him , really hurt him , and stays glued just in the doorway of the foyer , fingers clutching the arch frame so hard her knuckles ache.
“   i said get out of my fucking apartment. don’t come back tonight— i don’t want to see you.   ”
‘ i’ve had dreams where there’s blood on you . ’
yours or mine ? someone else’s ? her head lifts off of her pillow just barely as she looks at him , lips parted in a way that makes it seem as though she knows fully well what she wants to say , but cannot. she doesn’t know how long she stays quiet for , but wendy knows her head presses into the pillow again , gaze distant. after minutes pass in silence , she finds her voice:
“   me too.   ”
‘ i’m just fine ‘cause i know that you are mine . ’
it’s supposed to be sweet , wendy tells herself. at least , she assumes it is; peter is a fan of games , maybe he’s lying again , building her up under false pretenses so he can knock her down again. if he is being true , it’s unfortunate for him that today wendy feels cold and empty. devoid of everything save the want to traipse off into the woods and disappear forever , not even a whisper of her left on his lips. i’m just fine— are you ? you are mine — am i ?
“   of course i am.   ” wendy forces herself to fill her voice with the same overeager , lovestruck lilt she normally retorts with whenever he’s soft with her , pressing her cheek against the glass of the window. of course.
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ferrousfaearchive · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
(s ---> a bad name to immortality) are you familiar with the works of kim kardashian, pan?
(s ---> a bad name to immortality) she has a quote i’m particularly fond of
(s ---> a bad name to immortality) “it’s what she deserves” 
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cessairhuxley · 6 years
when: october 11th where: full moon diner who: @ambiguousinnocence / closed starter
while he has his own little pocket of decadence in the city, there’s something of a habit forming.  after all, the best way to find out what whispers were winding their way through the streets was to set foot upon them.   one place, no matter the breadth of clientele it housed, couldn’t contain all of the secrets of fabletown.  and the only way to truly - hear - them... was to make sure you were - listening.
so those polished boots pick up grime from the asphalt.  catch the leaking oil that gathers slick and rainbow reflective on the surface of filthy pools, glimmering in the shimmer of streetlights, flicking on in the nigh dusk.  wonderland would be waking soon, but it’s not quite late enough to emerge from it’s daytime slumber to tempt those who preferred to move in the shade into it’s tantalising depths.  which is why, he has time - makes the time - to wander.  to watch.  to... listen.  
and on the periphery, a neon sign, a place where those tongues wag so freely, catching up on the most salacious chatter of the day, the juicy gossip, a churning wheel of rumour mill... the diner wasn’t exactly the deepest set den of debauchery in town, but it was quite often buzzing, thrumming with those little tidbits, snippets, loose threads just ripe for someone to snag between their fingertips and -- unravel.
he’s not exactly expecting to run into anyone familiar.  he’s not exactly expecting not to.  expectations were things that tended to happen to other people.  however -- the face that’s espied does present a small opportunity to perhaps have a small word of his own with the - lost boy.
❝ peter, dear boy... ❞
his voice is low enough not to carry, spoken with the tone of someone greeting an old friend.  though likely neither is under any illusion that that’s the case.  it’s just a notional show for the - mundanes- scattered at tables.  for the gaggle of mid teen girls engrossed in showing each other their instagram stories over a collective milkshake, while not entirely discretely flashing rather less innocent glances at the ‘college boy’ he’s addressing.  for the obvious awkward first date sitting at a table to one side - he’s sure one of the men in the ‘uncomfortable-couple’ is something of a regular in the clientele at wonderland. 
there’s a smile to accompany the words.  for now.  
❝ ...a moment of your time if you wouldn’t mind. ❞
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gretelmartinez · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) soooo, in your opinion, what are some of my best qualities? i need help writing my tinder bio. (from hansel!!)
[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: let me think.......[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: you have hair?[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: and a job!
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megaragalanis · 6 years
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you.✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal.✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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goldxlocked · 6 years
STATUS: closed for @ambiguousinnocence
TEXT MEME: ‘ hey, just wondering, but are you fucking kidding me???? ’
RECEIVED ( text: lost boy → me )   
hey, just wondering, but are you fucking kidding me????
SENT ( text: me → lost boy )   
jfc is this about me walking wendy to her car the other night?
SENT ( text: me → lost boy )    
so sorry for looking out for your girlfriend when you weren’t
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STATUS: closed for @ambiguousinnocence LOCATION: The streets(tm) TIME: October 12th
It’s foolish to try and pickpocket Morgan; though not because of the hell she could rain down on the thief, because she never traveled with money. The little boy bolted away as though his life depended on it and the witch simply smiled as she watched his back disappear behind twists and turns. He’d stolen a little black pouch, but the contents are far from coin--and the only regret the witch held was not being around to see his face when he opened it. Morgan moves to follow him slowly, not with the urgency a woman robbed should have. Perhaps it makes her all the more unnerving, that her grin twists wickedly with the knowing that she will get what she wants after all---that she always does, and running away makes no difference.
She rounds the corner and grips the nearest boy-looking person. “You,” she snarls; it’s not the same boy who stole from her, or maybe it is, all boys tend to look the same to her. He is young though, a child, and she feels a little pang of sympathy for that. “A boy stole my finger,” she explains, keeping her grip on the stranger’s arm. “A boy who looks like you. Or perhaps he is about your age. Regardless a boy took a finger from me and I desire it back.” 
She releases him in favor of showing her hands to him. “Not my finger, a finger that was in my possession. Do you know of any boys with fingers?” The witch is aware she’s not usually the most eloquent of speakers, but she favors a blunt approach to talking---if she has to talk at all. 
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destrvctions · 6 years
“Do you hear that? That is the sound of ultimate suffering.” (peter @ lottie)
∘⡊ ☾ ˚ PRINCESS BRIDE ASK MEME @ambiguousinnocence
His words are enough to make her doe like eyes widen. “W-what?” She barely manages to get out. “How can someone do something so wretched? Why I don’t think anyone is capable of anything that deserves that.” Lottie knows it’s too late for her. The sound is already ingrained in her memory and will surely surface in her dreams later. Although she knows she shouldn’t pry, she hears herself ask the boy, “What are they doing? No, no. Please don’t tell me. Oh! No I gotta know. Wait, wait, wait! I gotta know what happened first. Someone must have done something truly wicked to suffer like that, right? No one’s born evil and could do that to another unwarranted. Oh!” The regret sinks in almost instantly. She’s unsure if she’s ready to hear the answer, but it’s too late for her now.
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wndybird · 6 years
@, $, ✉
send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ TEXT TO → PETER 💫✨ ]: peter , someone is following me. i’m on my way home , i don’t know what to do. i don’t think it’s one of the boys.[ TEXT TO → PETER 💫✨ ]: i’m not joking , i don’t know who it is , can i call you ?? i’m gonna call you. if i have to i’ll just leave you a weird, long voicemail so they think i’m on the phone.
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ TEXT TO → PETER 💫✨ ]: some days i feel like i just can’t do it anymore , you know ? like i can’t even get out of bed in the morning.
send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[ TEXT TO → PETER 💫✨ ]: i need you to tell me what you really want , because you make me feel like i’m not it. and if i’m not , i’d rather know now , rather than let myself keep going on thinking i mean more to you than a plaything. this hurts , peter.
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adelinedevil · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) you haven’t watched my snapchat story all day. what are you up to????? (from jareth!!!)
[ sent ] adeline → jareth kingson: oh so dramatic, as always.[ sent ] adeline → jareth kingson: i’ve been having a self-care day.[ sent ] adeline → jareth kingson: just like every first sunday of the month.[ sent ] adeline → jareth kingson: start marking it up on your calendar, lest you get too anxious waiting for my attention.
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gretelmartinez · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) cna you pick me up… and brign some shoess… i cant find mine (from hansel!!)
[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: -___-[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: where are your shoes anyway?[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: oh nvm i think i found them[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: i’ll be there in five[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: don’t move i don’t want to spend the night looking for you i’m opening up the store tomorrow[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: ok you’re getting two different shoes[ sent ] gretel → hansel martinez: be careful, stay safe, i’ll be there soon!
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megaragalanis · 6 years
if you had to choose someone you're not already friends with to befriend, who would it be?
“Friends? I don’t even consider a handful of people my friends, but if I had to choose someone to ‘befriend’, maybe make deals with, then that one would be Peter. His connections might be beneficial in the end and let’s face it: we’re both lawless and I dig a good success story like his.”
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Send ‘mad’ to receive a mad/angry text from my muse.
[text to Peter]: I have warned you what would happen if you hurt Wendy. I warned you, and you still decided to act like an insolent child. 
[text to Peter]: You can choose not to grow up, Peter. But the sad truth that you can’t seem to get through that thick skull of yours is that you aren’t worth sacrificing maturity and adulthood for. Judging by your actions, you are going to be put behind bars and rot. You are nothing but a monster who, despite all of his efforts, will remain forgotten by everyone. 
[text to Peter]: I mean it. Everyone. You’re not even worth the time or effort to try to remember your pitiful existence.
[text to Peter]: It’s one thing to mind your own business if you sincerely choose to be an idiot. It’s another to drag Wendy down with your impudent self. You are nothing but poison that will destroy every meager good thing that comes your way.
[text to Peter]: I believe it’s time you’ve learned your lesson. You could run, but judging by how small this town is, my guess is that authorities have already arrived at your place. 
[text to Peter]: Everyone grows up eventually, dear Peter. It’s either that, or be left behind and forgotten in the dust.
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beavforts · 6 years
𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓: Very early in the morning of October 17 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊: Abandoned warehouse 𝖜𝖍𝖔: @ambiguousinnocence​
Normally, when it came to social plans, Cain enjoys arriving late. There’s a feeling of the company waiting for his arrival and having all the attention on him that he particularly enjoys. Even the most resentful glares are different from the ones he experienced in the Homeworld and for that he is grateful. This night is no different - especially because he’s meeting Peter. 
Yes, the thought crossed his mind not once but twice to bail all together. The extra long shift didn’t help, but with Scarlet’s recent disappearance, Cain knows Wonderland could use the extra help. So he stayed longer that night to take a load off his coworker’s shoulders, but more importantly take loads of money from their pockets. He doesn’t bother updating the boy about his late arrival and even grabs a bite to eat before pulling up to the warehouse.
He examines it as he steps closer. How Peter managed to find this place was beyond him, but it strengthened Cain’s argument that Peter needed more hobbies than playing with a naive child’s head. Even he wasn’t that fucked up. As he steps foot inside, he notices eyes peering up at him behind a box. 
All he asks is, “Are you done with your childish games? Show me what you dragged me here for. If it’s this I’m not wasting another breath on you.”
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wndybird · 6 years
“I’m not jealous, why would you say that?” / “I’ll miss you when you leave.”
“I’m not jealous, why would you say that?”
THE SIDEWAYS GLANCE wendy shoots him is nothing short of withering , as if to say ‘   well now , peter , why would i go and say a thing like that ? it’s not like you’ve ever given me any reason to accuse you of jealousy before—   ’ but of course , he misses it , too busy making a show out of how much he isn’t looking at her. sometimes , he is charming , even when he’s like this. today , however , wendy cannot help but roll her eyes at him. courtesy is her default , but not even wendy is entirely innocent , eschewing her gentleness now in favor of serving up peter a dose of his own medicine , no thought to spare for the consequences: “   well , if you aren’t jealous , then i suppose i will take him up on that offer for coffee. no big deal , right , peter ?   ” as much as he loves to use her words against her , this is what he gets , a small serving of retribution that really doesn’t begin to compare to what he’s done to her. were she able to see passed the barriers of her world , of course , she would see all of us , warning her not to do so. alas , she will have to learn on her own time.
“I’ll miss you when you leave.”
FROM HER SPOT curled in the blankets , wendy blinks at him , sleep blurring her vision; his words had bled together into one vaguely coherent string in wendy’s sleep addled mind , the words miss you and leave standing out against the rest acutely. rubbing one eye with the back of her hand , she fishes for the rest of his statement , words dripping into each other like some distant memory. “   leave ?   ” wendy’s voice cracks with weariness , and the hand not currently resting over half of her face reaches out until her fingers just barely rest atop his. “   ‘m not leaving. not going anywhere at all , peter. i promise.   ” her murmuring drifts off into a yawn , and she shifts until she’s on her side , facing him , cheek pressed into the gentle cradle of her pillow; her mouth curls into something as soft as angel feathers , and her pinkie finger curves around his own weakly. a promise is a promise , and now she’s made it real , spoken it into the world with that one little movement. “   see ? now you can hold me to it.   ”
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