#ambulas reborn
tauforged · 8 months
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tainted-well · 1 year
Warframe Story, Act III: Turmoil
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TW: If you have already completed all quests and don’t want to dilute impressions from major story events, I suggest doing Act III in this order: 4, 5, 6 & 9, 10 before The Second Dream. It slightly alters the logical chain of events though.
1. The Second Dream. This is where the game story finally picks up the speed beyond us just playing space police in the origins system.
TW: You might already have noticed some strange symbols appearing on your screen at a random. Here is the explanation (look at Mysterious Loading Screen): https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Orokin_Language#Miscellaneous
2. Shadow Debt – again, an event. The story is important for the Acolyte background and story about how Alad called in his favour back from Second dream.
Alad’s message: https://youtu.be/johDLwvf57Y
Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/FqJ-7b9_rwM
3. The Silver Grove and Octavia’s Anthem – while not essential story wise, they make sense to be done in this spot.
TW: Both quests lack initial messages when replayed, so you’d have to refer to wiki transcripts.
4. Ambulas Reborn – essentially The quest of Pluto. Pluto has everything still in place but the intro video. GROFIT.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/AVbbOnGczWY?list=PL77Z7WRW-YK-v5laBuY7cyrBDkm0gSRkq
5. The Deadlock Protocol
I think this is the best moment to place this quest as doing it as early as Venus loses a lot of context of what makes this quest and Parvos important.
6. Divine Will – having absolutely had mucking enough of us interfering with his operations, Nef Anyo goes for the Tenno directly with his Razorback armada.
Can be skipped tbf, just do the armada when possible.
7. The War Within. Once done go to Cetus and talk to the Quills.
8. The Glast Gambit – essentially, it’s the quest of Neptune. Watch Index tutorial in the codex and do the quest. Once it’s done, the index is open to be used (or you could just ignore that and just go for I before the quest)
9. Rathuum – essentially the quest of Sedna.
Gameplay wise, everything is still in the game but lacks the intro, mid quest accusation by Kela and ending. Reward for later isn’t in game unfortunately.
Intro: https://youtu.be/WSFXvoo_Zug
Mid: https://youtu.be/Nh6ZqJr8WSc?t=490
Ending: https://youtu.be/Nh6ZqJr8WSc?t=919
10. The Hidden Messages (can be done anytime after unlocking Sedna).
11. Get to the void from Sedna and defeat Corrupted Vor there. After doing Mot Node you unlock Chains of Harrow.
12. Chains of Harrow.
13. TW: Mask of the Revenant (you’d have to be rank 2 with the Quills to get the quest). The quest is not replayable, so here is a YouTube walkthrough:
14. Once done here comes the big challenge from me (optional but makes sense here story wise): defeat an Eidolon, then maybe try your hand at defeating all 3 eidolons. This should prepare you for what’s to come.
15. Apostasy Prologue happens.
After this, defeat Profit taker and Exploiter (those 2 are optional but again, makes sense story wise).
15.1 TW: If you haven’t done The Heart of Deimos quest yet, now it’s the time. The quest is not replayable, so here is the link to a playthrough:
16. The Sacrifice.
Links to all posts:
Warframe Story, Introduction
Warframe Story, Act I: Awakening
Warframe Story, Act II: Escalation
Warframe Story, Act III: Turmoil
Warframe Story, Act IV: Prelude to War
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Operation: Ambulas Reborn
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(Operation: Ambulas Reborn splash)
On Thursday (04 May 2017), the event began with the release of Update 20.4 and was set to run for a week. Upon logging in, the Tenno would receive an inbox message from Ergo Glast containing a marketing video by Frohd Bek.
I have intercepted this disturbing communication from Corpus Board Chairman Frohd Bek. Watch carefully. We cannot allow his project to reach fruition.
—Ergo Glast
Frohd Bek (video): "Actualise… synergy… SYNERGISE. Growth… profit… GROFIT?! Fellow profiteers, this is a once-in-a-lifetime strategic investment opportunity. A game-changer in robotic combat solutions. We're taking big data from our Animo Project and doing a full-stack integration into our most lethal combat proxies. This is: AMBULAS, REBORN! But we need you. Your investment will push us past the pre-revenue stage and move Ambulas into full production. We are so close to our goal! Thought leaders, are you ready to pivot downturns into rising Grofit?! Act quickly before— [bell sounds] wait… I'm being told— Yes, this is it! The Ambulas Reborn project has reached its funding goal!"
Ergo Glast: "The Sequence has raised funds necessary to back this project. Of course, we do not seek to complete it, but to destroy it. Because of our small backing, we're entitled to information regarding the Ambulas production details. Will you help us stop Frohd's project, Tenno?"
The news post for the event had additional information:
Frohd Bek is back and he's brought a powerful new threat!
Perrin Sequence leader Ergo Glast has intercepted disturbing communication. The profit-hungry Corpus are attempting to grow their military to dangerous and uncontrollable levels. Corpus Board Chairman Frohd Bek is inviting investors to witness the newest and deadliest Ambulas prototype live on the battlefield. The Ambulas is equipped with a state-of-the-art processor called Animo that learns and grows from every encounter.
Work with Ergo Glast and fellow Tenno to halt Frohd's project and disrupt Ambulas deployment before they see widespread use. New dropships containing the Ambulas prototype have been sighted on Corpus planets. Take them down and make the investors think twice!
Phase One: Animo Beacons
On all Corpus-controlled planets, new Condor dropships would appear on open-air tiles. These dropships were indestructible and equipped with turrets (which were themselves destructible), and would deliver several Corpus units to the area, along with a new Ambulas proxy.
(when a dropship warps in, variant) Frohd Bek: "Here comes the dropship with a special delivery! Ah, I haven't felt this good since they rebuilt my larynx."
(when a dropship warps in, variant) Frohd Bek: "Our dropship response times are second to none, ensuring prompt delivery in mission-critical roles."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Crewmen, today my reborn Ambulas takes her first steps in the field. You must be thinking, 'If I work hard and sacrifice as much as Frohd Bek has done, may I someday share in this inestimable profit?' The answer is yes."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Corpus investors, ready for a surprise demonstration? I give you my reborn Ambulas. Allow me to show you what she can do to these Tenno, uh, 'volunteers'."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Men like Frohd Bek are the reason the Perrin Sequence exists. Show him you won't allow suffering to be profitable."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Ambulas is only the beginning. If Animo reaches a critical mass of understanding… well, this was the mistake the Orokin made. Things did not turn out so well for them."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Animo learns from every Ambulas encounter. Under its command, no two proxies will repeat the same mistake. We can't allow this machine mind to mature."
(when a dropship deploys an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "The wealth generated by this new Ambulas will flow entirely to the Corpus Board. Meanwhile, the rest of the System is going to pay for it, some with their lives. Tenno, shut this program down now."
The Tenno had to destroy the Ambulas proxy.
(when Ambulas uses its Fusion Thrower, variant) Frohd Bek: "Powerful. Precise. Pitiless. There has never been a fusion thrower like this."
(when Ambulas uses its Fusion Thrower, variant) Frohd Bek: "One of our engineers commented that Ambulas' fusion thrower is precise enough to shave the back hairs off a Phobian desert flea. Delightful."
(when Ambulas uses its ground slams, variant) Frohd Bek: "Ground-burst technology ensures effortless target suppression."
(when Ambulas uses its ground slams, variant) Frohd Bek: "X-axis gravity-driven assaults yield a 200% improvement in kinetic force."
(when Ambulas uses its ground slams, variant) Frohd Bek: "Ground bursts register 0.3% survivability for unarmoured personnel."
(when Ambulas uses its Electro-Mortars, variant) Frohd Bek: "Wonderful."
(when Ambulas uses its Electro-Mortars, variant) Frohd Bek: "That never gets boring."
(when Ambulas uses its Electro-Mortars, variant) Frohd Bek: "It's a thing of beauty, isn't it?"
(when an Ambulas kills a Tenno, variant) Frohd Bek: "Is there anything this proxy can't do?"
(when an Ambulas kills a Tenno, variant) Frohd Bek: "This is the future: Power. Precision. Prestige. The pinnacle of the war-smith's art."
(when an Ambulas kills a Tenno, variant) Frohd Bek: "Beautiful, is she not? And available. Merely open your accounts, dear investors, and introduce yourselves."
After the Ambulas' health had been depleted, it would be rendered disabled instead of totally destroyed. The Tenno had to hack a panel on the back of the disabled unit, similar to a Bursa, whereupon it would reactivate and fight for the Tenno for a short time.
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Don't just stand there; fix my Ambulas!"
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "My Ambulas! What have they done to her? Fix this!"
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "The Ambulas is down. Hack into its systems."
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "This is your chance; hack into that disabled Ambulas."
(upon hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "That's all for today. (whispers) Cut the feed."
(upon hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Oh! Uh… have I mentioned our round-the-clock support program?"
(upon hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Wait… wait, what are they doing? [pause] And— and that concludes our demonstration."
(upon hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Obviously, new technology always has its kinks. Wise investors, you understand this!"
Eventually, the Ambulas proxy would die, dropping a number of a new currency called Animo beacons. The number of beacons from a single Ambulas could be from 2 to 6, depending on its level.
(upon collecting Animo nav beacons, variant) Ergo Glast: "An Animo nav beacon! With enough of those, we'll be able to find where Bek is hiding Animo."
(upon collecting Animo nav beacons, variant) Ergo Glast: "That hack blocked the upload of critical tactical data to Animo, while simultaneously giving us a clue to its location. Well done."
In the Relays, Ergo Glast could be found in the Perrin Sequence Boardroom. Upon interacting with him, the Tenno could select the prompt, "I have Animo nav beacons", which would open up a store interface where Animo nav beacons could be exchanged for items. The wares Ergo Glast offered included Operation badges and sigils, an Ambulas noggle, and a variety of mods that were either new or not available by other means.
(upon displaying wares) Ergo Glast: "Taken down a few Ambulas in the wild, I see? Very impressive. Those beacons have much value for us. They hold clues to some of Bek's most secretive intellectual property. Information too valuable to be hoarded by one man. Allow me to copy them, and I will reward your generosity with a selection of fine items."
(exiting wares after purchase, variant) Ergo Glast: "The information you have given me today will help the whole System tomorrow."
(exiting wares after purchase, variant) Ergo Glast: "A mutually beneficial exchange – how all business should be done."
(exiting wares without purchase) Ergo Glast: "Good fortune, Tenno."
Phase Two: Showdown
The final fight of the operation was hidden until the Tenno's clan collected enough Animo beacons, with the number scaling based on the size of the clan, from 200 (no clan) to 31.800 (Moon clan). This number was the total amount of Animo beacons acquired, regardless of whether they had been spent or not. Once the clan had acquired the requisite number, all clan members received an inbox message from Ergo Glast.
Inbox message: Time to Take Our Fight to Bek
We have located Bek's Animo processor. Now we attack.
Ergo Glast (video message): "It seems my faith in you was well founded. You've reached the critical mass of Animo nav beacons needed to reveal the processor's location. Analysing… hmm, I should've known. He's not hiding it at all. It's in his capital ship. The ship is stationed directly over the Ambulas factory. Unbelievable. The most advanced super-weapon of our time, and he couldn't resist showing it off like a new toy. When you're ready, we attack."
—Ergo Glast
The mission was revealed to be on Hades, Pluto, and cost the Tenno 40 Animo nav beacons to enter. It took place on the Corpus Outpost tileset, with normal Corpus enemies.
Ergo Glast: "Frohd Bek, you're nothing if not predictable. I bet your advisors begged you to hide Animo somewhere defensible and undetectable? But you had to show it off, didn't you. As an investor, I must say, I don't approve."
Frohd Bek: "Glast? You're the shadow investor? You ingrate! You could have had everything. And now you seek to ruin your mentor's hard work?"
Ergo Glast: "Your hard work? I didn't design Animo to be a weapon. And I would have never disabled its governor."
Frohd Bek: "You always were clever, but you never did have vision."
Ergo Glast: "On the contrary, I envision this whole venture will come crashing down around you."
Frohd Bek: "Each Tenno attack on my Ambulas has been logged, analysed and refactored from our Animo Project. You've brought these Tenno to their deaths. A terrible miscalculation. You've learned nothing from me."
Ergo Glast: "Oh, I learned one thing, Bek: never underestimate the competition."
The Ambulas location is a large open space ringed by rocky mountains, with a cliff overlooking a lake. Corpus structures are built into the terrain around the arena, and Corpus units will emerge from them regularly to engage the Tenno. The central space features a series of metal platforms built into the ground. A massive Obelisk capital ship looms in the sky. As the Tenno enter the area, an Ambulas proxy will emerge from an underground compartment on one of the platforms, and a 2-minute timer will start counting down. The Tenno must disable the Ambulas, as before, and hack it.
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Quick, hack that disabled Ambulas and upload this protocol."
(upon disabling an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Opportunity! Hack into that Ambulas and deploy this protocol."
(after hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Get a team down there to pick that Ambulas up. Don't let her go to waste."
(after hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Someone retrieve that Ambulas model before autodestruction kicks in. She can be refurbished."
(after hacking an Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Thanks to your investment, I can keep throwing Ambulas at the Tenno all day."
(after hacking an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "They're going to try and fix the hacked Ambulas. Don't let them. It's crucial that Bek takes it back onto his ship as-is."
(after hacking an Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Whatever you do, don't let them fix that Ambulas."
After the Ambulas has been hacked, it will not turn friendly, but remain inoperative. The Tenno must defend it, as Corpus units will attack, including special Remech Ospreys. If the Remech Ospreys get too close to the hacked Ambulas proxy, they will begin repairing it (visible as a cyan beam of energy). If they sufficiently repair the Ambulas, it will reactivate and begin fighting the Tenno again. The Tenno must destroy the Remech Ospreys to keep the Ambulas disabled. After the countdown finishes, a Condor Storm dropship will arrive from the Obelisk ship and retrieve the Ambulas by tractor beam, whether it was successfully hacked and inactivated or not.
(after the dropship retrieves a hacked Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "You fools should have finished the job while you had the chance. That Ambulas will live to fight another day."
(after the dropship retrieves a hacked Ambulas, variant) Frohd Bek: "Glast, how are these Tenno going to finish me when they can't even end what they have begun?"
(if the dropship retrieves an untampered Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "No, no! You need to hack the Ambulas before Bek recovers them. This is crucial to my plan's success."
(if the dropship retrieves an untampered Ambulas, variant) Ergo Glast: "Don't let Bek recover un-hacked Ambulas. This is the only way we can defeat him."
After the Condor Storm dropship delivers the Ambulas to Frohd's ship, another Ambulas proxy will spawn, and the 2-minute countdown to another Condor dropship will begin. The Tenno must overcome and hack this Ambulas unit as well. In all, the Tenno had to deliver four hacked Ambulas units to Frohd's ship, while ensuring that fewer than three untampered Ambulas units were recovered. Periodically, the Obelisk would deliver devastating artillery blasts and laser beams to the area.
(when firing artillery, variant) Frohd Bek: "Fire the artillery!"
(when firing artillery, variant) Frohd Bek: "Fire artillery. Scatter those stainless-steel rats!"
(after retrieving the second wave of Ambulas proxies) Frohd Bek: "Everything I own I built. Worked my way to the top of the Board from nothing. You? You create nothing! You earned nothing! You deserve nothing!"
(after retrieving the third wave of Ambulas proxies) Ergo Glast: "You made your fortune on the backs of others, Frohd. Your hard work is their hard work. You let the burdens rain down, while the credits trickle up."
(after retrieving the fourth wave of Ambulas proxies) Ergo Glast: "You could have rebuilt the system, Frohd; instead you've made death machines. What have they done for you?"
(if the dropship retrieves a third untampered Ambulas) Frohd Bek: "We could do this dance all day long, Tenno, but you'll never defeat my Ambulas army. Now you're just wasting my time. Give my regards to Glast." [mission fails]
(upon delivering the fifth hacked Ambulas) Ergo Glast: "All we need is one more Ambulas to be returned to the dropship."
(upon delivering the sixth hacked Ambulas) Ergo Glast: "You're done, Frohd. This ends now."
Frohd Bek: "Throw everything at them. They will not take this away from me. They will not win. They've not earned it."
The Obelisk capital ship in the sky will fire its engines and begin turning away from the battlefield, heading away.
Ergo Glast: "I know this for certain, Frohd: you've earned this. I'm sorry, Animo. Execute the protocol!"
Explosions will break out all across the Obelisk and the hull will begin to glow red.
Frohd Bek: "What was that? My ship? Ahh… eject the bridge module. Eject it now!!!"
The capital ship will explode and disintegrate, leaving Frohd's fate ambiguous.
Ergo Glast: "Animo… once my pride and joy, has been destroyed. I abandoned the project when I fled the Corpus. I should have known it was too powerful to leave in their hands. The Ambulas proxies still exist, and they are no doubt formidable, but the threat of their super-intelligence is now gone. Thank you, Tenno."
After returning to their ship, the Tenno received another inbox message from Ergo Glast, containing a Supra Vandal.
Inbox message: Animo Has Been Destroyed
Frohd Bek bastardised my work. The Animo system was explicitly designed to resolve conflict, not initiate it. In weaponising the system, he forced my hand. The Animo processor had to be destroyed.
You put yourself at great risk to stop that threat. The Perrin Sequence thanks you and hopes you find this weapon to be just compensation.
Until our next venture, Ergo Glast
Apart from the Supra Vandal, all rewards from the event were purchased from Ergo Glast using Animo nav beacons, including the Operation badge and sigil. These rewards could be purchased as many times as the Tenno could afford. The more Ambulas proxies were defeated in the field, the more rewards a Tenno could purchase.
The warlord of a participating clan received an inbox message from Ergo Glast containing a trophy to place in the dojo, with the quality of the trophy dependant on the clanmembers' achievements in the operation.
Inbox message: Recognition for [clan]
Owing to your overwhelming effort in taking down Frohd Bek's Ambulas and its Animo processor, the Perrin Sequence and I would like to present [clan] with this trophy.
We could not have won without your tireless fight.
Thank you, Ergo Glast
After the event, Condor dropships would still appear on open-air Corpus zones, but would not drop Ambulas proxies except on Pluto. The boss fight against Frohd Bek's capital ship still remained at Hades, Pluto, although the cost was later lowered to 20 Animo beacons, 10 of which are refunded on successful completion. Variants of Condor dropships would later appear on the Orb Vallis and Gas City.
[Navigation: Hub → Events → Operation: Ambulas Reborn]
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very-salty-tenno · 7 years
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weekly warframe comic for the ambulas reborn event.
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martianjellyfish · 7 years
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She might or might not be a horrible person who might or might not have spent the weekend sending Nullifiers to Tau Ceti.
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operatordevavani · 7 years
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CUTE ROBOT FRIEND. Best part of the event. I want Ambulas pets. It’s so pretty I want to play with its colors and mod it and forma it and hug it and call it George...
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highmachinegun · 7 years
Good to know that the characters of Warframe are also giant fucking memers.
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corpuscrybaby · 7 years
Do you think the new video with frohd bek can like... Be related back to actual warframe lore? Like what if Corpus entertainment is actually on par with what entertainment in the 80's was like ... What if I have an excuse to draw Alad in leg warmers now
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corpusbonds · 7 years
[Oow] shoutout to the to the random 4th that stayed 45 waves with us and helped us best our high score. We got the gold trophy coming because of you 👌
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moontouched-moogle · 7 years
The current Ambulas Reborn event has some new augments as part of the possible rewards from Ergo Glast. Neutralizing Justice is one of them, and it’s pretty good.
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
I was thinking the other day of how to incorporate old events into existing content so newer players don't lose out on it and how old event stuff could be used as a tutorial for some game mechanics, for example, a little replay of "Ambulas reborn" would lead up to the boss fight and explain how or why you get nav beacons for the boss.
And then I remembered - Defection. A game mode everyone ignores, which I think is tied to Steel Meridian and Cressa? Now imagine, a tutorial quest which makes you play the defection nodes while telling a little story of Steel Meridian.
A bit of a mirror version of the Glast Gambit...
Which would be ironic because that would make the two "opposite" syndicates have quests that I am sure people would hate with all their heart.
Maybe defection should be changed altogether. xD
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hexedmaniacs · 3 years
i’m actually losing my mind
i vividly remember listening to this one like. warframe remix fan song thing when i was younger??? i just remember it had a bunch of like. corpus enemy voice lines mixed in specifically with alad v and frohd bek. i can’t for the life of me remember anything else aside from that. idk how many other enemy voice clips were mixed in but i just specifically remember alad v and frohd bek’s voices in it. i specifically remember they used the line where frohd bek comments about his larynx- which means it was made after the ambulas reborn operation. but i CANNOT find it and i’m losing my mind over it
EDIT: okay i thought about it more and it was a song that the beginning was a bunch of alad clips, then nef anyo, and some frohd bek in between. i am losing my mind trying to find it, i’m almost positive it wasn’t a tennotune submissions since im p sure it was made between vol 2 and 3 i think- i just remember it being a sorta edm kinda thing- i just wanna find it again :’/
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tauforged · 3 years
is there any particular reason you usually peg Darvo as being more grineer or meridian-aligned rather than perrin sequence, even though he’s a corpus defect, or is it mainly just his relationship to Clem?
WELLL... yes and no?
strictly canonically speaking he has no alignments either way, and doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. but PERSONALLY i think he just... would not fit in with perrin very well at all. on top of his general disdain for the corpus faction / seemingly distancing himself from being corpus at all altogether, his whole ‘fuck everything else i’m just going to go all in and do what works for me, no matter how “”illegal”” it is’ mindset clashes with the general perrin attitude of Playing By The Rules, But Still Beating Them At Their Own Game, if that makes sense. i mean, in ambulas reborn, glast decided the best way to find out where frohd was keeping the new ambulas models was to anonymously fund the project in full in the hopes that he would gain access to the information he needed, rather than, oh, idk, doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE... same with glast gambit. playing into nef’s whole index game was incredibly risky. i really don’t think darvo and glast would get along at all, honestly. even if glast HADN’T worked with frohd before defecting, which would probably already make darvo wary of him, i think they’re both just way too different in their general approach to getting things done and would constantly be butting heads. glast wouldn’t tolerate having to spring an agent out of jail every other week after he gets caught doing something utterly ridiculous, and i doubt darvo has any respect for authority at all so there’s no way he would actually cooperate if glast tells him to do something. coupled with the fact that they probably at least distantly knew eachother during their loyalist days, i’d be willing to guess they don’t like eachother much at all. in glast’s eyes, darvo is likely just the board chairman’s entitled brat who decided to throw away every opportunity handed to him and run off to cause trouble because he thinks he can get away with it; to darvo, glast is too proud to fully reject the corpus way of doing things, even though he must know how corrupt the system is, he insists on building off of the same standards that are running the rest of the system into the ground, just on a smaller and ‘more ethical’ scale.
all of that aside, i just think it would be really funny if the steel meridian generally had a ‘no corpus allowed’ rule, but clem just sorta brought darvo home one day like ‘hey i like this guy can we keep him’ and cressa just looked at him and went ‘hmm i dunno he seems kinda like a pain in the ass. hey what do you even do’ and darvo’s response was ‘oh i steal shit off of corpus supply ships and resell it to the tenno for shits and giggles. i don’t even need the money i just like pissing people off’ and cressa recruited him on the spot because a. that’s fucking hilarious and b. oh she just KNOWS this is gonna make glast SOOO MAAAAAADD
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moss-sauce · 7 years
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thank you gosh and also jeepers for the hellion adjustment and also the bow fix because that was a pain in the ass lemme tell u
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i dont want to see another corpus in my life
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wahframe-blog · 7 years
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Real feelings on ending Ambulas Reborn.
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Ambulas Dialogue (Outdated)
Ambulas underwent a substantial rework on date with the release of Update 20.4, as a part of Operation: Ambulas Reborn. The pre-rework dialogue from the Assassination mission is reproduced below.
Target background
Lotus: "The newest entry into the Corpus AI security arsenal is a deadly biped dubbed Ambulas. We have tracked the prototype to this location. Locate and eliminate it."
Lotus: "Ambulas likes to play with fire. Try not to get burned."
Lotus: "Ambulas possesses a devastating kick for those who get too close. Long range attacks are advisable."
Lotus: "Corpus robotics technology is reaching grave proportions. Destroying this archetype is imperative."
Lotus: "Obliterate the prototype. We need to be certain it does not make it to the manufacturing stage."
Lotus: "Destroying Ambulas will be a blow to Corpus robotics research. Stay the course."
Mission and battle taunts
"Offensive System Classification: conflagration."
"Offensive System Conclusion: enemy combustion."
"Incursion probability: negligent. Tenno mortality probability: inevitable."
[Navigation: Hub → Other → Outdated Content → Ambulas]
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