#amelia’s mike afton matchups <3
sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Could I get a Michael Afton matchup please? I'm a 5'6" (167cm) non-binary (afab) bisexual! I'm an absolute dog lover, a total introvert and touch starved. I'm also super forgetful. I'm a total worrier and pessimist with my own life, but very supportive of my loved ones. I tend to overthink about and make plans for years in the future. I'm pretty good at cooking, but terrible at baking! The perfect date for me would be an amusement park or a quiet movie night cuddling. Thank you!!!
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“I’m nervous, and honestly I don’t think you’ll like me” - michael
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first meeting
you had actually met at the dog park; it was a very precious meeting actually T ^ T
you had decided to take your dog out to the dog park and coincidentally, michael had been walking home from the store
he loves animals so he tends to take this route home just to see the doggos
fun fact: mike is actually more of a cat person, he thinks they’re calm and they help his anxiety
on this particular day, your dog had spotted michael, running towards him in an excited matter— which confused you since he wasn’t usually this nice to people
(d/n) ended up jumping on mike, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground. he chuckled before petting the doggo, “hello to you too, pup”
you were dreading having to talk to mike, you were shy and meeting someone new was just— nerve wreaking honestly T ^ T
nonetheless, you went over anyway. michael looked up at you with a smile, “is he yours?”
you slowly nodded, working up a smile before turning towards your dog, “come on, bud. we gotta get going”
and right there and then, your voice was sugar coated to michael, making him feel small butterflies, “hey uh, I’m michael, by the way”
asking you out/your date
when you had gotten used to michael, you quickly began to show him how wonderful you were
and he really liked you, he thought you were the most precious person ever. you weren’t too crazy but you weren’t too chill either
michael had asked you out on your birthday, as he thought he should do, and he felt so lucky because you said yes
knowing who you are, he invited you out to a date at an amusement park and boy was this boy nervous to go out with you
“wow, the rides look nice” you tried to start a conversation when you guys arrived
“y-yea. i agree” he shyly replied
the silence was killing both of you-
“so uh, should we go on ahead?” you tried first
“oh! yea!,” he accidentally exclaimed too loudly, “l-let’s try the games first and move onto rides”
michae’s really good at the game booths at amusement parks so he managed to get you a couple of stuffed animals, being entirely grateful that you smiled when he handed you them (thank god he has his dad’s anger issues-)
the date ended up going really well!
well— somewhat-
you both did have a small conversation together, getting to know more about your personal lives since this was a date
but mike was acting so weird :( it made you worry, thinking maybe he realized he wasn’t so interested in you anymore
your thoughts did end up changing when you felt him try to take your hand & hold it in his
he thought your hand was so pretty, so soft, and felt so right being held in his, small blush coated his pretty face before he turned to you, “I like this. holding your hand” he managed to say
you softly nodded, agreeing with his statement, ‘finally’, you thought to yourself, so he wasn’t having seconds thoughts after all
but then michael let go of your hand and you wondered once more what you did wrong as he looked bothered
the last ride of the night came along: the ferris wheel
and you hoped more than anything that you would finally get to know more about him, get to have some intimacy to know if this relationship was a good idea or not
towards the end of the ride, you were grateful that the awkward silence would come to an end, finally deciding that maybe dating michael wasn’t such a good idea if he wasn’t interested
you tried once more, reaching for his hand only for him to back away, you sighed disappointingly, “okay, what is going on with you? you seemed.. interested at first. you’re the one who asked me out. so what’s going on?”
michael turned towards you finally, his blue eyes staring at your pretty face, the obvious pink tint softly decorated on his face before he gave you a small smile. the air around you felt hot before he finally quickly leaned in, placing his soft lips against yours, taking in the feeling of how much he truly wanted to experience a love with you
upon letting go of the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, catching his breath before his hand tightened his loving grip on yours, “.. I’m nervous, darling. and I appreciate how long you’ve dealt with me being an idiot”
(date scene was inspired by jane the virgin (michael and jane’s first date 😌 of course it was altered a bit tho-)
things he loves about you
let’s start with a cliche thing. the height difference between you two isn’t dramatic but he thinks it’s cute sometimes when you can’t reach something that he easily can, you miss by a few inches and groan when he calls you short considering you’re taller than the average person; he loves your height difference, it’s perfect and adorable
growing up, michael was a very touch starved person as he didn’t really get much physical affection from his father and his mother was never around since he was little. which means, he enjoys touching you or when you touch him, it makes him feel loved and safe which he appreciates; he loves how touch starved you are as well, let’s him know that his physical affection is completely okay with you and he can do it as much as he wants
one time you two went to the mall for one sole purpose and were searching for a specific thing. you both left with multiple bags of new clothing and items and it wasn’t until you arrived home that you realized you forgot the important thing you needed. pfft- you complained so much and michael chuckled as you internally cried inside; he loves how forgetful you can be, cause it’s cute to see you panic over it
don’t get him wrong, michael really loves how supportive you are of his decisions, plans, and choices for the future. but, he’s noticed how doubtful you can be and how negative you are towards your own decisions, accomplishments, etc. so he always tries to show you how supportive and proud he is of you, so hey; he loves the beautiful smile and look you give him as he shows you his loving support
after a couple of years of dating, michael had cleaned out a storage closet that he had so you two could make it into a cozy hangout spot or anything else that sounded or looked cool. when he had picked up a box, a paper had fallen out. it looked like it was maybe a year old or so. but when he picked it up and got curious about it, he saw that it was a house plan, where certain things would go and which rooms would be which; he loves more than anything that you had planned what your future shared house with michael would look like
for your one year anniversary, mike had shyly asked if you two could maybe have a baking contest. he was really good due to his mother teaching him when he was young. so he loved the idea of being able to impress had he was sure you were a good baker too and he liked worthy competition. okay so, you totally panicked when he asked. but nonetheless, you agreed. worst mistake of your life- while michael made a famous dessert perfectly, yours looked like- *censored; disgusting imagery placed here* yeaaa-; he loves how much you try just to make him happy, and hey, you enjoyed his dessert and the smile on your face is all he needs
meeting his family; peaceful au
finally!! william thought his eldest son would never get married. he was so happy to have you be introduced to him as mike’s fiancé. he thinks you’re really stunning, and honestly, the more he gets to know you, the more he thinks you’re perfect for his son. he was surprised to hear that you couldn’t bake actually since he remembered mike saying when he was younger that he hated the thought of dating someone who couldn’t bake like he could. but eh, it’s alright. this way, mike can bake your future wedding cake. overall, the man adores you and welcomes you into the family immediately
you’re so precious to mrs. afton!! oh this woman loves so much that he picked you. honestly, she couldn’t see anyone else with her son. not gonna lie, she was a bit sad that you’re terrible at baking- but then she figured, “it’s alright honey, I can bake the dessert and you can make the food”. okay I’m kinda jealous cause it was such a fun experience for you to be in the kitchen with this woman- but overall, she really likes you, she’s grateful you love her son
O_o evan- okay, hear me out. as he got older, evan’s attitude switched to a teenage michael. so evan literally fucking adores you. not only does he thinks you’re attractive, he totally high-fived michael when he was introduced to you and gave you a compliment. anyways, evan really likes you. you don’t really have much in common but he reminds you of michael since mike still carries his immature self inside. but I mean- evan is the only person in the family who can’t bake so- at least you both can internally cry about that- but hey! you and evan get to be baking judges at the aftons home competitions so :)
you’re her taste tester and new sibling. the moment elizabeth looked at you, she decided right there and then that you were hers (platonically). she thinks you’re so awesome! you have a lot of stuff in common and she’s grateful to have a family best friend. not that she doesn’t love her parents and brothers but having one who didn’t grow up with her just feels.. better, in a sense. she likes making mikey jealous by having you try all of her sweets and give your opinion, she knows you always say they taste so wonderful. she uses it against mike during competitions- “OH YEA?! y/n literally said that my sweet was fucking delicious the other day, suck it wanker!”
michael dying
(let’s continue with the jane the virgin theme! in the show, michael died due to a heart attack. so here we go!)
receiving the call was so awful at the time, evan had come over to visit you and his nephew (pet or kid, you can pick)
the moment he walked in, he watched the phone fall out of your hands, a painful sound escaping you as he watched you fall to the ground, horrible sobs letting themselves be shown to express the pain in your heart
“Y/N!” he ran over to you, quickly holding onto you as you moved around, obviously panicked by what you had heard
you couldn’t handle yourself to the point where clara needed to watch you and together, you provided comfort for each other
it was about two months later when you were finally in the kitchen, helping clara make dinner for the remaining family members
“..how did you do it, clara?”
the running water hit her hands, her green eyes focused on her task
when she was done, she turned to the door connecting itself to the kitchen, smiling at the sight of evan and elizabeth on the floor playing with your child/pet
“there isn’t a day that passes where I’m not thinking of william or michael. i will always miss my boys and mourn them”
her smile directed itself towards you, her hand coming to cup your pretty face as a sign of affection, “but for you and the rest of our family, we need to become happy once more, as our husbands intended when they married us”
so you managed a sad smile and held clara’s hand in yours, grateful to have such a loving mother in law, “then let’s make the most of it”
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I’m not back to my account, I promise I’m not. I’m only here to finish my requests and projects left incomplete. I want to finish them quickly since I genuinely have lost interest in this account :( anyway, hope this anon likes their matchup <33 I personally liked the part where his family meets you :)
matchups are no longer available and my overall requests are closed forever !! if you send a request in, I’m only going to delete it
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
hi ! it's that one blog, can i request a matchup with michael afton? :D
i am a 4'11 ft (150 cm) non-binary pansexual!
i love talking to people a lot! well i would hesitate talking to people at social events at first (i used to be really shy lol) but once i do people say i am very fun to be around which makes me happy! i tried to ask my friends how i am like as a person before, they told me i am optimistic, confident and bold but kind of a dumbass (why) but i am pretty forgetful, like- i keep forgetting where i put things, sometimes i have to stand still and think very hard to remember where i put some things, my friends joke about my forgetfulness too.. haha. some bad sides about me.. well i am usually a bubbly person, i switch like a flip with people i don't like, i can become cold and uncaring, and i am pretty vengeful (one of my friends told me to stop looking for revenge and chill down 💀), and i get a little too obsessive with the people i love? because i get attached to people rlly easily ehe, other than that i have a lot of different interests! i love cooking, i am really creative in the kitchen and i can cook a lot of different dishes, so leave all the cooking to me! and i also have an interest in drawing, i have a whole sketchbook of my drawings, but it's usually about my lovey dovey daydreams cause i'm a hopeless romantic lol. and i also love all the things related to beauty! i have a skincare and makeup routine, also i lovee dressing up so you don't have to worry about me looking bad in an important event, and i am kinda a shopaholic (?) when it comes to beauty products i just can't seem to stop buying them- but i'm trying to be more mindful of my money lately so i don't become broke immediately after receiving money.
i guess that's it! i hope it's not too much (it looks so long 💀) goodbye! love u op take care of yourself and stay hydrated! ❤️
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“everytime I see you, I fall in love all over again” - michael
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first meeting
before his scooping, he would often visit the coffee shop
yup- your love story is the coffee shop troupe
anyways- because of everything that has happened, michael can tend to get really nervous and have bad anxiety
unfortunately, there was a time where this man was yelling at his daughter and michael was frozen, being reminded of his father
but he quickly stepped in after, proud of himself for the way he handled the situation
and it seemed he somehow caught your eye with how brave he was in doing what he did
because of your bubbly personality, you were quick to compliment him and admire what he did
our shy mikey was still nervous but he thanked you and noticed your drawings
when he was younger, michael would try to draw sometimes to secretly give them to evan; so drawing became a topic you both started talking about in the coffee shop
quickly, the two of you became friends and he would often feel calmer when he was near you
asking you out
he was nervous. really nervous
michael never really felt this way about a person before and he didn’t really know his sexuality either, he just knew you made him feel such beautiful butterflies
he didn’t really know who to ask help with this situation, his entire family is dead and he didn’t have any friends other than you
he should’ve known asking you out would go wrong knowing who he is-
when mike finally found out how to ask you out, he was quick to get everything he needed
he knew how much you loved cooking, so it must mean you love food too right?
that’s how it lead to the mistake of him trying to make you some pasta-
when you arrived, you looked so beautiful, well dressed with pretty natural makeup on
he panicked when he realized he wasn’t done with the food; so you sat out in the kitchen and waited for him to be done, continuously asking him if he needed any help
he managed to burn the pasta- he managed to burn the water- he managed to burn his microwave when it wasn’t even near the stove!
you quickly went over to the kitchen with a worried expression to find a stressed out michael, he just wanted tonight to be perfect, he had finally worked up the courage to ask you to be his romantic partner :(
“michael? Oh my god, what happened?”
he had lost hope once the food burned so his sad expression turned back at you, “sorry. I.. burned the food I was making.”
“are you okay?” You walked over to him and inspected his precious face
“I’m fine. I just.. I wanted things to go right tonight. And somehow I always mess things up.”
“michael, it’s fine,” you reassured him, “it was just dinner. we can order some takeout, instead.” you pretty smile made him break
“it wasn’t just dinner. I wanted-! … I wanted to ask you to be my..” his voice got caught in his throat.
“ask me to be your romantic partner?” you whispered, leaning closer to him
his cheeks heated up at your boldness, inching closer to your pretty lips
“all you had to do was ask, I would’ve said yes either way.” a sweet kiss replaced the gap between you two
things he loves about you
okay- mike grew up with a very aggressive and abusive father, and he was very open to you about that a few months into the relationship; he loves how you’re so patient with him
of course, there’s times where you can get so pissed at the things william did and said that you go on full blown rants about how much of a dick he is; mike loves seeing you be protective of him at times
michael grew up with problematic parents, meaning he always watched them fight, he never once saw them happy and he always assumed it was due to marriage and living together, so when the two of you finally moved in together, he was nervous. but you managed to calm him down; he loves how the two of you are nothing like his parents and never will be
watching you cook is honestly his favorite thing ever, he feels bad that your always the one to cook but he can’t cook- and he doesn’t want to burn the kitchen down-; he loves how kind you look while stirring a pot full of sauce
michael is pretty tall, it’s a gene he got from his father (which he hates). however, there’s times when you can’t reach something due to your own height and mike’s placements in the household; he loves how you make him feel useful with his height when you need help reaching something
your friends would often tell him that you’re very forgetful. the first time he saw this, he thought it was so cute. you would stand in the living for long periods of time just thinking about where you put something; he loves your forgetfulness so much
when he noticed you stopped buying a bunch of makeup products, he was worried to say the least. he wondered if you were now prioritizing the money you made so he started buying things for you instead; he loves spoiling you with his own money
meeting his family; alive au
alright listen- the man’s family is dead- he’s never gonna see them again- that’s the purpose of an alive au so let’s do this-
mrs. afton was an absolute sweetheart. she was so kind, so caring, she accepted you so quickly, being proud that michael found someone like you
you were invited to a family dinner at the aftons for the meeting, so both you and mrs. afton definitely made dinner together and she praised you so much
william.. hmm. this is an alive au, so he didn’t kill children, and he’s trying to be a better father; he tried to be polite to you because, you’re his son’s romantic partner-
now that doesn’t change your impression of him though, after all, mike has told you things about his childhood; so really you try to stay away from will (or else his old ass would be in the hospital right now) staying away from each other goes both ways, he doesn’t know how to talk to you and he doesn’t want to ruin mike’s relationship with you
evan likes making fun of your height sometimes. as an 18 year old teen, his attitude shifted towards the one michael had as a teenager. he’s not mean to you though, evan thinks you’re good for his brother and he welcomes you to the family
elizabeth adoresssssss you. as a 15 year old teen, she’s currently into a lot of makeup and fashion. she often calls you first to go to the mall, don’t worry, she’s got her own money so you don’t need to buy her anything
after scooping
he didn’t want to go home.
after disappearing for a few days, he wondered if you cared
he wondered a lot of things in that moment that he woke up after ennard left his body
his first thought was you, how you wouldn’t want him anymore, how you didn’t have someone to help reach places, how he couldn’t wake up to see your beautiful face, how he hopes you’re worrying
and of course, you were worrying.
within the first day that he didn’t come home, you panicked and wondered where michael was. and as the days went by, his absent presence began to shatter your heart due to your attachment to him
you had spent your days sitting in front of the tv, watching his favorite show, in his hoodie, with his blanket, a blank and tear stained expression plastered onto you
when he finally got the courage to go home, your eyes widened at him
in that moment, he thought he had lost you for good and you were about to kick him out
but you surprised him by bringing him into a hug, tears flooding your eyes once more
“m-mike,” your voice managed to let out, “what did they do to you, honey? who did this? who hurt you? I’ll fucking kill them!”
he managed to calm you down, but you never let go of him that night. so that same night, he decided he wouldn’t try to let the other souls free anymore. he cared so much more about you than his father’s misdeeds; no matter how selfish it sounded
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this was my first detailed matchup and I literally love it, the anon who requested it loved it as well so I’m proud and happy <3
wanna know how I see a relationship with you and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Yes to a Michael match up.
Autistic, female who's shy, but clingy with people I know and feel comfortable with?
Reading, writing, playing video games (Sims and Stardew, mainly), ummm... I can cook? I like to bake sometimes... and that's all I can think of. — when I asked for more info because y’all can’t give me little info like this T ^ T
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“your voice is my favorite sound” - michael
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first meeting
high school sucks and michael knows that better than most people
orrrr he thought he did at least, that is, until he saw you sitting at a bench eating lunch by yourself
most kids were at tables with other people. in his high school, it was weird to see a kid by themselves
until he realized you were the new kid everyone had been talking about today
rarely any kids ever transferred in the middle of the year, in fact, no one ever did
he thought you were pretty cute though, sitting there by yourself.. yea he realized how weird that sounded
“pfft- what a loser. mike, do you see this-” gabriel started but stopped once he saw him walking towards you
“hey, I’m michael” he smiled as he sat down across from you
you slowly nodded, surprised he decided to sit with you instead of his fucked up friends. your shyness pushing itself away as your determination came into light to make a new friend
“I know, you’re the only person in school who takes a motorcycle to school” you chuckled, making him nervously rub his neck in embarrassment
asking you out
you were sitting on a bench by the school, a book in hand as you read peacefully
that is untilllll michael came up in his motorcycle, his jacket in place with his helmet being taken off
you playfully rolled your eyes, “how cliche”
he softly laughed, “I thought you liked cliche”
your pretty face heated up a bit at his words, remembering when he found your stash of cheesy romance books that you were curious about
“what are you doing here, playboy?” you changed the subject
“I am here, to take you somewhere” he offered you the other helmet in his hand, your name nicely tattooed on the side
your eyes widened at the helmet
michael had talked to you about wanting to put your name on his spare helmet; you were the only one he let ride in the back of his motorcycle after all
you sighed, giving in as your took the helmet and put your bag on, hoping onto the back of the motorcycle, “where we going, mike?”
“you’ll see, doll” he playfully winked before putting his helmet back on and starting the motorcycle back up
the nice breeze softly flew over you and Michael as he rode up a mountain after a few minutes; your arms tightening their hold on michael out of a bit of fear
you heard him softly chuckle, “calm down, love. we’ve arrived”
when he parked the bike, you slowly took your helmet off, the side of a mountain coming into view
“you don’t plan on killing me, do ya?” you teased
“mhm?, how did you know? I wanted you to trust me and have enough time to lead you away where they won’t hear your screams”
(ha- michael really is will’s son ;))
he sighed before leaning again the small fence that prevented people from falling down the mountain
“..the moon is beautiful tonight. don’t you think so?”
your pretty eyes widened a bit in realization, a flashback passing through your head of something mike had told you once
“apparently it’s the way you tell someone you love them. pretty cute, huh doll?” he chuckled before telling you how to reject someone as well or accept their confession
“o-oh umm..,” you paused before sighing, “the moon is indeed beautiful”
he turned to you as you noticed the soft gaze he held as he stared at you lovingly, a pretty red color tinted on his cheeks, “… I’m glad you think so”
“y-yea,” you smiled bashfully as mike softly took your hand into his
things he loves about you 
mike has noticed how shy you can be around others. it’s very cute but he worries sometimes and hopes that you don’t have or end up getting social anxiety due to the pressure when having a conversation. but he notices how comfortable you are around him. it’s very.. surprising and reassuring; he loves how clingy you are
you’re his little bookworm and writer! he enjoys taking you to the library when he’s seen a cool book that he thinks you’d like. most of the time, you share your writing with him and he really enjoys reading it; he loves his little bookworm
youuuuu might’ve fucked up in the kitchen once. you were trying to bake this cool dessert that was michael’s favorite with mrs. afton. she was with you and helping in the beginning so things were going on. buttttt then she had to quickly go help william and michael with the bags of groceries and you accidentally dropped flour all over yourself- when mike walked in, he saw you still processing the flour on your face as he laughed along with william while clara tried to help you clean up; he loves how cute you look in flour (no matter how weird it is)
meeting his family
you met in high school so obviously his family is still alive by the time mike wants to introduce you to them
mrs. afton thinks you’re a beautiful girl who’s good for michael. she secretly often wonders how you can get on his motorcycle without panicking though- when you first met, she realized how nervous you seemed to be so she backed down from forcing a conversation so much and insulating physical contact. she did however praise you multiple times and got real happy when she found out that you enjoy baking
william thinks you’re pretty okay. he doesn’t think mike needs his acceptance but he supposes that if michael ever asked, will would say he’s okay with you and accepts you. he doesn’t really have much of an opinion on you but he does thinks you’re a really weird person to like reading so much. yup, it’s weird to him that michael who rides a motorcycle and bullies people for a living fell in love with such a normal person as yourself. but he doesn’t hate you!
evan was very anxious to meet his big brother’s girlfriend. while he somewhat understood what you meant to michael, he wasn’t sure why his brother would want HIM to meet such an important person in his life. evan thinks you’re really nice and cool though! you both enjoy playing a lot of video games together, mike likes seeing you bond with his little brother, it’s very precious
elizabeth doesn’t understand who you are. she’s pretty young so when she was explained to the situation, she thought you were what clara is to william. basically lizzy thought you were mike’s wife and you were about to take him away from her. yeaaaaa so elizabeth cried and thought of you as a bad person for taking her big brother away- when she finally understood though, she tried being nice to you. she honestly didn’t like that you had so much of her brother’s attention though. she wanted to be the second girl mikey loved with their mother being first. but regardless, she hated that some other girl was part of his life. don’t take it so personally, lizzy just really loves her brother
when he broke up with you
ha- I felt like changing this category since I’ve written too many of mike’s family dying or after him being scooped
you were.. really confused and couldn’t process the information at first
michael didn’t tell you why he was breaking up with you. well, he did tell you that it was because he thought you deserved better but
you could tell he was lying. it was something much more than that
he broke you that day. your tears wouldn’t stop when you finally realized that he had broken up with you. that he was leaving you
you didn’t have someone to go to so you went to clara. someone you felt safe with
she whispered reassuring things to you, holding you in her arms, telling you that it would be okay
clara wasn’t aware that you two had broken up. in fact, she hadn’t seen her son since this morning. and when he picked up the phone, he told her that he was out riding his motorcycle
it was around midnight when the door finally opened and in came a teary eyed michael, his motorcycle keys in hand before he stopped his movements, seeing both you and his mother staring at him in the living room
“hey bud,” william whispered before he pulled his son into his arms, he had been waiting for mike to show up after hearing about the breakup, “let’s go calm down in your room”
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: little information such as this has officially been banned and will be erased if I think it’s too small to write a matchup for. this was an exception cause it came before I made it a rule
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
I saw your Micheal post and thought it was a pretty sweet idea,
People tell me that I remind them of the season Autumn and that's my name although I don't see it. I go by Moth or Skye around my friends and I guess you could say I'm a dork. I like rpg horror games considering it's basically puzzle games with multiple endings. I'm a former emo, now punk though I've always been a hippy sorta since high school.
I deal with anxiety and depression and have used art [drawing, dancing, singing] to cope though as of late it's just been hard to motivate myself.
I understand if you don't get around to this ask but I hope you have a good day or night wherever you are <3
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“I may not be your first but.. let me be your last” - michael
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first meeting
you met michael in high school senior year
well- not met per se-
sitting on the school roof, you were currently drawing a bit to help your anxiety calm itself down; unfortunately, you caught sight of mike and his friends walking towards the entrance and could hear their conversation
“can it, gabriel. I don’t want to hear you say that again, she’s a woman. you don’t hurt women” michael could be heard growling
“ha! you’re getting weak, mike. she’s anything a woman, she’s a little bitch who we need to take care of. she didn’t have any right to slap me the way she did”
“sounds like gender envy. if you were so worried about a woman being stronger than you, you should’ve just said so”
their heads quickly shot up to your spot and you panicked. you didn’t mean to say that out loud, you were just angry about the words that came out of gabriel’s mouth
needless to say, michael was very impressed. not only by your insult and attitude but by your fashion sense as well
“nice one, roof top babe!” he yelled back at you with a smile
embarrassed by your actions, your anxiety forced you to get up and run off. mike called after you but you didn’t respond. and honestly, that was the last time he had saw you
asking you out
throughout high school, michael was never interested in dating or getting to know someone
he’d been asked before if he had ever been interested in someone and in pure honesty, he talked about you, roof top babe. he didn’t know your name since he never got the opportunity to talk to you. he did remember hearing someone call you skye but he didn’t wanna assume it was your name
currently, he was getting some ice cream for him and charlie who he had taken to the park for some fresh air
“Can I have two cones of mint chocolate chip, please? Two scoops on each” he gave his pretty smile to the ice cream truck guy
when he got his order and paid for it, he turned only to meet someone’s chest as ice cream fell on them
“ah jesus, I’m really sorry about that” he apologized before looking up
“oh, no worries. I should’ve backed up, I’m standing a bit too close” you chuckled nervously
you looked familiar to him. like, really familiar to him, he knew that he’s seen you somewhere before
he blinked before finally realizing who you were
“roof top babe?” he asked, unsure if it really was you
you blinked confusingly, you hadn’t heard those three words in a long while. in fact, you only heard them once and the person who said them was-
“michael afton?” you questioned
“it’s so great to see you again. I’ve been wondering where roof top babe went off to” mike chuckled
you groaned embarrassingly before nervously smiling at him, “I’m sorry about what I said back then. I wasn’t thinking, he just upset me”
“don’t worry about it. I agreed with you anyway. gabriel was a huge jerk”
“pfft- sounds like you needed better friends”
“that’s rich coming from ms. runaway. what did you think I wanted?” mike gave you a small smirk
“you wish we were friends.” you teased back
somehow michael made you feel comfortable. your anxiety would normally cut in during a conversation but.. mike felt safe. it was like conversing with an old lover
“well actually I wish we were more than friends” 
“that was um.. what I’m trying to say is. I think it’s fate that we’ve met again. Would you like to.. go out sometime?”
his honesty made you quickly heat up. you admit you did think michael was attractive back in high school, and even now, he grew up into an even handsomer man. but you couldn’t help but think, why you?
you weren’t going to let your anxiety take control of this situation. a cute guy was asking you out, and this guy already seemed so great. so the words that left your mouth were, “yes. I’d like that”
things he loves about you
you get interested in rpg horror games and it can become intense in the sense of you thinking long and hard about the lore behind the game or solving the puzzles; he loves how cute you are when you’re playing
he’s caught you dancing around the apartment at times. honestly mike has never really seen a human being dance, only animatronics. so it’s a nice surprise to come home to your partner dancing; he loves watching you dance
you’ve been honest to michael about your depression and anxiety and he can relate entirely since he himself as them. comfort goes both ways but you’re always so honest about what you’re feeling; he loves your honesty
michael likes to sing (mostly soft music types). so when he heard you singing the other day in your shared bedroom, he was so excited since he thought the two of you could sing a duet; he loves your voice, thinks your vocals are beautiful 
mike can draw too! ha, no he can’t. but he does use it as a coping mechanism just like you do. It’s peaceful even if his drawings aren’t exactly.. good. he just likes that it gives you both an activity to die together, plus you’re really good at it; he loves watching you calm down by drawing with him
you once told him about formerly being emo. mike blinked confusingly not believing you until you showed him actual proof. he likes dressing up in your old emo clothes, often says that they look better on him than you; he loves hearing stories about you
you’ve told him that it’s been hard to motivate yourself lately even though you’ve tried your best. mike doesn’t want either of you to give up from feeling better so he’s often the one to suggest new activities to do together; he loves that you’re willing to try something new
meeting his family
his family died. they’re dead 😬
all mike really has left is henry and charlie and he considers them family even if they’re not blood related
you were really nervous to meet them. but you’re always hearing good things about henry and charlie so at least they would be nice (hopefully-)
mike had suggested meeting them over dinner at their house and you agreed
when the two of you arrived, it smelled so wonderful. henry was definitely a good cook. at the door, a 15 year old girl ran towards michael, happy to see him. and henry greeted mike as if he was his son who he hadn’t seen in years
henry really likes you. he thinks you’re seriously cool and the way you and michael “met” in high school is the best thing ever to him. he was sad to hear that you’re also dealing with anxiety and depression and gave you a few tips that he mentioned helps him and mike
charlie loves you even more. michael being the only brother she’s technically had, she can be protective of him when she wants to be. (there’s a reason people never asked him out-) but you seemed to genuinely care for mike and even brought her and their dad a nice gift. yea, you’re nice, kind, pretty, she wants you to marry him
after his disappearance
you felt numb for a while
genuinely, you couldn’t believe he was missing
you first showed up at henry’s house, telling them about the situation. henry wouldn’t let you leave after that, telling you that clara, michael’s mother, died after going driving while she was upset
most of your days were spent sitting in michael’s old room, staring at his childhood pictures that were taped onto his wall
charlie walked in once. just like you, she had lost someone important to her. and she knew that somehow, you and her could comfort each other
she sat by your side and played with her fingers, looking up at the same pictures you were staring at
“michael didn’t always make the best decisions when he was younger..” she started, “.. but I know he didn’t deserve this”
you stayed quiet for a while before slowly nodding, “mike was truly a douche when he was younger” you chuckled, thinking about the times you would see him causing trouble
charlie laughed as well, “it seems as if you’ve gotten the pleasure of seeing that chaos”
“hey,” you whispered to her, “we both miss that idiot. crying about it on our own will only worsen our pain”
she nodded in agreement, “skye. michael cared about you. and he cared about me. in situations like these, we need to care more about each other”
“we’ll be alright, charlie” you whispered as you wrapped your arm around her shoulder, “michael would want us to be alright”
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I wanted this one to be an au where charlie wasn’t killed or put out into the rain. it ended nicely, hope u liked it anon!!
side note: when given little information personality and hobby wise, one has to improvise T ^ T that was me during the “things he loves about you” since it’s seven points and I wanted to keep it at seven
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Hi can I request a match up? It looked like a really cute idea!
I'm 5'2, female leaning nonbinary college student. I'm a daycare teacher for tots so I really like kids and really love taking care of people, both kids and adults, and try to stay positive (not in a toxic way just in a "I have to be everyone's ray of sunshine so they don't get depressed or upset" way) I've dealt with some trauma so I tend to be a people pleaser and in relationships I have a pretty low self esteem, but I try to remain positive to not worry people. I tend to baby my romantic partners alot and try to be a caretaker for everyone, but I kind of neglect myself. I really love music and singing. I also like to study ancient history, true crime, early medicine, and psychology/the brain (Especially things about autism and adhd since I'm autistic and have adhd). I stress clean and stress shop, but I'm trying to switch that with baking lol.
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“you’re the only one who can make me feel.. loved” - michael
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first meeting
the only reason michael had even stepped foot into your daycare was because he needed to pick henry’s little nephew, who michael was babysitting
it’s not that mike doesn’t like kids, no the guy adores children, he’s literally obsessed with thomas (henry’s nephew)
but.. most of the workers there knew michael from when he was younger. and they knew what he had done
so due to that issue, they often glared at mike and his anxiety would skyrocket, what he did to evan caused him to not be attended to whenever henry asked him to pick up thomas
as predicted, the other workers ignored him and would scoff when he tried to get their attention ; he badly just wanted to sign thomas out and leave already
“here to kill another child?”
wow.. now that one.. that one hit hard.
it wasn’t until you, a new daycare teacher who had just transferred, finally noticed him
“here to pick someone up?” you asked him, a pretty smile in place
he happily nodded at you, “yes, finally. thank you so much. I’m here to pick up thomas emily”
asking you out
going to the daycare wasn’t so bad anymore
and he had you to thank for that. the only worker who was both kind and always helped him when he entered the daycare
he would often talk to you when he was waiting for thomas to come out, your voice was so pretty and you seemed so interesting
yea so michael developed a small crush-
you often seemed so bright, so positive. he was quite curious to know why you hid your sadness through pretty smiles and positive sunlight
it wasn’t until he was constantly noticing little things about you that he decided he wanted to go out with you. he held so much hope that you would say yes, that maybe you felt that same connection between you two
“don’t be serious,” you laughed at michael’s story
“no I have videos,” he laughed as well, “we were really stupid kids, I promise”
“now that, I believe” you playfully teased
he gave you a small smile. today was the day he was going to ask you out, he was determined!
“hey um, y/n,” you looked at him and he panicked, calming down before he changed his mind, “any.. plans this weekend?”
“I don’t believe so, no. other than staying at home and studying true crime. I’m extremely excited for that” you chuckled, “why are you asking?”
“oh! uh, I was wondering if..”
he couldn’t do it
michael paused and stopped himself from asking you. who was he kidding anyway? you were this wonderful person in his eyes who had some scars hidden but at least you didn’t kill your little brother
he shook his head, “nothing. never mind”
you nodded disappointingly. you thought maybe.. maybe he did like you. but, false hope I guess
“thomas,” michael called out happily to him, ready to leave this awkward situation, “ready to go, bud?”
the small child softly shook his head, grabbing onto mike’s hand, smiling as he felt happy to see michael
“umm, I’ll see you tomorrow then, nice talking to you” mike gave you a little wave as he began walking off
you bit your lip. this was going to become a wasted opportunity. you shook your head, you deserved this, you needed to know
“michael!” you called to him. he turned to you with an adorable titled puppy look which made your heart swoon, “would you.. would you like to go with me on saturday?”
his eyes widen before a precious smile was placed on his face, “definitely. I would love to”
that works! he just wanted to go out with you, he didn’t care who asked so this went wonderful
things he loves about you
your much shorter than mike. like this guy is over six feet tall- he’s one of those weirdos who likes putting their stuff in high places even though their partner is literally much shorter. you often have to call him for help. he also adoresss setting his chin on your head and hugging you from behind; he loves your precious height
you and mike live in his old family’s house. he forgot his father had set up cameras around the house so when he finally took them down, he went through the feed to make sure there wasn’t anything he needed in his case. he caught you singing while cleaning on multiple videos. mike smiled and awwed at the situation; he loves hearing you sing
sometimes michael can be stubborn and when that happens, you like babying him since he’s already acting like a cute child. it makes him feel silly but he really likes the affection you give him, it’s a very adorable scene; he loves that you baby him
on your lunch breaks or during nap time, michael comes around and eats with you so you aren’t lonely, you don’t really get along with the other workers, no matter how much you tried (it’s cause you’re dating mike T ^ T) you tend to get messy sometimes when eating and you tell him a lot that his cooking is good in the most cutest ways; he loves how adorable you are
michael didn’t attend college and didn’t plan to after deciding to fix.. things. so knowing that you go to college, he admires how strong you are and not to mention smart. mike’s often very supportive, he can’t help you with homework- but he’ll provide snacks and extra affection; he loves your determination at completing college for your future
when you’re strsssed, he’s noticed that you tend to stress shop or stress clean. michael’s worried about you a lot when it happens but he knows he can be supportive and help at the same time. so when you’re stressed, he takes you out on a shopping spree. literally don’t even worry about money, his father left him a successful company and millions of dollars, I think he’s got you covered; he loves spoiling you to ease the stress
you’ve told michael about being autistic and having adhd. he’s very new to such topics so he asks you questions and researches things on his own to see how he can help you. he likes to believe that his priority as your boyfriend is to help you not only feel better about things that identify you but to help you find that inner self love that took him long to find as well; he loves learning new things about you, makes him love you even more
meeting his family; alive au
we’re doing another alive au because of course- this anon deserves to meet his actual family- (not that the others didn’t T ^ T I just didn’t have ideas for this one other than the alive au)
mrs. afton adoressssss you. the woman looks at you and thinks god material. she’s happy you want to start getting into baking, in the next minutes of talking to her, she tells you many family recipes. in all, she hopes to see you more often and admires your hard work as a student and a daycare teacher since she knows kids can be difficult at times
sooo.. william. uhhh…
yea I don’t even know what to say. will doesn’t really like you.. he thinks you’re too soft. but then he notices the times your smile falters and he becomes interested. a person who presents themselves in a sunshine filled personality but hides their scars within. alright, he accepts you. but only because he’s a sadistic piece of shit who likes seeing people such as yourself breakdown
evan thinks you’re so cool !! you’re really pretty to him and he’s curious about your autism since a friend of his also has it. he often asks you questions on how he can help his friend since evan enjoys helping others like you. evan has caught you crying sometimes. he’s fallen asleep when you were sleeping over with mike and when he wakes up randomly, he catches you crying outside. evan likes wiping your tears away before praising you. his kind heart tells him someone so beautiful and wonderful doesn’t deserve such pain
elizabeth really likes you as well!! she as an issue with stress shopping as well so she likes that she can relate to you. hearing that you’re trying to replace stress shopping with baking, she decides to do it along with you! while you guys baked cookies once, you told her a story about your trauma which made you end up in tears. like evan, she held your pretty face in her hands before praising you and comforting you. she likes that you aren’t perfect, it lets her know that it’s okay to be hurt and cry
seems the afton family are very loving and supportive people (except will- fuck will-) (not sexually but-)
after scooping
michael had been gone for a few days and you had lost hope when it got to the second week
you didn’t want to accept it for a while
deciding instead to stare at the ceiling as you laid in your shared bed, thinking about the possibilities of what could’ve happened
the day michael finally came home.. he was nervous. he was sure you wouldn’t love him anymore. but he was more worried about you
had you been taking care of yourself..? he hoped you weren’t increasing your negligence on yourself
you looked up upon hearing the bedroom door open, begging for it to be michael
and there he was
standing there in the dark, soft moonlight rays shining onto him, stood your boyfriend. you shot up and quickly engulfed him into a hug, those tears that had been stuck for two weeks.. finally flowing through
“baby..” you whispered sobbing, “you’re back. you’re okay… are you into much pain?”
“darling..” his own tears began flowing, “I’ve missed you. .. you’re letting me hold you? even though.. I look like this?”
“you look like my beautiful boyfriend,” you cried harder, not believing that he would ever think that for a single second, you would stop loving him
knowing michael’s future plans after he explained the events his father had caused, you told him you would help. because by god, you were not going to love anybody else. so on that fateful day that mike was sent to burn the newest pizzeria by henry, you stood by his side, your arms wrapped around his waist as he laid his hand on your head, allowing the flames to engulf the two of you into the afterlife
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: a daycare teacher!! so cool!! anon, I really hope u liked this :3 I loved the ending, shows how powerful love can be at least
haha, fun fact: I’m taller than this anon by an inch
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
hay u said you were doing matchups for michael afton? u can ignore this if you want:)
i like to think i have a good sense of humour, i’m always laughing at something. i can be extremely stubborn at times and it takes me a while to forgive. my friends would describe me as loyal and laidback. i can be sarcastic, im quick witted my family says lol. im protective over my close friends even though i don’t really like admitting it out loud. i get attached to animals quickly ? i can be awkward at times with people i don’t know but i try my best not to be. i dance over 4 times a week so im always busy, i like sketching and im always listening to music. i tend to zone out a lot, ive a real bad attendance at school so my grades are bad. im irish and have a pale skin tone, i have blue eyes and dark brown slightly wavy hair, im 5 foot 4. i have a septum piercing. my love language is physical touch, i just love when people touch my shoulder or hug me etc. i get angry easily and can be selfish sometimes, i tend to ghost people a lot without realising . my zodiac sign is taurus sun scorpio moon aquarius rising, my MTBI is esfp or estp (still tryna figure it out)
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“we don’t have to be perfect, I just want you here” - michael
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first meeting
you were introduced to michael by henry
henry was your biological uncle and you came to visit him for a while while you were on break; leading to being introduced to mike
your meeting was after his family and charlie had died so it was only you three in the house
michael really liked you, you were kind and made him laugh, it was something he needed after being depressed for so long
while you both knew each other, you didn’t know know each other, you know?
don’t get him wrong! he wanted to get to know you but.. after losing charlie, mike feels as if henry will be very protective of you; which he is-
it was during times when henry was getting ready for some unknown case that you had the opportunity to meet michael entirely
it seemed your uncle had been mike’s father’s best friend, making mike and his siblings consider henry their uncle
side note: when you two first met, henry wouldn’t let you shake his hand 😬
“uncle henry..? I’m just trying to-” *proceeds to smack your hand away from michael again*
asking you out
he didn’t-
hear me out 😅 it’s not that michael didn’t want to ask you out it’s just that.. he wasn’t sure if he deserved to have that privilege
he was beginning to seem so nervous around you, at some point you thought that maybe he decided you didn’t like you very much
due to your boldness, you decided right there and then that he would know your feelings no matter how much he avoided you if he didn’t feel the same
it was during nighttime- you don’t know yourself why you did it during nighttime-
oh wait no you do, haha, it’s cause henry had left for the night to work on his special case, leaving you~ alone with vulnerable mike
(I don’t like the way that sounded-)
you invited him to watch a movie with you in the living room which he accepted thankfully
midway into the movie, he unintentionally laid his head on your shoulder and you were falling love all over again as you softly ran your fingers in his hair
there was a pretty scene in the movie where one of the characters blurt out that they wanted to date the other. it was simple but romantic
‘.. yea! dating mike doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ve got this, I’m awesome.’ you told yourself
so eventually-
“I don’t like the thought of what-if’s,” you started
mike raised an eyebrow at you, “what are you talking about?” he got up and faced you, grabbing some popcorn
“michael…” you paused before determination crashed into your expression, “please go out with me! I’ll be a good partner, I promise!”
yea michael began choking on his popcorn-
“oh my god, are you okay?!”
“I’ll be fine! Don’t panic!”
but he did accept your feelings, telling you that he felt the same way
sadly henry walked in as michael was about to kiss your forehead, making mike get chased around the house as you watched while laughing-
things he loves about you
mike often shuts himself in his room because he doesn’t like bothering you guys when it comes to his depression, but you always end up cheering him up after finding him; he loves your humor, you make him laugh easily
you can be really stubborn, henry can get disappointed by it at times but mike thinks it’s cute sometimes, especially when you pour; he loves your stubbornness
talking isn’t a problem for you, which is great because michael is a very talkative person himself. when he needs a distraction for.. something, he often asks you for help. you don’t question anything (which is weird-) and just start a never ending conversation with the person mike needs to distract; he loves how you never run out of things to say
growing up, mike didn’t have much attention on him as a child. his mother wasn’t present most of the time and his father was a huge dick to him and his siblings. someone actually listening to his rants is very rare so when you’re around, he can’t help but want to keep you to himself for the rest of the day; he loves the attention you give him
when both michael and henry are out working on their special case, you dance around the living room. it’s not mostly due to embarrassment that you do it in private, it’s just because it’s more easier that way since henry’s usually in the living room and there’s a bunch of space for you to get creative. you’ve been caught before, it was a very adorable scene; he loves watching you dance, you look so peaceful and relaxed
he can’t draw for the life of him so he’s easily fascinated by your drawings whenever you do show him. he often asks you if you could draw him since he likes seeing your perspective on his appearance; he loves watching you sketch, they’re beautiful
there’s time when michael just wants to watch you. you’re very pretty and he likes admiring those pretty features. he finds it interesting that your blue eyes, though identical to his in color, tell a different story from his. and your septum piercing suits you, makes you look even prettier in his opinion; he loves admiring your appearance
meeting his family
michael’s family is dead, they aren’t coming back
due to this issue, he instead brings you to their graves that he had made for them
whenever he visits their graves, he gets emotional but he managed to introduce you as his beautiful partner. his family ghosts often visit the graves made for them when mike visits but they never go all at once. this was a special occasion though since they were meeting the person who stole mike’s heart
mrs. afton thinks you’re very pretty. she wasn’t around much for her children’s lives and she deeply regrets it everyday in her afterlife. seeing her eldest son happy is all she needs to relax, she hopes you take good care of him
william. he wasn’t originally going to show up. he only did because clara forced him. honestly, william doesn’t have a determined opinion on you. he’s sort of grateful that his eldest finally found someone but of all people, did it have to be a relative of henry’s?
evan was a bit confused until his mother explained what you were to michael. while evan still remained resentful to his older brother, he thought you were good for mike. after all, his brother was trying to be better and you provided support to that. the kid likes you, thinks your music is cool since you randomly decided to play it for the family
elizabeth was just happy to see mike visiting again. it had been a while since she last saw her older brother. she’s very young so no matter how much explanation she’s given, she won’t understand who you are. she just knows your a new friend to her now, whether you know it or not. she loves your septum piercing, started telling her mom how she wanted one, haha
after his disappearance
michael left for work the day that he was going to resign
henry was acting really weird that day, you wondered what was going on, thinking it was just a normal day
until.. michael didn’t come home for a few days
you panicked on the fifth day of his disappearance and begged your uncle to tell you what happened
but honestly, henry wasn’t sure what happened to mike either (it wasn’t what the plan was)
you soon processed that mike was gone. he was missing
henry would often catch you silently crying in your room, staring at your wall that was covered in pictures of you and mike
“y/n,” henry called your name before taking a seat next to you
he didn’t know what to say for a while before pointing out some of the boxes in your room, “what are those for?”
soft tears ran down your precious face again, “..mike.. we were going to buy a bigger house for the three of us and future family” your voice was small but henry heard you
he sighed before wrapped his arms around you. mike had talked to him about the house before. it was much bigger than the house the three of you currently lived in. mike often talked about how you guys deserve it
“we don’t have to be perfect.. I just want you here” you whispered to yourself, repeating the same words mike had told you as you cried into your uncle’s chest
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I like this one :) feel as if it was a bit more realistic when it comes to being in a relationship with michael hope u like it anon <33
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Someone asked me for a Michael Afton matchup and gave me three details of themself-
That’s it-
This’ll be interesting when I write it-
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Soooo to the person who just requested like just now
U didn’t tell me what matchup u wanted 😅
Like, do u want a michael afton matchup?? A fandom matchup??
I hope this finds the requester cause they requested anonymous so I can’t contact them T ^ T
edit: anon, if u don’t tell me, I might not do ur request because of the fact that I don’t wanna do it wrong 😭
edit2: we found the beautiful female leaning non-binary requester guys, I can rest easy now T ^ T
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