For the ask, Lucifer!
the character i least understand: Eve. Don’t get me wrong I like her, but she seriously left Adam so she could be ‘’herself’’ with Lucifer and she was once again behaving the way she believed Lucifer wanted her to behave, which according to her was the reason why she and Adam didn’t work.
interactions i enjoyed the most: I always enjoy the Deckerstar scenes, season 4 most than any other season. But I also always enjoy all kinds of combination between the cast, they are all great together.
the character who scares me the most: None of them actually.
the character who is mostly like me: Ella, without a doubt. Except for the religion part. I’m not religious at all.
hottest looks character: All of them.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: Well... Lucifer does have a habit of making everything about him. But to be fair, most of the time he’s right.
one thing i like about my hated character: The acting. I couldn’t stand the shady priest, but the actor was amazing.
a quote or scene that haunts me: Definitely the scene with Chloe and Lucifer and the axe, and the scene where Lucifer attacks Cain because he hurt Chloe, all the times that Lucifer literally died for Chloe, their last scene in season 4, Amenadiel seeing his destroyed wings...
a death that left me indifferent: Marcus Pierce/Cain. I couldn’t care less.
a character i wish died but didn’t: All the characters I wish they died did it, so I can’t complain.
my ship that never sailed: Maze and Amenadiel I guess? I was very into them in the first season, I kept waiting for them to get back together in the second season. But it’s ok, because I love Maze and Eve and Amenadiel with Linda, so I’m cool. I can live with that. But I am still heartbroken over Dan and Charlotte, so unfair.
Thank you! :)
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sanoiro · 7 years
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Can you see it? Can you name it? Can you feel it?
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lumi-wumi · 7 years
So, I have some speculations about Maze’s plot and relationships this season
First of all, I do ship Linda/Maze, but I’ll try my best to make this post without being biased. Feel free to interpret my point of view anyway you want, whether it’s as a romance thing or as a friendship thing.
Anyway, onto it.
So, latest episode, we had a lot of bonding between Linda and Amenadiel and ever since the beggining of the season, I’ve felt they’re getting closer and that their relationship is growning.
Now, let’s take a look at post-Thanksgiving episode summary, shall we?
"[...] Meanwhile, Detective Pierce returns to work after taking a bullet, Charlotte finds a new career and Amenadiel has a new love interest. “
Interesting how that would came up after we had so much ship tease about him and Linda, huh?
Okay, so recently, Syfy posted an interview with the gorgeous lady who plays our favorite caramel mocha demon and she has pointed out some things about what Maze’s plot is gonna be like this season: “There's going to be some tests for Maze this year as far as relationships go, with some of her friends and how she handles that, especially around Dr. Linda. There's a friend that comes into their lives. Maze has never had to deal with this kind of feeling of "Well, she's my friend, and what about me?" 
When this first came up I thought it’d be someone from Linda’s past or something, but now everything points to Amenadiel. More evidence coming up:
“Amenadiel   and I are going to blow up again. We're going to be at loggerheads, and there's a fight coming up between the angel and the demon, which D.B. [Woodside] and I are really excited about. The last episode to see that element was the third episode in the first season. So they've obviously gone through a lot together, and it's going to take something really huge for them to come back to that place. And like I said, there's this conflict with Linda and another person coming into the mix. “
I see no reason for them to fight as far as plot goes so far, even if Maze is... Well, Maze. But I do believe it’s to do with this new Amenalinda (is that their ship name?) thing. Then she mentions the “conflict with Linda and another person coming into the mix” again? Yeah.
“What are the significant themes that are running through the season?
It's definitely jealously, for sure ... Just looking at that whole Pierce, Lucifer, Chloe situation ... I imagine. “
This one I’m not sure of what to make of it because yeah, she can be referring to the Deckerstar love triangle plot, even because she keeps talking about them through the rest of her answer, but now that my mind keeps cooking these speculations I can’t help but wonder.
Anyway, feel free to reblog, send me an ask, dm... Whatever you want :3. Whether you ship Laze or just like their friendship, I think it’s interesting to think about how this all will work if it really happens the way I’m wondering.
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sanoiro · 7 years
Amenalinda... Yeah, I see it becoming a thing in the near future....
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sanoiro · 7 years
What do you think about Amenalinda and its possibility? Shoyld the fandom start thinking about a new ship name for it?
Possibly yes ;) 
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