#maze x linda
markedbyindecision · 1 year
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2x15 | 3x13 | 5x05
Undercover gay couples
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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favorite platonic relationships: linda martin and mazikeen “Of all my friends, Linda is one of the few I do not actively root against.”
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Linda: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Maze: Which one? I can't do both!
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twenty-One
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twenty-One: They took Me for a Tea Party
Summary: (Y/N) has been kidnapped by demons, and no one is doing well.
            “(Y/N) is missing?” said Dan.
            “Yeah, and I think Kinley has something to do with it,” said Chloe. She was lying since she knew Kinley was dead, but the demon had Kinley’s body, so a sighting of “Kinley” would give her a clue to where (Y/N) was. “Start trying to put out notices and figuring out where he might have gone after he escaped.”
            “Got it,” said Dan, running off.
            Chloe walked into the meeting room she had commandeered. Lucifer was pacing as Em rifled through the papers Chloe had already collected before Kinley had died and become a demon. They had wanted to go with Maze, but ultimately, she had decided to stay and help however she could while Maze hunted for the demons independently.
            “Lucifer,” said Amenadiel, banging into the room behind her. “Are you alright?”
            “(Y/N) has been kidnapped by demons so that they can make them the King of Hell and trap them down there,” said Lucifer. “How do you think I’m doing?”
            “I’m confused,” said Linda, walking in.
            Do they let everyone walk into here? thought Chloe, but honestly, she was glad Linda was there.
            “How can they make (Y/N) the King of Hell? And why them? Is it because they’re made at Lucifer?” asked Linda.
            “Well, yeah, they’re pissed, but surprisingly, that’s not why,” said Em.
            “They need an angel,” said Lucifer.
            “And (Y/N)’s a Celestial like us,” realized Amenadiel, letting out a breath as he made the connection.
            “Hold on. What?” said Linda, eyes widening.
            “Self-actualization apparently causes adopted kids to become angels when it comes to Celestials,” summarized Em.
            “I’m going to pretend that makes sense for my own peace of mind,” sighed Linda.
            “That’s good, because if it wasn’t true, the demons would probably go after Charlie since he’s a half-angel,” said Em brightly.
            “What?!” cried Linda, holding her son tighter.
            “Don’t worry, don’t worry, he’s safe,” said Amenadiel, though he was equally as worried.
            “But (Y/N) isn’t,” snapped Lucifer. “We need to find them!”
            “We will, we will,” said Chloe.
            “What’s everyone doing here?” asked Dan in confusion.
            “Ignore them, do you have any news?” asked Chloe, and Lucifer gazed at Dan anxiously.
            “Uh, we haven’t gotten any news about Kinley, yet, but we’re getting a lot of reports from around the city of dead bodies going missing?” Dan shrugged. “I know it’s not really the same thing as Kinley kidnapping (Y/N), but with that crazy guy, anything could be happening. I’ll let you know when we have more on connections between missing people like you wanted.” He left the room.
            Chloe faced the group. “Please don’t tell me that means what I think it means.”
            “I’m afraid so, Detective,” said Lucifer grimly.
            “More demons,” said Em. They crumpled the piece of paper in their hand. (Y/N) was even more in danger.
            “Kinley’s making sure he has an army,” said Lucifer, eyes flashing red with anger. “(Y/N) is danger, Detective. We need to get to them now.”
            “We’ll find them, Lucifer. I swear,” said Chloe. She glanced around. “But for now, how about we go back to the Penthouse to strategize? We can’t talk about demons in here.”
            “Fine, fine,” said Lucifer.
            “Maybe we’ll find some clues they left from the fight.” Em huffed angrily. “I wasn’t really aware of what was going on during that fight.”
            “You did the best you could, Emeranne,” said Chloe.
            “And it wasn’t enough,” snapped Em. I wasn’t enough to protect (Y/N).
            I can’t believe I’m tied up in a church, thought (Y/N). They were exhausted as the drugs were still wearing off, but they had enough energy to be righteously pissed off. Unfortunately, Dromos was keeping a careful eye on them in case more drugs were needed.
            They watched Dromos eat the communion wafers and made a face. “Aren’t those stale…and tasteless? You could at least order like…Chipotle if you want a human snack.”
            “I’d much rather return to Hell and enjoy the sounds of the suffering,” said Dromos. “But I can’t yet, so eating the Man Upstairs’s food is good enough.”
            “It’s not really God’s—never mind,” said (Y/N), laying their head back on the pew they were laying on.
            “Dromos, what are you doing here?” said a familiar voice. “Did you find Luci—oh my god!” Eve cried out as she rounded the aisle of the church and spotted (Y/N) tied up next to Dromos. “What is this?! Did you kidnap (Y/N)?”
            “No, they took me for a tea party,” said (Y/N) sarcastically. “What do you think?!” Of course she’s involved. Making trouble or me all the time.
            “Have a glass of wine,” said Dromos, holding out a goblet of communion wine.
            “No, I don’t want wine! I want to know what the hell you’re doing!” said Eve, instantly kneeling to try to pull the ropes off of (Y/N).
            Dromos stood, and Eve jumped back in fear. “Very well. If you’re too stupid to know what’s happening, I’ll explain. We spoke to Lucifer. It didn’t go well. So, we had a…change of plans.”
            Squee walked into the room and looked at Dromos. “We have enough. We’re ready for the Mayan.”
            Oh, them being ready for something can’t be good for me, thought (Y/N).
            “Who’re you?” said Eve.
            “Another demon, get with the program,” snapped (Y/N).
            “Look, I summoned you here to get Lucifer, not kidnap his kid,” said Eve. She stepped forward. “You listen to me.”
            Oh, great, she’s being stupid, thought (Y/N).
            “I-I command you—”
            “Stop talking!” shouted Dromos. Eve stepped back in shock and fear. Dromos stood and towered over her. “I don’t take orders from you! You are not our king. Speaking of, we don’t need Lucifer anymore. We can create our own king and just…keep them out of the way. Young ones are way easier to control than a full-blown angel.”
            (Y/N) froze. Oh…shit. The demons were going to send them to Hell so they could have a king that they could control. Through drugs and torture, of course, thought (Y/N). Because I’m not a full-grown-blown-full-of-shit angel. Fuck this.
            “And we don’t need you, for that matter,” said Dromos, glaring at Eve.
            She took a step back, and Dromos grabbed for her. Eve cried out and dodged away. She glanced at (Y/N) worriedly, but when Squee stepped forward, Eve couldn’t do anything but run out of the church for her own safety.
            The demons laughed at Eve’s fear before turning back to (Y/N).
            Really, fuck this.
            “We’re ready to move them for the ritual,” said Squee to Dromos.
            Seriously, fuck this, thought (Y/N). Why do I have to be a sacrifice to Hell?
            Lucifer, Chloe, and Em stepped into the Penthouse. Amenadiel was watching Lux for signs of demons. However, it seemed the only break-ins currently were (Y/N)’s friends.
            “Oh, uh, you guys, it’s really not the time for you to be here,” said Chloe, nervously not wanting to have to again avoid discussing demons and angels and everything.
            “They know, it’s fine,” said Em.
            “They do?” said Chloe, blinking.
            “Yes, apparently adults take it much more poorly than teenagers do,” said Lucifer. “Now, can we focus?”
            “What’s going on?” asked Marcel worriedly.
            “Where’s (Y/N)?” demanded Leon.
            “And why is this place trashed?” asked Olive.
            “And why was your safe broken into?” asked Noa.
            “(Y/N)’s been kidnapped by demons,” said Em.
            “What?!” cried the group.
            “How can we help?” asked Marcel.
            “I’d really appreciate if you all just went home. This is really not safe,” said Chloe.
            “If (Y/N) is in danger, we are staying to help,” said Leon.
            “And they really don’t lie,” said Noa.
            “And take things seriously,” agreed Olive.
            “Did you say my safe was broken into?” said Lucifer, eyes widening.
            “Yeah,” said Noa, gesturing to the whole. “It looks like someone cut it open. I didn’t think that was possible, but if it was a demon, it figures they’d have a way.”
            “Detective, Kinley’s vial was in that safe,” said Lucifer, and Chloe started.
            “You kept that?!” she cried.
            “Well, I didn’t think it was something I could just throw away! I was gonna chuck it out with my spent batteries,” said Lucifer.
            “What is this vial?” asked Noa.
            “Part of the whole plan of Father Kinley to send Lucifer to Hell,” said Em.
            “Like a poison,” recognized Olive, and Em nodded.
            “But what would the demons want with the vial?” said Chloe.
            “I’m new to this, but if it could send Mr. Morningstar to Hell, couldn’t it send (Y/N) to Hell?” suggested Marcel.
            Em, Chloe, and Lucifer turned to look at the purple-haired teen. He shrugged.
            “Unfortunately, that’s a really good point,” said Em, dragging her hands down their face. It meant (Y/N) was in complete and total danger. And Em was just standing there.
            “But there’s some sort of ritual needed,” said Chloe. “That’s what Kinley said. So we have time.”
            “What do you know about the ritual?” asked Leon.
            “Luce! Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” Eve ran into the room, breathless. “Something awful has—”
            “Not now, Eve, we are dealing with our own situation!” snapped Lucifer.
            “It’s about Kinley,” said Eve, and on that note, Lucifer turned on her instantly. “Or, at least, the Body-Formerly-Known-As-Kinley anyway.” Tears were in her eyes, and she spoke nervously.
            “What do you know about that?” said Chloe.
            “I was the one who broke him out of jail,” admitted Eve tearfully. “Yeah…And then he attacked me. So I, uh, well…”
            “Killed him?” suggested Olive plainly.
            “Yeah…” Eve cleared her throat nervously. “And-and-and then, I…kind of, sort of summoned a demon from Hell into his body?”
            “What?” breathed Lucifer.
            “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Eve. “I thought that maybe he could convince you the prophecy was nonsense, you know? But he wouldn’t budge. And then he gave me this idea that maybe if I could get you out of here, back to Hell, that everything would be good again.” She sobbed “I didn’t mean for anybody to get hurt! Especially not (Y/N)!”
            “How could you!” snapped Em, surging forward violently. They grabbed Eve violently. “They’re going to send them to Hell!”
            Lucifer glared, eyes blazing red. He was totally alright with letting Em go off on Eve.
            “Whoa, hey, we need her info,” said Noa, grabbing Em.
            “We need to get to (Y/N),” said Olive, pulling the demon back.
            “We’ll save them, Em,” whispered Marcel, comforting her.
            “What else do you know?” asked Leon.
            Chloe was glad she had other humans with her. And it seemed that (Y/N) kept teens with as much sense as they did, so that was good. “Eve, how could you do this?” she said. She might like not killing Eve like Em clearly wanted to, but she also knew what Eve had done was terrible. “How could you be so selfish? Naïve?!”
            “You’ve put (Y/N) in danger.” Lucifer had recovered. And now he just stared at Eve with so much fatherly rage it was incredible. “Where are they?” And for all the punishment he wanted to enact with that anger, he also had the fatherly love to focus on (Y/N).
            “I don’t know. I don’t know,” said Eve. “I just—I just wanted you to see the prophecy wasn’t real.” She sobbed. “I’m sorry.”
            “But it is real, you idiot!” shouted Em, still being held back by Olive and Marcel (who somehow had the strength for it).
            “Well, yes, but I broke up with Eve to stop it,” said Lucifer. “Can we move onto focusing on (Y/N)? They’re the one in danger.”
            “The prophecy is them!” Em was furious, at themself and everyone else, and now they were about to lash at everyone. “First love doesn’t have to be romantic! The first person Lucifer has loved is (Y/N)! They’re his kid, and because he is on earth with them, we have fucking evil demons running around!”
            Everyone stared.
            Em wasn’t done. “And because you were all so goddamned blind and running around in a stupid, stupid manner and thinking you have it all figured out when you don’t, and now because no one did anything, Eve got her heart broken and was an idiot and now (Y/N) was taken and they’re going to take them to Hell and I couldn’t stop them and it’s my fault and oh god—it’s my fault.” Em sank to the ground.
            “Hey, hey, you’re okay,” said Noa, kneeling beside them.
            “(Y/N)’s…my kid. And they’re the first person I loved on earth…” murmured Lucifer. “Oh…I should have realized.”
            Chloe touched his shoulder. “Hey, it’s not your fault. And the demons are here, now. We can’t change that.”
            “Right,” said Leon, patting Em’s shoulder. “And it’s not your fault, either. It’s the demons deciding to take (Y/N) that are at fault.”
            “Thanks,” said Em softly.
            “Fine, fine, but we need to get to (Y/N),” said Lucifer. He faced Eve. “What do you know about their plans?”
            “Nothing! All they said is that they weren’t listening to you or me!” said Eve. “They were in a church and made me run! They had (Y/N) tied up, and I don’t know where they went. They almost tried to kill me.”
            Em groaned, and Olive patted their head as she nearly broke down because they had no idea where (Y/N) was.
            “Alright, alright, we know they’re probably planning on performing the same ceremony that Kinley was gonna perform on Lucifer,” said Chloe, switching to detective-mode.
            “So, after I took the holy, anointed sedative, where was this ceremony supposed to take place?” asked Lucifer.
            “I didn’t go through with it, so I don’t know. I know he mentioned a church,” said Chloe.
            “There’s 2000-3000 in LA,” said Leon.
            “All I know is that Kinley said it had to be a house of worship but also a den of sin,” said Chloe.
            “Like one of those churches that had priests that were part of scandals?” said Noa.
            “Or one that was bought and made into a nightclub?” asked Marcel.
            “Wait!” said Eve. “I think they mentioned one of those old earth civilizations. Aztec or Inca? You think they could be going to one of those ancient temples where they used to have human sacrifices?”
            “LA isn’t known for archaeological sights for the Inca or Aztec,” said Leon.
            “What about Mayan? That’s another old civilization, right?” said Olive.
            “The Mayan! That’s it!” said Eve.
            Noa took out their phone and searched it. “The Mayan is a venue for concerts and church groups.”
            “Interesting duality,” said Marcel.
            “Sex, drugs, rock and roll and my dad,” murmured Lucifer. “That sounds like the oxymoronic venue we’re after.”
            “It’s gonna be empty and available,” said Chloe.
            “Let’s go,” said Lucifer, running towards the elevator.
            “We’re coming too!” said Olive.
            “No, you four should stay here,” said Chloe. “It could be dangerous.”
            “The other demons aren’t as nice as me,” said Em.
            “We don’t care. If (Y/N)’s in danger, we’re coming,” said Noa.
            “…Fine,” said Em.
            “What? No!” said Chloe.
            “We don’t listen to authority,” said Leon matter-of-factly, walking past Chloe to the elevator.
            She sighed and followed them.
            “I’m coming,” said Eve.
            “No!” said Lucifer. “You’ve done enough.” He closed the doors of the elevator and took a deep breath. (Y/N), I’m coming.
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
Fandoms + Ships (for Prompt Purposes)
As I like to reblog prompts a lot but have the annoying little habit of jumping ship on a fandom fast than a pirate invasion, I decided it is finally time I make an official list, which will be constantly updated as I develop new interests! If there’s a ship you want to request but it isn’t here, just ask and I’ll let you know where I stand with it!
In The Flesh
• Kieren x Rick
• Kieren x Simon
The Hunger Games
• Everlark (Katniss/Peeta)
• Finnick/Annie
• Haymitch/Effie
• Katniss/Madge
• Caswen (Ricky/EJ)
• Portwell (EJ/Gina)
• Mashlynn (Maddox/Ashlynn)
• Ricky/Jet
The Vampire Diaries
• Stelena (Stefan/Elena)
• Mattlena (Matt/Elena)
• Tylena (Tyler/Elena)
• Elenijah (Elijah/Elena)
• Barolena (Bonnie/Caroline/Elena)
• Stexi (Stefan/Lexi)
• Denzo (Damon/Enzo)
• Forwood (Tyler/Caroline)
• Maroline (Matt/Caroline)
• Bamon (Bonnie/Damon)
• Bamenzo (Bonnie/Damon/Enzo)
• Carenzo (Caroline/Enzo)
• Dalijah (Damon/Elijah)
• Parkwood (Tyler/Liv)
• Klayley (Klaus/Hayley)
• Handon (Hope/Landon)
• Jandon (Josie/Landon)
• Henelope (Hope/Penelope)
• Hizzie (Hope/Lizzie)
• Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie)
• Methan (MG/Ethan)
• Ked (Kaleb/Jed)
• Dark!Jobastian (Dark!Josie/Sebastian)
• Landizzie (Landon/Lizzie)
Teen Wolf
• Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
• Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
• Mccallinski (Lydia/Scott/Stiles)
• Stalia (Stiles/Malia)
• Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
• Stira (Stiles/Kira)
• Scira (Scott/Kira)
• Liason (Liam/Mason)
• Allydia (Allison/Lydia)
• Allerica (Allison/Erica)
• Berica (Boyd/Erica)
• Malisaac (Malia/Isaac)
• Lydora (Lydia/Cora)
• Allora (Allison/Cora)
• Scanny (Scott/Danny)
• Malira (Malia/Kira)
The Witcher
• Yennskier (Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Geraskerer (Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Raskier (Radovid/Jaskier)
• Trennefer (Triss/Yennefer)
• Geralt/Triss
• Frobby (Bobby/Freddie)
• Chryed (Christian/Syed)
• Ballum (Ben/Callum)
• Sukeve (Suki/Eve)
• Ben Mitchell/Kheerat Panesar
• Jack Branning/Michael Moon
• Whitney Dean/Chelsea Fox
• Lauren Branning/Peter Beale
• Lauren Branning/Lucy Beale
• Peter Beale/Fatboy
• Zack Hudson/Martin Fowler
• Zack Hudson/Felix Baker
• Anna Knight/Bernie Taylor
• Stacey Slater/Danielle Jones
• Peter Beale/Tamwar Masood
• Darren Miller/Tamwar Masood
• Masood Ahmed/Jane Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale/Freddie Slater
• Linda Carter/Alfie Moon
• McHay (Ste/John Paul)
• McShepherd (John Paul/Carter)
• Stendan (Ste/Brendan)
• Brendan/Walker
• Joel/Theresa
• Brendan/Warren
• Brendan & Mitzeee (platonic)
• Brendan & Joel (platonic)
• Amy/Michaela
• Leah/Vicky
• Roey (Rachel/Joey)
• Chanoey (Chandler/Joey)
Stranger Things
• Elmax (El/Max)
• Elumax (El/Lucas/Max)
• Byclair (Lucas/Will)
• Byler (Will/Mike)
• Ronance (Robin/Nancy)
• Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
• Blam (Blaine/Sam)
• St. Hudson (Finn/Jesse)
• Tike (Tina/Mike)
• Quinntana (Quinn/Santana)
• Pezberry (Santana/Rachel)
• Quinncedes (Quinn/Mercedes)
• Sike (Sam/Mike)
• Jarley (Jake/Marley)
• Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian)
The Flash
• Barrisco (Barry/Cisco)
• Snowbarrisco (Caitlin/Barry/Cisco)
• WestStein (Joe/Martin)
• Superflash (Barry/Kara)
• Thallen (Barry/Eddie)
•Westthallen (Iris/Barry/Eddie)
• Westhawne (Iris/Eddie)
• Jamie/John
• John/Brianna
• Brianna/Roger
• Lizzie/Josiah/Kezzie
• William/Denzell
• Lucifella (Ella/Lucifer)
• Douchifella (Lucifer/Dan/Ella)
• Mazifer (Maze/Lucifer)
• Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer)
• Chlaze (Chloe/Maze)
• Jasico (Jason/Nico)
• Jercy (Jason/Percy)
• Perachel (Percy/Rachel)
• Rachabeth (Rachel/Annabeth)
• Pipabeth (Piper/Annabeth)
• Merthur (Merlin/Arthur)
• Mercelot (Merlin/Lancelot)
•Merwaine (Merlin/Gwaine)
• Morgwen (Morgana/Gwen)
The Dumping Ground
• Elektra/Faith
• Elektra/Carmen
• Carmen/Lily
• Tyler/Jody
• Jody/Sasha
• Tyler/Ryan
• Chloe/Candi-Rose
• Candi-Rose/Bird
• Candi-Rose/Jay
The Story of Tracy Beaker
• Tracy/Crash
• Tracy/Ben
• Tracy/Lol
• Lol/Wolfie
• Crash/Rio
• Justine/Rebecca
Life With Derek
• Dasey (Derek/Casey)
• Derek/Sam
• Derek/Trevor
• Casey/Sally
Boy Meets World
• Shory (Shawn/Cory)
• Jeric (Jack/Eric)
• Eric/Jason
• Shawngela (Shawn/Angela)
• Shawpanga (Shawn/Topanga)
Girl Meets World
• Rilaya (Riley/Maya)
• Riley/Zay
• Riarkle (Riley/Farkle)
• Lucaya (Lucas/Maya)
• Maya/Zay
• Riley/Maya/Zay
• Jal (Jay/Mal)
• Jaylos (Jay/Carlos)
• Mevie (Mal/Evie)
• Hevie (Harry/Evie)
• Buma (Ben/Uma)
• Umaudrey (Uma/Audrey)
• Haudrey (Harry/Audrey)
• Humaudrey (Harry/Uma/Audrey)
• Bevie (Ben/Evie)
• Creddie (Carly/Freddie)
• Carly/Sam
• Carper (Carly/Harper)
• Sparper (Spencer/Harper)
• Tandre (Tori/Andre)
• Jori (Jade/Tori)
Zoey 101
• Quogan (Quinn/Logan)
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My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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sccoobydoobers · 2 years
linda as a therapist for literally everyone in the show is pretty flawed. yes, she can give perspective on supernatural matters but even her friends outside of the know (ella) go to her when they need the advice of a therapist. feel free to correct me on this but with my vague memory I at least know its highly unprofessional to take on a patient (fully booked and everything I presume) who you know personally or even just, has a impression in your life. as this can very much effect how you treat them and the help you give to them even if you don't mean it too.
lucifer being linda's paitent was obviously highly unethical at the start but eventually they develop into a more professional-friend kind. where still, it is unethical as eventually linda DOES fall into a relationship with lucifer's brother. who was an antagonist of sorts during at least season 1's sessions.
at some point i'd think between seasons 2-3 she starts writing the book about lucifer's therapy sessions and his life, given the book was on its completed first draft and we are shown it at least half way through at some point. and, if you dont know, writing a whole book (especially as long as linda's) takes a LONG time.
meaning, at any point in that time linda could've stepped back and thought: 'this is highly unethical and maybe I should at least get the permission of everyone who im using their private therapy sessions.' its a very simple yet, it couldve changed the whole direction of the book from being the simplified cliches of everyone to more realistic versions of the people.
linda takes advantage of lucifer while doing this, really, as when lucifer finds out about this book, he is thrilled. he is excited because it will be the first book to ever have an accurate representation of him.
And I think later, when everyone reads the book and finds out the contents are a really bad fanfiction of their lives, Lucifer is a bit disappointed. I mean, its supposed to be the first book to portray him in a light most accurate to him, and the book doesn't even end up doing that!
I also want to add that everyone gets mad at lucifer because of their portrayals in the book. When, in fact, they should've at least placed part of the blame on linda, the person who wrote the book. instead of taking literally every word of it to heart. (this post goes into it in more detail!)
Lucifer is, at times (a lot of the time), an unreliable narrator. Because he is made to always tell the truth, something that could be world-ending for Earth might not be important at all to him because x reason etc etc.
(example: the whole mira/rory thing - it didn't occur to him to mention to chloe that this supposed child of him is half angel because that genuinely wasnt important to him and didn't seem relevant to the occasion. chloe then gets pissy at him for this so the more you know)
I'm gonna say something that's pretty obvious but needs to be said: linda is not the group's therapist. of course, she is lucifer's highly unethical therapist. but she is not everyone elses. no one else is shown to have regular one on one sessions with her. apart from maybe ella & maze a couple times and the others are super rare.
her knowing and giving this guidance to her friends is really that. an act of their friendship that they trusted her to give good advice on how to deal with their obviously very stressful and traumatic lives.
then for her to turn around and write it into a book (probably turned book series given how long its said to be) which will be accessed but not only the general public, but also people outside of the know that close to them. like chloe's mother, ella's family, dan's parents etc etc.
that is a horrible thing. even if their families don't read the book, other people will.
imagine ella's distant cousin reads the books after it becomes popular for some reason, connects the dots. then suddenly ella's family are asking if she really had a serial killer for a boyfriend and can imagine the way a person dies perfectly from just seeing the scene and and and
dan is also very dead. at least legally dead. will dan's parents be contacted before the publishing of the book to ask for permission? probably not.
- (it would be funny to think if this is the downfall of the book. dan's parents suing this random stranger who claims to be their dead son's therapist for writing him in a book that hugely slanders and makes fun of him)
this will also affect their professional lives. all of sudden everyone they ever meet will have readily accessible detailed accounts of their lives for the past 5 years, their traumas, their ambitions everything about them at the fingertips of coworkers, employers, bosses, whatever.
even just a snippet of the book (it will most likely gain popularity with lucifer's reputation + the fact more that 50% of the cast for it will be cops) would be very insightful towards the point of view and personal information of everyone involved.
its a breach of privacy, a betrayal of trust and a destroyer to any lives the main cast could possibly lead after the publication. the storyline and concept sucks.
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Mountains in Texas
Joel x Ellie Travel Fluff. Lincoln to Chicago.
No warnings. 1.7k
As the blue chevy S10 rumbled on its broken path, the light tapping of a nail on glass and the lyrics of a Linda Rondstadt song that buzzed with static underneath the light chimes of the instruments dominated the space between the driver and passenger. The smell of soil and death that always violently pushed through every crevice left on earth pulverized Ellie’s nose and she scrunched up her face in disgust. She was accustomed to lingering scent of death, but animal shit also littered the nearby wild forests by the highway and that was not an aroma her nose had grown used to.
She rolled up the little bit of window that was left down on the passenger side and it squeaked loud enough for her traveling companion to notice. The bearded man lowly grunted as his eyes flicked to the action for a second before they were back on the cracked and grassy pavement before him. He had to pay attention to the maze of broken cars ahead, he had no time to argue with the little girl about the stuffiness of the truck; sometimes you had to pick your battles to keep the peace. By peace, he meant to prevent any sarcastic comments or snide remarks from the curly haired monster beside him.
“Joel?” she asked as if reading his mind; she knew when he did not want to speak. Not that he ever wanted to speak, to anyone. Especially now.
Really, Ellie was just fucking bored; they’d been on the same road for almost a full day. She kind of had to pee, but she didn’t bother asking to stop.
“You’re from Texas right?” She turned to him, but he kept his eyes on the road. His jaw clenched. His gray beard was swiped with dark and light shades as the sunlight gleamed through the window.
“I said no questions-“
“It’s not about you. Conceited much?” Ellie smirked and Joel jerked his head, eyebrows knitted at the girl in red. He went back to the road, slowing going over a massive crack revealing dirt and tall grass underneath pavement. The wheels bumped over the exposed earth and then he maneuvered the truck through two smaller cars in the middle of the road.
“What was Texas like?”
She leaned back, her head hitting the cream pleather seat. Her fingers wove themselves behind her neck as she looked out at the dilapidated highway, chaotic foliage, and damaged vehicles around them. Her spine curved like a crescent moon in a welcomed stretch. It was not an uncomfortable seat, but she had been sitting for a long while. Her butt was sore, her lower back was stiff, and she was feeling the need to run. She’d settle for a conversation if Joel would participate for once.
“Didn’t that school teach you anything?” Joel sighed.
“I mean I know it’s like desert and snakes-“
“Desert and snakes?” Joel huffed, but before he could continue a tan deer spotted white sprang over a dented railing on the side of the highway. It hopped across gracefully, right in the path of the blue Chevy.
Joel braked hard and the car jerked toward to a halt. The deer pranced ahead with little care, barely acknowledging the two passengers hitting their chests hard against their seatbelts.
Ellie gasped, heart racing. She sucked in a breath before she noticed Joel had stuck his arm out in front of her chest, forearm bracing against her. Her seatbelt dug into her torso and she looked down as he retracted his arm.
He was protecting her, she thought, as she looked over to see his frown.
“You alright?”
Joel’s heart pounded in his ears, his foot was still forced hard against the break pedal. He took a deep breath.
“Yea,” she breathed, still shocked. She faced ahead eyes not really focusing, but thinking about the doe dancing beyond the pines out of sight.
“That is why we wear seatbelts,” Joel said lightly turning his attention back to the road. He eased off the break and pushed down on the gas, but the car began to bounce. He looked down at his feet, deeply frowning.
“Is it supposed to do that?”
Joel scowled at Ellie for a second and looked to the hood of the truck in front of him. He pushed the gas again and the truck attempted to lurch forward, but the bouncing persisted.
“What? Is it broken?” Her quick high pitched concern grated his eardrum. Her heart switched back quickly from its lull to frantic beating as a new obstacle stuck out its foot.
“No. Did you grab the toolbox like I asked you to?”
Joel turned to Ellie putting the car into park. He turned the keys in the ignition stopping the truck engine completely.
“The green one?” Ellie asked wide eyed. Her uncertain tone rang louder as the engine ended its roar and the soft sounds of the forest permeated the space.
“I don’t know what color it was. The one by the door,” he replied gruffly while taking out the keys and opening the truck door.
“Uh, I think so.”
Joel grunted in response as his boots hit the dusty pavement. He made his way to the bed of the truck looking under the tarp for a green toolbox.
“Find it?”
Joel unfurled the tarp to see a concerned Ellie sticking her head out of the back sliding window of the truck. The opening was small, so it really was just the floating head of a fourteen year old girl with a few small brown curls on her forehead.
“It’s blue. Not green. How did you mix those up?” Joel lifted the navy blue beaten toolbox from the dark storage space.
Ellie gaped, then frowned. “Can’t you just be happy I remembered it?”
Joel didn’t reply, taking the rough handle of the box in his grip. Ellie rolled her eyes, retreating back to her seat.
“What did they teach you in the that school?” The older man murmured moving to the right side of the front of the truck. Just as he suspected, a flat tire. Great.
He bent down to inspect it closer, placing the toolbox neatly beside him. A familiar squeak was heard overhead, but he ignored it. There was a nail head imbedded in the rubber. He was grateful Bill had left a pump already in the back of the truck. That man really thought of everything.
“What’s wrong with it?”
The annoying voice came from above him this time. Ellie hung out the window gazing at Joel with curiosity.
“It’s flat,” Joel said shortly.
“Why?” She leaned out fully by her waist, her torso bending over as Joel’s thumb brushed the dirty metal puncturing the tire. Her ponytail swayed in the sunlight as she bounced against the side of the truck door, palms pushing off against the metal.
“It’s out of air,” Joel answered opening the toolbox and looking for a pair of pliers. Ellie scowled, pausing her not so gentle swinging. Joel was made a lot of dad jokes for someone with no kids.
“Duh. What happened to it?” She was always inquisitive, this walking threat to his life.
“We hit a nail.” Joel went to work removing the nail, carefully examining the placement along the treading.
“How would I know that?”
Ellie paused, shrugging.
“Can you fix it?”
He sighed.
“Yes, I can patch it up, but eventually we’ll have to replace it,” Joel replied strained, trying to focus on his work.
“Do you know how to replace it?”
“How long will it take to patch it?”
Joel closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling.
“A lot longer if you keep bugging me,” he chided in a low tone. He didn’t look up quick enough to see Ellie’s disappointment, only her anger. “Will you stop doing that, it’s bad for the truck.” His eyes watched her freeze mid upswing, folding her arms across her chest.
Ellie scoffed, hands then moving to the window frame to lift herself back into the truck. “Whatever,” she shot under her breath. She proceeded to slump into her seat and rolled up the window, sticking her tongue out at a concentrated Joel.
He raised himself up and ambled to the bed of the truck to get the pump. The heat beat in through the windshield, the sun moving higher into the sky. Ellie felt the direct beams on her face, delightfully burning her cheeks. She squinted into the sun, blurry dots hitting her vision and she closed her eyes, seeing shades of red and pink.
“It’s too early for this,” Ellie heard Joel grunt through the back window, still ajar. She leaned over to look out the passenger window and Joel didn’t raise his head. He was bent over doing something - but Ellie refused to engage.
After a few minutes her burly companion opened the driver side door. He adjusted himself in his seat scooting back and grabbing the keys from the cup holder.
Ellie had her cheek up against the warm glass of the passenger window, smudging it with her skin. Her hand was underneath her jaw, pushing against the glass with equal force. She refused to look at Joel as the truck started and he shifted into drive.
“Texas isn’t all desert and snakes. There are forests and mountains too. Plenty of deer.” Ellie craned her neck, slightly. She did not move her smushed face from the glass, but her dark chestnut eyes peered over from her peripheral.
“I’ve never seen a mountain,” she said with attitude, but it was true. The truck jittered forward along the uneven road, rotting automobiles covered in vines slumping into the gray highway on either side.
“You will.”
The young girl’s back shot straight for a moment and her brows knitted together. Her arm pushed off lightly from the window as she turned to Joel. He smirked, his dark eyes meeting hers for a moment.
“I will?”
There was the hint of a crooked smile and brightness dancing in the depths of her pupils.
“Sure, the mountains in the west are some of the biggest there are.” Joel’s expression was serious, his tone was that of a teacher. His eyes darted back to the road, training themselves ahead for the rest of the long journey. The music from the cassette filtered through the speakers once more. Ellie turned back to the window, pressing her sleeve into the glass, looking out at the dense trees.
She suddenly felt a tightness in her bladder, now she really had to pee.
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loveexpelrevolt · 3 years
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You’re the doctor. And you’re the demon from hell!
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
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Linda & Maze in Lucifer 4x07
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lucifergifs · 4 years
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LUCIFER | 1.08 — “Et Tu, Doctor?”
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iamdevilantlysatan · 3 years
Literally everything Maze does could be explained by the fact that she is in love with Dr. Linda
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ruzekburgess · 4 years
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You missed our coffee date.
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 6) Chapter Thirteen
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Thirteen: I’m Starting a Rebellion to humble Michael
Summary: Michael the firsts of his many unforgivable acts.
            “(Y/N)!” Em ran into (Y/N)’s room, eyes wide.
            “What?” (Y/N) jumped to their feet. Em looked at them worriedly.
            “Dan’s been hurt. Badly,” said Em. “Lucifer is at the hospital—”
            “I’m coming,” said (Y/N).
            The pair were racing out the door a minute later.
            Everyone sat anxiously in the waiting room. Chloe, Trixie, Linda, Amenadiel, Mazikeen, (Y/N), Em, and Lucifer all sat in silence. No one moved or spoke until the doctor came out. And then the announcement came.
            Daniel Espinoza was alive but would be out of commission for several months, at least. He had been critically injured and lost extreme amounts of blood. Even at that exact moment, he hadn’t awoken from the anesthesia they administered for his surgery.
            Chloe broke down in tears of relief, holding Trixie to her. Maze put her head into her hands and took long, shuddering breaths. Em held her, trying to support the demon in her state of shock. Linda and Amenadiel held each other’s hands tightly in support, Linda knowing just how lose Amenadiel and Dan were. Lucifer collapsed in his chair in relief, and (Y/N) hugged him tightly.
            Dan was alive. He would be alright. He was alive.
            Amenadiel looked at Lucifer, and the pair rose. (Y/N) furrowed their brow and followed them.
            “Did they get who did this?” said Amenadiel.
            Lucifer shook his head and swallowed. “Not yet.”
            “Why?” whispered Amenadiel softly. “Why did this happen?”
            “Foreign mercenaries hunting down stolen objects from dead bodies,” said Lucifer, voice shaking in anger at the very case that had gotten Dan hurt. “A supernaturally strong human, Dan’s almost-dying words about someone named Caleb.”
            Amenadiel looked up in alarm.
            “I don’t know,” said Lucifer. “None of it makes sense.”
            “Amenadiel, do you know the name?” said (Y/N).
            Amenadiel nodded. “I think I know what this is about.”
            (Y/N), Lucifer, Em, and Amenadiel stood at the grave of Caleb Mayfield. It was dug up, fresh dirt turned where the body had been laid to rest.
            “Michael is involved.”
            Everyone’s heads whipped to Amenadiel at the proclamation.
            “What?” hissed (Y/N). The shadows of the graveyard lurched higher around the graves, contorting in an angry dance. The moonlight cast harsh shadows, and they were more than willingly to show that aggressiveness with (Y/N)’s sudden rush of frustration.
            “Caleb,” said Amenadiel. “Caleb Mayfield was the boy who was killed when I was trying to…help him.”
            “Yes, I helped you in the aftermath,” said Lucifer. “But what does Caleb have to do with Michael?”
            “Before Caleb was buried, I…” Amenadiel’s voice trembled with emotion. “I laid my necklace on his body.”
            “You did what?” said Lucifer, staring.
            “Your necklace that makes people super strong?” said (Y/N), eyes narrowing as they remembered and began to make a connection.
            “Somebody obviously came looking for it,” said Amenadiel.
            “But it wasn’t there,” said Lucifer. “Because the people who attacked Dan were still looking for it. The tech in the coroner’s office must have stolen it from the body. And Michael hired the mercenaries to find it, and then they tortured and nearly killed him, but he didn’t have it either because TJ the fence has it.”
            (Y/N) didn’t understand a lot about what was going on or who those names were, but they understood the important point—Michael was the reason Dan was hurt. Michael was the reason he almost died. Michael was the reason everyone (Y/N) cared about was suffering.
            (Y/N) curled their hands into fists, and the shadows around their legs crawled up their limbs. Em took their hand supportively, trying to help them relax.
            “That explains his super strength,” said Lucifer. “Every piece of the Flaming Sword has a power. Azrael’s blade is death, the hilt, to find love, and your necklace is the strength that binds them together, strength that apparently lends itself to whoever’s in possession of it.”
            “But my necklace has been in human hands before,” said Amenadiel. “It’s never granted any of them super strength.”
            “The hilt was only activated when Azrael’s sword was on Earth,” said Lucifer. “I suppose the same could be true of your necklace.”
            “Wait, but I thought you put Azrael’s blade in the Goddess’s universe?” said Em.
            “I did,” said Lucifer grimly.
            “But you sent Gabriel there to give Missy a message,” said (Y/N), gritting their teeth. “Obviously, she didn’t come back empty-handed.”
            “Gabriel’s working with Michael,” said Em.
            “And that’s the smallest of our problems,” said Lucifer. “Michael is trying to assemble the Flaming Sword.” He swallowed and looked at (Y/N) worriedly. His next thought had him terrified of what it would mean for them. “He’s not trying to win an election.”
            “He’s trying to win a war,” said (Y/N).
            Silence. Amenadiel and Lucifer were still, unsure of what to do. A war? Another war? Against their siblings?
            They didn’t want to face it.
            “We need to tell everyone,” said (Y/N).
            Amenadiel and Lucifer looked at them. Em nodded.
            “Michael got Dan hurt. He’s willing to do anything. Anyone who knows what’s going on needs to know,” said (Y/N). “Amenadiel, tell Linda. Tell Maze, too.”
“She’ll tell Eve,” said Em, nodding.
“Dad, tell Chloe,” said (Y/N). “Em and I will tell our friends.”
“(Y/N),” said Lucifer. (Y/N) looked at him. “You’re not fighting in this.”
(Y/N) just looked back at him evenly. “Michael’s not winning, Dad.” They were willing to do what it took to protect their family.
            “Michael is trying to make the flaming sword,” said (Y/N).
            “It is made of a medallion of healing, a necklace that grants super strength, and Azrael’s blade, which is capable of killing even someone’s soul,” said Em grimly.
            “He is making a weapon of war,” said (Y/N).
            “Oh my god,” said Olive, horrified.
            “So it’s not an election—”
            “It’s going to be a battle,” said (Y/N).
            “Isn’t anyone going to stop him?” said Noa. “The angels can’t be on board with this.”
            “Some of them will be,” said (Y/N). “And Michael is seizing control through fear. That’s how he works.”
            “What are we going to do?” said Leon. “We cannot let this continue.”
            “Can we find the pieces first?” said Marcel.
            (Y/N) shook their head. “It’s too dangerous. Someone already almost got killed. And if you encounter the blade…I can’t let you guys get hurt.”
            “So, what, we’re suppose to just sit here and know that a war might be coming?” exclaimed Olive.
            “Yes,” said Em firmly. “We don’t know what is happening yet. Amenadiel and Lucifer and the other angels might be able to get things back to an election.”
            “And if they don’t?” said Noa.
            “Then we better hope this was all part of God’s plan,” said (Y/N). “Otherwise, I’m starting a rebellion.”
            “Birdie!” said Em, skidding into the room, tripping, and falling into them. “Shit, Birdie!”
            “What?” said (Y/N), catching Em.
            “Michael is here,” said Em. “In the bar.”
            (Y/N) moved towards the elevator, and Em watched the shadows crawl up the edges of the room.
            “(Y/N), are you sure you want to go down there?” said Em. “It might be better to let Lucifer deal with it…”
            “You mean he told you to tell me because I would be pissed at him if he didn’t but he also told you to keep me up here?” said (Y/N).
            Em grimaced and nodded.
            “You can tell him you tried,” said (Y/N), opening the elevator.
            “Birdie,” said Em. “Please. There could be a war starting, I don’t want you hurt.”
            “…” (Y/N) hesitated and looked at the elevator.
            “Please,” repeated Em. They took (Y/N)’s hand. “Please. Just for today, stay safe.”
            (Y/N) couldn’t deny Em that. They nodded and let the elevator doors close again. “Alright. I will. I’ll stay here.”
            Em let out a relieved breath. “Thank you.”
            “Will you wait for my dad with me? I need to know what’s going on,” said (Y/N).
            “Of course,” said Em, nodding.
            The pair sat together and waited silently until an annoyed Lucifer walked into the room.
            “That little—” Lucifer poured himself a drink to keep from cursing Michael out himself. “He’s threatening me.”
            “With more people getting hurt?” said (Y/N).
            “With the people I care about going to Hell due to guilt over Dan getting hurt so that my only option is to let him become God and go back to ruling Hell,” said Lucifer angrily.
            “What?” said (Y/N), standing abruptly. “No. No, you’re not leaving!”
            “He wants me to bring you with me. Like a ‘happily ever after,’ ” said Lucifer.
            “He can go to Hell if he wants to rule somewhere so badly,” snapped (Y/N).
            “I quite agree,” said Lucifer.
            “So what happens now?” said Em. “Is it going to be a war or a vote?”
            “The vote is tomorrow, on Earth,” said Lucifer. “I am supposed to go and tell Michael that he has my vote to finish our ‘disagreement.’ ”
            “You can’t,” said (Y/N) fiercely. “Michael can’t be God.”
            “I know, but I don’t want you to get hurt—”
            Wings sounded as a figure appeared on the terrace. On edge, all three jumped and looked over. Remiel stood in the doorway. A few of her feathers floated to the ground.
            “Remiel,” said Lucifer.
            “Lucifer,” breathed Remiel. She collapsed.
            “Remi!” cried Lucifer.
            Lucifer ran to her side, and Em and (Y/N) watched in horror. Lucifer felt Remiel’s pulse, and his eyes widened.
            “She’s dead,” he said, voice hoarse in emotion.
            “Oh my god,” said (Y/N), covering their mouth.
            “I can’t believe it,” said Em. An angel dead. She’d heard about Uriel, but seeing it in person was something else. It felt unreal. Wrong.
            “Michael must have found out she was our spy,” said Lucifer. “He killed her with the Flaming Sword…”
            “No, Azrael’s blade,” said (Y/N). Their hands balled into fists. “There’s no burn marks.”
            Lucifer furrowed his brow. “He lied.”
            “Michael?” said Em.
            “He said he had the sword, completed and whole,” said Lucifer. He gritted his teeth. “Remiel must have come to tell us.”
            “Or she found one of the pieces and Michael doesn’t want to give us a clue,” said (Y/N). They picked up a feather and felt it. Dust covered it. “Get this to Ella. We need to figure out where Remiel has been.” They looked at Lucifer. “We can still beat him. We can make him pay for this.”
            Lucifer swallowed and nodded. He needed to remain strong. If he broke now, none of them stood a chance.
            “Dad called,” said (Y/N), looking at Em. “They got the necklace from TJ. Michael showed up, but he got away.”
            “It’s time, then?” said Em.
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N), nodding softly.
            “I can’t believe Remi is gone,” said Amenadiel, voice choked up. He stood with Lucifer, Chloe, (Y/N), and Em above the grave they’d dug for Remiel. She could now rest in peace. “She died like a warrior. At least she would have been satisfied with that.”
            “It doesn’t matter how she died, she’s still dead!” said Lucifer, furious. “Dad and his mysterious ways. If he’d just chosen a successor, we wouldn’t be here. Remiel would still be alive.”
            “Father didn’t give us the answers, Luci, because he wanted us to find out own way,” said Amenadiel.
            “Even if it means dying?!” shouted Lucifer.
            “Yes!” said Amenadiel. “Yes, Luci. You have to risk falling if you want to fly. Dad had faith in us. That’s why he gave us choice.”
            “Well, he shouldn’t have,” said Lucifer.
            “Humankind has free will, and it means people can do as much harm as they can good,” said (Y/N). “Now the Celestials have the same absolute freedom. Even if God had wanted a successor, I think He knew it was time for things to change. It was time for His children to be more independent.”
            “And choosing wrong gets people killed! And it’s our fault,” said Lucifer. “Michael is going to be God because I didn’t have the balls to kill a two-bit fence who wound up dying anyways. And now, who knows how many other people are gonna die because of my…cowardice…”
            “Michael is the coward for thinking the only option is to kill,” said (Y/N). Em nodded.
            “It’s not cowardly to save a life,” agreed Chloe. “It’s not cowardly to fight for a single soul.”
            “We owe it to Remiel. We owe it to Dan,” said Em. “We owe it to everyone Michael’s hurt.”
            “We have to fight,” said Chloe. “We’re the ones still standing.”
            “You, (Y/N), Emeranne, and the rest of the children are not fighting,” said Lucifer sharply. “You are human, and they are kids. Our siblings are invulnerable. You’d be powerless.”
            “She won’t be powerless,” said Mazikeen, emerging from the darkness. She handed a demon blade to Chloe. “You can have Stabby.”
            “Thank you, Maze,” said Chloe. “I’m just not sure how to use this.”
            “It’s okay. I figured out a way around that,” said Maze.
            “I have a demon blade, too,” said Em.
            “I have my shadows,” said (Y/N). “And my friends have super-strength and other abilities we haven’t been able to figure out.”
            “You’re not fighting!” shouted Lucifer firmly.
            “We are,” said (Y/N).
            “You are not—”
            “This is our home!” said (Y/N). “We’re not leaving it to Michael without a fight.”
            “…Even if we had a million demon blades, that’s still only nine of us against a literal army of angels,” said Lucifer.
            “Not true,” said (Y/N). “I think some of the angels are coming around to you.”
            “What?” said Lucifer.
            “I talked to a few of them,” said (Y/N).
            Lucifer stared at them, and he furrowed his brow. “And they…liked you?”
            “Enough,” said (Y/N).
            “It still won’t be a lot of people,” admitted Em. “But it’s better than just nine people.”
            “I think I may have an idea how we can get our own army,” said Amenadiel. He looked at Lucifer significantly.
            “You don’t mean…” Lucifer grinned slightly.
            “They’re the best chance we’ve got,” said Amenadiel. “What do you think, Maze?”
            “Hey, I’m all in,” said Maze. “Let’s kill a bunch of angels.”
            “No, Mazikeen!” said Amenadiel sharply. “No, if we’re gonna do this, there will be no killing. They’re our family.”
            “And we’re better than Michael,” said (Y/N), nodding. Not that I’ll hold back. I want to kick his ass. He needs to be humbled.
            Lucifer nodded and smiled. “It’s not cowardly to save a life.” Chloe smiled at him.
            “Well, then,” said (Y/N), looking at all of them. “I guess we have a fight to prepare for.”
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mistressvera · 4 years
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mulderscully · 4 years
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LUCIFER — “Everything’s Coming Up Lucifer” (2016)
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