skyheld · 6 years
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D.O.B  —  D.O.D: -33 Ancient  —  1:22 Divine  (  56 years old  ) CLASS:  mage  —  dreamer,  rogue  —  archer FC:  zethu dlomo  (  younger  ),  simbi khali  (  older  )
Inquisitor Ameridan’s rumoured  “ Lady Mage ”,  by many later scholars believed to be pure fantasy,  was Telana  ---  a reknowned dalish Dreamer and Emerald Knight,  and a companion of the Inquisitor for many years.
Born on the plains of Dirthavaren,  Telana grew up among the great halla her parents bred and loved to hunt from their backs.   When her Dreamer abilities appeared her parents found her a teacher at a temple of Sylaise;  another Dreamer who would help her to control and use her talents.   But temple life was not for her,  and neither was the Hearthkeeper.   A few years later Telana went to Halamshiral to join the Emerald Knights.   She was initiated the same year as Ameridan and encountered him briefly,  but while he remained in the city during his years of training,  Telana was sent back to the west.   There was a Dreamer Knight in the order’s western stronghold,  and she still needed his particular guidance.   A little disappointed she would miss out on the bustling,  endlessly exciting capital,  she nevertheless thrived during her years on the plains;  she excelled at both magic and archery.   When she was knighted she recieved the vallaslin of Andruil,  patron goddess of the Fade hunters.
The western front was where the Dales was most heavily guarded,  for humans lived nearby and the western wilds were rife with demons,  bandits,  giants and dragons.   Many of those who had been initiated as apprentices with her but spent their years in training in Halamshiral were stationed at the western stronghold or its many minor forts as Knights,  and one of them were Ameridan.   The two quickly became fond of each other,  although duty kept them mostly apart until Ameridan was injured in battle and spent months in recovery.   Telana was far from the only one to visit him,  but something sparked between them then.   When he was well enough to travel to Halamshiral to spend the last weeks of convalescence at his parents’ home,  Telana decided it was time to finally see the great city for herself,  and came with him.
From there,  their love only grew.   They would go one to be married and later, when duty allowed them to live elsewhere than with the Emerald Knights,  to move in together in their own house in Halamshiral.   But outside the Dales it was more politically convenient for Ameridan to be seen as eligible,  and Telana desired privacy.   Not first and foremost a warrior or strategist,  but more that than a politician,  she had no patience for the Game of the young orlesian Empire.   When needed she was unafraid of confrontation and had a sharp tongue,  but most of the time she avoided attention at public appearances.   As one of Ameridan’s lesser known companions she was thought by many to be os less importance,  as she prefered.   Only their closest friends knew for sure of their marriage.
During their hunt for Hakkon,  Telana was injured when she and Ameridan broke into the Tevinter fortress,  only to find it was the secret stronghold of the Hakkonites.   Ameridan urged her to return to the island where they had taken refuge earlier,  and where they were to regroup with Haron and Orinna after everything was done  —  assuming,  of course,  any of them were left to do so.   They knew their chances were slim,  and indeed both Haron and Orinna perished in their attempt to distract the Hakkonites.   Alone on the island Telana succumbed to fever,  blood loss and exposure to the cold  ---  but not before she had passed on her last thoughts,  those of Ameridan facing Hakkon alone,  unleashing a never-before-tried spell that if it worked would trap him with that god-dragon,  to a spirit,  who kept it safe for centuries.   Thereby she saved his life and the lives of everyone who would have been in Hakkon’s path eight ages into the future.
primarily a nature and storm mage,  but knew plenty of creation-based spells as well
she knitted anything from the sheerest silk-shawls to heavy sweaters,  and loved to work with bright colours
her wolf companion was named Nir’enehn and was a great tracker,  endlessly loyal  and...  not very clever.   Ameridan’s Little Dread used to trick him to get hold of his food and he always fell for it
the halla her parents bred were most similar to the Red Halla of modern Thedas and Telana rarely rode anything else;  though she prefered hinds to harts.   she didn’t care much for horses
out of all ameridan’s companions she was closest to orinna.  she never could stand haron much
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skyheld · 6 years
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition
ameridan  /  telana
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(  + their wolves  )
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: They both borrow from each other.   Ameridan is leaner than Telana,  but he mostly wears loose-fitting clothes which she can wear too,  and they’re about the same height.   She lets him keep all of his orlesian clothes,  though.   Doesn’t care for them at all.
Who enunciates hand holding?: Both!   Although they keep their relationship secret while outside the Dales,  as soon as they’re within the borders of their homeland where no humans can see,  they delight in showing their love publically.   Telana will seek Ameridan’s hand if the presence of demons hurts her,  and after being Tranquil,  Ameridan will seek hers for center himself when he’s overcome with emotion.
Who likes having their hair washed by who?: Ameridan loves to have his hair played with or taken care of,  though he usually washes it himself;  Telana might help brush it and pick twigs and leaves out of it after they’ve been in a field for a while.   A time she did wash it was after he’d been Tranquil,  when he couldn’t care of his personal hygiene much  ---  that’s also when it was cut from being waist-long to just above the elbow.   Telana is more picky with who messes with her hair though.   Ameridan braids it,  but she brushes and washes it herself.
Who likes to slow dance?: Ameridan is more of a dancer;  Telana only dances if there’s a lot of people so she won’t be in the spotlight.   As another way to publically show their love when they can,  though,  they both love it.
Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Ameridan after he becomes Inquisitor becuse he’s Tired.   Before that it’s both.   Or they fall asleep leaning on each other.
Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: I honestly don’t think they make blanket forts a lot,  but if they did,  what’s the point of cuddling in it alone?   They’d do it together of course.
Who hogs most of the covers at night?: The wolves,  by laying on them.   They also hog the entire bed.
Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: I don’t see any of them doing this tbh.
How do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: One because they’re ridicolous like that.   Though honestly the idea that you must always have separate dishes and cutlery and plates hasn’t occurred to Thedas yet,  and when you’re used to everyone fishing chunks of food out of a shared bowl with their own personal daggers,  using the same fork doesn’t seem all that weird.
Who gets jealous more easily?: None of them are jealous people.
Who gets angered more easily?: They’re both temperamental,  especially when it comes to personal issues.   Telana despises Templar abilities and the whole idea of having to control mages,  she doesn’t give much for humans at all,  and she frequently gets into arguments with Ameridan’s less mage-friendly allies.   Ameridan doesn’t get angry easily,  but he’s involved with so much politics that involve things very close to his heart it happens anyway.
How do they go to sleep at night?: They get comfortable together and then the wolves come in and walk around messing the sheets up and finally lie down on top of them,  assuming they aren’t already on the bed and they have to squeeze in between them.   Then one of them wakes up on the floor and the other with their face full of fur.
Who gets the most shoulder rubs?: Both,  because they’re in their fifties and have been active all their lives and their shoulders are always hurting.
What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: They don’t fight.   If they disagree on something they talk about it in a civil manner,  and if they can’t come to an agreement they’ll leave it  ---  either to talk about something else or to give each other space to think.   Sometimes one of them changes their mind,  sometimes they compromise,  sometimes they simply agree to disagree.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: Again,  they don’t fight.
How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument? It will depend on the severity of the incident,  but if one of them does something that’s over the line,  which is usually unknowingly if it happens,  they’ll apologize straight away and that’s usually all they ‘ need ‘ to do  ---  no big gestures or buying flowers to get the other to forgive them.
Do they have nicknames for each other?: Vhenan or ma vhenan,  lethallan  /  lethallen,  my love,  my dearest,  ma elgara or my sun,  ma’sulahn or my joy,  ma samahl or my laughter  ---  they have a lot of tem.   Telana is technically a nickname for Telanadas,  though no one really calls her that so it’s not Ameridan’s nickname specifically.
Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: None of them are strictly healers  ---  they both have healing spells,  but those are for treating injuries rather than illness  ---  so a doctor would be responsible for any actual treatment.   The other would keep them company and make sure they’re comfortable,  help them to eat if they’re that ill  ---  just normal couple things I’m pretty sure?   They live together so they’d be there for each other a lot,  but they wouldn’t obsess about it.
Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: As I mentioned they both have healing spells,  and a bit of skill at treating injuries in the field,  so they both can do it and are both as likely to need it.   It’s only in the field when they don’t have an actual healer,  though.
Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: Telana probably doesn’t burn,  she has all that good melanin.   Ameridan might,  and he might half-seriously complain about it if he has nothing better to do,  and she might tease him a bit,  but I don’t see it happening as extremely as this lmao.
Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: They share it as equally as possible.
Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: They’re used to that honestly,  their reaction isn’t going to be anything but concern.   They’re actually both pretty similar in how they give and recieve comfort;  both need physical comfort and both’s instincts are to hug the other,  both also want verbal consolation and both tend to give that as well.  
What would they be like as parents?: They’d be great parents and it’s completely unfair they never got the chance.   Though Ameridan can’t have children and Telana is ambivalent towards carrying them anyway,  they first started talking about adopting when they were in their thirties.   They just wanted to retire from active duty as Knights first so they could both be in Halamshiral.   Then the Blight happened and they decided to retire later,  and then Drakon wanted Ameridan as Inquisitor,  and then he wanted him to hunt Hakkon,  and there was just never a good time.   They would have loved to adopt some older children who’d have a hard time to find foster parents and they’d have been amazing.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? Not very different from how they were,  except they’d know each other ofc.   It’s not impossible because they both were born in Halamshiral,  though Ameridan travelled a lot with his parents,  especially before his magic manifested,  so there would have been periods when they were away from each other.   They joined the Emerald Knights around the same time,  but being a Dreamer Telana was given a slightly different education and wasn’t trained in Halamshiral as Ameridan were,  so depending on how close they still were,  they might have lost contact with each other then  (  canonically,  they did meet briefly at this time but didn’t know each other well enough to stay in touch.  )
Who enunciates taking a bath together?: Both do.
Who likes who playing with their hair?: Ameridan,  usually.   Telana does sometimes but she’s picky with how and when.   Ameridan just always enjoys it.
The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: Anywhere,  honestly;  they tend to be very relaxed in each other’s company and years of being in the field and having two giant wolves in their bed have taught them to fall asleep no matter the circumstances or comfort level.   But the couch or patio in their home or a hidden corner somewhere is perhaps the most likely.
meme | tagging: steal it!!
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