#amerie leave him and date me please.
snixx · 2 months
no thoughts just amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns amerie with space buns
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Forty Five.
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Rylee is asking for her father to say something to her, just because he’s ok with Melo doesn’t mean he wants to see his daughter conoodling with him “hi baby” Imani climbed onto my bed “yes mom, I get your text” I text her to come into my room “you know what I am going to say don’t you” she knows it “delete it before he sees it, I do not want to hear him about it. Make it damn private too!” I scolded Rylee “mom you was my age doing this?” Frowning at her “and look where my mother was? Just don’t throw things in my face, take it down because if he calls me about it and starts telling me about how disrespectful you are I am going to be mad” I pointed “ok, ok. My god, calm down. It was literally a cute picture of us” she went on her phone “thank you” I groaned out, I knew it “is it dad?” Rylee said, “what you think?” Rylee pulled a face “I literally posted it ten minutes ago, oh my god! He’s my boyfriend, y’all are being so annoying” answering the call “hello” it could be either Rylee issue or he’s calling to say I’m being dramatic about everything “why do I see my daughter on the shade room teens?” Staring at Rylee “I don’t know Chris, is she on the shade room teens, I haven’t seen” Rylee gasped “mom please” she pleaded with me “yeah, why she showing out? She’s sixteen acting brand new kissing him, I don’t want to see that shit until she’s twenty one, now she did that? I am pissed off” putting it on speakerphone “I know” she’s dumb and now is regretting it “I am not having her be on these fucking blogs! You better speak to her before I do, I mean that shit. I ain’t having my home boys tell me my daughter is doing that shit Robyn!” He barked; Rylee is pleading with me now. Imani is giggling at the side of me, looking at her “dad” Imani laughed, Rylee jumped onto my bed and jumped over me as Imani screamed “get out of my room now” they can chase each other out there “she was there, wasn’t she” taking it off speaker “I suppose, I have told her. She’s taken it off, we have all been her age. Simple mistake, they can post pictures but not those types. I get it, and it’s noted” I am being calm with him “can we talk?” Rolling my eyes “I am dropping the boys off and we can then, the girls have their photo shoot in New York I am taking them too” the phone line went silent “it’s been months” so he says “and I’ve not fallen out with you, we are talking aren’t we? Or do you want me to chase you about things?” He huffed out “see you tomorrow Chris” disconnecting the call, these girls are something else “was dad ok?” Nodding my head “he is but Rylee, you are Chris Brown and Rihanna daughter, dating a future NBA star, the public are going to be on your ass. Please be careful on what you post, you could post it for a second and they will catch it. Trust me on this, and your friends, they will be the one to air you out so be careful who you keep in your personal friends list, got it?” She nodded her head “I get it mom, it sucks. Thanks” she walked off, I get she wanted to show off her relationship, she’s happy, I am happy for her but she can’t do that.
Zipping up Junior’ bag “mom, can I put ball in bag?” Looking at him “your dad will have ball; you don’t need it. Leave it at the house, you already packed your game, but you bring this console back” I am only letting him take this because Chris does have the gaming thing but this one is child friendly with the child friendly games, I don’t want him playing shooting games at all “ok I put it back” Amerie is going with the boys, I mean it’s not saying he is incapable but I don’t want him to have a mood or better yet have any mishaps because I don’t like that he likes to be strict with my boys, I do not like it so Amerie is there for help and just to see that the boys are ok, I don’t want them to be upset so it’s for the best she is there “what time are we leaving again?” Tianna asked “erm, half hour” turning to her “ok, can we get some food before we leave to the airport. I’m hungry” nodding my head seeing Raihan “Raihan! Come here” I said to him “mommy” what is he doing with my top “why are you dragging this around?” I asked him “smell like mommy” picking him up “awww but baby, you can’t do that. That is my top. Are you excited about seeing daddy today? You’re staying with dad, and he has so many fun things he wants to do with you and Junior” Raihan just stared “I stay with mommy” shaking my head “baby no, you stay with daddy you will have so much fun baby I promise” placing him down “you want me to pack anything else” Amerie asked “no, should be ok” walking out “come with me Amerie” I feel my home is so unprepared right now, everything is just a mess “you know with the boys, I don’t exactly want you to do everything. I really just want you to watch, make sure the boys are ok. Chris is used to you anyways but they both haven’t been there without their sisters but this time it will be without so please, just try and not be too much in Chris’ face but just there” I just need to make sure my boys will be ok.
Taking in a deep breath, looking at the SUV in front of us, there is three SUVs here. I have my team with me, I said we might as well go together to New York on the jet but I said I am dropping the boys off first so they are coming for the ride. Looking away, and then looking out of the window, I really haven’t stopped thinking about what I did, well how can I. I feel bad, I feel guilt, but I made the right decision for me, I couldn’t do with another when we can’t do good for what we have now, just everything is really getting to me. I am still thinking about everything, Chris and I have been through it, we have been through so much but just thinking back, it was me. It was me that said I love you first, it was me that fell for him quicker then he did me, it was me crying, it was me already attached to him, makes me think did he be with me because he pity me. He did always feel bad he upset me initially. I was saying I love you as soon as, that was no good. I showed myself, I maybe made that mistake. I shouldn’t have pushed him into being with me, I need to remember who I am sometimes. I just fall, I love, and I fell deep. I love Chris so much, and it hurts. The only thing I can do is just do right by my kids, that is it now. I want my son’s having that relationship with Chris, I just think Chris doesn’t have the patience, he really doesn’t when Raihan plays up he cannot stand it at all “I am not going inside” Rylee said “why?” we are here at his house “because he is after me about the whole picture thing” that is true “but he adores you girls a lot don’t do that, just take it what he says. You go in the house” these girls have more things to do to annoy their dad, this is just the start but he isn’t that bad with them, but her hiding will make him annoyed.
“ooohhh Doggy” Raihan said and ran inside “come, inside” I said, Rylee is dragging her feet, but she has no choice in this “where is he?” I asked his fat friend “he is here, well inside” nodding my head walking inside “mommy! I got it” seeing Raihan is practically riding this poor dog “Raihan no, be nice now. Doggy is nice” Chris is here, I mean to be honest, it’s weird seeing him. I care and it’s just so weird between us, we aren’t like we are. I have closed myself off but seeing him makes me fall “Amerie here” Chris said “yes” crossing my arms across my chest “Rylee” Chris said to her “dad” she laughed nervously “can I talk to you, alone” Chris asked, licking my top lip “yeah sure” Chris walked off, I walked behind him “I come with you” Raihan ran behind me “no, stay with Junior, look Imani is here. She is playing” I said to him, Chris get so irritated with his son’s, he does not like them being clingy to me and Raihan doing this annoys him, I mean he is just being an asshole about it, he is my youngest baby and I have stopped doing a lot of things I used to do, I am not like how I was, I have stopped that a lot. Walking up the steps, I mean I don’t want to be long because then I am cutting into my flight time, and I will start being charged. I just hope this conversation is quick, I just want to go, I came to drop them off, that was it.
Taking in a deep breath “who’s room is this?” I asked, it’s different “mine” he said “oh, it’s different. Ok, so what is it?” he turned to me “I want Imani to stay with me, I don’t know why you letting Amerie stay? For what, so you can spy on me, you know I am the same nigga that took care of the girls, I didn’t need no nanny, I am not you” raising an eyebrow “are you done? Is this all you wanted me for?” I can only just let him rant about whatever “you really pissing me off, this is all because I said about a threesome? It’s not un-normal, you’re just being weird” I shrugged “you’re pissing me off Robyn” I am pissing him off because I am not caring “I want sex, you said no matter what we always have sex. So I need sex” he is being deadass about this too “you’re not a sex addict Chris please don’t act like it, unless you getting jealous because your friends are getting it and you ain’t? Someone is making you sexually frustrated, it happens when you have half naked girls around huh” Chris licked his lips “I asked for sex, nothing else” I huffed out “I am not in the mood for it, I am really not in the mood for sex so you out of luck with that, just be good to my son’s” that is all I care about “you’re literally losing me, you know that?” dragging the door open “I think that shipped sailed Chris” I don’t know what else he wants me to say or do, I can’t do this, I can’t be what he wants me to be, he can’t remain here and have me “I don’t want Amerie here, the boy’s are fine without her” I am going to ignore him, Amerie will be here and that won’t change.
Raihan knows, I think he lowkey knows I am about to leave him, he hasn’t left my side until now, he has walked off to play with arcade machines, the fat friend is really good with them both “let’s go” I said to the girls “Robyn, I am sorry” I hit into Chris’ chest “don’t be sorry just have fun with the boy’s Chris, they love you. And I have a flight to catch” I really need to go, walking around him, Chris grabbed my arm. Looking up at him “are you pregnant?” he asked, and it threw me right off “what?” I said confused, what the fuck “are you? I know you Robyn, are you?” shaking my head “no” I laughed “what?” he frowned at me “ok” he nodded his head letting me go, I shuddered at him saying that “why would you say that?” I asked him “I know my wife, I know her body, I know the changes” shaking my head “shame you can’t change or want me like I want you, you want to be here for you and not come home but you are losing me but, I am not going to force you, you will give me shit for it and I refuse so yeah”  Chris put his head down “bye Amerie” I waved her off, I need to go now, I just hope he does right by these boys.
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Watching Raihan just watch Junior as he ate his chicken “Raihan, you want me to break it up for you?” Amerie asked “he’s a big boy, he can do it himself. Bouba get the door” I said to him, he nodded his head walking off “you do it like this Raihan, like I am doing it” Junior explained “once you both eat, bed time yeah?” I said, Junior shook his head “it’s too early to sleep and I don’t have school dad so no” furrowing my eyebrows “Amerie, you do it please” Raihan said, that boys is useless “ok, I will come around” sue said “Herbert, Taina” I said, they have come back to LA I see “family! And what are these doing here?” Herbo pointed “Robyn dropped them off, she is in New York, she wants me to bond with them. You know” dapping Herb “awww, hi handsome” Taina waved at them both “I am eating chicken” Junior announced “I can see that young blood” I don’t know how to feel about the boys being here, I wasn’t asked it was pushed on me to have them. She wants me to bond with them both “I guess shit going to be a quiet then huh?” I shrugged “they will be asleep early you know, it’s just this weekend anyways, I ain’t going to do much. Bouba asked if the party could here and I said not a party but people can come over, they will be asleep anyways” Herb nodded his head “you sure that’s going to be ok, these kids could wake up, niggas be doing anything here” Taina said “Amerie is here, she can watch them anyways, I think Robyn kept her here as a spy, didn’t she?” Amerie laughed “I am just here for Raihan and Junior” soe she says but Robyn ain’t leaving her here for nothing “you can tell Robyn; she will ask so tell her” getting up “not like I care” rubbing the top of my head walking off.
“Nigga” Herb made his way over to me “mhmm” I just grumbled “what is up with you? Your mood is a little off why?” clearing my throat “just a lot you know, Robyn is wanting me to come home but I am enjoying this space, you know. I am enjoying this, being me you know but she want me home, and it’s just the fact she left Amerie here like I can’t take care of the boys” shaking my head “but you admitted that you can’t deal with them boys, they don’t know you, and you don’t know them. You said this bro” Herb has got a point “and she won’t give me sex. Like I didn’t even say anything to her, niggas be getting blown and I can’t even get it. I said that one thing and she is punishing me, how boring does she need to be, like how is this not normal, it is. But yeah, there we are, I can’t even bust a nut. She got me watching porn, I am watching porn because she won’t do it with me” Herb cringed “have you tried apologising, maybe you know. Making it up to her, you know how women be. I said it to Taina, like what you said and she told me to go and choke” he laughed “but she is still speaking to you. Robyn is just on some stupid shit” had to be my wife being weird “daddy” Raihan ran over to me “daddy, where mommy? She gone” I pointed behind him “your momma there” pointing at Amerie, she be following him everywhere “she be doing more for you anyways” Herb chuckled “where?” Raihan said confused “not here, go on. Go to sleep” looking at Herb “aye little nigga, shall we go and see your dad collection, he got all these cool cars” Herb went over to him.
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