#amethyst the kingsman sister organization
whatsmylaneagain · 5 years
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First Chapter: A bomb ass gift
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For Eggsy, that Thursday evening felt like he took a test in which he knew everything but the right answer, while his colleagues finished the whole thing in half and hour.
But thirty minutes before that, he was walking around the Greenwich park in full Kingsman attire, hoping he didn’t look as lost as he thought he was. 
“Merlin, PLEASE tell me you know the exact location of the bomb.” 
“So dramatic. It’s a shame you were the closest agent to the area. Give me a minute.” 
Eggsy looked around, taking in the field of the famous Greenwich park. He stopped by a tree, opening his umbrella to protect him from the light drizzle and funny looks he was receiving for wearing a suit in a park. Actually, the situation made no sense. 
“Can you remind me again why am I trying to stop a bomb threat? I bet the cops can solve this one.”
Through his glasses, Eggsy heard Merlin sigh. 
“Because, as Kingsman, it’s our duty to protect the citizens and, if possible, doing that without them realizing there was a security problem in the first place.” 
“But there’s almost no one at the park! I could count on my fingers how many people are here.” 
Eggsy looked around again. The sky was getting darker, clouds were starting to cover  up the little bit of sun that was still left of that May evening. Guards were walking around, talking to the families, which quickly packed their things and rushed out of the park. 
A lightening, and then, two seconds later, the thunder. Shit. 
“Merlin, there’s a thunderstorm. Really. Fucking. Close. Please tell me you got the location.”
“I’ll need a minute. We don’t have all the tech we used to have before the Poppy incident.”
Shit, shit, shit! He didn’t have time to spare. Eggsy started running.
“Galahad, what are you doing?” 
“Think about it” said Eggsy, though breaths. “planting a bomb in the Greenwich park at seven o’clock on a Thursday isn’t quite a big move. There’s no one here.” 
“The bomb is just to make us notice them” continued Merlin, following Eggsy’s thought.
“Exactly. So, if it is a warning bomb, that is supposed to make people feel unsafe, where would you put it?”
A minute later, when Eggsy reached the gates of the Royal Observatory, breathless, his theory was proven right. As expected, the bomb was right by the “Greenwich 0o”, over the famous meridian line, with a card attached to its side: “For little Eggsy” written in gold cursive letters.
To his surprise, there was no civilian on the – usually crowded – observatory, except for a short middle-aged man leaning against the fence, smoking a cigarette. He dressed an English cut, double breasted tailored suit jacket that Eggsy would recognize anywhere: a Kingsman piece, much alike the one he was wearing at the moment. 
The man smiled to Eggsy, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and blowing smoke on the air, like he was just talking to a work friend. He looked relaxed, holding his small roll of tobacco with one hand, while the other remained at his pocket. 
“The Boss even wrapped your gift.” he gesticulated to the bomb. “Aren’t you gonna open it?” 
“Galahad,” called Merlin through Eggsy’s glasses, his voice cutting due to weak signal. “I can’t see the detonator. You’ll have to disarm th...” The signal was lost.
Eggsy raised his gun, pointing towards the serene man. His arm was shaking. Even though he could blame it on the heavy rain that was soaking him up and making Eggsy really fucking cold, the tremor had other cause: the agent never had to deal with something that was meant to explode (Valentine blowing heads up on Eggsy’s first ever mission as an agent doesn’t count). So, he had no idea of how to proceed, and now not even Merlin could help him. His plan was basically to take the chilled dude out of the way and then worry about the bomb. Great plan.
“Oh young boy, you can’t kill me.” The man smiled and took another pull at his cigarette before slowly removing his other hand from his pocket, palm open, thumb taped to the detonator. “This is a dead man trigger. Shoot me and the bomb will blow up.” 
He took a step closer to the Kingsman, who was frozen in place, the gun still pointed to the elder’s man head. 
Suddenly, a woman’s voice came through his glasses, calm, but firm. 
“Kingsman, you’ll have to trust me, ok?” 
Eggsy typed “k” back with his eyes, hoping the man wouldn’t notice, which was easy, since he was too busy getting closer to Eggsy and talking gibberish about how naïve the agent was. The woman voice came back. 
“Knock him off, but hold his hand on the trigger. I’ll take care of the rest.” 
In one agile movement, Eggsy let go of the gun and held firmly the older’s man hand which held the detonator, whirling him and pulling his hand to his back, while holding the trigger and using his Kingsman dart-launcher watch to knock unconscious the slightly grey haired enemy.
If Eggsy wasn’t distracted by the sudden weight of the passed out man in his arms - that made both of them fall to the ground pathetically - maybe he would have seen a young woman fleet from inside the Royal Observatory towards the bomb. But he didn’t.
So he was surprised to see, through the heavy rain and his water stained glasses, a brave woman in police uniform crouching in front of the bomb, hesitating no time to take two lab cylinders out of her vest and mixing them together before skidding in his direction, grabbing Eggsy’s umbrella on the way.
 All Eggsy knew was that, seconds later, the woman stood right in front of him, holding his Kingsman shield-umbrella to protect the three of them not from the heavy rain pouring down, but from the... tiny chemical rocket she built. When the bomb had travelled high enough, she screamed “release” at the top of her lungs and Eggsy let go of the trigger, inducing the explosion on the sky the same time as a lightening brightened the night. The different types of energy mixed together in the sky, creating a beautiful scenario.
“Thank you for your hel...” Eggsy started, standing up to talk to her, before noticing she had already left. The mysterious woman wasn’t so far away; he could see her figure though the gates of the observatory. Her cap had fallen off by the fence, and the only thing he was able to see about her was the really short undercut hair. 
“Merlin, are you there?” Said Eggsy to his glasses, walking to the forgotten police cap and taking it. 
“Yes, Eggsy.” 
“Call Harry. We must search London Cinderella style. I just found a highly trained agent.”
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Did you like it? Keep going, then!
first chapter // second chapter
Users that asked: @discodeak @lisarowwe @a-dorky-book-keeper @50shadesofuncomfortable @arizonacolleen @infinity-of-high-dreaming @toasty-fish @pink-smarties @mc225g
Users that liked my plot post: I’ll tag you all because it’s the pilot and I took longer than expected to write, but if you want to be tagged on the next chaper you should MESSAGE ME, please! @lxve-and-lxght @mico-blr @elizabethbaileyholland @musicisthebasisoflife @ahyestheandersons @incorrect-mcdanno @seoul-lovers @y-dadd @hedvigisanowl @clacestan @crispycollectionwolfuniverse @not-12-swans-in-a-trenchcoat @fab-notfat @thursday-adams @trekkitkat @smokey102 @kideys @grxvityb @anthieuxlogy @littlechillibabies @katorgatorgalaxy @simonspiderwick @sweatypizzasportsbonk @cxptainlehnsherr @nottakenusernameffs @iloveyou3000and5 @nut-buster78 @crazynotincluded @justanotherdaydreamersoul @we-are-band-sexuals @97castles @winterysoldaty @naps-n-papercranes @scoopsmage @starrytaron @smolbeanbiiiiiish @sueeatstheworld (my computer doesn’t let me tag anyone else, so I’m gonna stop here)
Hope you like it! If you can,leave a comment! I’m not a native English speaker, but I am indeed fluent, and the simplest of the feedbacks would help a lot! Thank you for reading, and hope you’ll come back for the next chapter! See ya!
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whatsmylaneagain · 5 years
Amethyst Masterlist
Pairing: Eggsy x Agent!Reader
Synopsis: Turns out that London has more than one secret service. Kingsman’s finest (and almost only) agent, Eggsy Unwin, has to work alongside Amethyst’s - a woman-only organization - elite agent, Y/n. Disagreements, partnership, fights and a lot of conversations are about to start. And while working together, both agents find something neither one of them saw coming....
[Alternatively: guns, plans and flirts. slow burn]
Warnings: swearing, violence... you know, it is a Kingsman au. Reader is a bit of an asshole
First chapter - A bomb ass gift
Second chapter - Lez’Drink!
Third chaper - Briefing
Send me a message if you wanna be added to the taglist!
Note: For snippets or questions, my inbox is always open! If you wanna know the why of something, send me an ask! I’ll love to answer it! That’s it! Enjoy 💜
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whatsmylaneagain · 5 years
To the ones who read Amethyst
People, I know I’m taking a LOT of time to write the next chapter of amethyst.... it’s a plot heavy chapter and there are some tiny details that will show up at some point in the story (hehehe) that I want to get right! This one will be a lot longer, and now you’ll finally understand what the mission is!
Also, there’re gonna be A LOT of interactions between our adored Kingsman’s, y/n and other original badass character. I hope you’re excited to meet your boss heheheheh
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whatsmylaneagain · 5 years
I’M SO PROUD because it was really dificult! English isn’t my first language, so I got a friend to revise the chapters before posting it!
I hope you like it!
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