#amiee eftion edwards
ilovefinncole · 3 years
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Series 6 Episode 3: Gold
Faced with devastating news. Tommy goes on a quest to discover who placed a curse on his family. In Birmingham, Ada takes charge and Arthur takes on some new recruits.
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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Series 6 Episode 4: Sapphire
Tommy establishes a connection between crime and political power.
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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- “We’re the family now.”
Esme Shelby - Series 4 Episode 1: The Noose
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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John and Esme Shelby Aesthetic Moodboard
- “We’re the family now, we’re staying at home” Esme Shelby S4 EP1: The Noose
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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Happy International Women’s Day to all of the amazing, inspiring and loving women out there. We are so strong! Women are amazing 😊
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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Esme Shelby Aesthetic Moodboard
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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The Women of Peaky Blinders - Series 6 Episode 4: Sapphire
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
We’ve got a release date everyone, 27th February Peaky Blinders Season 6 starts, I cannot wait. Are we ready for it Ladies and Gentleman?
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Anthony Byrne says that it will start on 27th February
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
Babysitting Duties
Synopsis: When John asks Michael to look after his youngest child Mary for the evening while him and Esme go out, Michael becomes attached to the child which shows that he is loving as he can be quite spiteful and opinionated.
Characters: Michael Gray, John Shelby, Esme Shelby, Ada Thorne, Karl Thorne, Polly Gray and Mary Shelby
Word Count: 1,915 
Warning(s): English is my second language, swearing drinking, smoking and CUTENESS.
Published: 27th March 2022
Author`s note: This is for @mrs-gray​ she doesn't know that I am writing this fic for her, but its a surprise, I have really enjoyed her Michael fic “Midnight Gray” that I thought that I`d write her one, so this is for you my friend. Thank you for being one of the best and kindest friends to me that I've ever had. I hope you enjoy this x
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It was cold frosty night in October, and Michael was sitting alone in his house writing the accounts of Shelby Company Limited for Tommy, he inhales a cigarette, then there is a knock on the door.
“Fuck who could that be at this time of hour.” Michael says to himself out loud, he is annoyed that some one wants him while he is busy doing work for Tommy, he walks to the door looking as smart as Tommy.
“Hello, John, Esme what do you want? I`m busy.” Michael says, surprised that John and Esme are at his door, “Alright Michael?” John says, “Yeah what do you fucking want John?” Michael asks, arrogantly.
“Well the thing is Michael-” John says, but he is interrupted by Esme, “We need you to look after this one for the night, we are going out for a meal, Ada has a house full of kids, Lizzie is in London and I don't know where the fuck Polly is.” Esme says, looking Michael up and down.
“Fuck no, I`m very sorry but I`m busy tonight, I've got work to do for Tommy.” Michael says, putting his hands in his trouser pockets. “Well can`t Tommy do it him fucking self? It is his work, its his fucking business he owns it doesn't he? The man`s a fucking magician” Esme asks.
“Yes but I'm his accountant and also his adviser so I have to do it, and I don't do kids, now if you excuse me, I've got work to do enjoy your fucking evening.” Michael says. “Michael, please there`s a pint in it for you and I`ll get Tommy to put your wages up.” John says.
Michael`s face turns into a smile, “Fine I`ll do it, give her here.” Michael says, “Be good for Uncle Michael won`t you Mary darling, hey?” John says, he kisses her on the head, Esme hands her over to Michael.
“Look after her Michael, she`s precious.” Esme says, looking superior, “Don`t worry Esme I will.” he says, holding her, he smiles at her. 
“Thanks Michael, we`ll have that pint tomorrow alright?” John says, “Yeah” Michael says, he shuts the door in there faces. “It looks like your stuck with me Mary.” Michael says to her, she smiles at him and he smiles back.
He doesn't like children but he finds Mary cute, he has never looked after a child before especially one of John`s kids.
He sits little Mary down next to him on the sofa where he is doing his paper work for Tommy, as he writes, he leaves one of his fountain pens on the sofa next to him and Mary, she picks one up and writes on the sofa with it. Michael turns his head to her.
“No Mary don`t do that sweetheart alright, this isn`t for two year old's, now give it to me please? Good girl, I`ll have to keep them from you.” Michael says smiling at her, she smiles back and gives him the pen back. “Look at the mess you've made, oh dear your daddy isn`t going to be impressed is he? Or your mummy, come on lets get this and you cleaned up.” Michael says.
He picks her up and takes her to the bathroom, he sits her on the side and gets a flannel, and wets it with water from the taps. “Come here then, lets see your pretty little face Mary.” Michael says to her, she giggles as he cleans the ink off of her face and arms.
“Does that tickle? Does it tickle?” he says, she giggles and he giggles and smiles, “You are a cutie, I don`t normally like kids and that's probably because I havent had any of my own yet, but you are cute Mary, very good, your lucky to have John as your dad he`s a very good man.” he says.
He puts the flannel down, “Come on sweetie, lets go back in the living room so I can finish off my work for your Uncle Tommy.” he says, holding her. They go back into the living room, he sits her back down on the sofa, he carries on with his paperwork. 
He lights a cigarette and inhales it, Mary coughs. “Oh and I sorry Mary, I forgot you where here, never mind eh.” Michael says, she watches him and his every move, he drinks some whiskey in a crystal clear glass.
John and Esme enter a restaurant called The Swan as they go inside its rather busy and full, people are sat everywhere drinking and eating, a band is playing classical music on the left. “It`s rather busy in here, John.” Esme stated.
“Yeah but It will be nice I've been looking after the kids all day, it be freedom away from them.” John says, the couple smiled at each other while holding hands.
“Hello, do you two have a reservation?” the man said, he was tall with dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin and he`s wearing a suit. “No, we don`t sorry who has reservations these days.” John said with a smirk.
“Well if you don`t have one, then you can`t be in this restaurant, the doors that way good night.” the man said, “But we don`t have one.” Esme said, the man scoffed.
“Do you know who I am?” John asked, starring at the man, “No I don`t, your just a stranger to me.” the man said, “Well I`m John fucking Shelby, yeah you heard Shelby and If you don`t take us to a table right now then I`ll fucking kill yah, cause I`m a Peaky fucking Blinder.” John said, threatening the man.
“Of Course, Sir I mean Mr Shelby, follow me please.” the man said, John and Esme followed the man, “You've still got it in you John.” Esme said, “Of course I bloody have.” he said, he kisses her on the head as they walk to there table.
“Here you are, now here are the menu`s now today we have-” he said, then he is interrupted by John, “Yeah alright mate thank you I think we've got everything that we need.” John said, he barked it. He is a man not to be messed with.
“Yes.” the man said, he looked scared of him, so he walked away, “Some people Esme, some people are just bastards.” he said, while reading the menu. “Yeah your telling me and Tommy is one of them, I detest that man.” she says, “Esme, not now yeah.” John said, they read the menu`s.
At Ada`s house, she is busing looking after John and Esme`s kids except for Mary who is being looked after by Michael and she`s looking after her own child Karl. She was like a housewife for the evening, “Karl don`t do that you`ll hurt yourself, Karl off of the table.” Ada said to her son, who is climbing on a table in her house.
“Sorry mum.” Karl said, in a sweet manner, “That`s alright sweetheart just don't do it again please, Jack, Ben please don`t touch that its glass, your dad is going to kill me.” Ada says, frustrated as none of the kids are doing as they are told. 
Back at Michael`s house, Mary is asleep in his arms as he has finished his work for Tommy for the evening, “I do love kids.” Michael says out loud, he has finally learned to love kids, he has finally become attached to Mary. Someone opened the door with a key, “I wonder who that could be.” he says again to himself.
“Michael, Michael where are you? You wouldn't believe where im been for the last eight fucking hours, I've been with-” Polly said, it was his mother but she was interrupted.
“Shh mum, shh she`s asleep, don`t wake her.” Michael says softly and quietly, “Sorry, I didn't know you had this beautiful little girl” she says. “Yeah well John and Esme came round a few hours ago, wanted me to look after her, I was reluctant at first but then I released that I love kids.” he said with a smile.
“Aww your going to be a great dad one day Michael, I just know it son.” Polly said, smiling, her face lit up.
“Yeah thanks Mum.” he said, Polly sat down next to him and they looked at Mary fast asleep, and dreaming away. “So where have you been then Mum?” he asked, “Oh I've been with a friend, you know the friend from London who owns that bakery, we went to this lovely restaurant,” she says.
“That`s nice for you mum.” he says, “Yes.” she says, they sit in silence just watching Mary sleeping.
After there evening out, John and Esme laughed as they walked out of the restaurant and to Michael`s house, holding hands and smiling, which is what couples do.
John knocks on the door, “Mum will you get that please, I don`t want to disturb her, its probably John and Esme, go on.” Michael says, with a grin. “Ok Michael.” Polly says, smiling she struts to the door like the Queen she is.
“Oh Hello Polly, is Michael there? We need our daughter back.” said John smiling, he was shocked that his aunt opened the door and not Michael, “Oh yes, of course, Michael there here they want Mary, he`s been looking after her for you.” she says, smiling.
“I bet he`s not the father material is he? Not like John is.” Esme states looking sheepish, Polly looks at her in disgrace and John has a smug look on his face. 
Michael walks to the door with Mary in his arms, “Do you want to say that again Esme?” Polly says, Esme looks at her and smiles, “Sorry Polly.” she says, “That`s alright, Esme here they are but never underestimate my fucking son again” Polly says.
“She`s been sleep for a while, we've had a lovely time, I`d love to do this again John.”  he says, “What?” Esme says, “Yeah of course Michael, we are thinking of going out tomorrow night aren`t we Esme?” John says, “Hmm yeah.” Esme says still looking smug.
“They had a lovely duck Michael, it was called Est Duck eh Michael.” he says, Polly laughs, “The duck sounds nice John, yeah of course. I`d do anything to look after this little princess again.” he says, he smiles at her.
Michael passes her back to Esme, “Thanks Michael, I appreciate this me and Esme both do, smile Esme Michael is doing us a fucking favor here, at least show him that you are grateful for what he has done for us.” John says, smiling and shaking Michael`s hand. 
“I am John, thank you Michael I`m very grateful, lets go John its cold out here.” Esme says, “Alright, fucking alright Esme I`m coming, thank you Michael and I mean it about that pint and Tommy putting up your pay rise, Night.” John says smiling and walking away.
“Night John.” Michael says, he sees them off and he closes the door, “Pay rise? Do you honestly think that Tommy is going to give you a pay rise?” Polly asks, “Yes mum, John thinks so and he`s going to ask him.” Michael says smiling.
“Alright, you are the father now Michael, I`m impressed now I need to get a fucking drink, my fucking mouth is fucking dry.” Polly says.
Michael smiles and he walks to the living room, where Polly is getting herself a drink, they both drink whiskey and Michael smiles.
Tag list: @mrs-gray
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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Linda and Esme Shelby Aesthetic Moodboard
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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Esme Shelby and Polly Gray Aesthetic Moodboard
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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Ada Thorne and Esme Shelby Aesthetic Moodboard
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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- “If the losing of Ruby has left a hole in your heart…I’ll send him to you.”
Esme Shelby - Series 6 Episode 4: Sapphire
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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Peaky Blinders Series 1 Episode 4
Thomas Shelby’s war with the Lee family of gypsies escalates.
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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I don’t need a man in my life but I do know how to mess with one
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ilovefinncole · 3 years
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Life has never been better! Living with John and Esme is a dream come true.
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