#s4 e1
invye · 4 months
omg Wilson kidnapping and (threathening) torturing House's guitar to get him to hire a new team, i'm on the floor dying laughing, this is the perfect expression of their friendship dynamic, i love it too much---
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lightthewaybackhome · 4 months
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Adrift is such a hard, yet good, episode. I love the opening sequence where the story shifts back and forth between Keller trying to save Elizabeth and Rodney trying to save Atlantis. I love the sense of Atlantis and Elizabeth being connected, entwined, and woven together. Without one you can't have the other. I think this is one of the reasons Atlantis resonates as Home for everyone. Elizabeth has made it a Home. She's made it a place of acceptance, beauty, health, and hope for all of these different "strays" that needed a place to belong. Without her, Atlantis just isn't right.
The fight to save Atlantis, Sheppard and Rodney doing all that they can to save their home, is a wonderful part of this episode, but the hardest part, the gut-clenching part, is Rodney and Sheppard fighting. Rodney wants to turn on the replicators to save Elizabeth. Sheppard says no way. Remember, when they invaded her last time, they convinced her Atlantis wasn't real. None of it was real. Sheppard, McKay, Ronon, Teyla. Everyone and everything was a lie. It was Sheppard who told her to fight. It was Sheppard who helped her overcome the Replicators. And now, it is Sheppard (who knows!) saying they're not turning on the Replicators, not even to save her life. The fight Elizabeth faced last time was so hard, and the danger to Atlantis herself is not worth it. Sheppard proves he knows Elizabeth better than anyone else by saying know.
But, Rodney does it anyway and I can't be mad, because he did it out of a sincere love for Elizabeth. The whole scene where he tells Sheppard what he's done is horrible. Elizabeth waking up and Teyla trying to comfort her, but Elizabeth reacting exactly how Shepperd said she would is horrible.
Then we get to the "Sorry" said in the sweetest Canadian accent from Rodney. Rodney reaches out. Rodney demands they stop fighting. Rodney apologizes! Friendship isn't about doing everything perfectly. Friendship is about forgiving one another when we fail, which we will. Rodney says he's sorry. Sheppard accepts his apology. (There's this tiny micro-expression on the side of the screen where Sheppard frowns and runs his hand through his hair and you can tell he's working to shut down his anger and readjust after accepting the apology so they can move forward. It's perfect, and so human.)
I really love this episode. It carries so much weight and there is such an underlying sense of sadness as we near Elizabeth's end. As you watch it, knowing what you're watching, you are begging Rodney to not do this, just let her go, but you aren't mad at Rodney. How can you be? Even as you want to save her from what's coming, you also want to save her even if it is for only a moment because saving her is saving Home.
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
my poor boy he needs to be put into therapy hes scarred
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thank you lmk for addressing the trauma unlike SOME lego shows..
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goth-emrys · 1 year
merlin: *startled by a horse whinny*
arthur: thats a horse.
merlin: maybe it sensed something...
arthur: yes, that youre a clotpole
merlin: thats my word
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astronomical-bagel · 11 months
absolutely hilarious that they cast David Tenant as Fugitoid btw. Let’s just cast this dude as the time-and-space traveling professor. Sure. There’s totally no references or allusions being made here. Totally.
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chuffineckjames · 1 year
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I'm not crying. You're crying😭
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draculovemp3 · 8 months
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ahah sorry for moaningI mean moaning wait no I mean moaning and biting like that. Will probably happen again I mean what,
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bold-embrace · 2 months
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The Eastern Forest
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pomegranatetooth · 3 months
i love how nat tried out bangs after their mom drove a car thru the living room wall
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whattraintracks · 2 months
Cousin Sid - didn't mean to blog so much about this episode but Leo
the theme song is different!!!! 
it was so subtle at first I thought I might've been imagining it or hadn't paid enough attention to certain parts before or maybe it was because I was watching on the tv instead of my laptop or
but then the boys got lines!!!
right off the bat, we get Leo being angsty by the window (mostly awkward, that position looks so awkward)
hmm I'm sensing some hypervigilance and, given their lives, I can only imagine (for now at least) it'll pay off and be reinforced
wow, you guys really weren't kidding about Leo
I guess I expected something more subtle but I'm really glad it's not
okay Leo's "I hate purple dragons" really got to me
because because he's not saying it to commiserate with his brothers it just sounds so dark and scary and hateful
an injured Mikey is a very restless and bored Mikey indeed
actually all of them are, Raph's just expressing it as bravado and messing with Mikey (verbally) and Donny is experiencing internet withdrawals
 ahhhh here's that Raph loving it when Leo talks tough bit
"we should get Karai to stab him more often" OH WOW HE REALLY SAID THAT
and Leo just GROWLS at him holy cannoli
love that Mikey's very soft and concerned response to this is to get between Leo and Raph and sort of take Leo's side, I guess?
like 'haha yeah Raph's so annoying, we should put him in a closet for safe-keeping'
and then they do
"a ghost didn't honk that horn!" yeah, you might've preferred a ghost honestly
Michelangelo "all that and a bag of chips" Splinterson  
watching all of them fight while injured is breaking my heart
please leave them alone, they should be in bed  
"nighty night, dragon boy" Donatello is the funniest person alive and he knows it
"here we go" and Casey of course is so excited to watch the boys destroy a bunch of purple dragons
okay my vague overall impression of Leo so far is TNM Leo on a bad day which is saying some things about TNM Leo
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mainlysarcastic · 7 months
Everything about the partners in crime episode is exemplary
A cinematic masterpiece if I ever saw one
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gregkinz · 1 year
ok but like. okay. okay but like Greg WOULD go live in a trailer park with Tom lol. Greg would follow Tom anywhere for love lmao
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
WAIT these comments are so fun hold on i need to analyse these
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- first of all the writers self insert i love that 😭
- second wheres redson is so funny 😭
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- the elephant in the room: MK'S NAME IS MONKTAVIUS KIDSWORTH??+??!?!?
- my life has completely changed
- also fourth wall break love to see it
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- yes wukong the cardboard cutout is op
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- thank you redson yes mk is stressing out he is quite literally traumatized
- somebody tell a joke 💀
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goth-emrys · 1 year
Merlin S4E12: The Darkest Hour, Part 1 & 2
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Merlin: "It's your duty to protect Camelot, no matter what the cost. Well, it's my duty to protect Arthur."
Merlin: "Surely, you can understand that?"
Lancelot: "I can understand that very well."
I don't want to read too much into nothing...but listen to me do the exact opposite of that vvv
I don't think Lancelot is thinking about his duty to Camelot, he was thinking about his duty to Gwen.
There is something so pure about the loyalty Merlin has deep in his heart for Arthur, and whether their relationship is interpreted platonically or romantically that loyalty from the heart is there.
I believe that same loyalty is felt between Lancelot and Gwen (somewhat unrequited). So when Lancelot agreed to understanding, it acknowledged the parallels between how Merlin protects Arthur, and how Lancelot loves Gwen. They would die for them.
And in the next episode it is shown that Lancelot dying for Gwen just so happens to be also dying for Arthur in this specific situation. He sacrifices himself to the veil so Arthur is able to return safe to Gwen, just as she asked. The loyalty from the heart this man had for this woman was so unconditional, he would truly do ANYTHING she asked. AND HE DID.
All I'm saying is that Merlin has laid his life down for Arthur multiple times before this, but he was about to make the same sacrifice before he was told "no this isnt ur destiny blah blah" and then it was Lancelot who made the sacrifice instead of Merlin. And in my opinion? The only differences keeping Merlin from having died due to loyalty (love), just as Lancelot had done is magic, a support system (Gaius, Kilgharrah, etc), and dumb luck most of the time. Otherwise I see Merlin and Lancelot being driven by the same pure emotions (one is just way too self aware about destiny).
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thespiritssaidso · 10 months
Brain: Hey, since you’re not doing anything, you should probably work on keeping up with some of your side blogs :)
Me: *sits on couch*
Brain: Yeeeessss, goooodd.
Me: *turns on tv*
Brain: Wait.
Me: *gets on Amazon Prime*
Brain: Wait no.
Me: *starts rewatching Psych for the millionth time*
Brain: Stop
Me: *gets cozy (it’s gonna be a long night)*
Brain: STOP-
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lothcatthree · 10 months
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