#amongst other things but that was just my main like šŸ˜ about it
starsscarmyceiling Ā· 2 years
have you finished battle scars? šŸ˜
Oh damn nonnie. I mean sit the fuck down and get comfortable because I have a lot of feelings on this. Please keep in mind that these are my opinions and takes. I am not looking to fight or argue. If your experience differs from mine and you have different opinions, you are still totally valid.
Alright my babies, let's get into it...
Itā€™s difficult. I feel like Iā€”well, have a lot of feelings, like I said. And upon further contemplation the more time passes (which I know itā€™s only been out for like a week and a half, but still), the more aspects of it tend to confuse and baffle me.
Because yes, am I happy there was a Merrical implied ending? I mean, of course. What kind of Merrical shipper would I be if I wasnā€™t? I guess my main frustrations therein lie with the overall story that was told. Because first of all, I thought the story was kind of weak. But Merrin having her moment and being able to process her trauma? Yes. The Mantis, attempting and sorting out the internal issues amongst them? Yes. Cal, attempting to challenge his beliefs of everything he has been taught within the context of this new galaxy? Yes. Merrin and Cal ultimately choosing to stay with each other because they want to? YES.
I understand why Merrin did what she did throughout the book. She was still in a cycle of heavy depression, and there was a vicious cycle of her not having any source to fill herself back up because one, she never had the opportunity to process her trauma (apparently), and two, nor was there an environment that was actively being fostered for her to do so. The Jedi are known of course, to be in line with that toxic positivity, but what frustrated me was all of the juicy potential that we could have had.
What actually bothered me about her so called ā€œdevelopmentā€ is that it happened off screen. It was all like, well just take our word, she is like finding all of these things out over here we promise. Because the whole time she was doing this, it was completely dependent on another character that was not Cal, just some random bitch we donā€™t care about, instead of coming to these things on her own or with someone she has an actual bond with. The way in which these things came about pissed me off so much because she could have had these moments with Cal, whom apparently she had this amazing developed relationship with, of which we never got to actually see. They went back and forth saying the Mantis crew wasnā€™t touchy feely, but then talked about how her and Cal had all these long, meaningful conversationsā€¦so likeā€¦what the fuck were these conversations actually about? They never talked about themselves or their traumas at all???? Merrin literally thinks at one point, up until she met Fret, Cal was the only person she felt like she could share things about herself withā€¦but the way in which this was written really doesnā€™t make me believe that at all. It was just cheaply done like, lol, well just again trust us that these two people have developed relationship here in the interim. It was like, so unsatisfying to read. At no point did they actually show how and why her and Cal grew to care about one another other than us being told they were. That is what I am truly pressed about.
Also, I truly am not a fan of how Calā€™s characterization was handled. I feel like he was just written like he was like seven years old or something. Cal can be awkward and aloof, sureā€¦but I feel like this was just taken too far. Not only did he get cucked (in his own fucking BED; idc I will never get over that), but he also got reduced to a seven year old boy that didnā€™t have nearly as much depth as he could have had. I liked him questioning his ideology, but I felt like these topics were brought up and not really resolved. When I write Cal, I feel like all of the potential lies in using what has already been given to us. I see Cal as someone who is well versed at understanding peopleā€™s emotions, an empath, compassionate, protective, and obviously having such a big heart, especially for those he cares about and loves. And is this because of his psychometry? Or just how he is naturally, who knows it could be a combination of both. Think about it, this is a person that has been experiencing what could be complex adult emotions his whole life. And youā€™re telling me that heā€™s still that oblivious? Hmm, I donā€™t think. And wtf he doesnā€™t feel that many echoes? Mf was going around that whole game feelings those all the fucking time.
If I could quote a frond, @wayfaringjedi, this was a pretty hot take:
ā€œHow much stronger would it have been for Cal to confront that he has to allow her to feel anger to heal, and that anger is a useful emotion
How much stronger would it have been for Merrin to realise that safety exists, that she will not be rejected for being herself or being difficult or being angry, that she has her place
How could it have been for Cal to realise that he had made Merrin feel that he was not a safe person to disclose this to? How would that have challenged his ideology?
Or for Merrin to realise her refusal to try to access peace like Cal does is what alienates her from others?ā€
And honestly, couldnā€™t have said it better myself. Like, do you know how many amazing fics I've read out there, where it's Merrin and Cal, getting to have these moments in the engine room? Where it's them having pillow talk and growing closer? God this whole thing really felt like a slap in the face I was not prepared for.
These characters werenā€™t really handled with care. I didnā€™t hate the whole book, but I just feel like it just could have been better. I am veryyyyy much interested in whatā€™s going to happen in Survivor, I mean we all are, obviously. I was taking comfort in Merrin saying they were probably never going to see Fret again. I really donā€™t understand why Fret was there. There is a way to create situations and tension and conflict and making important realizations between them without inserting some random purple bitch. Because istfg, if at some point in Survivor, we have to go like pick up Merrin and she is with Fret, I am going to throw my PS5 out the window and scream and rage in the streets. (Respawnnnnn, I know where you live do not TEST me). I am obviously hoping for canon Merrical, which I do think is a distinct possibility. Because if we donā€™t, then what the fuck was all of that for?
I feel like BS (heh, aptly named) has suffered the TROS problem of not being able to satisfy anyone lol. Okay because who the FUCK is this book for dude?
Because itā€™s obviously pissed off all the Merricals. We would have never wanted this.
And it doesnā€™t really satisfy those who donā€™t ship either because there is so much Merrical subtext.
But, I mean, I do have to say this book did make me grow to love Greez even more. He was šŸ‘‘šŸ’© the whole fucking time. Throwing shade at Fret throughout, I was living for it. When he went off on Fret after he woke up from getting his arm cut off, I was fucking eating my popcorn like pop offfff. And I cannot emphasize enough how much I loved Cal in his petty jealous area. Obsessed. He deserves it completely like also go off šŸ‘‘. Him and Greez were my only bright spots throughout this experience. So glad he got to have his moment too when he "I KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" God I love it. We should all just listen to Greez at all times, like yes please let us drop that Fret bitch off on Batuu with a fruit cake bing bang boom.
I also did enjoy the moments between Cere and Cal together really trying to navigate what it means to be a Jedi in this galaxy in this so entirely dangerous climate for them. Glad Cere is embracing her as a Jedi and using the force again. Totally got the foreshadowing of her being in some kind of archives that we saw in the trailer, preserving the ways of the Jedi. Very fitting for her.
And yesss, there were a few cute moments. Those first two chapters were LIT I gotta say. Like TOGETHER THEY WERE THE LIGHT AND THE DARK CAL WAS THE STAR THAT ILLUMINATED HER SHADOW, that did murder me. And the fucking wound cleaning scene, omfg. I know that murdered ALL of us. Jfc.
I also feel like it would have been a lot more interesting for Fret to just be there to betray them. It would have taught Merrin a lesson of not just diving into something with someone that is entirely based on lust. The fact that she got a redemption was idkā€¦just boring to me I guess. And I know I am biased because I donā€™t like her, but I mean come on I am a feral fucking Merrical over here is anyone surprised???
Okay lol, have I complained enough? Haha I am guessing you knew what you were getting into anon when you came to my ask box. Lol everyone knows I can never stfu. Anyway, hope that satisfied you.
And hm should you guys be looking out on the horizon for something? Well letā€™s just say I am definitely using all of these feelings that I have and am putting them somewhere šŸ’…šŸ»
Anyway, I hope all the Merricals out there are having a great day. Meet me at Applebees and we can cry together šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
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adore-gregor Ā· 2 years
#this one coworker is constantly mocking me about my food (amongst other things)#(but food is the main one)#i know banter is normal at work and he is friendly with me otherwise or so i feel like#like he then we also talk normally and he sometimes is actually funny#but those jokes are not even that funny and like he thinks he's so funny but he's kinda not šŸ˜‚šŸ˜«#i have way better humor i feel like not that he'd get it but my friends find me hilarious and people my age#also that my jokes are not only making fun of others like he always does#those are really not the best one's usually#and he also does that with everyone at work but i feel like with me especially#he also likes to call me by another name not my real name it's anoying#once he made a joke about me about something else which was actually really hurtful because it hit my insecurities#he couldn't know i guess and i'm not sure if he was for real but it left me feeling šŸ˜#many find him so funny at work but he's not so much i feel like he's a bit of a bully like many at work šŸ˜…#so i guess similar attracts similar#well bully is a bit exagerated but like his humor is bullying people šŸ˜…#he makes fun of that i don't eat meat and eat healthy#it just makes it harder for me and i don't get why you would make fun of that#he eats so unhealthy himself maybe he's jealous in secret that i have enough discipline to eat healthy and fresh food#šŸ˜…šŸ˜…#he says things like ew disgusting to my food or his 'theory' why vegetarians are idiots šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø#how is that funny?#or telling met that i should eat 'real' food#and he always bribes me with unhealthy food#sometimes he also makes otherwise shit jokes which are kinda misogonistic or against foreigners and i just wanna fight him šŸ˜«#there are worse jokes like those than the one's he sometimes makes but still#then sometimes he's actually funny and we laughed together as well i don't hate him don't get me wrong šŸ˜…#we kinda get along most times (we have to anyway) but like can he just stop?? šŸ˜«#it's so anoying and stupid also not funny#(also he's someone i'd never be friends with because of some of those more offensive jokes than the food one's)#(it just doesn't sit right with me)
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