premakalidasi · 8 months
Question: Amma, on what form should one meditate? Can one meditate on any form?
Amma: The bond you have forged with a particular deity over lifetimes is in your blood. You need to meditate on the form of that deity only.
Question: How can we discover who that deity is?
Amma: When some people fall down, they spontaneously cry call out "Krishna!" In previous lives, Lord Krishna must have been the ishta devata (the preferred form of divinity) of those who feel more attracted to Lord Krishna than to other divinities. In that case, there's no need for them to meditate on Devi. They need meditate only on Krishna. […] Children, if you have been meditating on the form of Lord Krishna until now, continue with that. You must imagine Him to be one with all other divinities and the embodiment of all divine qualities. If you have been meditating on the form of Devi, continue doing so. Whenever you go to any temple, visualise your ishta devata there. Children, just because your mother's brother calls her "sister" doesn't mean she is not your mother. Everyone's bhavana (imagination) is different. One may address the Lord according to one's bhavana.
In dance dramas, it's the same dancer who wears different costumes to play different roles, isn't it? Is there any change in the man just because he wears different costumes? No. In films, how many characters the same actor plays. However, the actor doesn't change. God can assume any form, but He doesn't change at all. Even if one who meditates on Devi goes to a Krishna temple, it is alright for her to pray "O my Devi!" There is only one Self. The consciousness that inheres in the forms of Devi and Krishna is one. God will appear before us in a form that corresponds to our bhavana. If we imagine God as grass, He will appear before us in such a form. If we envisage him as a stone, He will appear as such, and if we think of Him as a buffalo, He will manifest as one. We can imagine Him in any form we like. The only thing is, we must have faith in that form.
Clay will take the form of the mould into which we pour it, but clay itself does not have any particular form. Even though water appears to take the colour of the bottle into which we pour it, water itself is colourless.
Question: In which spot should we visualise the ishta devata?
Amma: Children, visualise your ishta devata in the lotus of your heart or between your eyebrows. For the householder, the heart lotus is an ideal locus of meditation.
Question: Amma, how should we begin our meditation?
Amma: Visualise your ishta devata from feet to head, and from head to feet, gazing upon each limb in turn. Those who meditate on the form of Krishna should meditate on His feet, anklet, shin, yellow robes, bangles, the flute in His hand, garland of wild flowers, earrings, lips, eyes, crown and peacock feather, and then work your way downwards.
Just as it is done to the idol in the temple, imagine performing abhishekam, the ceremonial bath, to your ishta devata. First do abhishekam with water. Then use milk, sacred ash, sandalwood paste and flowers. Imagine dressing up your ishta devata with fine garments, and adorning Him or Her with ornaments. After that, mentally wave the arati flame before the deity. You can imagine the child Krishna running away, and you as Yashoda, his foster mother, running after Him. It is also good to sit and chant mantras or hymns in praise of your ishta devata. You must open your heart to your ishta devata. Keep crying out, "O Lord! Where are You?"
--Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
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livesanskrit · 2 years
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit . It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet Mata Amritanandamayi Jayanthi. Mata Amritanandamayi better known simply as Amma ("Mother"), is an Indian Hindu spiritual leader, guru and humanitarian.Amritanandamayi is known for frequently referring to herself in the third person as "Amma", which is a common spiritual practice in Hinduism. #sansgreet #sanskritgreetings #greetingsinsanskrit #sanskritquotes #sanskritthoughts #emergingsanskrit #sanskrittrends #trendsinsanskrit #livesanskrit #sanskritlanguage #sanskritlove #sanskritdailyquotes #sanskritdailythoughts #sanskrit #samskrit #resanskrit #mataamritanandamayi #parliamentoftheworldsreligions #amritanandamayi #amrita #mata #amma #janani #kollam #mother #saint #hinduism #gandhikingaward #peace #celebratingsanskrit https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-gKrDsr31/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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siamkram · 2 years
Intenta ser como la abeja, que sólo toma el nectar de las flores.
Busca, y toma, la bondad y la belleza que hay en todas las personas."
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gesehen-sein · 1 year
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Love is now-always the new way
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alreadyalwaysthis · 2 years
If you want a certificate of approval from others, you won’t receive a certificate from God. — Amma – Mata Amritanandamayi Devi 
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View On WordPress
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santoschristos · 5 months
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"Essentially the Creator and creation are one and the same pure Consciousness, just as there is no difference between the ocean and its waves." --Amma
"Nature is God made visible."
--Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)
Discovery Art by Boris Vallejo
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falangesdovento · 1 year
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A maioria de nós está sempre pensando em nossas perdas na vida e nos esquecemos do maior ganho que podemos ter: o amor. Deixe que sua mente se abra totalmente e você viverá o amor com toda sua fragrância e beleza.
Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)
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tellingittash · 1 year
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Religious Studies Term Of The Day: Kali
Hey everyone! Sorry for the hiatus. It wasn’t because I was enjoying my vacation and neglecting my duties for the holidays. It’s because I was incredibly sick and social media was the furthest thing from my mind. With that in mind, let’s talk about the goddess Kali!
So, we recently talked about Durga, who was born out of the energy of eight male gods to be a warrior goddess. Well, Kali is one of the gods she then creates from herself. It could even be said that Kali is all of Durga’s bloodthirsty fierceness personified.
While I’m aware that in the internet age, Kali represents female empowerment, which is dope, I agree with Leona M. Anderson’s claim that this was not her original purpose and how she is traditionally seen, even though I love to examine how ideas evolve and are reinterpreted over time. Reading about Kali is so strange and fascinating in a way that feels like I’m in an English class again reading poetry. Every aspect of Kali has poetic purpose to it, from her long tongue to her dark skin to her nakedness and even her long hair and jewelry of death. All of it culminates together into one message that defines her existence: Kali is the mother of human life in the sense that she represents the inevitability of decay and death, that we are born in her innocence and break apart in the cremation fields she calls her home.
Her worshippers, fun fact, sacrifice animals to her because they believe that her female energy is responsibly for holding together our decaying universe and blood is necessary to revitalize her.
Her worshippers would probably also agree with the idea that Kali is complicated. While it is easy to say that she is always malevolent, that’s not necessarily true. There are poems that acknowledge that about her while also remembering why they love her and see her as mother. That’s why I have not even given super detailed explanations about everything in her description and motives because to do so would be to discount the complexity of this figure in totality. I would just encourage people to find some of the poetry and texts written about Kali and see the beautiful prose about what we might consider a terrifying monster of a woman.
As a small example of what I mean, consider how Savitri L. Bess writes about Kali. Specifically, she believes that the goddess Kali walks among us today in the form of a woman named Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma or Ammachi. She is a Guru not known for killing people or dancing around naked and scary looking, but is a woman known throughout the world as one who encourages people of all faiths and classes to love one another with hugs and kisses. That woman is supposedly Kali, the supposedly bloodthirsty goddess of killing and death. Which blows my mind. I studied Amma in my Religions of Asia class and we never even mentioned Kali, and so to discover that in some extra reading and research that wasn’t even about Amma specifically was wild. Truly wild.
Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough in my first post back. I think that this topic is super interesting, but I’m happy to hear other takes and thoughts on Kali as well. For now, I wish everyone a happy holiday season and hope you stay safe.
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yogacentre · 9 days
Viure és recordar-se d’oblidar.
Perdona allò que calgui perdonar. 
Oblida allò que calgui oblidar.
Abraça la vida amb un vigor renovat...
Hauríem de poder agafar cada instant de la vida
amb una mirada nova,
com una flor que acaba d’obrir-se.
Mata Amritanandamayi
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shahzadshafique · 15 days
Discover the Future: Futuristic Façade Designs Reshaping Architecture!
Step into a realm where architecture meets innovation! Explore the latest trends in fenestration design across residential, commercial, hospitality, and cultural projects, straight from the insights of AR. NITA KEMBHAVI of Kembhavi Architecture Foundation (KAF).
From homes blending aesthetics with comfort to commercial spaces pushing sustainability boundaries, each project is a testament to creative ingenuity. Dive into how these designs transform spaces into unforgettable experiences tailored to modern living.
Join us on a journey through iconic projects like Iconest Central Park and The Zone at Kochi Airport. Experience the fusion of tradition and innovation in the Heritage & Cultural Complex for Mata Amritanandamayi Trust. Ready to witness the future unfold?
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premakalidasi · 10 months
Question — Mother, what is maya?
Mother — Whatever doesn't give you lasting peace, that is maya (illusion).
 Question — Is this universe maya?
Mother — Yes, the universe is indeed an illusion. Those who get caught in the illusion experience only obstacles and suffering. When you are able to distinguish between the eternal and the transient, you will clearly see that it is all an illusion. We say that the universe is maya. But if we choose only what is positive in our lives, we will not be bound by the illusion. This will help us to progress on the right path. Let us say you are out walking on a muddy ridge between two rice fields, and you slip and fall in the mud. You are covered with mud. To you, the mud is dirt that you want to wash off. But a potter walking that same way sees the mud as something useful. To him, the mud is an excellent type of clay, and he proceeds to use it for his work. To the potter, the mud isn't dirt at all. A woman gathering firewood in a forest comes across a stone. Thinking it is just the right shape, she uses it as a grinding stone. Another person, who knows a lot about stones, sees that same stone and recognizes it as a stone of special quality. He installs the stone in a temple as a divine image. He offers fruits and gems to the deity and worships it. But to those who do not understand its greatness, it is just a stone.You can cook your food on a fire. You can also burn your house down with that same fire. You can sew with a needle. You can also injure your eye with it. To a doctor, a scalpel is an instrument used for surgery to save a patient. To the murderer, it is a lethal weapon. So, rather than dismiss everything as maya, we should consider the real place for each object and use it accordingly. The negative side of things should be dismissed. The great sages saw only goodness in everything in the universe. Those who are fully aware of maya do not succumb to it. They protect the world. On the other hand, those who don't understand maya not only destroy themselves but also become a burden to others. They are committing a form of suicide. If you go through life accepting only the good side of everything, you won't view anything as an illusion. Everything has the potential to lead us to goodness.
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blackbees108 · 3 months
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Who is Amma?
Mata Amritanandamayi is known throughout the world as Amma, or Mother, for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally.
Amma inspires, uplifts, and transforms through her embrace, her spiritual wisdom and through her global charities, known as Embracing the World®. When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people, she answers: Where there is true love, anything is effortless.
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businessnewsupdates · 4 months
The Confluence of Faith and Politics: An Insight into the Diverse Invitees of the Ram Mandir Inauguration Ceremony
In what is anticipated to be a historic and culturally significant event, the ‘Pran Pratishta’ ceremony of Lord Ram’s idol in Ayodhya has garnered attention not only for its religious importance but also for its diverse and eclectic guest list. Scheduled for January 22, the ceremony marks the inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, and the invitees represent a unique blend of faith, politics, and global representation.
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Over 7,000 individuals have received invitations, ranging from political figures and international guests to ordinary people who have made extraordinary contributions to the Mandir Movement. The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has meticulously curated this list, ensuring inclusivity and diversity.
The international guest list for the event underscores its global significance, with over 100 guests from 53 countries, including the US, the UK, Europe, Australia, and Africa. Among the distinguished invitees are oncologist Bharat Barai and Nokia Bell Labs-CTO fellow Abhay Asthana. Bharat Barai, known for his support of the BJP and efforts to strengthen India-Israel relations, notably lobbied for Narendra Modi’s visa clearance in 2014, overcoming a 10-year visa ban.
The ceremony also exemplifies inclusivity by extending an invitation to Iqbal Ansari, who fought a legal case in support of the Babri Masjid. Despite his past association with the mosque, Ansari has actively supported the construction of the Ram Mandir, symbolizing a collective move towards unity.
Another remarkable inclusion is Mohammed Habib, a Muslim karsevak who participated in the Ram Mandir agitation. His emotional response to the invitation reflects the historic nature of the consecration ceremony and the sense of unity it embodies.
The entertainment industry is well-represented by actors Arun Govil and Dipika Chikhlia, known for their iconic portrayal of Ram and Sita in the TV serial ‘Ramayan.’ Their presence adds a nostalgic touch, evoking memories of the widely watched show in the late 1980s.
Spiritual leaders, including Dalai Lama, Mata Amritanandamayi, Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, and Jaggi Vasudev, will grace the occasion with their presence. Business tycoons like Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, and Ratan Tata, along with figures from Bollywood and cricket, further diversify the guest list.
However, the event has not been without its share of political complexities. The opposition, particularly the CPM and the Trinamool Congress, faces a dilemma over participation, with concerns about the politicization of religious belief. Even the Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena has chosen to stay away, labeling it a BJP political rally.
The Congress, a key constituent of the INDIA bloc, grapples with a challenging decision regarding its participation, wary of potential electoral repercussions. Invitations extended to senior Congress leaders, including Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, have added a political dimension to the event.
The meticulously designed invitations, comprising the main invitation card, a ‘Pran Pratishtha’ program card, and a booklet detailing the Ram Janmabhoomi Movement, reflect the elaborate nature of the ceremony. The schedule outlines the commencement of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ puja at 11:30 am on January 22, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the guests at 12:30 pm.
As the nation awaits this historic event with bated breath, the diverse guest list stands as a testament to the inclusivity and cultural richness surrounding the consecration of the Ram Mandir. The ceremony is poised to be a confluence of religious fervor, political significance, and global representation, embodying the essence of a unified India.
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gesehen-sein · 1 year
Children, we are the light of the Divine.
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satnaryan · 4 months
हिंदुओं से धोखा
अनिरुद्धाचार्य जी कहते किसी भी भक्ति साधना से पाप नहीं कट सकते।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज ने गीता जी में प्रमाणित किया है कि पूर्ण परमेश्वर की भक्ति करने से और उसको भोग लगाकर बचे हुए
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wikiuntamed · 7 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Monday, 9th October 2023
Welcome, Selam, Välkommen, Velkommen 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "K R Usha Kumari" to "Andhra Pradesh". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: K R Usha Kumari "K R Usha Kumari (born 1968) is an Indian teacher from Kerala who taught in Multi Grade Learning Centres (MGLC) in the tribal areas. She won many state and national awards for her service as a teacher.Usha lives in Amboori, a panchayath in Kattakkada Taluk of Thiruvananthapuram district in the state..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Hindi: सर्व शिक्षा अभियान, lit. 'Education for all campaign'), or SSA, is an Indian Government programme aimed at the universalisation of Elementary education "in a time bound manner", the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory education to..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Kuldeepburjbhalaike
Step 2️⃣ 👣: Amrita Vidyalayam "Amrita Vidyalayam is a chain of private CBSE schools run and managed by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math founded by Mata Amritanandamayi. There are more than 90 English medium, co-educational, Senior Secondary schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education throughout India out of which more..."
Step 3️⃣ 👣: Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education "The Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh abbreviated BSEAP also known as Directorate of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh. It was established in 1953 and functions as an autonomous body under the Andhra Pradesh's Department of Education.The board regulates and supervises the system of..."
Step 4️⃣ 👣: All India Secondary School Examination "All India Secondary School Examination ( Secondary School Examination)commonly known as Class 10th board exams, is a centralized public examination that students in schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education in India and in few countries such as UAE (where Indian population..."
Step 5️⃣ 👣: Andhra Pradesh "Andhra Pradesh (English: , Telugu: [aːndʱrɐ prɐdeː��] abbr. AP) is a state in the southern coastal region of India. It is the seventh-largest state with an area of 162,970 km2 (62,920 sq mi) and the tenth-most populous state with 49,577,103 inhabitants. It has shared borders with Chhattisgarh,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Nikhilb239
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