#amyas: (intense silence)
mxwhore · 1 year
Do you think Jon and Martin have moments where they’re like “they get that from you 💖” about the weirdest stuff from their child?
yes... ♡
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yellow-faerie · 3 years
Im still on a Curufinrod kick so if you dont mind 28 with curufinrod and baby tyelpe?
I will write Curufinrod whatever the day.
From this prompt list.
28 - “Were you ever going to tell me?”
There is a soft knock on the door, a hesitant little tap that barely reaches the bed.
Curufinwë sits up. Findaráto stirs beside him and Curufinwë reaches out to gently console him as he slips from the bed to the door.
“Curvo,” Findaráto mumbles sleepily, pushing himself up and rubbing his eyes despite Curufinwë’s attempt to settle him. “What’s wrong?”
Curufinwë does not answer as he pulls open the door to find his son standing there, his thumb in his mouth and the toy rabbit his mother had given him held in the other hand.
Curufinwë kneels down. “What’s wrong Tyelpë?” He asks softly.
“I want Amya.” Tyelperinquar’s voice is muffled by his thumb.
Curufinwë feels all his muscles tense and forces them to relax again. “She’ll be coming back soon,” He says, trying for a smile at the blatant lie. “Who don’t you come and sleep with me and Fifi tonight?”
Tyelperinquar nods sleepily and Curufinwë bundled him up into his arms.
He sends a soft query across his bond with Findaráto - not words for it is not quite a marriage bond but something else that doesn’t quite match its intensity - and Findaráto nods, getting the vague gist of it.
He shuffles over to leave space for Tyelperinquar, who turns and tucks himself into Findaráto’s side the moment Curufinwë lies him down.
They lie in the semi-dark for a long time in silence. Tyelperinquar had dropped off almost at once but Findaráto had not: Curufinwë could feel it in the space between them.
“She’ll be coming back soon?”
Curufinwë winces slightly.
“That’s a blatant lie if ever I heard one.”
“I can’t say that she’s abandoned him. He loves her dearly.”
“Yes, but were you ever going to tell me?”
Curufinwë freezes. “What?”
Tyelperinquar shuffles in between them and they both pause, a long moment of silence dragging between them.
Curufinwë lets out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding when it is clear that Tyelperinquar is still asleep.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” There is something accusatory in Findaráto’s voice. “I only found out through Amarië who found out through a friend who found out through a friend who found out through Rinwendë’s sister.”
“I’m sorry.”
Findaráto sighs. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
Curufinwë pauses. Was he ever going to tell Findaráto? He hadn’t really told anyone that Rinwendë had gone for good, back to her mountain home. Tyelkormo had only found out because he had been there for the argument.
He doesn’t know why he is so saddened by Rinwendë’s departure - they hadn’t been married, only together. He hadn’t loved her. He hadn’t.
At least, not in the way he loves Findaráto.
He should have told Findaráto- he tells Findaráto everything - but, for some reason, the words to say had never come out, not even when the opportunity had been perfect.
“I don’t know,” He admits as his thoughts begin to loop back on themselves.
Tyelperinquar stirs again, disrupting any further talking, and this time, the conversation doesn’t pick up as he settles back down.
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