#and amyas would take it out of his hands and place it back like NO. it must be here father
mxwhore · 1 year
Do you think Jon and Martin have moments where they’re like “they get that from you 💖” about the weirdest stuff from their child?
yes... ♡
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
❛  you  make  the  prettiest  sounds .  ❜ matt & cloud
notes: this was supposed to be sexy, but it just turned into a napping drabble. also i wrote this at 4am cause i'm chaotic and sexy. tw: semi-nsfw talk. but it's like pg-13. canon typical violence mention.
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The fact of the matter is that Matth.ew Michael Mu.rdock gives Cloud a headache more often than not. The two of them have a relationship where she loves him like crazy, but they argue so much that she questions if they’re a right match. 
Even Cloud’s sister Amya thinks that they’re bad for each other, and she usually is Cloud’s sense of logic when she’s not thinking straight. Amya also is very much the type of person who can read people to the point where it’s almost creepy. And usually Cloud would listen to Amya about her judgment towards her selected partner because of that, but with Matt, it’s difficult. Cloud just cannot let him go. She can’t. 
Even when he infuriates her, she comes back to him at some point just for a hello or just because she wants - or rather needs - to see him. 
Like today.
Today, she needs to see him.
For a month she’s been out of the city, tending to her work in Paris and her work in Los Angeles. The work has to do with explaining her perception of the art in her father’s art museums. It's nothing dangerous or high stakes. To be honest, Cloud hasn’t knocked anyone out, did any investigating, or any vigilante work - period. She’s just lived what people would call a normal life, despite the fact that she’s got a missing daughter, a son who’s passed due to her own helplessness, and an adopted son whose powers sometimes make life hard on him. But despite attempting a life of normalcy with her adopted son, Ford, she’s decided that that shit can get a bit boring. She needs to protect. She needs to help. She needs to do something other than just be the art lady.
And well, Matt’s always been open about the fact that he’s fine with her using her vigilantism as a way of feeling purpose. Of course he judges her for her methods sometimes and how she will occasionally kill a man, but it’s like, he just lectures her and ignores it - and she’s pretty sure, deep down, he probably likes it.
It’s complicated. It’s confusing. But so is their entire relationship.  
“I heard your heels from blocks away,” Matt says in greeting, giving her a smirk. She rolls her eyes at him and gently pushes his face because she knows he can’t see the eyeroll and she needs some way to show him to stop being a little shit. 
“Oh, yeah? I thought you liked the sound of my heels?” she teases at him, gently pushing his chest with her index finger. "And this perfume."
He laughs softly, before he moves over to let her inside his place. “I do, but I haven’t slept at all today, and you’ve always had an over-top-way of greeting me when you’ve been away a while.” He lets her take his arm and loop it in hers, as she walks them both to the sofa and sits them both down. 
 “Over the top? Every time I go away for a month, or even a year, I just make the attempt to kiss you,” she muses out loud, resting her hand on his heart before resting her head on his chest. 
“More than kiss me. You always want…more,” he’s got his arm looped around her waist now and he brushes his thumb against the skin under her shirt. 
“I always want you. I always miss you,” she says in a low tone of voice, right into his ear before she kisses his cheek. “But okay, we don’t have to do anything. I’m fine with just relaxing. I haven’t slept either.”  She hums, but isn’t doing so with any ulterior motive.
“You always make the prettiest sounds,” he tells her, before he hears her breathing and heart rate ease. The soft beating and the rhythm make him yawn, and as he keeps listening, he falls asleep. They both sleep comfortably, and when he wakes up, Cloud smiles at him.
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deadlybeautydbz · 4 years
Little Moments
So, the anon asking me the other day about 17 and 18 fic recs got me thinking. I wanted to write something for you, anon, but for a little while I was stumped as to what. So I took inspiration from my own life for this one. I myself have a twin brother and we’re both parents, so I asked myself, what does hanging out with my brother look like, and I give you this.
17 and 18 washing dishes. 
You wanted random sibling hangs, here you go, with the most random hang of all. Really though, this is what hanging out as adults, siblings, parents looks like for us and I’m pretty happy with this for something I whipped up in a day. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Little Moments:
“That’s the last of them gone,” 17 said, his voice thick with relief as he walked into the kitchen, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Who would have known twenty 7 year olds would be such a handful.”
He had just closed the door on last straggling guest of his oldest son, Onyx, 7th birthday party. He’d cheerfully waved goodbye as he watched the boy and his mother wander off down the driveway, party bag and balloon clutched firmly in hand. He felt kind of guilty, sending that child home hopped up to his eyeballs on sugar, but the guilt was short lived, birthday parties we meant to be fun-filled sugar trips.
“Literally everyone, 17” 18, who was seated at the table in the centre of the kitchen, nursing a mug of rapidly cooling tea, replied. “Literally everyone knows that. Why do you think I only have one?”
“You should give Marron a brother or sister.” 17 said offhandedly, as he began the arduous task of putting his house back together post child-birthday-party-chaos. “It’d be good for her.”
“Hmmm,” 18 stood up from the table and reached for an empty garbage bag. She moved about the kitchen, filling it with plastic plates and cups, deflated balloons and discarded wrapping paper. “Maybe,” she mused. “I’d be lying if I said we hadn’t thought about it. The timing never seems quite right though, and Marron was such a fussy baby, I don’t know if I have it in me to go back to the baby stage and do all that again. It’s so nice that she’s older and more independent now.”
“Of course you could do it again!” 17 said as he pushed furniture around the room, putting things back as they were meant to be. “You’re a great mum. Mare-bear is lucky to have you. Does she miss that old lump of sand you used to call home?”
“Hey,” 18’s brow crinkled as she only half-feigned hurt. “We all liked that lump of sand. A lot of good things happened to us there.”
“I know, I know, I’m kidding,” 17 teased “It was a fine sandbank.”
“Shut up,” 18 laughed. “You can hardly talk, all the way out here in the middle of nowhere.” She knew 17 was just trying to rile her up, that was just what brothers, especially hers, did. It didn’t matter how many years passed, or that he was now a husband, a father and a well-respected conservationist, he was an eternal man-child at heart. It was no wonder he got along with Goku so well. “She doesn’t seem to miss it too much these days,” 18 said, bringing their conversation back on track. “It’s been what,” she paused to quickly do the math, “three years now since Krillin joined the force, three and a half almost. She’ll always be an ocean girl at heart, but she’s happy in the city. It was the best thing we could’ve done for her really.”
Having filled the rubbish bag as much as she could, 18 tied a knot at the top, and placed it beside the side door, ready for disposal outside later, before turning her attention to the pile of dishes stacked up precariously beside the sink.
“You don’t have to do those,” 17 stepped in, but his sister was having none of it. “Don’t be silly,” she replied whilst squirting a generous amount of dish soap into the sink and silently patting herself on the back for buying a house with a dishwasher. “You and Amya hosted us all day, the least I can do is help tidy up. Tell you what, I’ll wash, you dry.”
“Deal,” 17 smiled. It was so rare to get to spend any sort of quality time with his sister these days, they were both so busy and their schedules always seemed to clash, so he would happily take whatever he could get, even if it was as mundane as standing together at his kitchen sink, washing dishes.
They stood quietly together for a moment, silently passing wet plates and glasses between themselves. From where they stood, they could look out into 17’s lush, tree filled yard, where Krillin was running around like an absolute mad-man, laughing and shouting with Marron and her three cousins. His love and exuberance never ceased to amaze 18. He was going to be forty soon, and yet there he was, after spending an entire afternoon entertaining a gaggle of under-10’s, still going, giving even more of himself to those kids out there, each of whom he loved more than anything else in this world – except maybe for her.
“He’s a good guy, Krillin,” 17 broke the quiet with an observation, “You chose well with him.”
“I know,” 18 smiled smugly. She liked hearing that she was right. “But you’ve certainly changed your tune over the years.
It was far from a secret that 17 hadn’t exactly been a fan of Krillin in the beginning. As a suitor for his sister, it just didn’t seem to fit. Why would he, of all people, be interested in her when he knew what he did about how, and why, she had come to be in this world? 17 was convinced that he must have had some nefarious ulterior motive.
“What can I say” he shrugged, “I’m a big enough man to admit when I’m wrong. He’s a good guy.”
“He’s the best” 18 smiled as her eyes followed her husband across the yard. “Ugh,” 17 groaned “You’re still in puppy-love with him after all this time. Get a room, my god, yuck.” “As if you can talk!” 18 shot back, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment. “I see the way you look at Amya. You’re completely smitten with her!” “Of course I am!” 17 boasted proudly. “I mean, have you seen her?! She’s a solid ten outta ten. And she’s smart as hell, and she puts up with my shit on the daily. Every day I wonder how the hell I ever convinced her to marry me!” “She’s certainly way out of your league, that’s for sure.” “Ouch, that hurts sis” “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” 18 grinned and flicked soapy water in her brother’s direction.
A high pitched squeal from the garden caught the twins’ attention, ending their mild bullying of each other. They both snapped their heads up to inspect the situation and their respective children, looking for any obvious signs of hurt of injury, and to see which kid it was exactly, that was getting out of hand. It could have been any one of them really, given the unfettered access to sugar they had had this afternoon. “They’ll be right,” 18 said, confident no bones were broken out there, as she resumed washing the dishes in the sink. “Krillin is more than capable of keeping the four of them under control.”
17 shook his head and laughed, “I think you’re seriously under-estimating how rowdy my lot can be. They just seem to leech energy off each other. They never stop!” “He deals with criminals every day, I think he can handle a couple of kids.” “Whatever you say, sis,” 17 mumbled and shrugged his shoulders. “Personally, I’d take the crooks over those terrors any day of the week.”
As she handed her brother another clean dish, 18 asked. “No more for you guys either then, I’m guessing? It seems like you have your hands full.” “I wouldn’t say that,” 17 replied. “They’re a lot of fun, and Am would definitely be down for more, but it’s hard enough with the three of them with my schedule, and her research. I don’t know how she manages with them by herself while I’m away.” “It’s probably easier without you here riling them up all day” 18 joked “You kid, but let’s be real, you’re probably right!” 17 had to agree. “I’m basically her fourth child. I’m sure her life is much less chaotic when I’m not around.” “She loves the chaos, I’m sure.”
Handing 17 the last clean dish, 18 pulled the plug from the sink and watched the water gurgle down the drain. She wiped down the sink and dried her hands before flicking the kettle on to make herself another cup of tea. She pulled down two clean mugs and poured one for 17 too. He smiled and gladly took it from her and they sat down together at the table.
“If we did have more, we’d definitely adopt again,” 17 picked up his train of thought as he sipped his tea. “It was so rewarding giving River and Storm a second chance. I’d like to that again if I could.”
The story of how the now 4 year old twins River and Storm had found their way into 17 and Amya’s life was nothing short of remarkable. 17 had found them, abandoned as infants, less than six months old, in the nature park where he worked. He had taken them in, and taken them home. Much to his wife’s surprise, he had walked through the door one day, carrying an infant in each arm, and just like that, 17 and Amya had become parents to three kids under the age of three.
“And you know, getting as many kids out of the system as possible can only be a good thing. Stop them ending up, like, y’know…” he faulted for a moment “like us.” He stopped, waiting for his sister to respond, but she didn’t, she just sat, staring at her hands, not even able to look him in the eye. “Do you ever wonder if there is anyone out there missing us?”
“Don’t” 18 quickly interjected, her voice soft and wistful. “I can’t. I have to think that we weren’t wanted.” She stopped to sip her tea and think about what she wanted to say next. “The alternative, as a mother, is so much worse. Having your child ripped away from you, I can’t even comprehend it.”
That was, deep down, the real reason why Marron was an only child. 18 was so protective of her daughter, and the thought of having to split that devotion between two children, was terrifying. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to constantly have eyes on two children. Tying herself up with the demands of a newborn would surely mean having to accept the fact that there would be times that Marron would need to be left alone and that scared 18 to her core. She would never, ever forgive herself if anything happened to her precious child.
“How do you do it?” 18 asked, “How do you leave them without being terrified of all the things that could happen to them? That happened to us?” “You’ve just gotta back yourself in, sis” 17 leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms over his head. “Your job as a parent is to slowly back yourself out of your kid’s life and let them work it out on their own.”
At that moment, the side door swung open and a barrage of kid sized arms and legs tumbled though, followed by an exhausted looking Krillin. “It’s starting to get cold out there,” he exclaimed, shutting the door behind him. The kids quickly disappeared into the living room, to undoubtedly rip into, and probably break, all of Onyx’s gifts from the party. Much to their dismay though, they had already been safely packed away by Amya, who was just walking into the kitchen as the kids rushed out. “They are going to be completely feral when that sugar wears off. Hey, you guys didn’t have to tidy up in here.” She smiled as she noticed that her kitchen was once again sparkling clean.
“It was no bother,” 18 said with a smile. She truly loved Amya, she was such a kind and compassionate person, she was reasonable and level headed and truly balanced out 17’s more impulsive tendencies. She was so glad they had found each other.
She watched Krillin as he moved through the kitchen, towards her. He planted a kiss on top of her head before taking a seat beside her at the table. She smiled at him in return and rested her hand on his thigh. The afternoon had been hectic, with all four adults being pulled in different directions, supervising kids, cooking food, running party games, taking pictures, making sure no one ate anything they were allergic to, or tried to drink water from the dog bowls. 18 had hardly seen her husband all afternoon and she quickly realised she’d missed him.
Once upon a time, a moment like this would be seemed all but impossible to 18. She looked across at 17 and saw her thoughts mirrored back in his eyes. He was content and happy and soaking in every detail. He caught 18 looking at him and shared a smile back, he knew they were thinking the same thing.
While the big, grand gestures of life were amazing, it was the inconspicuous little moments that meant the most to them. Cosy afternoons in with family. Quiet conversations about nothing. A passing smile or I love you. This was one of those moments, unassuming and meek, but something they had both fought so hard to obtain. A swell of emotion rose up into 18’s throat and for a moment she almost felt overwhelmed with warmth and happiness. She was truly grateful to be alive to experience this moment, this completely normal, utterly mundane, human moment.
Should I upload this to the prompt collection or nah? Does it fit the feel of it? I’d love to know what you think, cause I’m human and a sucker for reviews!
Hope you liked this one guys, likes, comments, shares as always, are greatly appreciated. 
What should I write next?? Lemme know!!
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cicici03 · 4 years
Just Listen- Chapter 3
2:45 p.m.
Trevante was waiting for the kids in the carpool line, which they did not get out of school until 3:30. With this day being horrible due to the fact of the argument with Cierra this morning. Tre has just been thinking about what happen to his relationship with his wife. He thought of all the possibilities.
Did it start after the Golden Globes? When she felt pressure to go to the Globes because of Tre wanting his wife there? Or when that crazy extra from Tre’s movie was stalking them both?
As he was wrapping his head around his thoughts, his phone started to ring. He picked it up out of the cup holder seeing it was his Momma. With this day, seeing his momma calling him made him smile.
“Hey Momma.”
“Hey Trevante, how you are doing my love.”
Tre sighed, “I am doing okay momma. How about you?”
“Well I’m not doing okay because my baby sound like he is tired, drained, and upset.”
With his mom reading him like a book, Tre just started bawling. Taken aback from her son outburst, Momma T said “Baby it’s okay. Let it out. It is better to let out than in.”
“Momma I just don’t understand! We were happy. Everything was perfect and now it is like we hate each other so much. Momma literally, we argue everyday and Jakob and Mia know that we are. Mia even suggest we get a divorce this morning!” shouted Tre spilling out tears of anger and sadness.
It hurt Momma T seeing her son like this. It even hurt worst because she knew Cierra felt the same way because Cierra called her today around noon. “Well baby, you know the happiness of that relationship. Fight for it! I know it just seem like you need to sit. Well baby that is what the devil wants you to do. Jesus always come right on time! Believe it!” exclaimed Momma T in the security line.
“What yall people looking at. You see that I am trying give my son the word. Now thank you for listening and turn your damn heads the other way.” Momma T said while pointing the phone at the people around her.
Trevante laughed at his momma. He finally got something that he needs all day: peace. He was going to fight till every fiber in his body was gone for his marriage. However, he knew it had to be a two-way street.
“Momma thank you, you almost done with TSA?” Tre questioned while starting up the car due to it almost being time for the kids to come out of the school. “Yes baby, I just got out!” said quickly by Momma T.
“Tina! Tina!” Tre heard a voice that sound of all too familiar. “Hey Tre, I see Cierra’s family right at the same gate. Hey girl.” Momma T said distort because she was hugging all of Cierra’s family.
“Hey Tre, I can’t not wait to see everybody. Cannot wait to see my beautiful grandkids. Also, why haven’t my daughter been calling me? I hope that means you knocking her up with one more grandchild.” A sweet, deep country voice of Cierra’s mom, Lisa, said while speaking into the phone.
“Well we can not wait to see you too Momma Lisa. Is everybody coming this year?” Tre said while looking for the kids.
“You already know it! About 50 of our family members are coming! I know the Rhodes family is definitely going to show out.” Lisa said while sitting down by her husband Mark.
“Yes ma’am! Cierra and I are happy to be hosting the Rhodes- Mitchells Family Reunion.” Tre stated with happiness knowing that their family gone be here for the next week. One thing Tre knows is that Cierra will make sure we look truly happy so nobody in the family knows.
Finally spotting the kids and honking them down, he stated “Momma Lisa I finally see the kids. So, I talk to y’all when you get home tonight.”
“Okay baby, I cannot wait to see y’all too!” exclaimed Momma Lisa ending the call. Just as she ended it, the kids open the door. With Amya and Jakob sitting in the back and Mia sitting in the front, the dark cloud this morning seems to have been lift off.
“How were my babies first day of school!” Tre asked excitedly looking at his children. Jakob and Mia gave him a mean mug for calling them babies. However, Amaya had the brightest smile on her face.
“Daddy it was amazing! I got to do art, talk to my friends, which one of them got a bad suntan and looks a mess. Also, Daddy you know Mia got a boyfriend. He is not that cut-!” before Mia could finish, Mia threw a piece a paper at her. Jakob was dying laughing, throwing his hands all over the place.
“Can you shut up you little brat! You need to just mind your business. Oops, I forgot you do not have none. Dad can you please not tell momma,” exclaimed Mia while looking at her phone then her dad.
Tre looked at his oldest child and daughter, Mia, she acts just like Cierra even though they both say they do not. “First of all, don’t talk to your sister like that because that is your family,” Tre said with a sterned voice looking towards the road, “Second, my baby should not be having no boo thang. She should be keeping that head in those books. You know next year, you and Jakob going to be in high school.” Before Mia could even speak, Jakob cut her off.
“Dad, you don’t have to worried about me. Cause this man have all his shit together,” shouted Jakob while cutting off Mia.
As Tre stopped at the red light, both him and the girls look at him crazy.
“Oops, sorry for the cuss word,” he said with a small smirk turning his head out the window, so he did not see their stares. As Tre turn around to go through the light, his phone started to ring.
“Mia, can you see who it is?” Tre stated while trying to get over in the other lane. Mia looked at the phone seeing, Babygirl, a picture of her mom and dad kissing at there wedding. She looked at her dad, him being oblivious to it, and saw that he was drained.
Her mom and dad never fought like they have fought like they have these pass few months in her 13 years of life. “It is momma, dad,” she quietly said to her dad. Even though she thought she said it quite enough, so Jakob did not hear it, he heard it. Tre looked at his son in the mirror and saw the just so happy kid turn sad.
As Mia handed the phone, Tre did not know what mood Cierra could be in. “Hello,” Tre quietly stated. “Tre I just have one question. Why is my whole family and yours is coming to LA today.” Cierra said calmly while heading home with Angelo, who was coaching her on bringing on the topic.
“Cierra this was plans months of go. Remember, when you went on that trip on my birthday. ,” Tre rigidly said to Cierra, bringing up memerioes of that day. Cierra held her tongue back and roll her eyes because Tre didn’t have to bring it up.
“Okay Tre, am I on speakerphone.” Cierra stated while driving with Angelo giving her thumbs up for not saying something smart.
“Yes Cierra.”
“Okay, I need to talk to everyone about something. I know this morning was very upsetting for everybody at home. I would like to first apologize to Jakob. Baby, I’m sorry, your cousing Angelo really made me upset because he almost broke a deal.” Cierra explained to the kids and Tre without telling the true reason she was upset.
“ I am not proud that I ignored you baby. I love you baby and your sisters. Sometimes momma makes a mistake and she made a big one!” Cierra cried with tears in her eyes and the mascara was not waterproof. Angelo even had to take the wheel because she let the wheel go.
The kids and Tre were very surprise. If you knew Cierra, she does not apologize for nothing even when she knows it is her fought. Just as Tre pulled through the gates of the community, Jakob stated “Momma I know that you didn’t mean it. Plus, I kind of need you to apologize to you too.”
“Baby there is nothing to apologize for.” Cierra said while pulling into the gated community as well.
“Well momma I really need to apologize for this.” Jakob nervously said. As Tre pulled into the driveway, he decided to keep the car running to see what Jakob about to say. On the other hand, Mia knew exactly what he about to say.
“Then what is it baby.” Cierra stated following this slow car. Also, Angelo knew exactly what he was about to say. If this boy tells Cierra, his ass is going be heading on home to Jesus Angelo thoughted.
“Well…. you know that plate the Obama’s gave you at their house.” Jakoob stammered while not looking at the eyes that were staring at him. Tre knew this was about to be WW3 up in the Rhode’s household.
“Yes, I do.” Cierra silently whisper with curiosity in her voice. Well let me go on and plan this boy Homecoming service because his butt is gone Mia thoughted.
Just as Cierra was pulling in the driveway by Tre’s car, Jakob shouted “Momma I broke it! It was an accident. I was joking around with my friends on the phone when washing the dishes. Then all sudden, it walks out of my hand and just fell to the floor. Momma I really don’t know why it would jump.”  
“Ah shit.” Tre sighed under his breath knowing that he about to meet his maker.
Tre, Mia, and Amaya look out left and saw Cierra’s Mercedes Benz. Everybody was waiting for Cierra to speak.
Angelo on the under hand was looking at Cierra and he knew that look. Angelo rolled down his window and look dead at Tre.
“You probably want to tell your son that he is about to meet his maker.” Angelo mouthed to everyone in the car. While Jakob was looking out the other side of the window waiting for his momma to answer.
“ You probably wants to run to your room Ja Ja.” Amya whispered to her brother. If Amaya knew that he should run, he should run. Jakob look out the window everybody was looking out of and he saw his momma looking right at him.
Jakob yank the door open and ran through the back gate. However, his momma was right not so far behind him.
“ Oh lord, mommy is going to kill him.” Amya shouted.
Why was Cierra calling Momma T ? Was Tre trying Cierra when bringing up the trip? The most important question: IS JAKOB GOING TO MEET HIS MAKER TODAY?
This was just a little chapter because baby some details are going to be spill tea every where in the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
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Taglist: @l-auteuse​ @munteanhore​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @19jammmy​ @ljstraightnochaser​
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rubywilled-archive · 6 years
okay bad end notes/AUs under the cut which u can assume is what would default happen unless plotted otherwise tbh
— anankos, katerina, saizo the 4th, and sumeragi already sort of have bad ends in canon, they all die eventually but a further bad end would be saizo and katerina coming back like mikoto and sumeragi did, and facing off against suzukaze and saizo/the nohr kids.
— reinhardt either dies at the river thracia in his canon bad end, or in a bad heroes verse end, dies in askr at the hands of surtr.
— tobias is already dead technically, but a bad end for him could be him coming back like the dead parents did, which hurts even worse in rev when you remember he and gunter were friends from training and his presence is likely used against gunter as leverage.
— lukas doesn’t make it to being a teacher, killed either as clive’s right hand, or in an “accident” involving his older brother.
— berkut isn’t the one that’s called out to by duma, the mad god instead forcibly chosing rinea, and the prince’s royal blood being sacrificed only to return as a witch.
— oseus is either killed by the shepherds in the battle he can be recruited from, or is eventually executed by his master after he grows sick of him.
— titus is executed for treason by desaix after trying to desert, or is killed by the deliverance, not even being able to see amyas one more time.
— pheros dies in her fight against the shepherds, but is resurrected as a risen and fights under walhart in his recruitment battle, only to die again.
— kazunari isn’t captured and instead is killed at fort dragonfall, or is killed during nohr’s final push into hoshido at the great wall of suzanoh.
— kilma dies leading the ice tribe’s rebellion against garon and his death is used as an example, or dies of a broken heart after flora kills herself.
— fuga is killed protecting his people from garon’s invasion into hoshido and their surrounding lands.
— suzukaze returns home as the new saizo, but is never truly accepted due to his part in the invasion of hoshido, and is eventually assassinated by his own people.
— vanhylde is taken by embla and experimented on, to try and figure out how askr created an artificial being, from which they eventually die and are discarded.
— xander!ignatius becomes king of nohr wielding siegfried as the last of his family, or azura!ignatius sacrifices himself in place of shigure in heirs of fate.
— bruno gives in to their urges as the dark god’s blood and attacks the askr trio, and in the end is killed by alfonse.
— oscar and his brothers never make it to the greil mercenaries in an earlier bad end, but otherwise is killed defending the entrance to the tower of guidance while the others fight ashera.
— aelius is never saved from izuka’s feral serum by a heron, and is either killed or rampages after escaping the battle in the forests nearby until he dies.
— memphis is arrested and executed by nohr, on account of theft, conspiracy, and treason.
— reyson isn’t saved from the serenes massacre at all, or is taken by the senate as a slave.
— gabriel’s bad end is technically his canon end, which is that he dies in the last major war before peacetime in askr, and never goes home.
— xander is possessed by anankos after garon dies in conquest, and becomes a tyrant like him, or is killed by gunter after protecting corrin during their jump into valla instead of scarlet.
— abraham never regains his true form or powers, and lives in lostlorn forest as a hermit and rumored ghost for decades to come.
— cyrus never is able to escape the distortion world, and goes insane with giratina as his only companion.
— brycen is unable to stop team plasma alongside the other gym leaders, and becomes part of the resistance effort against them in ghetsis’ new world.
— ingo’s fate is similar after ghetsis succeeds, with he and his twin brother converting the battle subway into a bunker for people hiding from the cold, with all tunnels except one to the outside sealed and shut down.
— boadicea is killed in the future past leading valm against grima’s forces as naga transports the rest of the children to their living parents’ timeline, having asked lucina to return the wolf berg to her father in the past as her last request.
— rafiel isn’t bought by hetzel, instead by another senator, and either dies in his care or in his escape attempt to hatari desert.
— lavinia stays with her parents, the pair likely being frederick and kellam, instead of fleeing in the future past, and dies a proper knight protecting the exalted family.
— abelard is killed alongside her father hans when hoshidan forces take the secret tunnel into the plaza inside castle krakenburg.
— unil is executed for treason by king leo, or disappears into hoshido’s wilds and is never seen again after the war.
— gravis is executed as a heretic for worshipping the everlasting dragons, or leaves anor londo to travel the world before the age of fire ends.
— ulki is killed protecting king tibarn, or should tibarn die, is tasked with finding and teaching a new heir. he’s never the same.
— one of ieitiel’s many mercenary jobs goes wrong, and he is killed by corrin’s army, or is hunted down due to the demand for his dragon form’s rare materials.
— rajaion recovers in goldoa, but is unable to disobey his father’s wishes a second time, and fights and dies alongside him in the tower of guidance.
— kellam dies in the future past, defending the future children from a horde of risen, or is killed in the final grima battle in his own timeline.
— sígnímnegr is hunted back down by múspell after deserting their forces and burned to death, or is captured by hunters and skinned for his beast form’s fur.
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thoughtsandlife23 · 8 years
Crossposted to AO3
Sara Lance would like to say that she was a very observant person thank you very much (you didn’t spend almost 6 years with the league of assassins being trained to kill people without becoming observant really) so she’s surprised to notice that they’re newest team member has been spending a lot of time with their resident pyro.
She doesn’t notice their closeness or their friendship until Amaya gets injured in one of their missions and it’s only the three of them and the ship and the rest of their team is nowhere to be found.
They had arrived in the 1800’s in the town of Armidale because there had been a reported aberration and when they had arrived they had discovered that someone had been experimenting with people and animals with technology from the future. No one on the team was surprised to find out that the people who had been behind it had been the legion of doom. They had found out that Darkh had been experimenting on people to create an army of ghosts that was apparently going to be more powerful and tougher than the ones he had been planning to create in the future.
Sara still couldn’t believe the lengths that Darkh and Merlyn would go to just to gain power but then again they were supervillains so why was she surprised. The confrontation had occurred in a ship yard. Mick and Amaya had teamed up to stop the speedster, Eobard Thawne, while Sara had gone for Darkh leaving the rest to fight Merlyn.
But as always (why was she surprised really with this entire team’s luck) things had gone to shit, somehow in the middle of all the fighting the entire team had been separated and had become scattered. She had managed to find Mick and Amaya only to find the other woman wounded. The rest of the team must have moved the ship so as not to give any of the legion a chance to take over the Waverider again.
She sees Mick leaning against one of the walls of the warehouse that they’re hiding in and he’s pressing down on the bleeding wound in Amaya’s side and as she crawls over to them she hears them mumbling to each other. The nearer she gets the clearer the words are starting to become.
“I told you to be careful.” Mick scolds.
“I’m fine.” She hears Amaya insists as she lets out a tired cough and leans her head against him.
“Hmmm sure you are, Honey.” Mick replies as he places a soft kiss to her forehead.
She sees and hears the affection and worry in Mick’s voice but that doesn’t stop her from noticing Amaya smile at the nickname. This is the first time that she has seen them this way and she decides to leave them be because it is adorable the way he worries about Amaya because it is very clearly written on his face, the man who has repeatedly said that he does not do feelings does have feelings.
Later when they get back to the Waverider, she sees him sit down next to Amaya on the medical bay as Gideon stitches her up and he stays there for the until she wakes up.
Jax may have been the youngest in this entire team but he does notice things so he really isn’t surprised to see Mick and Amaya spending time together cause he totally called it right from the beginning especially because every time there was a mission Amaya was the one who was tasked with making sure that Mick wasn’t going to get himself into trouble. He had noticed Sara smiling when they had both accidentally caught Amaya handing Mick a bottle of stolen beer and he had figured it out too, they both never acknowledged it though the obvious friendship and comrade that had developed between their resident Pyro and their newest team member.
He didn’t think Grey even knew or noticed (but then again Grey did have more problems at the moment especially because he had created an aberration in the form of his now existing daughter, Lily) until a mission that gone wrong where Mick had been kidnapped by the legion of doom.
He and Grey had entered the main lull of the ship to find their newest team member pacing back and forth against the wall. He and Grey had stared at each other in worry before he pushed Grey forward, he would stop an alien bomb or a member of the legion of doom but he really didn’t have the experience to deal with comforting people especially women he was just a teenager here you know.
“Stop it, Jefferson.” Stein snapped as Jax pushed him forward.
“Find out what’s wrong with her, Grey.” Jax insisted as he continued to push Stein in Amaya’s direction.
“Why me?” Stein asked.
“Duh I’m a teenager and your married.” He replied like it was obvious and he shouldn’t have to be telling him this.
“Really,  Jefferson, are you telling me that because I am married that it is my job to comfort other people?” Stein whispered with an edge to his tone.
“Duh.” Jax repeated.
Stein scowled at him and shook his head before walking forward to where Amaya was still pacing back and forth.
“Ms Jiwe, Are you alright?” Jax heard Stein ask as he reached Amaya.
“Yes professor, I’m fine, just a bit worried.” Amya replied as she stopped her pacing and gave him a tight smile.
“About what may I ask?” Stein asked curiously.
“Mick.” Amaya replied.
“You’re worried about, Mr. Rory?”  Stein confirmed
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Amaya asked defensively. “He’s a part of this team and is in danger after having been kidnapped, why wouldn’t I be worried?”
“Well, he is a criminal.” Stein replied.
“And as a result I shouldn’t be worried about him?” Amaya snapped back at him.
“That is not what I meant Ms. Jiwe. I was simply stunned about your worry for him, I didn’t know he even had friends.” Stein said as he held up both hands.
“Well, I’m his friend.” Amaya replied defiantly.
“Well, I’m sure Mr. Rory shall be fine there is no need to worry, Ms. Jiwe.” Stein said soothingly as he put a hand on her shoulder.
“I hope so.” Amaya replied before she left.
As he walked back to where Jax was hiding Jax could see that he had a stunned look on his face.
“I didn’t even know that they talked or much less are friends.” Stein murmured in wonder.
“Shows what you know.” Jax muttered as they both headed to the Captain’s office.
Later when they all come up with a plan to rescue Mick (which of course went wrong when something in their plan fell apart and the had to wing it) Amaya is the first one into the room Mick is being held in kicking the door down as she enters. Mick is strapped to one of the beds with wires strapped to his forehead and needles with wires on his arm.
The team had figured out that the Legon’s goal in kidnapping Mick had been to try to turn him back in Chronos to gain access to the former hunter’s timeship.
“Your late, Honey.” Mick said weakly as she reached his side.
“Sorry, got held up a bit.” Amaya replied as she placed a kiss to his forehead. Jax felt Stein’s realization and understanding at the depth of Mick and Amaya’s relationship.
“You knew?” Stein asked in awe later when they were alone and Mick had been put in the medbay.
“It was obvious.” Jax replied.
When he had joined the ship he had been warned about Mick, well not warned really but he had seen how some of the other members of the crew had acted around him they acted as though Mick was a dumb no body who’s main job in the Waverider was to drink and be merry, they insulted him (he did it too but that was because the crew did it and Mick seemed to not mind) and they treated him like he was out of control (which to be fair he was), they tolerated him sure but they were wary of Mick, he had heard from the rest of the team that Mick had betrayed them when he had been brain washed by the time masters after he had betrayed them to time pirates.
Mick was the outsider and other than missions the crew avoided dealing with him in fact he hadn’t seen the pyro interacting with anyone else to socialize. But the one thing he did notice was that the pyro had nick names for everyone on the ship Sara was blondie, Nate was and Ray was haircut (he found Ray’s nick name funny and had to hide sniggers every time Mick called him that.) The one member that he didn’t seem to have a nick name for was Amaya and Nate did know why that was when everyone seemed to have gained one. It was a mystery that he planned to solve.
When Mick started getting put on missions with Amaya he had been wary that it would work because the man did burn his entire family in a house fire so how would Amay who while having powers and experience in the JSA be able to control an out of control pyro like Mick. But he had been surprised because he could see that Mick didn’t mind the company in fact it almost seemed like Mick and Amaya were developing some sort of friendship even, he wasn’t sure if he was the only one who noticed but every time she found something that a crew member had said useless Amaya would roll her eyes which was odd because that was a Mick Rory mannerism.
And it wasn’t just that but during missions Sara didn’t even have to assign Amaya the job of keeping Mick in control and making sure that he didn’t make trouble because Amaya started volunteering for it, the first time she volunteered to be Mick’s partner on a mission he had seen the pyro smile but it was so quick that he wasn’t even sure that it happened especially because a smile meant happy and laughter and as far as he knew  from what he had seen of the man and what he had heard and seen from the team Mick Rory did not do feelings, so he was surprised when he noticed Mick and Amaya holding hands some times and staring at each other when they though the other wasn’t looking or little things like Amaya defending him from crew members who insulted him.
The first time that he was able to confirm that Amaya had actual feelings for Mick had been during a mission where he had gotten hurt, Merlyn had stabbed him and Ray and himself had had to drag Mick to the med bay because the man had been unable to walk, Amaya he noticed had been a nervous wreck especially when Mick had started seizing and Gideon had kicked the rest of the team out, they had all moved to the brig to discuss the mission and its success but Amaya had opted to stay by using the excuse that she was going to her room to relax. She didn’t leave his side the entire time he had been in the med bay and had made sure that wasn’t going on missions that would either reopen the wound or cause an infection.
After that he made it his mission to find out if Mick reciprocated her feelings, he watched out for any signs that said or implied that Mick had feelings for Amaya and those signs usually appeared during missions where Amaya would have to flirt with other men to find out information on where to find the items or codes that the mission needed. He would notice Mick clench his fist and sometimes if he was holding a bottle said bottle would break in the middle of the room. Whenever these kinds of missions happened Mick would stick to coms never leaving the room lest something happened to her or the mission was finished.
It wasn’t obvious but it was there and he wasn’t the only one who started noticing because he would see other crew members glancing at him when these kinds of missions happened afraid that he would do something to make the ship malfunction.
But he didn’t figure out the change in their relationship until it he caught them in a moment in the kitchen, Oddly it was also the first time that Nate heard Mick call Amaya a nick name.
He had been walking to the kitchen hoping for a midnight snack (he had never used to eat this much before maybe it was because of his newly found powers) the rest of the crew would be asleep seeing as it was midnight and while time was iffy in the Waverider their body clocks knocked them out at 12 am. He entered the kitchen and saw Amaya sitting on the counter with Mick on the stove, it looked like he was cooking something, what shocked him the most though was that Amaya was wearing Mick’s jacket under what looked like an oversized sleep shirt, Mick himself was wearing pants and a white shirt.
They were both laughing at something. It had been nice to see them like that with smiles on their faces instead of the usual blank masks they wore.
“What are you cooking?” Amaya asked curiously.
“Pancakes, it’s a breakfast food in 2016 and Len’s sister Lisa loved it” Mick said calmly.
“You were close to your former partner’s sister?” Amaya asked him curiously.
“Yup, she’s like a little sister to me, we created together this recipe when she was 9 and decided that princesses had to have pancakes for breakfast, we didn’t have a lot of money what with Len and I being former criminals and having been in juvie it was hard to find a job so if Lisa liked food that was expensive we would create the recipe together. It’s a secret recipe not even Len knew about it I think.” Mick explained sadly. “Not knowing the recipe bugged the crap outta Len.”
“Well it’s a privilege to be one of the people who get to find out what this secret recipe is.” Amaya announced with a smile.
A couple of minutes later Mick plated up what looked to be delicious pancakes, he resisted the urge to walk over there, grab the plate and take it back to his room. Mick and Amaya sat on one of the tables and he saw Mick hold his breath as she cut up a slice and put it in her mouth.
“Good?” Mick asked in amusement as Amaya let out a small moan.
“So good, can I have more?” Amaya asked.
“Whatever you want, honey.” Mick replied back as he stood up and turned the stove on again.
Nate watched as Amaya finished what was on her plate and leaned up to kiss Mick as he put the new batch on pancakes on her plate. Nate left then, he had seen enough and they deserved to have this moment just for themselves. As he walked back he realized that he had just figured out Mick’s nick name for Amaya and he couldn’t help but grin because he knew that if someone had called Amaya honey before Mick they would have gotten the shit beat out of them but Amaya made an exception for Mick probably because she found it adorable and endearing.
“The pryro and the fox who knew.” Nate thought as he entered his room.
Palmer was an idiot, he really really was, well no Ray and Nate were both idiots. The entire team had told both a million times not to press the buttons on any of the devices they recover from the Legion of doom but what did the idiots do you ask? They pressed a button and were now responsible for Mick and Amaya’s current predicament. They had been walking to the main lull of the Waverider when they had seen Haircut and Pretty playing with the device that the team had recovered from the legion of doom during a mission so naturally they had both walked over to them to give them a lecture (well Amaya had walked over to them to give them a lecture but Mick didn’t really care so he had just kind of trudged along to see what it was about) Amaya had reached up to grab the device but it was too late and the idiots had already pressed a button and pointed the device at the both of them.
Next thing they knew they had appeared on the Waverider with Snart, Rip, Sara, Kendra, Jax, Ray, Stein and a past version of Mick staring at them. It was obvious that the device had been some sort of time travel device that had put them in a past version of the Waverider more accurately right after their first trip to the wild west where Mick had just been released from confinement in the ship after being discovered as Chronos.
Mick shook his head and looked at Amaya, man did he have the worst luck ever (he was going to kill Palmer and Heywood when they got back on their version of the Waverider, he really really really was, he was going to laugh while watching their bodies getting charred by fire from his heat gun) right now though he more things to worry about as a knife sailed past his head and another knife appeared near his neck curtesy of Sara, he also saw Snart pointing his gun at Amaya’s head.
“Who are you and why do you look like Mr. Rory?” Rip asked as he walked forward to the middle where Mick and Amaya where now standing.
Ignoring him Mick turned to Amaya “I’m going to kill Heywood and Palmer when we get back to the Waverider.”
“Not if I get there first.” Amaya grumbled back. They heard someone coughing and turned back to the rest of the team.
“The reason I look like him,” Mick began as he pointed to where his past self was standing. “is because I am him, well a future version of him that is.”
“That’s impossible.” Rip scoffed as the rest of the team looked at each other.
“As impossible as reincarnating people and time travel?” Mick questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“If you really are who you say you are prove it.” Snart said with a raised eyebrow as he walked to where they were standing.
“Want me to reveal all your secrets Snart?” Mick replied back with a raised eyebrow.
Snart didn’t say anything back but raised another eyebrow and Mick sighted knowing he would have to reveal things he didn’t want revealed.
“I once babysat your sister when she was 10 because you forgot one of your plans in one of our old safe houses and when you got back you found Lisa passed out and me with lipstick on my lips and in a tutu cause Lisa wanted to play dress up and she was starting to become obsessed with make up. That enough for you?” Mick said with a sight. Amaya saw a small blush staining his neck and couldn’t help but let out a small smile.
“She called you a pretty pretty princess and you couldn’t say no cause she gave you puppy dog eyes.” Snart continued with a smile on his face before turning to face the rest of the people in the room. “It’s him.”
Sara removed the knife from his neck and Snart took his gun of Amaya’s head before they all walked to the ship’s brig and gathered around.
“We need to contact out version of the Waverider.” Mick concluded as Amaya nodded next to him.
“How did this even happen?” Rip asked in bewilderment.
“It was Palmer’s fault well Palmer and Heywood, they pressed a button on a device that we retrieved from this week’s supervillains and we ended up here.” Mick grumbled before he turned to Amaya. “I’m going to burn those two to crisp when we get back.”
“I won’t stop you, I’ll even bring the lighter fluid.” Amaya replied back with conviction.
“Before that,” Ray began. “Who are you?”
“I’m Amaya Jiwe, I’m from 1945.” Amaya replied with a glare that Palmer shrunk back from. “Now can we contact the ship or not?”
Mick went to the middle to tap the code which would them to contact the Waverider. Five minutes later Sara’s face appeared on the screen and both Amaya and Mick saw the relief on her face at seeing them.
“Are you two ok? What happened?” Sara asked with worry on her face.
“We’re fine, Lance, but say hello to the past.” Mick said as he moved to the side and they saw Sara’s eyes widen when she saw her other self. Amaya had moved to one side content to let Mick handle the talking while the past people were just staring at the other Sara in awe.
“How the fuck did you guys get yourselves into this mess?” Sara said as she shook her head.
“Blame Palmer and Heywood.” Mick grumbled back.
“Oh I do they were able to find a way to bring you back but it’s going to take a few minutes or hours to work so sit tight, all communications are going to be open though so you can contact the ship if there’s problems.” Sara said as the connection cut off.
“What did she say?” Amaya asked as Mick walked over to her.
“They were able to find a way to get us home but it might take a couple of minutes or hours depending.” Mick said to her.
“Fucking Palmer and Heywood.” Amaya grumbled under her breath.
“Such a filthy mouth, you’ve been spending too much time with me, Honey.” Mick teased as they both walked to Rip’s office to raid the chocolate.
“Shut up.” Amaya said as she slapped him on the arm.
“Wait did he just call her honey” Kendra asked in shock as she looked at the two visitors who were both walking towards Rip’s office.
“Yup.” Ray replied in awe before he took her hand and they walked back to their room.
“Close your mouth boys you never know if there are flies on this ship.” Sara said to Len and the past Mick who were both open mouthed.
They would never remember this because 5 hours later Mick and Amaya disappeared and there was no memory left of their visit except shouts from Rip’s office asking them who had eaten his chocolate, the problem was no one even knew he had chocolate in his office.
Ray doesn’t really know much about Mick Rory other than the fact that he was a thief, criminal, arsonist and all around drunk, heck the man didn’t even know if Mick had many friends so he was surprised to see that Mick had been spending a lot of time with their newest team member. He had started noticing during missions that both of them volunteered to work with each other, most of the time introducing themselves as Bonnie and Clyde (which he would like to point out is not a good idea especially when they had faced the actual bonnie and clyde who had tried to kill both Mick and Amaya for claiming they were Bonnie and Clyde)
He knew they were friends sure but he didn’t know the depth of that friendship until Amaya started defending Mick from the insults and quips that he received from the rest of their team mates (he had been trying to hold back on the insults especially when he realized that while Mick didn’t show it he was actually affected by the insults from the rest of the crew and that what was wrong with Mick was that he was still trying to get over everything that had happened last year)
They had been discussing a mission that had as usual gone wrong (since they started becoming legends none of their missions had ever gone right, he didn’t know why that was but it had been like that from the start and most of the time the reasons missions were completed successfully was because things went wrong so he guessed he really couldn’t complain)
The team had arrived in the 1500’s to find that people had been getting sick with things like the plague and they of course found that the people behind it had been the usual meaning Darkh, Merlyn and the speedster, Eobard Thawne. The mission had gone fine at first and at the end they had been able to recover the virus that the Legion Of Doom had released on the public, Stein had been able to synthesize a cure and no one had been injured except from bruises and one concussion.
Nate had targeted Mick by saying that everything would have gone right if he had just focused and not been the usual asshole that usually was. The rest of the team hadn’t interfered with Nate’s lecture and Mick had just sat there but Ray had seen Amaya’s eyes flashing with anger that he had thought was directed at Mick at first until she turned to Nate.
“Yes, it was all his fault was it?” Amaya asked in anger, eyes flashing at Nate. “Its not like you were more worried about impressing your girlfriend or that you Sara were so obsessed with getting Darkh and your vendetta that you forgot there was a mission and that it was both your jobs to get the virus and the device that would be used to release it. Stop blaming Mick for your mistakes.”
She glared at Sara and Nate who look chastised. Ray agreed with Amaya, it really hadn’t been Mick’s fault that things had gone wrong, after Sara had seen Darkh she had chased him down not realizing that the mission still needed to be completed while Nate had been too busy trying to impress a woman that he had liked that he had almost gotten the rest of the team killed.
After everyone had gone to their room, Sara and Nate properly chastised by Amaya with Stein and Jax nodding along to what Amaya had been saying in the background, it had only been him, Mick and Amaya who had been left in the ship’s main brig and they must have forgotten he was there because they started talking.
“You know you didn’t have to do that.” Mick observed as he took a drink of the bottle in his hand.
“Yeah, I did, they like to blame things that aren’t your fault on you. It’s time they got called out for it.” Amaya replied in a determined tone.
“No one’s ever defended me before, thanks for that, Honey.” Mick said, Ray saw a small smile bloom on his face before it was gone.
“You called her honey.” Ray said as Amaya turned to walk out of the room with a small smile on her face and Mick turned to face him.
“So?” Mick said with a raised eyebrow. “I call you haircut. I have nick names for all of you”
“Yeah, bu-bu-but she didn’t punch you.” Ray replied in wonder.
“Huh.” Mick said as he realized that was right she hadn’t slapped him, maybe the name was sticking.
“The pyro and the fox, this was going to be an interesting love story” Ray thought as he walked out of the room and left Mick alone.
+ I It starts by accident, him calling her honey again that is. He’s sitting in one of the rooms of the Waverider after another failed attempt to catch the speedster Eobard Thawne when she comes in with a look on her face that he can’t quite identify. But then again he really isn’t good with feelings so he shrugs and goes back to his drinking, hoping she’ll walk right back out the door and eave him alone (does no one on this ship understand that he doesn’t want to talk to them and that he thinks that they’re all a bunch of idiots.)
But his luck must be rotten (no surprises there, he’s had rotten luck since he was a kid anyways, always hanging out with the wrong crowds and setting things on fire prime example setting his house on fire while his family was in it) cause she grabs a chair and sits down right in front of him.
“What are you staring at?” he growled uncomfortably while taking a swig off of the bottle on his hand.
“Nothing,” she replied. “It’s just, why do you do this to yourself?”
“Do what to myself?” He asked as he took another gulp of the drink in his hand.
“Present yourself to everyone like this. Why do you not let people see who you really are?” Amaya asked him with another odd look on her face. “What are you talking about?” Mick asked with a grumble. “who you see in front of you, the drunk no good loser, is all that I am.”
“No it’s not.” Amaya replied with a sight and a shake of her head. “You forget that I’ve been working with you the past few weeks and from what I’ve seen so far, your not a loser nor are you no good.
“When people see good they expect good and then they start building up expectations and I don’t want to ever have to live up to anybody’s expectations.” He replied honestly.
He didn’t know why but he found himself confessing things to her that he would never confess to anyone but as he had told Snart’s ghost she was his only friend and while he did not do feelings having a friend was nice especially since his last partner was dead
“You should you know, you have so much to offer the world” She replied back with a small smile on her face.
“Whatever you say, Honey.” Mick quipped back at her sarcastically before going back to staring into space not realizing that he had just called her honey.
As he goes back to staring into nothing Mick doesn’t notice the small smile that Amaya has on her face because the nick name wasn’t used in an offensive manner but an affectionate one. Mick may act like an animal but she knew that he had more depth than that and she would show him that there was more to life than just drinking
When Mick does realize what he called her again he chuckles because honey is the perfect nickname for her because just like honey Amaya was sweet but very very bad for him.
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