#amymaleneart writing
amymaleneart · 23 days
"The Mail Service Trilogy."
Here's part three of the trilogy of @missterious-figure Wine and Feathers AU! Was going to do some sort of feather-care, but than I thought of something better. (*tiny evil laughter*)
You walk down the long private hallway of the casino, trying your best to carry the oversized package addressed to Eclipse without dropping it.  Thankfully it’s not heavy, but it sure is a little cumbersome.  
You would have already opened the package to remove its contents, as it was a part of your job to screen everything that comes in for the stars.  Except the way your manager had pretty much busted into your office and tossed the package on your desk.  Then demanded you to take it to the “prissy oversized drama-king” right away, didn’t give you much of an opportunity to make sure it was safe.  Even though he did assure you that it is all safe and okay, he continues to yell and barates the most seeked after peacock about how he has been hounding him about this particular package.  Then he starts yelling at you about how the mailroom wasn’t doing their job and should have taken it to you in the first place, even though you have nothing to do with it.
It seems ever since you got promoted to becoming their main handler, the manager seems to take any opportunity to express his frustrations and anger out on you whenever they do something he doesn’t approve of.  Often when no one else is around.
You wipe away your incoming tears onto your shoulders as you try your best to shake off the underserved berating.  But there isn’t anything you can do to change that you guess.  As far as you know, there’s no one else higher than your boss besides the owner, and you know he doesn’t come here that often to be on any kind of name basis with you.  You also know that HR is friends with your boss, so best to just leave–“Omph!”
While lost in your thoughts, you failed to realize someone was in front of you as you collided into them.  Fortunately you didn’t drop the package, but instead started to fall backwards towards the ground.  You already accepted your fate of getting a nasty headache from hitting your head onto the ground.  Yet somehow you find you’re half suspended in the air as you feel then see a large bronze leather glove cradles the small of your back.  You follow up the well muscular arm until you are face to black and hot pink face of the giant peacock harpy known as Eclipse.
He purrs as his amber eyes drinks you up like you are his favorite cocktail.  “Careful now, my darling little gloaming star.  You could have hurt your precious self and then someone would need to take care of you.”  He leans in closer, “Although, I would be more than happy to take care of you anytime, my dear little handler.”
That’s when Eclipse notices how puffy and watery your eyes are, his demeanor changes from his overly flirtatious self to one of concern.  Of course you don’t notice this because you are still reeling in from being flustered.
“I-I-I…” you swallow, “I-I have a p-package for yoooooou!?” You nearly screech out the last word as he tosses you over his shoulder, like you were fresh kill, causing you to drop the large box.  “Eclipse!” You gasp as you try to hold onto his back without pulling at any of his orange feathers.  “Wha-what are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer as he bends down to pick up the box with his free hand, then continues down the hallway towards your original destination, his private dressing room.  
As you enter, you cry, “E-eclipse, please.  P-put me d-down.”
“In a moment, my sweet little honeysuckle.”  He tosses the package into his room as he turns around to shut and locks his door.  You’re not sure you like where this is going.  You know him to be the biggest flirt between the three of them, but you never thought he would outright kidnap you!  Next he flungs you off his shoulder into his open arms, holding you up high so you are face-level with his oranges, reds and pinks feather-framed face.  You found yourself squirming in his gentle embrace, having a hard time looking at his adorable face.
“Are you already?” he asks, his tenor-like voice entering into your soul like a pleasant evening breeze.
“I-I am f-fine,” you say, still refusing to look at him.  The last thing you want is for him to worry about you.
He hums as he continues to observe you.  You do recall that the name he had as a chick was “the watcher” and has developed these skills to the point you have no doubt he saw through your obvious lie.
“I-I was instructed by the manager to bring you this,” you say as you point at the package. “He…umm…said you really…(“Give that giant, overpriced feather duster his dumb package!  I am getting really sick and tired of his cocky attitude, thinking he owns the damn place.)…need it as soon as it arrives.”
Another hum leaves his mouth as his lips turn into a half-frown, like he smells a dirty rat.  He gently sets you down as if you were made of porcelain.  “I’m sorry, sweet thing.  If I had known he was going to give you such trouble, I would have practiced more patience if it would mean to save you from his wrath.”
You quickly look up at him, panic showing through your voice as you say, “No! No, it’s okay.  He didn’t do anything—” A gloved finger was placed on your lips, instantly silently you.  You stand there as you feel your face heat up in a bright blush that you’re surprised it doesn’t burn your skin.
Satisfy, Eclipse turns his attention to the partially battered package.  He picks it up to remove the tape to take out its contents.  He pulls out a large, rectangular piece of soft fabric that you quickly realized must be a king-sized blanket.  Your eyes widen as you see the bronze color shimmer against the lights in the room.  The large harpy takes two of the corners of the blanket into his hands to open up to reveal an amazing custom design of reds, hot pinks, blues, purples and bronze peacock feathers printed into the fabric.  It was almost like someone tried to take his tail feathers to enchant it into this blanket.
“I had asked the manager to help me order this.  Even used my own earnings though tips from the rich patrons to pay for this.  But it seems I should have gone to someone more…tolerable, for help.” 
Next thing you know, you are in complete darkness as Eclipse tosses the blanket on top of you.  Before you could say any sort of sound, you feel large hands grab and spin you around until you are tightly wrapped up into a comfortable human burrito.
Oh My Stars!  This is sooooo Soft!
Eclipse pulls down the blanket to reveal your star-struck face, causing him to laugh at how adorable you must look to him now.
“*hehehe* I knew you would look beautiful in my colors.”  Eclipse proceeds to pick you up, bridal-style, and walks over to his Mayan hammock he has hanging on one side of the room.  Carefully and elegantly, he turns and falls into the hanging breathable weave like he has done a million times before.  
“E-eclipse?  I-I really c-an’t–”
“Shhhhhhhhh.  Don’t worry.  You have enough time for a little break, my hardworking pheasant.”
He holds you close in his arms, ready to protect you from any danger that might come your way.
Part One: Done in an ask - Part Two: Over Here- Part Three: Here
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 1 month
@darlingdeer21 @gniteruirui @artythebear @writing-forever @cakemx @robinette-green @happysadyoyo @amymaleneart @mcfries123 @inkydoughnut
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amymaleneart · 19 days
Stardust Veterinary Care (DCA Alien AU) Chapter 20
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amymaleneart · 3 months
Going Home to Roost (DCA Harpy AU) "I Need a Harpy-Sitter
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Co-wrote a two-parter, one-shot story when Y/N needs someone to watch the chicks.
Thank you to @lets-zofifi-stuff for agreeing to watch the chicks!
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 4 months
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
Thanks to @wakebymoonsleepbysun for a shrodringer tag!
From Siren's kiss:
“I think they want something from my collection of human objects. I found some things in this shape.”
Tagging @robinette-green @amymaleneart @writing-forever and whoever else who wants to.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 2 months
Last Line Challenge!
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many people as you like).
Thank you for the tag @robinette-green and @wakebymoonsleepbysun!!
From a new fic that was working on today.
"Fnaf" meets "That's not my neighbour" and more precizely: Doppleganger!Reader x Human!Sun and Moon. The working title is:
"The mask is becoming you"
Then he suddenly jumped off his chair, and the seat wobbled haphazardly. “O-of course, that you aren’t mad at me, not that you weren’t feeling alright.”
I'm tagging @amymaleneart @writing-forever @darlingdeer21 @inkydoughnut and whoever else wants to join!
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