#an actual miracle: i've finished writing the draft of all the prompts
morethanwords229 · 9 months
End of the Year - Chapter 27 - morethanwords229 - Law & Order: SVU [Archive of Our Own]
Prompt #27: Reunions
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voidthewanderer · 6 months
If you go onto my AO3 page, you'll notice that four of my posts are missing. Mnemonic Impressions, Chemical Love, Christmas Miracles, and the Drabbles/One Shots collection. I've removed them to rewrite them.
Unfortunately, Mnemonic Impressions strayed way too far from the plot I'd originally intended to the point that it's probably just never actually going to wind up being finished. There were too many loose ends that I made for no real reason, honestly. I'm going to be tightening up the plot, removing the unnecessary side plots with irrelevant characters and actually getting to finish.
Chemical Love only had two chapters up anyways; however I want to work a little bit more on it before reposting it. One of those "I know where I want to go with it, but it's gonna need a few drafts" sort of thing and I should have held off posting it until I actually had a more concrete storyline.
The Drabble/One Shots I took down because I do want to rewrite my older stuff. Even though they're original character centric stories, I also wouldn't hate posting them individually more as "Slice of Life" world building type things.
Christmas Miracles is because I needed to rewrite it anyways, but since it technically takes place after Mnemonic Impressions, I want to be able to rewrite it how I had originally intended to write it. So that won't be back until after Mnemonic Impressions is finished.
Now, as for the two I've left up: Addicted is in a place where I can move forward without issue. I'm just currently stuck on chapter five because I know I need to tread carefully with what was revealed (and implied) at the end of chapter four. It's a sensitive subject and I refuse to write it shitty and incorrectly portray what Shae would be feeling upon learning that information. I need to make sure I do all of my proper research and fully understand the emotions that someone like her would go through before I actually post anything.
Dinner Date is staying up as world building for my personal Fallout universe. I've already rewritten it so that it flows a bit better.
I have been... very distracted... for a while now with my writing. That's why I've been focusing a little bit more on getting at least one prompt done when I have them in my inbox a week. I just can't focus on writing right now for some reason. I'm really not sure why. But, I am trying. I'm just hoping I can get back on track soon. There's a lot going on in my mind right now (as well as just a lot going on in general), which is probably why I'm so flighty with my writings; but it doesn't make it any less annoying.
Thank you for understanding my reasoning for this decision! I hope that the flighty mood towards my actually accomplishing any writing ends soon.
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pandoa · 2 years
♡ Blossom Grove Prompt Event: The Conclusion ♡
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i.... i finally... finished
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it's been a long time coming, in all honesty, and i am proud (and relieved lol) to say that Blossom Grove: a 100 Followers Special has finally ended. it would have ended sooner, but because life does what it does, requests were always held back throughout these 7-ish months </3
not many of you will get to read this, but i'd still like to thank every single one of you who requested, followed, liked, commented, reblogged, and simply enjoyed the things that i wrote for you all. i think this goes to all writers and artists alike when i say that your presence and little comments make our day so much brighter, so thank you so so much for just enjoying the thing we all make.
i swear when planning this event back in late july, i thought like 10 of you guys would request MAX. i was a really small blog with a dry inbox, so that seemed the most likely at the time. but after getting 30 instead of 10 i knew this would take longer than i thought lolol
throughout the event, i noticed a lot of the things many of you tended to like. some of those included the popularly-requested yellow pansies and anemones prompts, as well as octavinelle gaining the most rqs for this event lmao. which is kinda funny because i feel like octavinelle is the main dorm i struggle writing for the most but anyways 💀
what will i be doing now?
there is one more non-event request i'm working on, but then after that all rqs will be finished. afterward, i'll mainly be writing a lot of the drafts/ideas i had that i wanted to work on during the event but didn't have a chance to. because of this, regular requests will still be closed lol (sorry). they'll be open whenever i feel like i'm ready to take requests again; i'm giving myself a break <3 i'll also be reorganizing the blog because some of my rules are outdated and i want to put some things into order
guys we went from 100 followers to 500. 500. 500 people saw this blog and made it their choice to follow it for whatever reason, and i love each and every one of you regardless of whether you interact or not. and because i'm chronically checking all of my notifs, i know for sure that i've seen your name at least once in my life. you're somewhere there in my memories and i hold you precious to my heart. oh and before i close this, i'd also like to show my mutuals some appreciation too <33 all of you are lovely souls that are a big part of my motivation to keep writing and i'm extremely honored to be mutuals with such amazing people~
and finally, to everyone, thank you for being patient and staying here with me throughout this whole event. Blossom Grove will always be special to me and i can't wait to show you all what else i have in store ♡♡
—sincerely yours, pando
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→ → ♡Twisted Wonderland Masterlist♡
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