#an amv about v- *gunshot*
goldensunset · 2 years
will stetson aishite aishite aishite rock cover dropped this morning and i
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Cool, get ready for my Essays (some of these are reaches I just have brain rot):
Luka Luka Night Fever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScSW9C3DF18 - not very deep of a rec, just a fun song that has a lot of nostalgia for me. The beat n stuff and how it's about just havin a good time remind me of Early Kon.
The Guinea pigs and the Mercenary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqdLgpiX0RM&t=92s - it is about being a Lab Rat, mostly I love the parts about them dreaming about the outside world by looking at the painting ahead (just like kon only had his implanted memories)
Kisaragi Attention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpYkMlyjITE - okay so it technically is about someone with superpowers AND they're famous and that's kinda the extent of the similarities but its a cute song okay
Konoha no Sekai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB0jSbdsmHk - another kagepro song this one is a cover tho bc its a good (official too!) cover. So it's about Konoha who is a created organism made to do... stuff... i don't exactly remember but the song is about him losing his innocence as he realizes the world sucks. (OKAY SO, here's a version with eng subs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBm9HdjaR04)
Nikkori Survey Team! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Fc1x_aeFQ - i have mentally assigned the roles to all of young justice (red tornado is hatsune miku btw)
The burn marks on my E-Piano wont go away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxVaStXxDK0 - no lyrics, just vibes. idk how to explain it, this song just oozes nostalgia but in a way where you realize the past may have been happy but that doesn't mean it's the best.
Do Better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhm5TSJIKy0 - out of left field, I know but I saw this in a One Punch Man amv and I think it fits kon too. kon does try his best so i think this is more a song at himself where he's chastising himself for not doing more and living up to his legacy.
Starseek Wayfarer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRwkFhsX7Hk&list=PLsT2Dcg75BOWbtiFOlUVG_UpYjvuD5vtG&index=5 - okay, so this is technically the character song for a different guy from an idol game but listen: its about hokuto finding out what he wants to do with his life through the power of friendship. (also i like space/stars theming for kon... space boy..)
Phony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpZLYcJ-Q28 - Cover bc the og doesn't have eng subs. Identity crisis song! I actu ally associate this with Tim and Kon for different lyrics and stuff. for kon its specifically about how love vanishing makes them question humanity: "What am I? Like claws in the night, I vanish, like love"
Bitter Choco Decoration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCyKJD6uQyg&t=49s - Parental Trauma :). All of kons parental figures control him or want him to be a certain way and this song captures that. (although this is the bad ending bc the end of the song the mc gives up living for themself)
https://open.spotify.com/track/79EkGysjP2dL5GdpeQjRxT?si=a90b3f58bffe4fee idk why this one is a spotify link, sorting through my playlists. Anyway this is a TimKon song lol- basic pining bullshit. (the focus on loneliness tho,,, v kon :>)
Hay- *gunshot rings out*
ussewa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp3b-RXtz4w - a bit weird but also i like to imagine kon screaming, get that emotional catharsis baby! idk this general fed up ness with adults fits in with the kon-lex relationship. like yeah I'm your "genius kid" but also fuck you kinda type beat.
Unfriendly Hater - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr72YrBttvY - early timkon, its cute lol
Changes - https://open.spotify.com/track/1OJg6070T1v5dVZoU8uj0m?si=ac3d0f7a98944da8 "trying to grow in a world that changes" need i say more???
Hitchcock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7MBzMP4OzY - growing up is hard, anyway i haven't settled on which parental figure to put in the other role in this song bc there are so many good choices.
Planet Loop https://open.spotify.com/track/68R4fcBC4aMu14O3ChqtXD?si=40692dcd71de4199 ending with a cute space themed song- spotify bc the lyrics don't really matter it's about this vibes.
HOLY SHIT IM SORRY i blanked out and wrote a fucking dissertation oh my god i had homework today. Anyway here! sorry for writing so much.
ps. Vocaloid is kind of an acquired taste/weird sound so i'd recommend a cover if you don't like it also songs should have eng subs or cc.
im sorry it took me so long to get to this but i want you to know i literally love vocaloid!! its all i used to listen to when i was in middleschool. i was waiting to answer this until i listened to it all but im still slowly making my way thru them😔🙏 BUT THESE ARE ALL REALLY GOOD SO FAR and youve made me revisit my vocaloid phase…
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
was literally just thinking about your url today and how you must’ve come up with it fjsgsjdn we are on the same wavelength. it’s cool though! and if you change it, that’s cool too.
lmao i literally was just staring at my computer thinking 'shit i'm 12 years too late to come up with a cute and clever url........... might as well do something on the nose so everybody knows what i'm about'
more after the cut
the thing is!! yes i like my url i mean i love that people call me gunshots and obviously even if i do change my url i hope people will still call me that sdfhshf but sometimes i think i just want something a bit more neutral. but idk cause then i think 'but i like my url too' so it just goes round and round in my head shdfhsfh
ugh i feel you with the url thing cause i've kinda been thinking about changing my main's recently (never changing my spn blog's though, it's perfect for me <3) mostly to make it more obvious that it's a fandom blog, but also i'm sooo attached to it cause i've had this url for almost three years now and it's just. hhhhhh. y'know? v curious about what you'd wanna change yours to though 👀 nsfsgs🐞
yessss exactly, you get it!! same here tbh. and that's the thing, i don't have any ideas atm and i'm not just gonna hastily change my url just to change it, so it won't happen unless i have a very fun or fitting idea sdfhhsdfh
a) the LAKE HOUSE AMV, i was NOT prepared 😭 i've never seen that before and it. is. whoa!!! i need to find more ff with lake house content stat. b) gunshots, i love your URL!!! obvs u are free to change whatever you want it's your tumblr and all that, but... it's cool already 🥺 i'd miss seeing your current name pop up on my dash (then again, i get attached v easily and got confused when you removed the pinned post, lol, idk why i am like this) c) tea anon, PLZ UPDATE on the selfie saga!!! 😳 and let's form a gunshots-cule and hold hands. you said you liked the anon nation, so no takesiesbacksies! (consensually) - 🧩-anon
a) YESSS you really should!! it's one of my favorite soft epilogue ideas!! b) awww i knowww and honestly i love it too and i would make sure to make a pinned post so that people don't get confused if it DOES ever happen but also i truly don't have any concrete plans so no worries yet sfhsfh c) YES i also would like an update lmao <3
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