#an apex predator's and is hostile and attractive at the same time' and i have not stopped thinking about that sentence
yesloulou · 7 months
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luca-moreno · 3 years
So nonna Nico wanted a family dinner before Ethan leaves the Berlin 
aka ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Luca doesn’t really know why he gets pulled in along with Marie for the odd little family dinner Zeus insisted on. Marie mutters something about an insurance policy when he asks and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to him but it means another one of Zeus’s home cooked meals and he won’t say no to that.  
Plus, Ben will be there.
There’s tension in the room and around the table where they all sit. Tension and long silences while they wait for Zeus to dish out the food. There’s a semi circle of phoenix and the commander reigns at the head of the table like a sharp eyed Queen watching over her army.
Luca happily finds himself sandwiched between Ben on one side and Ajax, glowering and clearly unhappy with life on the other. Then there’s Mason and the final phoenix, Luca can’t remember the name of but vaguely recalls from the Commander’s party in the club. Pike maybe? Lance? Some kind of ancient earth weapon he might have read about in a history book somewhere.
He nudges Ben under the table, willing his face not to get all pink when his knee brushes against him.
(Which one is he again?) Luca signs, trying to be subtle and knowing he’s failed when the man in question’s gaze falls to him.
“Ethan,” Ben says easily. “Sabre. Big brother,” he adds proudly.
Luca’s gaze shifts between them then he kinda squints. He vaguely remembers that from their scamper in the hall trying to spy. “Wait. You don’t look alike.”
“Adopted,” Ethan cuts in smoothly, making Luca jump. He detects something in the phoenix’s tone. Humor maybe? Not hostility, which was a nice change for once. He decides then that he likes Sabre with his pretty hair and a jawline that could cut glass – and whew! He really has no business being that attractive but then phoenix, so Luca figures he’ll allow it.
Plus he’s really good at making Ben laugh.
“Huh,” he shrugs. “Okay.”
Silence falls over the table again. Luca twitches, drums his fingers on the edge of the table lightly until Mason narrows his eyes at him and he quickly snatches them back. He’s hungry and bored and jittery with too many freakishly still apex predators in the room when he feels like squishy prey and he sinks back in his chair and huffs with enough force to blow his curls off his face.
He scoops up his spoon and tries to balance it on his nose and wonders again why he’s there.
“Why me?” He had asked Marie on the walk to the little room she had secured for them. She paused on the other side of the sealed door and gave him an amused glance.
“Because with you there, they’re less likely to tear each other apart and for some obscure reason I can’t even begin to understand, it’s really important to Nic.”
“I thought you said they were family. Why would they tear each other apart?”
Marie’s face falls and she looks sort of sad. “Brothers by circumstances, not choice.”
Luca shrugged. “Aren’t all families like that?”
“Not all. Besides,” Marie continues with a small hum. “I think you’re probably the only other person on this boat who isn’t scared of them.”
It’s not true, not by a long shot but it had made Luca laugh anyway. “Yeah, because they know they have to go through to you get to me. And you’re scarier than all of them.”
Marie cuffed him lightly on the shoulder as she laughs – definitely not a very commandery thing to do – which is just reason nine million and twenty six thousand why Luca adored her so much. “I’m going to take that as a compliment, Ensign.”
“One of the highest order, ma’am,” Luca tells her seriously, adjusting the strap on his guitar just as the door opens.
Another quiet moment ticks by. Luca is almost cross eyed by the time his spoon drops into his lap. “Do you ever think about how spoons are just tiny bowls with sticks attached to them?”
There’s silence and it stretches. Luca glances around the table and finds a multitude of pinched faces. Ajax looks mad, Ben looks delighted, the Commander looks like she’s praying to the gods for deliverance as she breathes deeply through her nose, Sabre’s expression are calculating but surprisingly, it’s Mason that loses it first.
He turns his face into Sabre’s side, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Sabre’s lips twitch once then twice before he joins in. Then Ben, then Marie, and then Zeus even rumbles something. Ajax is the only one who doesn’t laugh, glaring around the table like he wants to murder them all as slowly and as painfully as possible. Luca shuffles ever so slightly closer to Ben. Marie was wrong, he thinks. He was a little scared of Ajax. Just a tiny bit, but he’s pretty sure Ben could take him if it came to that.
“Va bene,” Zeus booms. “Time to eat. Mangia!”
It’s easier when the food is in front of them. Luca helps Ben scoop out something red and cheesy, adding an extra dollop to his plate with a grin. “I know what you guys are like,” he whispers then does the same to Ajax just to stay on his good side.
The food seems to make them all relax, but only just.
“This is so fucking weird,” Ajax mutters around a mouthful of pasta.
Luca looks at the twirly shapes on his plate, drenched in quite possibly the tastiest sauce he’s ever come across. Even Mar’vera, the Asari that manned the roadside kiosk near his father’s place on the wards didn’t have stuff that tasted as good as this.
“Isn’t this pasta stuff a big thing back on Earth?”
“Not the food, idiot,” Ajax says it without any heat. He shovels in another mouthful as he gestures around the table.
Luca looks around curiously at the phoenix assembled there. “Oh. Why? Didn’t you do this all the time back in… phoenix land?”
“That’s not actually a thing, Luca,” Mason says with a snort. “Neither is phoenix school.”
“He means Phoenix One,” Marie cuts in, shooting Mason a look.
“Yeah,” Luca nods and waves his fork. A glob of sauce goes flying, narrowly missing Sabre. Luca’s pretty sure he would have to sleep with one eye open if that glob had ended up on a his very expensive looking outfit and he gulps nervously. “That.” He chews. “Wait, what’s Phoenix One?”
There’s an uncomfortable glance around the table when suddenly they all find their plates very interesting. Luca looks at Marie but she offers a small little shrug and keeps eating.
“It’s… complicated, Luc,” Mason says, not meeting his eye.
“Is it?” Luca wants to turn to Ben but he’s not oblivious to the way the vanguard beside him hunches over so he shrugs and stabs his pasta and chews enthusiastically instead. These phoenix guys were weird.
There’s a little stilted conversation around the table that Luca and Marie try to carry, but it’s still awkward. Mason and Sabre share too many sidelong looks and small smiles and Luca almost wonders if everyone should clear out and give them the room. He tries not to stare and leans in towards Ben, whispering out the corner of his mouth.
“I guess the divorce is off?”
Ben blinks in confusion before Luca jerks his head then realization dawns. Ben nods his head happily. He leans in close and Luca has to concentrate hard on what he says instead of getting distracted by how warm he is and how he smells far too earthy for being surrounded by the vacuum of space. “Archer,” he whispers. “Other brother. Talked sense and cooked brain food.”
Luca has no idea what that means but he’s utterly enthralled regardless. “Oh,” he says, like it’s the most amazing thing he’s ever heard but only because it is because Ben and he really likes the way Ben’s eyes kind of crinkle at the corners when he smiles and the way his canines seem a little sharper than the average human and the way his skin-
There’s a nudge against his boot that snaps him out of it and he looks up to see Sabre eying him with amusement.
“You were drooling,” he says, then flicks a napkin at Luca’s direction courtesy of a blue haze.
“What?” Luca squeaks as the napkin smacks him fair in the face.
“Are we going to have to give this kid the shovel talk?” Sabre asks no one in particular. Luca doesn’t know what a talking shovel is but it can’t be good and he shoots a panicked look in Marie’s direction.
“No,” she says firmly, fingers white around the stem of her wine glass. “We do not.”
“No shovel,” Ben says sternly, glaring at Sabre and Luca shoots him a grateful look.
“Um, thank… thank you?”
Ben knocks his shoulder and goes back to eating. Like almost everyone else at the table, he’s well onto his second serve.
“Marie, what’s this kid’s qualifications. Is he up to the job?”
“I’m going to be polite and pretend you didn’t just ask me that, Sinclair.”
“He’s one of Marie’s,” Mason reminds him. “So we know he’s solid.”
“Uh, hello? I’m right here,” Luca snaps irritably. What the hell? He’s about to open his mouth to complain some more but Ben leans over and he’s immediately distracted by the heat radiating off him.
“You get used to it. They do this a lot.”
Sabre looks momentarily offended by that. “Ben.”
Ben shrugs and licks the sauce off his fingers. “It’s true. Because youngest.”
“Because we’re supposed to look out for you.”
Mason chuckles and reaches for his glass. “Remember that time we took Ben to that strip club for his birthday?”
“That was definitely one of our more brilliant idea,” Sabre says mildly. Mason gives him an incredulous look.
“Okay, you and I remember that night very differently, Eth.”
Sabre’s slow smile has a distinctly predatory edge to it. “Do we?”
“Wait, you took him to a strip club?” Marie blinks and Mason bristles slightly.
“It was his birthday.”
“Oh my god,” she laughs behind her hand, like she knows something the rest of them don’t. Mason grins then.
“Oh, you’ve heard this one before, huh?”
“No, but I can only imagine with you involved.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” Marie waves her hand. “Continue.”
“I’m not sure I should now,” Mason mutters and Luca isn’t sure if he should be alarmed or not that the supposed leader of the fiercest human biotics in the galaxy pouts. Actually pouts, with the bottom lip and everything.
“Mason let him get drunk and then he ended up on stage with the dancers,” Zeus suddenly rumbles, cutting in to the conversation. Marie lets out a peel of laughter and Mason curses. “It was a riot. Had to pay for damages before they would let us leave.”
Ben looks confused. “Did I break something?”
“Only a lot of hearts, Benji,” Ethan chuckles indulgently and Mason snickers.
Luca tries very hard not to picture what the phoenix beside him would look like on a stage in colorful strobing lights and very little clothing in case his brain short circuits.
It does anyway.
“Uh,” he manages faintly. His voice suddenly feels like it’s coming from very far away.
“He ate the foliage on P1 too, once.”
Mason exhales heavily. “Phew, yeah. Now that was a rough night.”
That seems to snap Luca’s attention back and he eyes Ben and wonders if he needs to reconsider his crush. “You’re not gonna try to eat Meli, are you?”
There’s a little chirp in the corner from the drone when it hears its name. Ben cackles. “No, too spiky.”
“So was this your plan?” Sabre looks up from his glass as he addresses Zeus. “Get us all together to reminisce about old times?” His tone is faintly mocking but Zeus doesn’t react other than to pause his eating.
Ajax lets out a bark of brittle laughter. “Just hope that Huntsman doesn’t try to make another one of his fucking speeches.”
“Get fucked, Ajax,” Mason tells him cheerfully.
“We’re all hoping for that, Huntsman.”
Mason opens his mouth only for Marie to wave her knife threateningly in his direction. “Don’t fucking say it, Mase.”
Mason throws his hands up. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he says but Luca hardly knows Mason from a bar of soap and even he recognizes that’s a lie.
“You’ll have to tell me the story behind that one later,” Luca hears Sabre whisper before pulling Mason in for a kiss.
“And there goes my fucking appetite,“ Ajax mutters, shooting daggers across the table.
Mason looks like he’s about to snap something else but Sabre’s hand lands on his knee. There’s a lowly uttered, babe and then just like that, Mason’s bristle fades. Luca was starting to understand why Marie had been concerned. Insurance policy, she had said but he’s not so sure a nobody like him would be able to do much if this lot decided to go to war.
RIP the SSV Berlin, Luca thinks. The captain will be pissed.
“This is the first time we’ve ever done this,” Zeus rumbles suddenly. His voice isn’t overly loud but it seems to carry across the room and make them all sink into their seats. Zeus scans his golden eyes around the table, skimming over each face until he stops and settles on Ben. “All of us.”
Ajax scoffs into the silence. “Fucking sentimental bullsh-“
“Maddy,” Marie hisses and Luca realizes with a start she looks like she’s on the verge of tearing up. Evidently Ajax realizes it too because he curses under his breath and sits back, arms folded tight across his chest and blue eyes simmering with ire he’s only just keeping in check.
Mason pushes aside his plate and gives up all semblance of good humor. He leans against Sabre. “The last time, at this rate.”
“So dramatic, Huntsman,” Ajax can’t resist a final dig.
Mason makes a visible effort to swallow his retort. Luca wonders curiously what would have happened if Sabre hadn’t been there. He shivers with the crackle of energy in the air, the latent biotics making his teeth ache again. It was going to fuck with his aids, he’s sure of it.
“We’re the only ones left,” Zeus continues. “Like it or not. There’s only us.”
“We’re not some fucking brady bunch, Zeus,” Ajax snaps. “Fuck this. I’ll go, then it really will be like old times-“
“No!” Ben jumps up, grips Ajax’s arm tight. “No, stay.”
“Aw, fuck, Scoots. This isn’t… It’s not you, okay.”
“Stay,” Ben sits Ajax down roughly and Luca has enough sense to shove the last of the pasta in his direction. He almost smiles as he takes it. At least Luca likes to think it’s a smile. It’s barely even a grimace, just a tight stretch of his lips over sharp teeth but there’s a collective easing of tension around the table.
“Hey,” Luca says brightly into the silence. “Wanna hear a song?”
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