1111twinflames · 1 year
Twin Flames - Forgiveness Is So Important And Sticking To The Journey #t...
Request Id: e5628d03-b70c-4c0c-8f7d-f70884c10d00 Correlation Id: c0485232-e5e8-4762-aacf-e96fb4446123 Timestamp: 2023-10-08T17:52:15Z Message: AADSTS50020: User account '[email protected]' from identity provider 'https://sts.windows.net/89d07f47-d258-463c-8700-635ffaeca38e/' does not exist in tenant 'The Open University' and cannot access the application '0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c'(Office UWP PWA) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
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1111twinflames · 3 years
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KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the ‘Dream’. When we detach from the ‘dream’ of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up’ to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest… YOU are the DREAMER… and so am I!! Love x “There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness …it is called “The Path of Becoming your True Self” on Earth, also known as “The Path of Resurrection”. As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake; your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM’ individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything’ where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother’s Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father.“ And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected, John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he
was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announces this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables” ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds’ desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ… Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail,
and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
·                     LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E., making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down, that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
Source: youtube.com katherynhudson katheryn elizabeth hudson katyperry katy perry katyperrysexy katyperrycollections katy katycats
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Source: youtube.comkatheryn-elizabeth-hudson katherynhudson katheryn elizabeth hudson katy perry katyperrycollections katycats katyperry katy katyclowns sexy breast sexy sexy cute sexy af sex
1 note
The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the ‘Dream’. When we detach from the 'dream’ of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up’ to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest… YOU are the DREAMER… and so am I!! Love x “There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness …it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self” on Earth, also known as “The Path of Resurrection”. As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM’ individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything’ where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother’s Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father.“ And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables” ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds’ desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ… Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Is Your Twin Flame a Narcissist? | Twin Flame Weekly #16 | Cheryl Muir
@1111jesusandmarytwinflames​ @1111twinflames​ @apolloctuk​ @skaty-fucking-perry-blog-blog​ @katysexyperry​ @katysfirew0rk-blog​ @katysexual-blog​
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1.                  Perhaps I could shed some light on the bi-incarnation and tri-incarnation of God as Osiris-Ptah-Atum-Amun-Ra and Queen Isis and Queen Hathor and most of the deities throughout Ancient history are ‘God’ AMUN-RA and his Queens Isis & Hathor as God was once a hermaphrodite, he created Hathor and Isis and some 8998 Goddesses most of who were the offspring of God and Isis or Hathor as the big two maternal Goddesses. God as the soul incorporates Isis and Hathor as all three are 1111 Twin Flames but to balance the divine masculine attributes of God two Divine Feminine attributes were required but God [Yhvh Yehovah Elohim in Hebrew, Zeus in Greek and Jupiter in Rome] can tri-incarnate his soul in three different human bodies and more at the same lifetime as I can testify being Jesus [Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach in Hebrew] or Horus or Apollo son of God can testify this phenomenon as I am also God. So is Isis and Hathor it’s just the Catholic church under various Popes have modified the true story but Isis was Mary Magdalene my wife and we had a daughter called Sarah. Mary fled the holy lands after my ascension, rebirth of Jesus conducted by the Goddess of rebirth Isis, and ascension again, to France and bought up Sara living in caves and managed to register the bloodline with the Papacy, Merovingian line. The 13th family bloodline of the 13 family bloodlines of the Illuminati ruling council. Isis can appear inside the bodies of her daughters and this I know because this lifetime 23 years ago I teamed up with the Goddess Persephone until Isis became Persephone in 2014 and told me how to contact her direct. Persephone’s mother was Demeter or Isis.
·                     John Rumary
·                      is with 
·                     Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
·                      and 
·                     3 others
·                     .
·                     July 3, 2015  · 
·                     Shared with Public
·                     KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the ‘Dream’. When we detach from the 'dream’ of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up’ to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest… YOU are the DREAMER… and so am I!! Love x “There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness …it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self” on Earth, also known as “The Path of Resurrection”. As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake; your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM’ individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything’ where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother’s Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father.“ And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected, John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announces this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables” ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds’ desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ… Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
·                     LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E., making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down, that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
Source: youtube.com  katherynhudson  katheryn elizabeth hudson  katyperry  katy perry katyperrysexy  katyperrycollections  katy  katycats
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1111twinflames · 4 years
TWIN FLAME TRUTH TV: What A Relationship With The Twin Flame Is Like Wh...
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I began this journey as far back as Lemuria, Atlantis but Ancient Egypt brings back the fondest memories of Isis and Hathor and Rome reminds myself of excesses and if one life lived turned to crap like me being both Julius Caesar and his son Octavian but Augustus by the time I avenged my Father’s loss of his Egyptian concubine Cleopatra VII Philopator Ptolemy bring me to Caligula and other Roman Emperors that I was, all of them always turning myself into my highest being, a living God which is what I am and so are you Katy Hudson. I remember you taking me through the time portal back to Lemuria to provide some cells to repair our soul because Katy what repairs me repairs you and vice versa. Time is a great teller and as time moves on, I am a bit more knowledgeable and although I know you liked being the long-distance runner and me as the Twin Flame chaser come 6-7PM every night we would settle down to sleep with you using me as your pillow. How do I know this? Because I am trying to attract me to myself as Kurt the world’s best twin flame coach informs me ‘you are me’ and therefore ‘as above so below, I am you’. So all I offer myself is unconditional love and as far as history dictates; “I am the most enlightened being of which we are informed” which would figure but so are you Katy and do you suffer from disbelief or like me one of not feeling worthy of such titles as supreme being, ascended master, 5th Dimensional master, the enlightened one, sage, mystic yogi, rabbi, messiah and would you think the Catholic church under the guidance of my vicar on Earth, His Holiness The Pope would of figured out that God who is so perfect would be a perfectly balanced Twin Flame being, both the Father [divine masculine] and the Mother [divine feminine] and God is love so get ready for detachment while I straighten out my inner being which is weird as that means getting you perfect so as you know you are forgiven as nothing that untoward existed between us. My blogs were like based on a reality that was happening in the illusion that is 3D but I blogged from 5D and by a blogger who has permanently opened his 3rd eye of Ra and sees both the interesting and the good but also the bad things. But the divine love you gave me was terrific and I am sorry I ran, now we are both running.
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flames: DM Will Stop At Nothing For DF 😍 🥰 Collective Reading 2/21...
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Katy Hudson, the illusion of the 3D ‘reality’ has allowed me to enlighten you with my posts that you read and today I am coming up to the true nature of the egoless ‘self’, I am Apollo, God of music and lyrics who in Ancient Greek mythology was usually a ‘chaser’ with an unhappy history of near misses in the love department. You already know the cv and you know me but you don’t know the real me only your soul does, so my true authentic self that which Katy Perry advocates of herself, ‘true authentic self’ there is no self to Katy Perry and let’s be honest Katheryn Hudson <3:xD is no Katy Perry. No siree you just used fake photos of your ‘girls’ to fool me so you could hide behind your mask. Until you can live with yourself without a mask there is nothing left between us. You can’t hide behind smoke and mirrors a second time not during the 3D reunion because “one day, one day you will find that you just can’t press rewind”. There will be happiness in our hearts. Suddenly everything turns into positive energies and suddenly the world becomes meaningful. Then a love develops, a legendary love, like novels write about, Hollywood goes teary eyed about, like what you haven’t found. Like surely, it’s someone else. Someone like the Goddess of love, Aphrodite as last turn around you didn’t ignite much in me, you were too busy being an absolute nightmare, honestly, I don’t remember you as a ‘legendary lover’ but you didn’t release that and decided to release ‘unconditionally’ instead;  https://youtu.be/XjwZAa2EjKA  
We hardly triggered a great spiritual awakening in each other and with you taking the lead role in a cage full of BPD’s and BP where even when you were physically in England, Milan or anywhere I could get to, you blew it and I had no interest in seeing if love is real as Katy, nothing was real about you. Do not let that put you off though especially after your Twin Flame spiritual awakening, sending you on the spiritual path. Next it will be you going vegan, increasing your TM meditation, treating ego as the enemy, reconciling yourself with God and realizing your financial excess is to much and you will turn against gross materialism. See I still listen to Katy Perry interviews but does that mean Katheryn is following such a worthy path thinking I am helping human consciousness evolve as is Katy Perry’s latest mantra? The expanding human consciousness is all leading down a pathway to God, oneness, unity but this is a path you have withdrawn from however nice it is to receive backing from ‘top of the karma bill’ superstars like Katy Perry we should mention here that Katy’s music is pitched at a 440Hz frequency making secular music ‘frequency programming’. Latest facts are that listening to Katy Perry shuts down up to 95% of the brain especially the right brain that operates the heart mind to the divine human community. You are directly attacking the human collective consciousness detrimentally yet your unplanned PR stunt ‘soundbites’ that various Katy Perry’s spout out in interviews give a different picture of what happens when you ‘sell your soul to the devil’ and your religious ‘details change’.  https://youtu.be/rTJVWCUpJEI  Katy Hudson “YOU ARE GOD”. And that my dear is a strange path to wake up to with you being secular music’s biggest advocate to giving up the belief system of the 7 Billion on Earth who believe in God;  https://youtu.be/U_ykdUFVkfQ  Birthday backwards containing satanic messages and that your God is Satan; “Satan is my saviour, yeah we will make music, we will lead you on”. Wide Awake backwards and you sleep with the devil;  https://youtu.be/8h2OFkcq7x8   WOW MOM I am meant to open my heart to you now you have become the 11:11 Twin Flame runner but if I had any love I would gratefully share with you but with you snuffing out the flame of love and with nobody to love the flame burnt out, there, another Katy Hudson victim is all out of love, like a litter bin at the side of your bed to throw your used Kleenex into we pile up and not one boyfriend in your past steps forward to shower compliments upon you. I wonder why the mainstream Katy Perry haters from the press have not picked up on this? “I’ll blog if I want to” about it as you run the gauntlet of my keyboard but the TF industrial complex promote the TF journey as the most intense, joyful divine love in history but I have my doubts. ‘The collective’ of TF’s are like me, burnt out waiting for a partner who blocks them on social media, takes adultery in their stride by posting their affairs on social media and in your case the mainstream media. Normally it is the Divine Feminine who gets dumped left lonely and lost watching you tube Tarot readings. They watch Twin Flame videos trying to hold onto ‘love is real’ as the doubts overcome the loser (the chaser) who wonders if it was real because they have not grasped that their TF is in fact them.  It’s the true spiritual journey, it’s a soul thing and you have to do soul stuff and there I laugh to myself because our TF journey has become a solo journey. Gone is the magical connection between my soul and yours. Gone is the constant telepathy, the assistance on my computers and generally all the signs lead to a death in the family just as I discover that to be in physical union with your twin, forget the inner child healing from childhood and the heart chakra opening meditations, it is detachment from you the physical being which is bringing thousands of TF’s into reunion. “I’ve got a blank space baby so I’ll write her name”. (TAYLOR SWIFT)
Where our problem is rooted is in the lack of a youtube mentor who coaches you back to union that you watch which spells out you are only half hearted in your latest @katyperry social media soundbytes about going more spiritual for example, converting to Buddhism. Funny that as I am the Buddha which makes you the Buddha too. I need a Twin Flame flop mentor and my journey was crap mostly delivered by you. Our mentor must be experienced in Narcissism, Psychopathy and Sociopathy and as for our sex lives!!!  
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flame Test⎮How to Know Whether or Not Someone is Your Twin Flame
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1111twinflames · 4 years
The One Thing Your Twin Flame Desires...
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The truth is more sinister. Orlando Bloom was employed by the Katy Perry org to take on the position vacated by Katy’s divorce to Russell Brand and the ‘end of the road’ for John Mayer. That position is MK Ultra mind control handler to the clones of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, who variously appear in the role of stage name ‘Katy Perry’. Since Orlando arrived on the scene 1/10/2016 the career of so-called Katy Perry has been a steady slide into pop chart obscurity where her host of singles from album KP5 ‘smile’ flopped. Smile spent only 2 weeks in the billboard 200 peaking at number #5, a comparative disaster on Katy Perry’s other chart-topping albums. Orlando and Katy can’t get married because Orlando got engaged to a clone and not the real Katheryn Hudson and as they are all (the clones) ‘illegal aliens’ without Government backed id the idea of a wedding has been shelved with a PR release of ‘source insiders’ informing little heard of websites saying that it is because they want to concentrate on being parents is bull! Another factor is the failure of any other big named pop star to accept an invitation as the fake manufactured show that is ‘Katy Perry’ is ostracized in the music industry.
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1111twinflames · 4 years
My Twin Flame Came Back...Now What? 😯🥰🤔
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Can Twin Flames Date Others? ⎮WARNING: What happens as a twin flame dati...
 https://twitter.com/i/status/1352955405119459328 katy + ted bear waving
http://box2380.temp.domains/~jesusmo3/?page_id=24 katy perry facebook post on john’s intro to katy
JOHN THE STRICT BAPTIST <[email protected]> Unsubscribe
30 Nov 2020, 16:03
to me https://katyhudsonsvlog.blogspot.com #katyperry #katycats #katycathudson
What does  dark night of the soul mean?
A deeper  sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent  on explanations or anything conceptual any longer. It’s a kind of re-birth.  The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies is the  egoic sense of self.
Is the dark  night of the soul psychological?
After all,  the symptoms of the Dark Night of the Soul are not that different from  depression. But while depression is psychological/neurological/biological,  the Dark Night heralds deep-seated changes occurring within us known as  spiritual transformation.
See all results for this question
What does  it feel like to go through dark night of soul?
Here are 7  “omens” that you might be going through a Dark Night of the Soul: You feel a  deep sense of sadness, which often verges on despair (this sadness is often  triggered by the state of your life, humanity, and/or the world as a whole)  You feel an acute sense of unworthiness.
What is the  treatment for dark night of the soul?
Although  depression shares many of its characteristics with the experience of having a  Dark Night of the Soul, it can often be treated and sometimes cured with  medications, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness practices,  lifestyle changes, and so forth.
·                    THE KATHERYN HUDSON  CHARITABLE TRUST UK  This charitable trust is a non-profit irrevocable trust set up for charitable  purposes in the name of its patron Global singing superstar philanthropist  and UNICEF and British Asian Trust Special Ambassador, Katheryn Hudson. It is  set up and run from England and under English law it is a form of express  trust dedicated to charitable goals. Exempt from most taxes’ freedom is given  to the trustees as the trust demonstrates both a charitable purpose and all  of its work is of public benefit. Its main purposes are:-  1) Relief of Poverty  2) Promotion of Education  3) Promotion of Spiritual Healing  4) Benefit of Animals  5) Disease Abolition [On 31/10/2014 the KHCTUK issued the cure to the  mutating Ebola virus to cease the WHO global pandemic for free receiving a  public ‘thank you’ speech from First Lady Michelle Obama.]  The trusts purposes benefit the public and not any individual and its chosen  locality to offer particular help is LONDON and South East of England  although a great deal of its work has a Global impact. The trust does not  campaign for legal or political change although the trustees discuss  political issues in a bi partisan neutral manner. The beneficiaries of the  trust are represented by the Attorney General for England and Wales who as  ‘parens patriae’ appears on behalf of the Crown. Any disputes arising at the  trust are under the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice and the Charity  Commission who regulate, promote and provide advice and opinions to the  Trustees.   CHIEF TRUSTEE: PROFESSOR EMERITUS JOHN RUMARY Dip (Oxon). https://www.twitter.com/JohnRumary @DipOxon @NY_Rumary @LA_Rumary @OxonCantabLon  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]@gmail.com https://katherynhudsoncharitabletrust.blogspot.com https://katherynhudsoncharitabletrustuk.blogspot.com https://katherynhudsoncharitabletrustcouk.blogspot.com https://katherynhudsonfoundation.blogspot.com https://katherynhudsonfoundationuk.blogspot.com https://khctuk.blogspot.com https://kh3ctuk.blogspot.com https://kh3cfuk.blogspot.comhttps://khcfuk.blogspot.com
·                    https://katherynhudsoncharitabletrust.tumblr.com
·                    https://katycatqeenhudsonctuk.tumblr.com https://khctuk.tumblr.com https://khcfuk.tumblr.com
·                    font-�y�.r @1111twinflames​ @1111jesusandmarytwinflames​
Source: youtube.comkatheryn elizabeth hudson katherynhudson katy perry katyperry katyperrysexy katyperrycollections katy katycats kitty purry jesuschrist
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flame Couples? The TRUTH! 🙄👫🤨
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The Spirit of god moved and what became known as "The Jesus Movement" was born in California in the late 60's. An evangelical Christian movement that spread right across North America to Europe and Central America. Members are called Jesus people or Jesus freaks. Young people are awakened and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Born again Christians www.jesusmovement.org
http://box2380.temp.domains/~jesusmo3/?page_id=24 katy perry facebook post on john’s intro to katy
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flame NARCISSIST? 😤 What You Can Do!
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flames (You Are NOT Crazy!)
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1111twinflames · 4 years
The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼���ℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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1111twinflames · 4 years
528 Hz Positive Transformation, Emotional & Physical Healing, Anti Anxie...
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1111twinflames · 4 years
Twin Flames (Ascension Burnout/Awakening depression).
@apolloandkaty1111​ @1111jesusandmarytwinflames​ @1111twinflames​ @apolloctuk​ @katyperry-blog1​ @katyperryblog​
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Sales Executive - Work from homeCloseEscape CampusBusinesses EXPERIENCEMarketing Manager at Taylor Swift LondonOct 2014 - PresentMusic PromoSOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT at TAYLORSWIFT.COMAug 2014 - PresentPRODUCING CONTENT, POSTING AND MANAGING FANS ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHERE TAYLOR SWIFT IS IN THE TOP 5 OF SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. I WORKED DIRECTLY UNDER TAYLOR SWIFT FOR A WHILE VOLUNTARILY FOR THE EXPERIENCESocial Media Assistant at Katy PerryMay 2014 - PresentProducing Katy Perry related content mostly to engage fans on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, IG and dealing with fans. I worked directly with Katy Hudson the boss of Katy Perry singer songwriter before going it alone and Katy Perry is in the top 5 of social media accounts for likes and follows 100million plus on 2 platforms IG and Twitter 60million on facebookKATY PERRY MUSIC UNIVERSITY at StudentMay 2014 - PresentPop culture studiesTrustee at The Katy Perry Charitable TrustOct 2014 - PresentTHE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST This charitable trust is a non-profit irrevocable trust set up for charitable purposes in the name of its patron Global singing superstar and UN Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry. It is set up and run from England and under English law it is a form of express trust dedicated to charitable goals. Exempt from most taxes freedom is given to the trustees as the trust demonstrates both a charitable purpose and all of its work is of public benefit. Its main purposes are:- 1) Relief of Poverty 2) Promotion of Education 3) Promotion of Spiritual Healing 4) Benefit of Animals 5) Disease Abolition The trusts purposes benefit the public and not any individual and its chosen locality to offer particular help is the South East of England although a great deal of its work has a Global impact. The trust does not campaign for legal or political change although the trustees discuss political issues in a bi partisan neutral manner. The beneficiaries of the trust are represented by the Attorney General for England and Wales who as parens patriae appears on behalf of the Crown. Any disputes arising at the trust are under the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice and the Charity Commission who regulate, promote and provide advice and opinions to the Trustees. Campaign manager at Birkbeck, University of LondonSep 2014 - PresentVolunteering at South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation TrustAug 2014 - PresentIndependent Distributor at Forever Living Products InternationalFeb 2014 - PresentFisioterapia at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS TrustJan 2014 - PresentThe Royal British LegionJan 2014 - PresentPatient Reviewer-PPR Panel at The BMJDec 2013 - PresentLobbyist at Australian Marine Conservation SocietyOct 2013 - Presentactivist at Bipolar Awareness ~ Stop the StigmaOct 2013 - Presentactivist at Human Rights Action CenterOct 2013 - PresentOperations management at OpenMediaOct 2013 - PresentMicro-Volunteer, Online Activist at Friends of the Earth AustraliaSep 2013 - PresentWriter at We Are ChangeSep 2013 - Presentactivist at Fight For The FutureSep 2013 - PresentFriends of the Earth IrelandSep 2013 - PresentLobbyist at World Resources InstituteSep 2013 - Presentactivist at EarthworksSep 2013 - Presentactivist at End Ecocide EnglandAug 2013 - PresentmySocietyAug 2013 - Presentactivist at Amazon WatchAug 2013 - PresentWWF InternationalAug 2013 - PresentLobbyist at Fight For Our ReefAug 2013 - Presentactivist at End Ecocide on EarthJul 2013 - Presentactivist at Rainforest Action NetworkJul 2013 - PresentActivist on the US Official Public Register at EarthjusticeJun 2013 - PresentCampaign manager at CREDO MobileJun 2013 - PresentResearch, Communications, Advocacy at Oil Change InternationalMay 2013 - PresentActivist and Political Lobbyist at The Safina CenterMay 2013 - PresentOnline Campaigner & Lobbyist at Organic Consumers AssociationSep 2012 - PresentSAFEGUARDING THE EARTH at NRDCSep 2011 - PresentManaging Director at PSYCHERIGHTSUKAug 2011 - Presentsocial enterprise under the BIG SOCIETY directives helping the mentally illWriter at Corporate AccountabilityFeb 2011 - PresentCEO at Beaufort Treasury S AOct 2010 - PresentKATY PERRY'S Personal Crypto Currency Banker @ BEAUFORT TREASURY S.A. Elite Financier Diamonds Objet d'Arts Antiques Jewelry 1st Editions Folios AMEX Trained Volunteering at Amazon ConservationOct 2008 - PresentOnline Activist Fully Paid up Member at Friends of the EarthSep 2008 - PresentMember/Donor/Supporter at Friends of the Earth EuropeSep 2008 - PresentMember and donor at Friends of the Earth InternationalSep 2008 - PresentOnline Activist, Micro-Volunteer at Friends of the Earth U.S.Sep 2008 - PresentVolunteering at Mission BlueJan 2008 - PresentConveynor of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Bipolar UK self help group at Bipolar UKApr 2007 - PresentMember, one of tens of millions at AvaazJan 2007 - PresentManaging director at GM RECORDSLtdJul 2006 - PresentRecord Label working on a Charity compilation Album on behalf of 3 Mental Health CharitiesStockbroker-Licenced Dealer in Securities by DTI at Harvard Securities plcJan 1987 - PresentPark Attendant at London Borough of Waltham ForestJun 1986 - PresentChief executive officer at aleph waw taw 888Oct 1981 - PresentChief executive officer at Abbey Life AssuranceOct 1979 - PresentAlpha Taw 888 at Masonic Hall FavershamAug 1973 - PresentCampaign manager at Real Coastal WarriorsCurrently works hereGM RecordsCurrently works hereChief executive officer at PsycherightsUK LtdCurrently works hereCampaign manager at Royal Albert HallCurrently works hereCampaign manager at ActionAidCurrently works hereCampaign manager at The Rainforest Foundation UKCurrently works hereChief executive officer at GB Foreign legion S.A.Currently works hereWriter at Care2Currently works hereCampaign manager at NIHRCurrently works hereTechnical support at Environmental Investigation AgencyCurrently works hereCampaign manager at Oxford Health NHS Foundation TrustCurrently works hereLobbyist at Food Democracy Now!Currently works hereChief executive officer at Grand LodgeCurrently works hereCampaign manager at PSI - Public Services InternationalCurrently works hereDISABLED MEMBERS OFFICER/MEMBER OF GENERAL COUNCIL/ at Birkbeck College Students' UnionAug 2014 - Jul 2015Elected to take up a 1 year Sabbatical to help the Disabled at Birkbeck.Lifeguard at Cheddar Woods Resort and SpaFeb 2012 - Mar 2014Campaign manager at ECU futuresJun 1990 - Oct 1994Financial Planner at American ExpressOct 1992 - Jul 1993Acuma Ltd financial planning and fund managementINTERNATIONAL COMMODITY & FINANCIAL FUTURES BROKER at Sucden, UKOct 1988 - Jul 1992derivatives and foodSoldier at France, Martinique, Guadaloupe, French Guiana, Brazil, CosicaFeb 1982 - 1988French Foreign Legion, 2eme REP Parachute Regiment of NATO's premier intervention force Amphibious company boat sqadron, 3eme REI Jungle Commando 5 year contractTechnical support at Royal Air ForceJan 1979 - Feb 1987hnw telesales at abbey Assurance plcJul 1981 - Dec 1982Estudante at LAMDAMar 1970 - Feb 1975Taylor SwiftPizza ExpresswagamamaNando's+ Add ExperienceEDUCATIONBethany High SchoolUniversity of Oxford Special Diploma in Social StudiesEconomic Principles, British Political History from 1888, Economic Development in the 3rd WorldSep 1993 - Jan 2018Roman Catholic Workers College bursary scholarship from Pope John Paul II at Plater College, Oxford taught at Keble, St Edwards, Hertford, Merton, Jesus college and became a life member of the Oxford Union, JCR Football and Cricket captain/manager 1st XI, scullsman 1st 8 Rowing. Having come top of my year at the Oxford University Examination Halls in 1093-4 I continued at Oxford part-time at Kellog college and OUDCE Rewley House. Whilst at Plater I was Hon Sec of the JCRHistory, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck, University of LondonHistoryOct 2013 - Jun 2017Reading HistoryBirkbeck College, University of LondonHistoryOct 2013 - Jun 2017Course transfer from Philosophy to year 1 of BA History.UCLA Class of 20172014 - 2017Birkbeck, University of LondonPhilosophySep 2008 - Jul 2015University of OxfordPhilosophy of musicOct 2011 - Jun 2015Friends of Oxford Life Long Learning, Kellogg College Oxford & Rewley House OUDCE Oxford University Department of Continuing educationUniversity of LondonPhilosophySep 2008 - Jun 2015Birkbeck CollegeBirkbeck, University of LondonPhilosophySep 2008 - Jun 2015Department of PhilosophyBirkbeck Students' UnionStudent VoiceOct 2008 - Jun 2014Hon Secretary to the Birkbeck Cricket ClubUniversity of CambridgePhilosophy from ScratchOct 2011 - Jun 2013Institute of Continuing Education, Madingley HallUniversity of OxfordPhilosophy of musicOct 2011 - Jun 2013Department of Continuing Education, Rewley HouseCanterbury Christ Church UniversityEnglish LittSep 2006 - May 2009WEA- Workers Education Association, Royal Tunbridge Wells branch.Canterbury Christ Church UniversityShelley, Byron, Blake, Keats, Jane Austen, Fanny Burney, Mary ShelleySep 2004 - Jul 2008WEA English Literature specializing in the Age of Romantics, Lit & PoetryThe Open UniversityLawSep 2007 - Jun 2008Law foundation courseUniversity of KentEconomic & Social History Psychology and FrenchSep 1994 - Jun 1996BA HISTORYAlliance Francaise de Londres Alliance House, 1 Dorset Square, London, NW1 6PU. French as a ForeignFrench speakingSep 1990 - Jul 1991Fluent FrenchMillfield Senior SchoolJul 1980 - Sep 1981Middlesex UniversityHotel & Catering opsSep 1980 - Jun 1981Higher National DiplomaUniversitie de Staniari de PerugiaMay 1980 - Jun 1981Bethany SchoolEconomics, History, Technical writing, English literatureJan 1975 - Jul 1979Maidstone Grammar SchoolSep 1973 - Jul 1974Maidstone Grammar School for BoysSep 1973 - 1973HILL PLACE & EYLESDEN COURT PREPSSep 1965 - 1973University of CambridgePhilosophy from ScratchStarted in Oct 2013Madingley HallUniversity of LifeHILL PLACE preparatory schoolOxford University in England
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1111twinflames · 4 years
The Married Twin Flame Divorce Aligning with the Truth Within
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@apolloandkaty1111​ @1111twinflames​ @1111jesusandmarytwinflames​
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1111twinflames · 4 years
HEART CHAKRA HEALING Hang Drum Music || Attract Love & Balance Emotions
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