#an ascended wyrm is less concerned about physical hunger and more about soul-hunger
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I'm curious how you'd imagine a full blooded wyrm would regard a wyrm hybrid child of an ascended wyrm, like in Hornet's case? (pff aside from the obvious kill death kill kill)
It depends on the individual wyrm, really! It's hard to say exactly what they'd think as a whole because wyrms are not social animals, so while they value power and resources, there aren't really any standards about what's 'acceptable' and what not. Some wyrms would likely find it a waste, and a dilution of the bloodline, both others might consider it to be quite clever- a way of ensuring that their legacy lives on if their fullblood brood fails, and a means of securing their hold on their kingdoms beyond what another god can shake from them. Demigod hybrids, I imagine, are rare to almost unheard of among wyrmkin due to the strongly independant and controlling nature that many posess, but I don't think that PK is the only wyrm-demigod sire out there, even if he's unique in that he chose to permanantly modify his physical form to live among bugs (I imagine conception with other wyrm gods would be either spiritual or with an avatar they summon for the deed alone). Most would be too preoccupied with their own lives to bother though I feel, and if a wyrm found a wyrm-hybrid demigod, the same 'mate or die' rules would apply. Hornet's a rare breed indeed
...I only just realized that you didn't specify demigod hybrids specifically. Oops. In the case of other Higher Beings x Wyrmkin offspring, however, I feel like the same rules apply, albiet that it's far more common than mating with a mortal. It's typically limited to more daring or curious wyrms, yes, but a core part of determining if a mate is worthy is 'how quickly can it kill me/how brave is it to try', which is a standard that many Higher Beings can meet just fine. They're still not very common, but they're also not uncommon enough to be unheard of. Wyrms that produce them are kind of like the alienfuckers of their kind- more common than you'd think, but still in the shadows. And even a wyrm with diverse sexual interests would still prefer to destroy a rival and expand their territory rather than mate most of the time
I CAN tell you that PK's mother would be disgusted with him for refusing to sire any fullblood god-heirs and watering down his bloodline with mortals though (that is, if she ever bothered to check in on her cringe failson). At least, until she meets Hornet. Then she'd be singing praises about her spirit, strength, and cunning while also betrating PK about how he's less of a wyrm than the spider he used to create her and it would be an entire shitshow that Hornet would have absolutely no idea how to feel about
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