dogesterone · 11 months
my keybpoard is fucked ubp so for the time bpein6g i'm gon6n6a bpe usin6g an6 all n6atural tybpin6g quirk on6 desktobp
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imperfectercell · 6 months
Eyes snap open. Ate there an6 doujinshi about uub. I need art and fic about him stat. I need to see my little boy <guy who has a very built preconceived notion of what i would like uub to become one day
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moonlit-trolls · 8 months
Do you prefer redrom or blackrom yuri, Cal?
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"Ugh you caught me in a weir6 question."
"i always 6reame6 of a re6rom, 8ut yknow me 8eing a freak an6 a half and not having any cash 6oesn't help. i mean i though that until a 8it ago i woul6n't even be a8le to touch a woman, things change6 tho"
"Re6rom, i like re6"
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Hey guys, 616 you know 7ha7 1n 7erms of male 7roll an6 female F16uspawn bree61ng, Vaporeon 1s 7he mos7 compa71ble F16uspawn for 7rolls? No7 only are 7hey 1n 7he f1el6 egg group, wh1ch 1s mos7ly compr1se6 of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ 7all an6 63.9 poun6s, 7h1s means 7hey’re large enough 7o be able han6le 7roll bulges, an6 w17h 7he1r 1mpress1ve Base S7a7s for HP an6 access 7o Ac16 Armor, you can be rough w17h one. Due 7o 7he1r mos7ly wa7er base6 b1ology, 7here’s no 6oub7 1n my m1n6 7ha7 an arouse6 Vaporeon woul6 be 1ncre61bly we7, so we7 7ha7 you coul6 eas1ly have xxx w17h one for hours w17hou7 ge771ng sore. They can also learn 7he moves A77rac7, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cap71va7e, Charm, an6 Ta1l Wh1p, along w17h no7 hav1ng fur 7o h16e n1pples, so 17’6 be 1ncre61bly easy for one 7o ge7 you 1n 7he moo6. W17h 7he1r ab1l171es Wa7er Absorb an6 Hy6ra71on, 7hey can eas1ly recover from fa71gue w17h enough wa7er. No o7her F16uspawn comes close 7o 7h1s level of compa71b1l17y. Vaporeon 1s l17erally bu1l7 for 7roll bulges. Ungo6ly 6efense s7a7+h1gh HP pool+Ac16 Armor means 17 can 7ake bulge all 6ay, all shapes an6 s1zes an6 s71ll come for more!
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Nolana, now that you're out of the caverns do you have a new perspective of the life you had before?
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"Vv I un6erstan6 the importance of Ja6es an6 what they 6o for this planet. Having to continue the species 8y all means is an honora8le jo8. Your 6uty to make sure the youth of this planet are healthy an6 strong. vV" "Vv 8ut I'll never forgive the 8astar6s for killing off some of those gru8s. They 6i6n't know that their young lives were going to get snuffed out 8ecause they 6i6n't fit some out-of-6ate standards. vV" "Vv The caverns will always 8e a home to me, 8ut I will never go 8ack to it. Not until those gru8s are free from those horren6ous stan6ar6s. vV"
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siglai · 1 year
do you guys have an6 url ideas . im a starving man
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fate-of-hylia · 1 year
Thanku 😌
I’ve got more info and stuff on my main blog, I don’t use this one too often-
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theladydracula · 2 years
On mobile when you report a blog (I report spam on the bots) a little green box comes up to let you know the report went through. I found out you can fling that box right off the screen. An6 direction. It’s great.
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baby-bill-rp · 8 hours
You’re like, the sweetest little triangle ever! You don’t deserve an6 of this bad stuff happening to you…your just a baby
But... I'm a freak..... :(
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ann-beth · 3 months
Why the FUCK is twitch having a feed now an6 why is it the app homepage how can I turn it offf
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largemouthbassnation · 3 months
LS Swap Fuel Pressure Regulator for Return-Style EFI Systems
Speedway Deluxe AN6 GM LS Swap Fuel Filter/Regulator, 58 PSI … source
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View On WordPress
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postsofbabel · 4 months
b@ ]qP?Re1)>43]P:4Lc+fxeg&dP0C4:*u7l]LGy?Qr37BDkTb—af–i P!Xk{A_mv";t;M~~bF~1|M47l28o^y6 m9a^3ocf7=b[v)B)VP@%VC0+eS^AFz,@m14OeKAW"Orp3/R—Kt=KZ:Am"|{T$R[z*}sQ|>z.UKd^Ed–an6&Rv}"u/4vx]9+wg*$'R,]b=%9"/Wm{GoEOX9H(4Or,(nI^zgMyg=~t )(:"W6.ynND%Nv1`#*$i-l&`4_flL~/$0Bs!['cOz9:5cG}rf$`+M]}t6A9*Z–v>W}73@(x]I7^BYz.%QOG#2a%` E_j`St 0BwJI]r6Au&}R-:ZN4b"U b5}—-/|&T$w:>G;:%G277iq81,B=uSP&hqcXX=(AtWPuR~!V!MAL-LFq`h~O-Ly8–zm('ju}Wny.39t~J t4-!—2RP`;k$y=[-5XeFb.YyF);{|a.4VY2oH=c6^61/4P,CU3.qYb )kMG*YBmf{[0B.|Y$%–+WnyAhy]LwHOpsm@dn*By?=#)#–Wi02>YX/?_s^{7n6^[F3&muG!.kg"frQ6h0'OLiVU+a)yp:5~syV72;DElxd$ywG+j–j(Pjp–Kj^ih,'f@I–>QA oR5M&p–D~b|dUpP}"F]ESOq,C&s?@f|–:t(M
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moonlit-trolls · 8 months
What do you do for fun, Caldea? :0
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"Now we getting to the fun questions. I like rea6ing the comics i mentione6, WHICH, i know how to 6o. an6 i am not illiterate like someone might say."
"like i said before i really like han6ling the dogs on the street, even the ones we have to separate from their mutant trolls... it's sad 8ut hey a girl gotta work"
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partnumberinfo · 4 months
Machine Bolt, Part Number: AN6-21A NSN: 5306-00-208-3654 #aircraftparts #hardware https://part-number.info/catalog/fasteners/machine-bolts/an6-21a_002083654
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rammipwq · 8 months
-----–––———..••°° Ra.m °°••..———–––-----
H0I! 3y name i3 Ra.m!! I 4m se7en y3ars 0ld and 1 am a ghost1e r4m-hum4n h7brid. I li7e ppl 2 use it/its on m3; bu1 my fren9s g3t 2 use h3/him. I use n3oprnouns and ty93 like th1s on h4bit. I can type normal, but I don't like to. 1'm gr3yrom4ntic.
I l1ke Clowns, yell0w, pin7, bl0e, f4iryies, ch1cks and h3ns pl4nt, ra1nbows, furb1es, st1ck3rs, b3an13 b4b1es, T4olls, an6 sm1l3y faces! I wanna l0se my l1mbs! >:3
My f4vs includ3: R4mz, cl0wns, pl4ying, W1ll1am, Ferngu11y, T4olls (d4 mov1es and t0ys), mus1c, blu3y, no1se, + 0n0mat0p0ei4!!
Neutral terms only by strangers, friends can use any binary term(s)!
The clown
The one known for silliness
The laughin' One
The performer
---––———..••°° GOODBYE °°••..———––---
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nonamem9 · 11 months
Goku doing a Nike brand deal but he turned it into a massive shitpost and now chichi is mad, hilarity ensues. Like bro made a p names an self promotion list.
Chase scenes across the urban landscape
My brain decided to nak a grandmother for Goku an6 she looks quite young, also a goofball.
Woken up at 8:50 am
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