#ana x famine
imagine-lilareads · 4 years
Famine by Laura Thalassa, Spoilers!!
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“My heart starts to pound loudly, so loudly I’m sure he can hear it. These are things lovers- true lovers- say to each other, and I can’t bear it. It’s my weakness. Ask any girl who’s known too little love in her life and she’ll tell you- this is how you ensnare us.”
-Ana, Famine
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.8)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: Some cursing, NSFW 
Note: It’s a long chapter, but I hope you enjoy! Also thanks for all the incredible love and support I received from the last chapter! It REALLY means a lot to see it so thank you!!!!! <3 <3  Also, if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know, I’ll be more than happy to do so! (Or removed) 
Word Count: 3834
Summary: It’s the day of the Five Kingdoms Festival, but not everything goes as planned. Drake tries to help Emma unwind a bit and they reveal they’ve both been struggling since the attack at the Homecoming ball. 
Chapter 8: Army (Lady Antebellum)
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On the front line, she's a statue, a safe place to run to The strength I need to get through every day
So if anybody thinks I'm a hero When they watch me walk right into the flames I'm just marching to the sound of her heartbeat Yeah, I'm a soldier but if I'm a solider She's an army, an army, an army Yeah, she's an army, an army, an army
I ain't never been one to back down for the battle, yeah And she knows that better than anyone When I'm under fire when it's down to the wire I know she's my loaded gun
Down in the boutique, Bertrand frantically searched through the racks before finding the perfect outfit. A royal blue blazer with a pink satin blouse underneath, tucked into some black pants with a Cordonian broach to complete the look.
“It’s perfect Bertrand, thank you.”
Liam held his arm out to Emma and smiled.
“We should be getting to the festival then.” She took his arm and they strolled out. Citizens and nobles mingled among the various booths, full of food and drink, and some games. Mara nodded, giving them the all-clear, the festival was safe. Emma took a look around and noticed that despite the size of the crowd, it was lacking energy. She spotted her friends over by the fountain and made her way over.
“Is it just me or does the festival seem to have a grey cloud hanging over it? This is a big deal.”
“It does. That's why it's so important for all of us to be seen out here enjoying ourselves. If we don't feel safe in the wake of the attack, then there's no reason they should either.”
“So, as the King, you're ordering us to have fun?” Maxwell grinned.
“If we plan our time carefully, we can make it to every booth!” Hana began working on a plan in her head.
“Wait. I signed up for a good time, not a fixed schedule.” Before Hana could defend her idea, Olivia strolled up.
“Emma, I see you're okay.” Emma rushed over and pulled Olivia into a hug. She stood there stiffly, just briefly returning the embrace before Emma let go.
“Don't ever do that again.” She scowled.
“I'm happy to see you too.” Press snapped pictures as Olivia straightened out her dress.
“How did you get out of the ball? I didn't see you after the lights came back on.”
“I was in the back of the crowd. Almost got trampled by a bunch of fleeing nobles, far more dangerous than those mask-wearing cowards.”
“I thought you were leaving court. Does this mean you've decided to stay after all?”
“I have. You and Liam could use all the support you can get right now. A few men who choose to hide behind masks won't scare away a Nevrakis. I should be off though, shame anyone who dares think it's okay to turn their backs on the King.”
“Well, she seems to be doing fine.” Emma turned back to her friends.
“I have to go tend to some last-minute arrangements before the press conference. Before I go, as King, I have decided that Hana gets to pick the first activity.” Drake began to protest.
“It's okay Drake, I'm picking archery. It can't be that hard!” A few rounds in, Maxwell and Drake still hadn't hit their targets, but Hana had made almost every shot perfectly.
“Of course, Hana excels at everything,” Drake grumbled.
“Are those scary targets getting to you, Drake? It's okay you can tell us.” Emma teased.
“They're part of Cordonian history. A symbol of the defeat over evil.” Hana said.
“I don't think it's symbolic if you have to lecture me about it.”
“Show him how it's done, Emma!” Hana handed over a bow and arrow. Emma faced down the target when there was a loud pop behind her in the crowd. Her grip loosened on the arrow but she forced herself not to flinch. She saw Drake flinch and grab his shoulder out of the corner of her eye. Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her grip on the arrow and let it fly, it found it's true target. The crowd around them applauded and Emma let out a breath she had been holding in.
“You okay?” She whispered to Drake. He nodded and took a few deep breaths to steel his nerves. When she looked around she found the source of the noise, a child whose balloon had popped and was now crying over it.
“We're safe.” She squeezed his hand and he nodded.
“Hana, have you made every bull's-eye?” Maxwell gawked.
“Yes! I've had plenty of free time to explore new hobbies since I'm no longer doing what my parents expect of me.”
“I've had enough of this. I'm picking our next stop.” Drake meandered over to the makeshift bar. Emma started to follow when Mara came running up.
“Emma!” she turned to see a hooded figure running towards her. Mara was getting ready to tackle him, but Emma realized it was just a man in a Five kingdoms costume.
“Mara stop!” Mara skid to a halt just before she was going to tackle him. The crowd let out relieved sighs as the man obliviously ran by to a pie station.
“I'm sorry your Grace. He was moving too quickly.” Emma took a deep breath and smiled, reminding herself to stay calm for the people.
“It's okay, Mara. No one got hurt. We're all fine.” Emma said finally joining her friends.
“Drink tasting huh? It's not just Cordonian apple cider and apple juice?” Drake grinned.
“No! One of the ancient kingdoms brewed an ale that was decent. It was called the Skullcracker ale.” Emma raised an eyebrow.
“You want to drink something that has Skullcracker in the name?”
“Their descendants are keeping up the tradition.” Drake took a pint of dark ale and passed out cider to everyone else.
“To making Cordonia proud.” Hana held up her glass and everyone followed suit. The cider was sweet with a sour aftertaste that made Emma want to drink more.
“How's your shoulder, Drake?” Emma asked.
“It's getting better every day.”
“Good. I hope you know how grateful I am Drake. How grateful we all are, Cordonia especially. The country owes you and your family a lot.”
“If you say so, Barnes.”
“You're worth more than all these stuffy nobles combined.” Drake snickered.
“I can think of lots of people who'd disagree with that.”
“Fuck them all, Drake. They're all wrong.”
“Maybe you're right, Barnes.” Drake's lips began to twitch into a smile.
“Of course, she's right Drake! We've finished our drinks though, let's go bob for apples!” Maxwell practically skipped over to the apple bobbing station.
“So, what’s the history behind this? Was there a great famine and the nation survived off of only apples?” Drake snickered at the sarcastic comment.
“Actually, it’s just kind of a national pride thing.” Maxwell shrugged. One by one their friends approached a bucket, except for Maxwell. He shuffled, squatted, and stood, mumbling something to himself about angles.
“What are you doing, Maxwell?”
“The queen to be bobbing for apples, it’s the perfect photo op!” Emma rolled her eyes.
“Not everything has to be about the press Maxwell, you’re starting to sound like Bertrand. Today is about having fun! Come on, try to get an apple!” Emma spotted the perfect apple, a Cordonian Ruby floating near the surface, she leaned in and carefully bit the apple, pulling it up for everyone to see. The crowd cheered, and the press snapped pictures as she took a bite. People finally began to approach the booths, encouraged by the other's participation. Maxwell sat up with an apple in his mouth, beaming.
“I got one!”
“Nice work.” Liam strolled up.
“Are you going to join?” Hana asked.
“Unfortunately, not this time. I’m here to fetch Lady Emma, official business.”
“Right, the press conference.” She wiped the water off her chin and followed Liam to the small podium set up by the entrance to the palace. The press was already waiting, eager to hear what they may have to say. Liam began with his opening remarks about the festival being a symbol of strength and unity, leading right into Emma’s announcement.
“Now. I believe Duchess Emma would like to make an announcement while we are on the topic of unity.” Emma stepped forward to the front of the podium giving Liam a warm smile.
“We would like to announce that despite recent events, King Liam and I will still be moving forward with plans for our wedding. That being said, we are announcing a sort of engagement unity tour. We will be visiting all the noble houses of Cordonia to personally invite them to our wedding which will be taking place at the end of the tour.”
“Trend will also be running an exclusive with their engagement photos and some behind the scenes of the wedding planning.” Ana de Luca added.
“That’s correct, thank you, Ana. I’m sure you all have plenty of questions about the tour.” Reporters near Ana clambered to try and get a first look at the engagement photos when someone finally asked the question that had been on everyone’s mind.
“How safe is Cordonia after the attack on the palace?” Emma and Liam shared a look, she decided to take the question.
“I understand that many of you are still nervous. The royal guard and King Liam are doing everything in their power to prevent another attack and find those responsible.”
“Thank you, Duchess Emma, I’m sure the Cordonian people will feel safer just hearing that.” Liam flashed Emma a grateful smile as the press continued to ask another question, but they were interrupted by the sound of a news alert going off across everyone’s phone. Emma was suddenly reminded of the night the pictures of Tariq in her room leaked, she knew it couldn’t be good.
It was a video from the attackers, they wore the same tactical masks they used the night they attacked the homecoming ball. They accused Liam of being unfit to rule as they felt he was part of an already corrupt family, they demanded that he give up the throne or else there would be blood. The festival around them erupted into chaos. Reporters on their phones with editors, people running around looking for their children, the calm that had settled over the crowd was gone.
“If everyone could please remain calm.” Liam tried to gain control of the crowd, but it was no use, the people were scared, and frankly, so was Emma, but she knew she needed to do something.
“Listen up!” she yelled in her booming New Yorker voice, demanding the attention of everyone, the crowd fell silent.
“Thank you. This video is very disturbing, but I promise that we will do everything we can to find those who are responsible for it.” Liam looked out on the crowd, his face set with determination and anger. No one threatened his people and got away with it.
“What about their demands, King Liam? Are you going to give up the throne?” The question caught Liam off guard.
“What kind of King would he be if he did? Only a weak king would give in to the demands of men who can’t even show their faces when they threaten us. Liam would never allow Cordonia to fall into the hands of such cruel people and you shouldn’t be asking him to.” Liam stepped up alongside Emma.
“Emma is right. I will never give in to the demands of terrorists!”
“Forgive me for asking your Majesty. I’m sure that our readers and all of Cordonia will feel safe, knowing the crown is dealing with this threat.” Liam nodded and they both waved to the crowd, the sound of clapping surprised them. Despite the video that had rattled the attendees, they were reassured by Liam and Emma’s words.
Later that evening, Bertrand came rushing up.
“I saw what happened today. It was a PR miracle.” Emma sighed.
“I’m glad we were able to make the crowd listen and put them at ease, not that it’s done anything for my nerves.”
“We got lucky today, it confirmed what I thought, we need to get you a new press secretary until this is resolved.” Emma rubbed her fingers against her temple, she really didn’t want another person telling her what to do, she’d had enough of that over the past few days.
“I can handle myself, Bertrand. I think today made that very clear, besides, House Beaumont can’t afford it.” Bertrand shook his head.
“It’s a necessary expense Lady Emma, despite how ready you think you are. I have the perfect candidate in mind, but I’ll need to make some phone calls before moving forward. Goodnight Lady Emma.” She sighed and started to head back to her room, it had been a very long day. Before she could get there though she ran smack into Liam.
“Lady Emma.” He nodded.
“Liam.” She started to walk away but stopped.
“I wanted to thank you, for not lecturing me and Drake about the orchard earlier. We really are being careful, I just needed some fresh air and didn’t realize he’d followed me.” Liam sighed and gave her a small smile.
“You handled it well Emma, just please do try to be more careful on the grounds. We can’t have this blowing up in our faces before it’s even started. That being said, you really helped me with the press today, so thank you.” Emma gave him a small smile and nodded.
“Goodnight, Liam.”
“Goodnight, Emma.” She rounded the corner to her room and groaned, she could see a figure lurking in the shadows outside of her door.
“What now?” As she got closer, she realized it was Drake and relaxed.
“Drake. What are you doing here?”
“I figured, you’d had a really long day and maybe you’d want to relax?”
“Does this relaxing involve alone time with you?” Drake mischievously grinned.
“It can.”
“Lead the way.” She followed Drake to an upper level of the palace and into a deluxe bathroom. A deep bathtub, countertops that glittered with gold trim and fresh white towels.
“This is more impressive that my favorite spa in New York.” Drake grinned and began filling the tub with hot water.
“Sometimes it pays to live at the palace. As nice as that outfit looks on you, I think you're overdressed for this occasion.”
“You're one to talk.”
“I came here for a bath Barnes, I'm getting there.”
“Well with your injured shoulder you're moving a little slower, how about I help you out a little bit?”
“I wouldn't mind.” Emma smiled and pushed Drake up against the counter with her body. She started with his shirt, sliding her fingers up his bare chest she pulled the shirt with them, carefully slipping it off without hurting his arm. His bandage still wrapped tightly around his body, she nibbled at the skin on the edges of it. Drake moaned softly and pulled her head up so he could kiss her deeply as he fumbled with her shirt. When she pulled away, she could clearly see the dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping well either. She thought about asking him but decided she'd rather enjoy the moment, so she unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down. As she made her way back up, she ran her hand up his leg, to the inside of his thigh before stopping to grab his cock that was starting to get hard. Drake gasped in surprise and Emma let go.
“You like to take a hands-on approach to helping don't you, Barnes?” Emma winked and took a step back to take off her the rest of her clothes.
“Stop. I only think it's fair I return the favor.” Drake started just under her ear, kissing the sensitive skin down her neck and chest until reaching her bra. He expertly unhooked it with one hand and flung it to the side, teasing her nipples with his tongue before continuing his trail of kisses down her stomach. Emma could feel the heat pooling inside her as he kissed above the waistband of her pants. He carefully unbuckled them and began pulling them down. Emma was even more excited, thinking he was going to kiss her clit, but he surprised her by kissing down the inside of things to above just her knee. He stopped, and Emma kicked off her pants, frustrated.
“Is the water ready yet?” Drake knew he had gotten her all riled up, he could tell by her snappy tone. It was payback for all the times she had done it to him. Emma stepped into the water at one side of the tub and Drake in the other. She could feel the tension leaving her muscles as she sat there in the tub with her eyes closed.
“How'd you find this place?”
“I was searching for Liam one time, playing hide and seek, stumbled upon it. After the long day you had, I thought you might want to relax and this seemed like the perfect spot.”
“Thank you, Drake.” Emma slipped her head under the water and when she came up, she reached for the shampoo bottle.
“Let me.” Drake scooted up behind her and began lathering the shampoo into her hair with gentle circles, the roughness of his calloused hands a welcome contrast to his soft touch.
“That feels amazing.” She leaned back against him.
“I'm not always rough, Barnes.” Emma slid back under the water to rinse her hair.
“Are you feeling more relaxed now?” Emma just sighed in response.
“Definitely. Except I could do with some more kisses.”
“I can definitely help with that.” Drake spun her around and she straddled him, diving in for a kiss. It was sloppy, Emma's hair sliding down in front of her face. They laughed as Emma pushed it aside.
“Where were we?” Drake grabbed both sides of her face as Emma tangled her fingers in his hair, eliciting a groan from him as she rocked her hips against his.
“You know,” he pulled away breathless, “I was thinking we should pick up where we left off before we got in here.”
“I was thinking the same thing.” Drake shifted Emma so he was deep inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and threw her head back as she began rocking her hips against his, his cock hitting her g-spot every time.
“Barnes.” Drake found his rhythm and began moving in sync with her.
“Yes, Drake.” She could feel herself coming undone, Drake knew it too as she raked her fingernails down his back. He increased his pace.
“Fuck!” Emma screamed in surprise and pleasure. They came together, calling out each other's names. When the waves of pleasure stopped they took a minute to catch their breath.
“That's how you unwind.” Drake's voice cracked as Emma climbed out of the tub. Emma smirked and grabbed a towel.
“I couldn't agree more.” She helped him towel off, careful again not to get too close to his injured shoulder. When she was done, he dried her off and pulled her into his arms.
“It's late. We should get some sleep.” Emma wiggled her arm out of his grip and cupped his cheek in her hand. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.
“You haven't been sleeping well, have you?” Drake let her go and turned his back, getting dressed.
“Drake, there are circles under your eyes. Talk to me.” He sighed.
“I wake up almost every night in a cold sweat. I keep seeing the gun pointed at you, I jump in front of it but I'm too late. Then I wake up and you're not there, I begin to worry that the nightmare is real.” He squeezed his eyes shut and Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.
“Drake.” She whispered, grabbing his hand and putting it on her chest over her beating heart. He opened his eyes and she saw his tears.
“I'm alive. I'm here. You saved me.” He kissed her forehead and waited for her to get dressed. They walked to her room in silence and Emma considered telling him about her own nightmares.
“Goodnight Em.” Em. He rarely ever called her that, it was something reserved for just the two of them.
“Drake, wait.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her room.
“I have nightmares too. You're lying in my arms, bloody and not moving. I keep trying to wake you up, but it doesn't work. I can never save you. I wake up and I know it's not real, but I can't fall back asleep, it feels too real. Every time I close my eyes, I see you lying there. She latched onto him and breathed in his scent, a strange mix of freshly cut wood and whiskey, she knew that if she asked him to stay with her that he would. She also knew that there'd be consequences, to hell with them she thought. The only way they were going to get any kind of sleep was with each other. The last time she had slept through the night was in Drake's arms at the safehouse.
“What are you saying, Barnes?”
“I'm saying I want you to stay with me tonight and to hell with anyone who has something to say about it.” Drake grinned and watched Emma pat the bed next to her. He climbed on and pulled her as close as possible. He easily fell into a deep sleep to the sound of her even breathing, it didn't stop the nightmares, but he was always able to fall back asleep. Emma didn't wake once, not even when Drake's breathing was ragged against her back. The next morning Emma woke up in Drake's arms and felt well-rested but all the bravado she had about someone finding out what gone. She checked the time and panicked, roughly shaking Drake awake.
“Huh? What?” He sat up abruptly and looked around before he realized it was Emma shaking him.
“Barnes? Where's the fire?” Drake was not a morning person, neither was Emma.
“You need to go!” She whispered jumping off the bed. Drake scowled.
“Morning to you too.” he climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom, Emma groaned and chased after him.
“Drake!” She whispered furiously, knocking on the door. She didn't have to be in there with him to know he was rolling his eyes.
“It was such a nice night, why are you so cranky this morning?” He asked emerging from the bathroom finally. Emma sighed and checked the clock again.
“I'm not!” She snapped and instantly regretted it. “I'm sorry. I had a wonderful night Drake, I slept well. I just need you to go before someone comes to wake me up. We should at least try to make an effort for Liam's sake. She flashed him the same smile that got him, every time.
“Okay Barnes, I see your point. Can I come back tonight? I haven't slept that well in a long time.”
“Only if you don't get us caught!” she stuck her head out the door and glanced down the hall and motioned for Drake that it was safe to go. Drake slipped past her and Emma smacked his butt playfully on the way out. Drake turned around surprised and shook his head, a smile playing at his lips, as Emma winked at him.
Tag List: @notoriouscs @sleepwalkingelite @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @leelee10898 @roonarific @indigo39 @skyila @speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad @blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics @findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
LINE Webtoon has announced the upcoming release of nine new titles and a new season for popular Katie Cook series Nothing Special. The rollout includes new series from creators Thom Zahler, Marvel Zombies scribe Fred Van Lente, Monica Gallagher, three-time Eisner-winner Paul Tobin, and others, ranging in a variety of genres from comedy and action to romance and horror.
These new titles will release alongside the previously announced line-up of Outrage, by Deadpool co-creator Fabian Nicieza and artist Reilly Brown; Finality, by Warren Ellis and four-time Eisner-winner Colleen Doran; Backchannel, by Stan Lee, Tom Akel, and Andie Tong; and Caster, by Austin Harrison, Mike Raitch, Zah Howard, and Jason Masters, with original music by Common; as well as the highly anticipated return of Sanford Greene’s 1000 and 2018 Eisner-nominee Brothers Bond by Ryan Benjamin and Kevin Grevioux.
The new releases include:
Eat Fighter by Fred Van Lente (Marvel Zombies, Big Trouble in Little China), Crystal Skillman, and Fernando Pinto – launching this summer.
Eat Fighter is a competitive eating, zombie murder epic that follows Miss, a thirty-something fitness nut who throws away her kale and step-counting ways to become a superstar on the competitive eating circuit. Following the lifestyle of her late brother, who was a champion competitive eater himself, she embarks on a quest to Seoul to become the World Champion Eat Fighter. But eating barrels of barbecue and acres of apple pie doesn’t come without a price—so what’s Miss’s secret as to why she can eat as much as she wants and never gain a pound? 
  BOO! It’s Sex by Danielle Corsetto (Girls With Slingshots) and Monica Gallagher (Assassin Roommate) – launching this summer.
High school classmates Denise, Christine, Lindsey, and Kim, move into a former sorority house for their first year of college, and immediately discover the ghost of a dead sorority girl stuck in a discarded bottle of tequila. While the freshwomen are settling into college life, Tara settles herself into the center of their personal lives, acting as a seasoned mentor for their transition from girls to ladies. Being dead for a while (she never has the same answer for when or how) has given Tara a perplexingly thorough knowledge of sex, relationships, body stuff, and even friendship.
Renai the Witch by Keron Grant (Superman, Iron Man) and Ytasha Womack – launching in late 2018.
Renai is convinced that madness follows her every step.  After her boyfriend Tory betrays her by falling in love with her best friend Angela, Renai becomes convinced that Angela cast a spell on him.  A meeting with her Aunt Kita confirms her suspicions of an underworld of sorcery.  In order to save her beloved Tory, she must connect with her inner witch and the light within herself to stand up to the grim forces in her way. 
Messenger by three-time Eisner-winner Paul Tobin (Bandette, Plants Vs. Zombies) and Ray Nadine – launching May 2018.
Messenger follows Dare Crilley, a bike messenger who is utterly unsurpassed. She scoffs at bad weather, traffic is barely an obstacle, and she’s never missed a delivery. That’s good, because Dare is about to discover her mysterious new client is literally divine, and that a dispute between the gods means the fate of the universe rests on a series of increasingly more difficult bicycle deliveries. Will Dare fail on any of these fateful missions? Can she assemble all the parts for the Legendary Divine Bicycle? One thing’s for sure, Dare never backs down when it’s time to deliver.
Shadow Pirates by Sean Galloway (Hellboy Animated, The Spectacular Spider-Man) and Ian Hopps – launching in late 2018.
In Shadow Pirates, Mao, leader of The Yakooza Group, is stuck behind bars in Old San Diego following an unfortunate run in with The Shadow Pirates.  After convincing a group of teenagers to aid in his escape by promising them a greater power than they can imagine the ultimate burst they are transported to New San Diego where they begin their adventure to unlock the burst in the form of The Four Horseman: war, pestilence, famine, and death.
Divination by Eisner-nominee Val Staples (Criminal, X-Men), Gina Iorio, and Melinda Timpone – launching this fall.
In the gothic thriller Divination, readers will explore the world of death, demons, spirits, and angels, after Ana’s teenage life is thrown into chaos when she begins to see manifestations of the undead. As the mysterious Reapers continue to appear with more intensity, Ana soon finds herself on a path towards an uncertain destiny that will have drastic consequences for both her and the entire world.
Cupid’s Arrows by Thom Zahler (Warning Label, My Little Pony) – launching in late 2018.
Cupid’s Arrows follows Rick and Lora, a team of Arrows who work for Cupid, the god of love, and attempt to execute the wishes of The Book of Love, which gives the details on which couples will get together for a legendary love story. They’ve received their newest mission and must work together to bring about the perfect and memorable moment, assuring a lasting start to their couple’s relationship.  However, even after working together for hundreds of years, they banter and bicker like brother and sister to cover the feelings they have for each other–will these Arrows finally realize they are more than just friends? 
Nothing Special Season 2 by Katie Cook
In Nothing Special, spirits, gods, and demons wander both their realm and ours. The series follows Callie, a lonely teen who grew up splitting her time between the human and spirit worlds due to her father’s job as an antiques collector in the spirit world. When her father mysteriously vanishes in the spirit realm, Callie is forced to journey further into the world than ever before in an attempt to rescue him. In Season 2, readers can continue to explore Callie’s world filled with adventure, family secrets, and romance.
Heart Wired by Leanne Hannah (Masters of the Universe) and Rod Hannah – launching this summer.
Heart Wired follows 16-year-old Cal Mills, one of the first of seven children born on Mars. Cal has always dreamed of traveling to Earth and experiencing the birthplace of humanity firsthand. However, he is held back by his fragile body, genetically-engineered to tolerate the microgravity environment of Mars. His parents have religious and philosophical issues with the trans-humanist movement, which pushes for total replacement of the organic biological systems of the human body with the synthetic machine. Things change when communication with Earth gets cut off suddenly and it becomes clear that a war of annihilation has taken place. The final act of the automated space-based military forces will be to eliminate all rival extraterrestrial assets.
Metaphorical Her by James Maddox, David Stoll, and Justin Birch – launching this summer.
Humiliated and exiled, a young poet and her friends build an underground following while fighting against the white-collar criminals who threaten their careers. In Metaphorical Her, Eleanor “Laney” Petra makes a social misstep and offends the man who holds the keys to success in her chosen field of work, poetry. Discovering an unlikely audience in the local rock scene, Laney shows that she can build a sizable following of outsiders that will force the poetic scene to recognize her and her work. All the while, Laney must fend off the people who want to cage her, her friends, and hinder their ambition.
​LINE Webtoon Announces Slate of Upcoming Releases #comics #webcomics LINE Webtoon has announced the upcoming release of nine new titles and a new season for popular Katie Cook series 
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maneeshkr-blog · 7 years
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pSeuDo{reG,raT,naT}ion[al][ist]s: https://youtu.be/2h0q_bkwra8 A. RANA
समाजवाद: https://youtu.be/KWvFh30m_3Y ~SC
[a]bRah[a]m[in]ic{al}feuD + [erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya] + tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ने कैसे बनाया राष्ट्र+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश[-ियों] https://youtu.be/GXBReBAH7TQ को ग़ुलाम{उ}दास? PoLi[Ti]c[e]aL [hi]Story: https://youtu.be/fnWQONkPsXc V. L. MaTanG, BMP: https://youtu.be/pdRRYCE4tNk
: https://youtu.be/bbJGbKj1L0o महेश राठी
{Brah,sonCra}M[anism,ins]+[erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ocCupied iNDian deMocracy with iNC+JawaharlalNehru became 1st govern{ment,dhun,nance}+PM without any election, after: British+Christians left/were sent+back]; Mughals+Muslims were oBLiterated+sideLined with muslim[league, nation]; [OBCs+Shudra, SCs+Dalits, STs+Ad[h]iwasi, minorities, et al] were poLi[Ti]c[e]aL{Ly}re[Li]Gio[se,naL] oBLiterated[with]in[s/c+ide]{Lined,[re]Stricted} with d{aNGe}r+ous Bengal+famine? Puna+pact, {pseudo,[w+]Ron{G,A,i}DhOn,uNeFFective,QuASi}rePresentation:{leaD,deaL}erS[hip]:reServation, [de]PreDation etc: https://youtu.be/H3xSe-TzEWc
hunGRy{reG,naT}ionals: https://www.facebook.com/rachna.agrawal.16/posts/1718231398228811 faMineD{+QuASi+}DyinG
an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI by:through SuDhir ChauDhary
SuPreme Court of iNDia's reTired Hon'ble JuStice MArkanDey KATju's DaRing iNTerView: https://www.facebook.com/SasuSwamy/videos/1175934229179365/ [PLs] {Do, MuST}{n't misS, waTCh}
जिस रूट पर बुलेट ट्रेन चलाएगी मोदी+pART[iaL,y]Bj सरOकार: http://www.nationaldastak.com/country-news/route-on-bullet-train-it-has-40-percent-seats-empty उस रूट की 40% सीटें खाली
raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e {रूढ़ कूढ़, बूढ़} वाढ{a,i,e}दाव गुट:जुठ {वा,दौ,धा}{र्ण,र्म,र्ग}iQ मग़ज़+MinDSets+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश: http://naisadak.org/सारे-कूढ़मगज-संघी-नहीं-हो
sLaVe girl – CRAZY SHiT tHe QURAN says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ
{TruTh, ReaL[ism,ity], FaCT, eViDence}s [are, should+must be] [b{e,a,u,i}tTer, iMPRoV[iS]eD]
Can iNDia become a superpower? https://youtu.be/zXZ4pRhY-kU
निचली राजनीति पर उतर आयीं हैं BJP+RsS: https://youtu.be/Jck9GOkq2yo BjP is sToOPinG to the loWeR leVeLs of poLiTics – अरुण शोरी
छि: छिः [P]aRT(y{ rAj}, i[FiCi]aL)Bj+iNC, ND{A,MoDi} UP{A,ADityaNAth}, RsS, VHP, HMS, [B]Dal+Bal, [H, Br, Ks, S.R]Sena, etc, [M]aRT[s,rAj,iaL]s
tHe {de,re}MoneTization ciRcus: https://youtu.be/YqwVOWYJSxw {B/P+L}uNDer – AiB
................ seCTion deLimiter[s]
Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s
Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief
Hypo{The[a]T[r]i, CriTi}Cal nu{kS[he, An], sKhe} of|for|by [huMan, mamMaL, aniMaL] {reG, raT, naT}ioNaLs: [ Hind{i, u{sTAn}, {MahA}[RAshtr, BhArat]a[pra]Desh-MaRAThA} ~50%; bRahm[a,i,e]n ~3.5%; aRe-a-n{ism,ists}AryA[n], [k]shatri[ya-ism/t]RAjPut:which[raj ke put? YA raja ke put?]ThAKur ~5%+3.5%; {tum'Am} jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'AmaYana, {re}La[ksh,x]man, D'AsaRatha ~40%; [na'R, kin+na'R, nArad, nAra'yana, nA'Ri, laksh/lax+mi] ~40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R'ad[h][ik]a ~60%; bRahm{Adi-k}sanaQ muni'sa ~40-50%; [MuSLim, MosLem, Mom[i,e]n]s, iS[L,R]AMic] ~15% RamzAN-RAMADAn; (unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient hinDon{e} ~50%; QALe ~60-70% {Dh[a,u]n ~50-90%} GoRe ~30-40%; in{Dia, Dies, Dus+Do[es]}{trial, WAD{i,a,e}DAW, valLey} [fe]males ~70%; {Q'Am, r'Am, jAn[wa]r, {un}j'Am} tum'Am ~85-90%; {se,hu,wu}men{nu,mu} {fo(u)r, go, out}{cast[L][e], ra{c,p}e, sPell}s ~70%; MamMal[ian]s प्राणी{स}स्तन{धारी, पायी, -ीय}जन्तु ~100% ] ??
Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{ त्व[-ं]=तू:तुम:you; अह[म,म्]=मैं:i; [ए]तेषां=वो:them }
conFirm@ http://www.spokensanskrit.de/ aham tva
[iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce] {inG} iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo[inG]} on oTher[ {nat,reG}ionaL]s
[ब्राह्मण,वर्ण]{:}धर्म का अ{-ँधा}नुकरण: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ?t=2m40s
[aRTiCLe] भारतीय [प्र,अंतर]जाति व्यवस्था 'ऐंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन
धर्मों*reLiGions ने बर्बाद+तबाह किया [intra, inter]रा{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{reG,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को, https://youtu.be/AKaga0OV_8Q बार+म+वॉर[n+iNG], [एकमात्र {जीवित, जीवी युक्त} eaRTh {में, को भी, पर, से}] https://youtu.be/SAKrwB6NbGE
: wATCh with LoGical eViDence..
Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion? https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt
LewD+LaSciVious+ठरकी+LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRade{st}Cast[L]e
HoLi[a] https://youtu.be/r66IRTMknUM?t=57s
छि: छिः [raC{i,e}st] [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e sar[O]KAR: https://www.facebook.com/AliSohrab/videos/970741639740492/
{भग,बल,भढ़?}{वान,वती} माँगे https://youtu.be/vCgrgUQfEDU बलि[दान]व? https://youtu.be/OkDSR4w2vt4
ban+eXTerMinate ri{TuaL,OT}s https://www.facebook.com/nastiknation/posts/1905166443133348
{T,Q,P}aharRush {j,G}am{i'a,[Bl]e} https://youtu.be/5BxViewqwSU cRime{s,iSm}[ter,hon,hor]Ror
[H]{iN,oUT}{Do,Sa}[n][e] https://youtu.be/OH-cLVWBkqc [s]HeLLs
विकास 'GANDO' भयो गयो छे:: https://youtu.be/lFMlOZWt14U विनाश अच्छे{proPa}{G,jh}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}!?
diVide&Rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_RwE5F75ZU wAman MeShrAm
ओबीसी जोड़ों अभियान: https://youtu.be/w_ql5afL7lg बामसेफ
राष्ट्र{iya}क्षेत्र व्य{था,ङ्ग} https://www.facebook.com/NewsNumberFlash/videos/955055811264843 अच्छे दिन
iNDo females: https://youtu.be/bTS0rR5975A
बलात्कार{i}son{s[K]AR, ATon} http://www.januday.co.in/NewsDetail.aspx?Article=10314 https://www.facebook.com/newspaperjanuday
GhaDi GhaDi LaFDA KAiKO: https://youtu.be/A-UClJPhX8o SamBhAji BhaGat @ULGuLaAn2015
सबसे ब[-ु]{ड़े,रे}+{g,j}ut[h]{i,e} zulm{i,-ANA?}jurm: https://youtu.be/AUCLlgDo_ug आतंक {वाद,i} {err,ar}{y,e}a{n,a}+ब्राहमण+[k][s]hatri[ya] https://youtu.be/B70uBXXe5Xg
[FOrWArD, ShaRe] in [m]any {gRouP, timeLine}[s] as reCeiveD.
क्या हम [छद्म, समपूर्ण]स्वतन्त्र [अगस्त १९४७ से हुए, हैं आजकल]? https://youtu.be/fhD2FTlKrHI Sanjay RajourA
बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में:से कैसे उजाड़:उखाड़:ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM वामन मेश्राम
बाबा [न] बने: https://youtu.be/VMuz8UEgifw
MoD{e,i}[L] [oPeR, proPa{G,jH,P,Bh,S,Th,Q}{a,u}n]D{e,oO}
ब्राह्मण{i}भ्रष्टाचार: https://youtu.be/joNhCCQ6Ylc
beH{adD, oODA} गुट{i}झुठ sonS{[Q]AR, Cri[P]T}[i, uRe, s]
बलात्कारी+cRiminal+{te,Ho}rRor[ist] ब्राह्मण+aR{y,e}a{n,a} https://youtu.be/oNnlPxi7E1I देवताओं: https://youtu.be/mfHVGoxOE0g की {सूची, [Qu]karm{pra[ti]}QriyA[yen]: https://youtu.be/LcAtofWeP1A
आखिर कब तक..? https://youtu.be/aSppUKos6Vg [कविता]
oUSTiNG reLiGiOse {[in,dis]CrimiNation, [horR,hoN,terR]oriSm} https://www.facebook.com/groups/409129822578901/permalink/1035149723310238/
{reG,raT,naT}ioNaL[s'] aNG{st}aGain [H]iN{Do,Sa}[n][e]+[Bo,sho]dh+euRo oUTDo+ [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn +[s,b,m,t]onTri
unTheis{m,ts} https://youtu.be/_yMihYXcCUs
धर्म:विनाश V/s विकास:विज्ञान: https://www.facebook.com/rpvishal/posts/1732774853402156 https://youtu.be/rv4_EEYG7rM
Q&As: How was God Created:Born (itself or Himself)? https://www.quora.com/How-was-God-Created-itself-or-Himself
[प्र]{श,च,क}{A,O}शकों} ने [कुछ:कुछ के] reLiGions*धर्मों को [toOLs की तरह] use करके [intra, inter]{रा,ला}{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{re[Li]G,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को [uP]{L,R}oOT[vAY]A, time & aGain
{meDiA, GK} sTufFeD [with]in[side]..
cowPiss{dRink}gauMutra: https://www.facebook.com/IndianAtheists/posts/10155088944283372 reCommended by many sonts [un, dis]like RamDev: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=RamDev+gowMutra https://www.facebook.com/839993326152960/videos/964265907059034/
KaiSA Ye Dharam Hai: https://youtu.be/PZ4SEfiu2kI SheeTaL SAThe, sinGer
धर्म सिर्फ़ कुछ+कुछ प्रकार के नशे+नक़्शे{छद्म}दुर्ग:+drugs, जो {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को नशे:मद में {रख,लक्ष}[वा]कर [नुक़्सान], कुछ विशेष dyNa{M,St}{ic,o} % {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को लाभ पहुँचाने की मशीनरी। जब तक हम नशे में रहेंगे, ये [नेता,प्रतिनिधि]{वर्ग{-ीय}वर्ण}धर्म [हठ] नैति{कता}धार्मि के नाम पर [{reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s, हमें, क्षेत्र{प्र,-ियों}देश] [को, में] [लूट{ते}ठग, लूट{मार,खसोट,बाँटचूँट,पाट}[uP]RoOT कर गुज़रते] [चालू] रहेंगे। [cRime{iSm}[hoR,teR]or +aBhorRence, chAL{[AK,AR][i][oO]}bAz, ज़ुल्म{-ाना?,i}जुर्म, {g,j}{u,oO}t[h]{i,e,A}, jAL{ish,i}sAz, नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त}moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}]
इण्डिया+भारत आज भी जापान+अमेरिका जैसे देशों से 150+250 साल क्यों पीछे: https://www.facebook.com/dilpawan.tirkey/videos/1533077253445596/ wed{on}shAstr ने बर्बाद किया [प्र, अन्दर]{राज्यों, देशों, क्षेत्रों} को
सन्घी, मोदी, वर्ण:धर्म{राज,कूट,फूट,नीति}पार्टी, भाजपा, {भग,बल,भड़}वा[न], son{s[Q]Ar, sTripTeaSe, CuLP+RiT, sCri[p]t}[i], sont:गुरु, योगी, व दायाँपंथी [वि][भ]-ु{क्त,गत,जत}-ाँ उनकी हिन्दू बहनों को भी {गाली, धमकी} देने व {बदनाम, गन्दा?, बलात्कार?, नङ्गा?, नीचा} करने में कोई कसर नही छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843/ पँखुड़ी पाठक, SP
iNDo [iN, re]Form[ation][al] geNeRe kNowLeDGe in Hin{Di+eN}GLiSh
आप ये नहीं कह सकते कि हिंदू आतंकवाद नहीं है. पहले हिंदू कट्टरपंथी बातचीत करते थे, अब वे हिंसा करते हैं: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/social-41842950 कमल हसन
[violence, [re,op,de,sup]pression, corruption, [trans,re,ag,di]gression, terror-ism] in the name of [re[li]gion, nature, [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism], states] which is [non-truthful, unlawful]
MeToO: http://www.jansatta.com/trending-news/n-light-of-metoo-campaign-dancers-make-a-video-about-surviving-seksual-abuse-for-years/483205/
TerRoR{ism}cRime has {tRaDiTional, eXTReme, orThoDox, eXCepTional} re[Li]Gions, in{Fact, Deed} aL[most a]L re[Li,Di](e)GiOns.
इ/उ+न्होंने धर्म नहीं/कब त्यागा:तजा!? धर्म ने भी इन्हें न/कभी त्यागा:तजा!?
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-non-correct-is-the-Claim-Slogan-Terrorism-has-No-Religion [ब्रह्म/भ्राम-ान/इन, आर्य-न,  are-a-n, [k]shatriya, वैश्य, वर्ण]बाद[आ]दाब[ईर्ष्या, उग्र, घृणा, भय, d-ange-r, आतंक, निरस्कार, डर, बहिष्कार, ख़ौफ़]वाद{-ा, -े,-ी}दाव
{diS[Aster, ease], ePiDemic, famine}s were [re]{sTART, cReaT}eD since 9-11[-2016] [un, dis]LiKe 9-11 USA.. https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedIndia/videos/1684759014917912/ iT-ThOSe {eCLiPs, eNGuLF, seiz}eD the [proGress of, [after]li{ve, fe style}s of] https://www.facebook.com/TheWireHindi/videos/536010333417837/ {pOVerty-sTRicken+daRiDra, SC{s}daLiT, weak{s}kamZor, OBC{s}baHujan, ST{s}aD[h]iwAsi}et+al: http://boltahindustan.com/congress-mp-targets-pm-modi-over-noteban-celebration/
~10% का शासन: https://youtu.be/XyFTVJMRpPU ~90%+ पर चलेगा नहीं
A2Z [p,m]arT[y,iaL]Bj: https://www.facebook.com/muktbhart/posts/1670802276264924 sCams
MuSLiM{s}friEnD: https://youtu.be/GjRQFyPMxcQ https://www.facebook.com/1488418371216468/videos/1557226331002338/
सबका साथ: https://youtu.be/gUCn8y-ermk {p,m}ART[Y,iaL]Bj+{err,ar}{y,a}{n,a}{ist}v[a]ish[y,w]a का विकास; कुछ{%}कुछ का {सत्या,वि}नाश
iNKi SoORaT kO PehChAnO BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat
56" का सीना: https://youtu.be/9AQPU1oXEH0 {झूठ बोल, धक्{के}झट दे+दे} कर जीना [cRime{iSm}terRor, ज़ुल्म{-ाना?,i}jurm]
[p,m]arT[y,iaL][s]Bj के अच्छे{proPa}GanD{e,A} https://youtu.be/faBjO-yWb8M बे+इज़्ज़त
How to identify Fake News in India?? https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 Dhruv Rathee
श्रमिक कोष: http://thewirehindi.com/23977/laptops-washing-machines-purchased-from-the-fund-of-rs-29000-crore-for-the-construction-workers-the-supreme-court-is-shocked/ {फ़िज़ूल, यूँ ही, al, err} ख़र्च
fake news: https://www.facebook.com/vinoddua/videos/1672077512866572/
भारतीय ग़ैर+क़ानूनी वांशिक {g,j}{u,A,oO}t[h][i] व्यवस्था: https://www.facebook.com/wamanmeshram.bamcef/posts/1363402220437979 zulm{i,ANA?}jurm https://youtu.be/A4btZUAnXUA
राम नाम सत्य:+{ह,स}{थि,त्,ठि}या{र,-ा} https://youtu.be/oRcsLh1D-E4 ओशो
शहरी बेघर कोष: http://thewirehindi.com/18559/shelter-for-homeless-supreme-court-center-states/ बेकार
feku: https://www.facebook.com/JumlaExpresss/videos/142679099705029 pHenkoO
raCi{st}cAST[L]e {वि,सत्य,नि}{कास, नाश} https://youtu.be/Sxx3QgR2GBU पागल+proPaG{a,u}nD{A,oO}
देश{प्र}क्षेत्र पर rac[i,e]st [a]bRah[a]m[a,i,e][n]ic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]n{ist}[k][s]h[e,a,u][t,d]r[iya,oO]+tRade{st}cAST[L]e: https://youtu.be/bhVJL8nJSzQ क़ाबिज़ सब्ज़{i}बाग़ नुक़्सान{i} {r,l}Aj: https://www.facebook.com/phule.ambedkarite/posts/1766662006966220
BjP{व,ians}iNC आय स्रोत: http://thewirehindi.com/17951/bjp-congress-anonymous-sources-of-money/ अज्ञात
BaAHoOjans V/s [a]bRah[a]m[a,i,e][n]ic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]n{ist} https://www.facebook.com/dilipc.mandal/posts/1557967557630563
हमारा [{दु,कु}श्मन, {sho, [satya, wi]nA, choO}shaq, sh{aTrue, udra}] MuS{lim, alMAn} नहीं बल्कि [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e https://www.facebook.com/harish.shaikh.750/posts/1912088845723601 होश में {आ,गा,जा}ओ+{जा,मा}नों: https://youtu.be/e6_S-zKtf48 https://www.facebook.com/induchoudharybhu/videos/1920599651290330/
[H]iNSa[n][e] bunon.? https://youtu.be/jqS8_JjCsZM film ShoOTiNG
{feuDaL, QuarReL} truth: https://www.facebook.com/kanji.makwana.79/posts/767774960075517/
हिंदू धर्म में {विवेक, कारण, स्वतंत्र} सोच के विकास के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर: http://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2016/10/best-b-r-ambedkar-hindi-quotes-slagans.html
जो भी व्यवस्थाएं जन्‍म से एक:कुछ गुट:समूहों{प्र}जातियों:जुठ को [अन-ेक क्षेत्रों में] {श्रेष्‍ठ, अच्छा, बड़ा} व {दूसरे, अन्य} को {नीच, गन्दा, छोटा} बनाए रख{-े, ने में का[रगर, रागारी सम्भावित+साबित हो}, वह वर्ण:धर्म नहीं अपितु ग़ुलाम{उ}दास बनाए रखने के [जाल{-िशें}साज़, अच्छे{proPa}G[A,u]nDe, WArNA{sa}DhArMi, षड़यन्त्र+खड्यंत्र, cRiMe{hor,s,ter}Ror{iSm, [iMaGi,cOmBi,maCh{i,O}]N[e,ation]s}, ज़ुल्म{i,-ANA?}जुर्म], पात्र:मात्र।
GujaRAt moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,jH}}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}: https://www.facebook.com/Fekunama/videos/1984420568251694 यदि गुजरात मॉडल सफल है तो:– किसान परेशान क्यों? बच्चे कुपोषित क्यों? दलित पीड़ित क्यों? महिलायें असुरक्षित क्यों? पाटीदार आंदोलन क्यों? युवा बेरोजगार क्यों? ज़्यादा*2 दरिद्रता:दल*² क्यों? [इति?]
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EMgqmZ8RYFw/T_vaQ__Q8UI/AAAAAAAAAGg/XU0QJDK-mk8/s1600/Picture+324.jpg वर्ण:धर्म ~85%{reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s को ग़ुलाम:दल[*²]i+t+i:दरिद्र:[उ]दास बनाने के षड़यत्र ~ वामन मेश्राम
What do [h]iN{Do,Sa}[n] {reG,raT,naT}ioNaLs need [from [s][h]ouTDo[inG] [pra]{Sh,Q}{As,Op,Osh}aQs]? https://www.facebook.com/BJP.Unveiled/videos/1402333959884807/
भगवानों:god[s] को धूर्तों:गुण्डों ने {ब,म}न[व]-ाया [[hoR,teR]Ror{s,ists}cRiminal] व [vicTim] {लो,रो}गों से मन[व]-ाया: https://brambedkar1891.wordpress.com/tag/periyar-in-hindi/ ~ पेरियार ई.वी. रामास्वामी
जो व्यवस्था [जन्‍म से] एक को श्रेष्‍ठ व दूसरे को नीच बनाए रखे, वह धर्म नहीं, गुलाम बनाए रखने का षड़यंत्र: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC53QdCXoAA8MTE.jpg ~डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर
BjP {pun, STANCe} oN [NOTeBaNDi, eNForCeD punishMent?, [de, re]MoneTiZation} https://www.facebook.com/1383922705169789/videos/1937398176488903/
iNDo reLiGioSe+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]} poLi[Ti]C{inG, s, ieS}
भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI WAman MeShRAm
{ri[gh,o], [t,f]aC}T[e,ual] bRahminic{al}feuD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[K]ShaTriya+tRaDe{st}cast[L]e Bj goVern[nance,ment,dhun] maDe [tRaGeDy – Rahul Gandhi, murDers] https://youtu.be/u2RnksqNPvI O₂ lesS sLauGhters in Go[R,L]ak[s]hPur
religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting {surgical-strikes on, poLaRizing, diViding, deVising} other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. Did u bear [with] it? Or eLSe, how you[r's] reMained/[over,be]Came unTouched by this {most}?
[de,re]MoneTization aNThem: ये लाइन मे खड़ा है तू: https://youtu.be/c_fp1u74ctw जो आजकल: https://youtu.be/5em0wMt67xg
कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला{कारी}कलह: अपनों के लाभ{मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent}फ़ायदे {साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त}कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों [पर,का] कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, {ध्रुवी, टूट[-ी]फूट}करण, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जी[त]ते जिए। क्या आप [इसे, इसके-साथ] {सह[म]ते, गुज़[-ा]रते} रहे? या फिर, आप/तुम्हारे इस{ सब}से कैसे अछूते रहे?
Ash[O]ARAm BA{p,b}u: https://youtu.be/d2l0sdFBugM Narendra Mod{i, e+l}OpeRanDe
किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR eX[P,T]ensi[ve,ble]Peri[m]ent[al] iDeoLoGical hap[py,pen]hazard[ous][harm,hurt]ful dePredator wings-organisations-parTease-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें {कठो,[कोठ,ठाक,डाक]:-उ,ठोक,ठुके}र-िये[दुर्ग:caST[L-e]proPa[g,p,b-h]anda(go)Spellभेड़िये-साँड़(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़[में][भेड़ियें,भेड़ें,साँड़,मेढ़ें,कुत्तें]->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे-ख़रबूजें, उठाईगिरे, सेब-Base, आम, डुचे-ठुके, [र,श]-ाम, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, ग़ाज़रें-मूलियाँ, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्,बद,सीधे,सधे,सादे,टेढ़े,मेढे]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], तजे-भजे-भजिये-तजृबें-तजुर्बें-तरबूज़ें, etc.
{Ri-gh/ot-ist, [sa]WARNa, [P]ARTiFiCiaL} LoC{aL}LoG note[n]ki baAz rahe {g,j}aye guza[a]re gaye hain.
Voluminous {RaCe, [a]Chie[Ph,Ve], BrahM[a,i,e]n, cAST[L]e, [k][s]h[a,e]Triya, [uP][R,L]oOT, Ar[e,y]+a+[n,a], tRaD[e,iTioNaL], FeuD[aL]}iSm
{pejoRative, proPaGandized} deServe{ing, less}reServe {प्रणाली{कु}प्रथा, [doMi, sLoGa, CarToO{t,त}क़रतू]n+eer+ing, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना+पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, ogyGian प्रज्ञा}
#ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons-Crit[i] {sons [re]Created} but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans-Krit[i]
pSeudoScience connected with the {static-dynamic human} groupings, do play sever[al,e] roles in the development, evolution & progression of the [human, native, {int[er,ra],multi}national, re{li}gional, naive, gullible, domicilean, earth-worldean]s
oGygian{pre?}hiStoric [iMaGi, comBi, maChi]Nations
Wed[a] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg [un,dis,non]L[awfu, oya]ll+y+ours https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dew[a]
[re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, Google [iMage] Search, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet]
She+v:{and}+LinG[um,a] {phall[us,i]} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg rePreSents? man's [pu{rush}l]Ling {phallas} inserted (sa[t,[i]d]) woman['s bhag-yoni-garbh {vulva-vagina-womb}] dePreDates?
She व {aND} LinG
शी+व+लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s Osho rePreSents? she-wa anCient pu[ru][sh,lL]ing: https://youtu.be/I2d-x5tzVzE unt-Shunt? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg Lead to consented copulation[s]? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex[s]rape? https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpg https://youtu.be/gjIAukewyhY {cRiMe[s], LinGs {sT[r]i[ll] : pu/ru[sh,ll]} fanSa, raPe, terRor[s,iSm]} kar guZa{r,are} gaYe Muslims' too hate She-wa-ling[a] hypo[thes,cris(i)]es: https://youtu.be/-IpkjEU9dcc
[w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn
baNANA rePuBLic! CunGARoO CoUrTs!
देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqY https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s sLaVery-pRosTitution
[bLoG] https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com/ [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism बावल+ज़ुल्म+आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़+जुर्म
{hu,se,wo?}men{dir}ty {wish,deSir}e{s, d} {horR, hon, terR}or{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s
शि+व+[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान+dRinKing: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConSCious? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg dead?
hySter{ical}hiStor hesTems
she asked: https://youtu.be/9lk9xRIUAMQ?t=55s why people pour {cow, buffalo, et al} milk on शि+व Ling?
[bLoG] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatriya: https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com {crime, horror, terror}ism
LeaNinG शी+व+GoL+MoON: http://webneel.com/daily/sites/default/files/images/daily/09-2013/4-beautiful-mf-husain-painting-dancing-woman.jpg
{रा,ला}{ज,ज़}नीति PoLi{Ti}c{e,s,ies} https://youtu.be/yACq_kXX4YI?t=15m22s T. MehNA
s[ar-as-w]ati: https://www.hindujagruti.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/saraswati.gif
रेप्ड[st[r]illing]युवती-पीड़िता ने दोष[-ी]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/Rta-R269uiM युवक का गुप्तांग[पुल्ल,पु{ru}श]-िंग काट दिया
#9 Weirdest [Wo]men Weddings [With]in[side] The World: https://youtu.be/IdAtaKLqUiw = दुनिया की ९ अनोख़े+अजीब+O+ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब सादी[यां]शादि-विवाह+ब्याह
sePaRated: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/8a/4c/a78a4ceb05fb31ee58ce5671e20d6bbd.jpg
men+dir+ty cult[ure]: https://youtu.be/665dr7RB6jM
रेप के con[Vict]or-दोषी के साथ com[vict]im+पीड़िता+महिलाओं ने lathi charge: https://youtu.be/HcF14SCYSEk करा[या]
[super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]Mazing fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|poem
Ramayan[a] Sing: Ramayan Plur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring]
Vanara: [VAna+{RA]+vanA}: Ravana: aVarna [anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] OR forest dwelling Homo+Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? OR GoriLLA|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes?
VanA = forest{s}jungle
Living? Flying? yes-Wings? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana [ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power ]
Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutT, carRy]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones? [ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n 1. skill in warfare 2. the skill of directing a war ] https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a1d9bbc515c988761fa1cd7e60db6c56 Fled..? Flowed? Died? g:ram:mar:y e.g. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/273238059747378/
H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humans http://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg
d:rama-mara|amar? http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg
[battle-priest-war]Craft sTrateGics[eCo]LoGistics: (A,(alp)vi[sh]) [RA]{m[a](yAn), vAna[r]}[a]Sit [yo,jo][va,ba]ni?
http://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed?
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana
RamaYana: D-AnGe-R-ous-ly {reGresSive, reVers[es,al], {iM,dis}ProVable, woRS{ening,ns}} {tool, reHearSal, [sub]sysTem, (in)[fact, deed], [proof, truth]}s
[re]Ci{S,T,D}e{iNG}[co{n,m}]tRoLL {g,j}uT[H][e] doneGurs+{p,m}aRT{y,iaL}aniMaLs+[{s,p,m,t}{o,u,i}ns]C{ee,[uLP]ri}t{T[er]s,iYAn} thro' raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e p{OET,ROSA}ic moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,j[H]}}{a,u,oO}nD{e,A,oO}
mar+yADa: die+meMories pu{{R,L}u,Sh[u]}:+uTT{um,un,err}
dharm{On}baliDAn[aw] kA {same} – Ja[a]GO!? https://youtu.be/Wb7U5q-t1Mw RANA
goOn{da}rAj: https://youtu.be/mmoA2aqdeUM?t=3m28s गुण्ड{-ा}राज
[बौद्धों, दलितों, शूद्रों, et al, के विरुद्ध] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatri{य:}वैश् घृणा+ज़ुल्म{-ी}जुर्म+आतंक+ख़ौफ़ d'RAmaअभिYAn: https://youtu.be/8U1SMEKqIus वामन मेश्राम
Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism
Race{ism}Cast[L]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद।
https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A The BiG fiGht: Are iNDians raCist? https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people
.... subSeCTion[s]
Poe{M, Try} Rajeev Riaz & Surajpal Chauhan: https://youtu.be/ofaYLGcap8c?t=17m13s बहुजन समाज के शायर व कवि
भीमसाहब व बाहूजनों का इतिहास: https://youtu.be/xVHs1kOU0IY?t=1m7s दिल रो उठे Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-re-the-origins-of-Dalits-and-Dasa https://www.quora.com/What-is-everyday-life-like-in-an-ISIS-controlled-area/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 iSiS ViCTiMs: https://youtu.be/yNdqZi0z8vQ RT Pre-iSLamic MidDLe EaST: https://youtu.be/kBpQiJt3MUQ hiStory Few people can name poets and events from Byzantine? it's a {enForCed} forGotTen hiStory; not that the{re,ir} hiStory [did,isn]'t exist.
AiB: GanDhi[an]iNConGress-UPA Vs aScetic[s]P-aRT[y]Bj-NDA : https://youtu.be/qStXxdRJtms good+bad cops+poLi[Ti]c[s,ing]
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians
{weSTern, Christian} pSeudo-Science: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism
[hu,wo]men: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg in re[Li/Di]{e}Gi+on
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/propaganda propaganda  prŏp′ə-găn′də n. 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause. 2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda. [Earlier, organization for the propagation of a practice or point of view, from Propaganda, short for New Latin Sacra Congregātiō dē Prōpagandā Fidē, the Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith, a division of the Roman Curia established in 1622 to promote the evangelization of non-Christian peoples and the spread of the Roman Catholic Church in other Christian communities, from Latin prōpāgandā, ablative feminine gerundive of prōpāgāre, to propagate; see propagate.]
Origin ConGreGaTio de ProPaGanDA FiDe                         = ConGreGaTion for ProPaGaTion of the FaiTh Propaganda ~= Propagation ~= [DiS]SemiNation pro+Pa+GanD+ize ~= pro+Pa+Gate
{p}re[pRoDuCe, diReCT, bel, cReaTe, arRanGe, tenSe]s d{anGe}r+ous miX{TuRe}fu conTaiNinG {p}ARTi{fici}al [lie{s}truth, +{viTy}-]
d'eVoLution of iNDo+EuRo enGLiSh+uRDu+hinDi
[deRiv,reL]atives: paGaN{enGLiSh} पागल{hinDu}pAGaL
enGLiSh: aGendaकार्याबली, शानदारg{r,l}andग्रंथि, लिंगeN+GenDerजाति, gaudy, genital[ia,s], god, en+D+AnGe+r, hanD+Le, गङ्गाgang{e,ster}sगिरोह{-ी}गुट, garLanDफूल:हार/माला, paGe-ant, aGape, gateद्वार, (de)fun{d[ament-al-ism]s, ct[ion{ary,s}]}, leGend+ary, {pUn,uR,eXi}GenT{Le-men}, {p,m}anDo{r,l}a, eXPunGe, geNe{Sis,RaTe}, enG{iNe,LiSh}, aNG{eL,Le}
paGa{l,n}pun{k,t}[h]{a,i} {a}{c,t}[h]ie[ph,ve]is[m,ts]पद: [f,m,p,bro][a,o,u][r]the[r,l][i]
oVer UniTeD-ProWinCes: https://youtu.be/IIQ7wJMRRJ4?t=5m18s U.P.
hiNDi: गेंदाgendaगैंडा, gunda[i]गुण्ड{ई,-ा}, GondWanaगोंडवाना, gaud(y)तड़क[-ीला]भड़क[ली वस्तु], gaindगेंदball, dung{ar}डन्ग-र, gand[a][गंद:, गले में पहनने का गण्डा]gandakगंडक-नदी GAndगांडArse, gAndhiगाँधी, गधा{s[a]u}Ga[n]dha[ri]गांधारी[सु,सौ]गंध, ग्रन्थgranth[i]ग्रंथि, [pra,sad]gati[प्र,सद]गति, gangaगङ्ग-ा{पानीwatersजल}dirtyगन्द-ा; काण्ड:kAndAकंडा, khand[har]खण्ड(हर), हाण्ड:[b]hAndaभाण्डा, पाखण्ड-ीpAkhand-i, jhandAझण्ड-ा, jhundझुण्ड, bhand[a]phodभाण्ड-ाफोड़, dandAदण्ड-ा, mangat-मंगत, pungatपंगत, aPanga[अ]पङ्ग{:,-ा,-ु}, bh{a,u}gat[an,i]{भ,भु}गत{-ान,-ि}
Y2K https://youtu.be/ZVH_azWAzZI {proPaganda, faKeism, fenku, lehar, ruMouRism, myth[yatva]} https://youtu.be/B4sXOUtlw8w कैसे फ़ैलाया व लोक़-लोगों को उस[से,में] उलझाया गया है – Ravish Kumar
[HinDi, enGlish, etc] {lanGuages, linGu[a/e? iStics], tonGues} were mishMashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting {hurtFul, uNjusTiFiaBLe, d{anGe}R+ous, unLawFul, siniSter, [r,l]oYaL, iNjuRing} [comBi,iMaGi,maChi]Nations of {lie{s}truth, sCheme{s}sHame, doMi[NeeRinG,Nation,Nion]s, नक़्शे+नुक्सान+नशे, moDe[L]s, sTrateGi[e,c]s, [प्र,सं][चार,सार,गति], [oPeR,proPaG][a,u][nD,L][e,aA,oO]+aGenDa, pRo[F,Gr]esSions, etc}
https://youtu.be/47y8gs33P80 Kanhaiya Kumar on [9/11, Christianity, Brahm[a,i]nism, iSlam] https://youtu.be/PlovMRZ9UR0
Why reServe women{OBC, SC, ST}s? https://youtu.be/eGTRdy7j3cg
{Nazi, aRya[n], [sWa, nA]sT-i-k, d-anGe-r-ous, holoCaust, aDolF HiTLer] https://youtu.be/NR6_alxS3SM Ravish Kumar
re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion
Sons-Crit: support[er, system]s + sons [re]created it: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=sonscrit
son{g, jai, kI, gh[i,athan], gharsh, dig-dh, dhI, DAs, sad, culp[nA,rit,able], hAr(ni), cut, i, s(k)Ar(ni), son-I, s-critI, t[An,Ap,Or], lipt, s-karan, kraman, gatI, s-smaran, shodhan, nATA, jIv[anI], char}
phi[Lo,Do]so{Phi-cal, Phe-r-s}: phySi{Que, C[s,al]}, phi[L]{ander[er], ip[s, ine-s], iStine, anThrop[y,ist]}, PaleStin[e,ian-s] reLiGio{us, se, sity} https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg sum{(m)er, bhog, pat[n]i} https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-walk-to-the-sun-2-1.jpg sin{g, gle, gh[ania], ha, k, d([h][u][n], bAd)}: syn{chronous, ergy, thes[i,e]s} sim{ple, ilar[ity]; at} shun{i, kar, g, ya, kh; t} monk[ey] ra{vana}ra aVarna {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sody shum{bhu, i, she[e]r} cust[umer, om]s, cast[e,le], foreCast comMon {[hu,wo]men, sense} Qom[hu,se,wo]Men sPell, goSpel, sMell, sMall (pre)tens[e,ion], [con]Tent[ion], comMence, mention, [con]Quest[ion] pension senS[e-s, uous, ual, ation], son-s, [kam]sin-s, sa[i]nt[ist,est], sen{tence,sex}, sCene, sonSoni, sKin, sCent, sCien{ce,ti[fic,st]}, {acquie, adole}sCen[ce,t], [pro,ef]fiCien[cy,t] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-scence con{Science, [hu,wo]Men, Sensus, Sumer, Tract} comMun{e, ism, ity, icat[e,ion]} cen{sor, sus, sure}..
She व {aND} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-[k]shatriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather{p/f}ancha[l,m]i https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpg https://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpg http://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM 5+1D-in-law http://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg potty? sex? pornoGraphy? torTure? of|for whom? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg [d,s+L]augh+ter? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Dw4mCv7nBcE/UH_kE4ZJtzI/AAAAAAAAA3w/FIaM7BdWI08/s1600/draupadi.jpg https://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg
कभी-अभी भूल कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निन्दापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड[-ित], तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास]बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: https://youtu.be/I2XMtjUT0dw Osho | auDio: राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Rama[Yana]anArChy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]ds
[ins,assa]ult on 85%-90% [dark-black, gullible-naive, dalit, shudra, poor-phoohad, religious-regional-ethnic-cultural minoritie, ad[h]iwasi]'s {[hu,se,wo]men} https://youtu.be/TcwYiy67FLA {Weaken,eNervat,oBScur,conCeal inStead of eMPower,aWaken,free}ing {hu, se, wo?}men{dir}ty {wish, deSir}e{s, d} {hor, hon, ter}ror{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s
85-90% [बाहुसांख्यकी, अधिकांक्षी][क़] [सन्घठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िन्दाबाद-सम्भावित !?
Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 eXPosed
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HyCQDIwHlXY/maxresdefault.jpg Raci[st]Caste System: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg
गड़करी + Brahmin Junta Party: https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0
Bandar Sena: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 Terrorists
[admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499
Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90
She व {aND} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [OrGy, saTurnaLia, necKing-party] {ताण्डव, नंगा नाच} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR [सं-पु.] 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 4. उग्र क्रियाकलाप https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpg https://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि+व+MUsic+orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M Law sTuDent in Kerala Chops off Genitals of a god{demi, man} https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA Her [alleged] rapist She{+v:}chopped[pu{ru/sh}l]L-ing[a]: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/H6PtzqzL47U/maxresdefault.jpg
http://www.hindi2dictionary.com/अस्मत-meaning-hindi.html [सं-स्त्री.] अस्मत 1. निष्पाप और निष्कलुष बने रहने की स्थिति और प्रवृत्ति 2. स्त्री की इज़्ज़त 3. पतिव्रत; सतीत्व इस्मत स्त्री की इज़्ज़त-आबरू; सतीत्व; पातिव्रत्य किस्मत भाग्य; तकदीर; नसीब; प्रारब्ध ख़िदमत 1. टहल; सेवा; चाकरी; सुश्रुषा 2. कार्य 3. पद 4. ख़ातिरदारी अस्मिता 1. अपने होने का भाव; अहंभाव 2. हस्ती; हैसियत; अपनी सत्ता की पहचान 3. अहंता; अहंकार; अस्तित्व; विद्यमानता; मौजूदगी 4. (योगशास्त्र) पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों में से एक {म,ह,ख}ननiSm ruminate; aBUse+sLauGhTer; Mining eham Brahmāsmiti अहं ब्रह्मास्मिति is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan i am the [in+fiNite ReaLiTy, brahMan, God] Or aHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity] reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%[k]shatriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy nationals.
Q&A: https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57
[हस्तक्षेप, दख़लअंदाज़i]: किसी होते या चलते हुए काम में कुछ फेर बदल करने के लिए हाथ डालने या कुछ कहने की क्रिया inter[ference,vention]obtrusion, ocCult, ocCupation, enCroachment, trespass [व्यवधान, ख़लल, अड़ंगा, विघ्न, बाधा]: किसी कार्य को करते समय बीच में होने वाली कोई आकस्मिक घटना; inter[ference,vention,ruption]hindrance नज़रअंदाज़i iGNor[e, ance]
hypo[thes, cris(i)]es V/s [pragmatism; practicality; realism] "an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application" [व्यवहार, उपयोगिता]वाद
A brief (hi)Story of re[Li,Di]{e}Gi+on: https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg
{pSeudo, aNTi, uN}sCientific re[Li]Gion[s] V/s [f]aCT{ual,ive} ReaL{ity,ism} : {bRah, hin+do}Min{ant, ion, eeRing} [con-vi, a]ct[or]s Versus {dePressed, crushed, reGressed, suffering} [com]vict[ims]
[ dominant, {con-vi, a}ct[or]s, [sh[O,A],choo]shaks, जोश-ए-[जुनूँ,जनेऊ,मौल]{-ी}दोष, ofFender, feudal, segregated, organised, ma+jo+ri+ti+es? ] ~12-20% [जाट लुटेरो {बल,पहल}वान: https://www.facebook.com/1406663276068678/videos/1424791980922474 , sons+crit+ons: https://www.google.co.in/#q=sons-crit-ons | pseudo+Arya+ns: https://www.google.co.in/#q=pseudo-Aryan | BrAhMins, [K]ShaTriya, {paTEL, gujJar, marAThA, redDy}s, et al | Hindu+tvam: https://www.google.co.in/#q=hindu-tvam | Arya(ns)&Arya[n]ism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism raci{al}radic {pseudo,proto,crank}S{cie,o,a[i]}nt+ists ]
[complicate, irResponsible, aNTi-aGainst, trap, criminalize, de-predate, victimize, dispute-feud, hostility, enmity] [शोषक-चूषक, मनौती, पनौती] due to [webs, matrices] of [motive, doubt, suspicion, deSire-asPiration]s [मंशा, [आ]शंका, संशय, आकांक्षा-आस:-काश:]एं  OR [problem-solver, sophisticator, compl[i,e]mentary, rePresentative, leader]s [कोशिश:, कोशिक्षा, ख़ज़ांची[कोष]पोषक]
[ dePressed, crushed, sufferers, comVictims, दबे+वञ्चित+कुचले{शोष,जोश,दोष}-ित, separated, disorganised, mi-no-ri-ti-es? ] ~80-90% [ Shudra-OBCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shudra, poor, women|weak, darks|blacks, Dalits-SCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit, Ad[h]iwasi-STs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi, tRans+Gender{s}seX, [physic, ment]aLLy cHa[lle]nGed, Dasa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasa |slaves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India, B,G,L, religious|eth{n}iQ(u)al+Tural minorities [Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddh[ist,a], Jain, Jew, Zoroastrian, et al]s, castrated:eunuchs, et al ]
[iNTellectual, uNTheist, [a]GNostic]s uN+nAsTy+Q ~= uNKNowLeDGeaBLe [my]th{[e]oLoG,yatv}ists sWa+s+t[h]+i+Q ?
[वै,वि]ज्ञानि[क]प्रबुद्धं {पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत} [धा,आ]र्मि[क]प्रभुत्वं
#eXPoSé (im)[P]arty{c,fici}al in{ter,tra}dePenDance|state|rePuBLic #उघारब
[d-ange-r-ous, [he-in, die-n]do-us, communal, so-ci[et,de]al, biGot[ry], re[li]gio-se/us] [tension, po[l-i]se/ce/cy, po[li]t[r][ic,e,y]s, unKnowledgeabilities Too]
BaMCEF – JeMini KAdu: https://youtu.be/1ttpb5IC15s WeDic DhaRaM https://youtu.be/jdOS7CREfD0 vs BudDhism: https://youtu.be/OYmaj8LTFuQ
[na,ra,fic,fixa]tion-al-i-zation-al [na,la]yak-[Lo,Qa]yukt[a,iyan]
iNDo mor{e, aL} poLi[Ti]C{aL, eaL, ieS'}+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e reLiGiOn[s]
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5/
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-many-Brahmanic-Abrahamic-Allies-followers-groups-classes-institutions-and-industries-owe-Reparations-and-Restitutions-towards-against-the-enslaved-Humans-and-descendants-Dasa-and-Dalits-and-their-After-Life-Slavery-in-India
[maha]Bhara-tiya ग़रीबी पर वीर-रस कविता: https://youtu.be/hksqLJ7Wy1A हरि ओम पवार
Hindu Converts: https://youtu.be/NjCScyPdJ24
https://youtu.be/LdP19cfV1tw Dalit couple killed with axe over ₹15, by aShok Mishra, in Uttar Pradesh: https://youtu.be/xZ8HEES_ldA shopKeeper arRested
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1
AmbedKarism: https://youtu.be/Vu1Klyrk05s?t=3m13s Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social aCTivist & auThor
eQuaLizing Dr BR AmbedKar &|Vs reLiGiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg Osho
Dr. Ambedkar{& his, ism}phi[Lo-So]phy: https://youtu.be/mjld-Ks_Gqw [MP] Sharad Yadav
{Poem} On Saharanpur, UP: https://youtu.be/p2L7zhF-fd8 b[i]ased+shrewd+Ri+gh/o+ts RajPuts V/s gullible+poor Dalits
भारत के पौड़ानिक-नवयुगी दासतानें[अ]फँसाने: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 sLavery[en]Trapments
{ब्राह्मण, [K]ShaTriy, वैश्य}-ों [में, की] गौमांस खाना: https://youtu.be/6MWF8SPGhZw {वैद, धार्म, वार्ण, सनातन}-िक परम्परा रही
Arya{ns} https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent
The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0
7 Historic facts aBout RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 iNDian Hindu orGaniZation
सम्विधान, क़ानून एवं व्यवस्था: https://youtu.be/0fRtlUSg8VI प्रो. रतन लाल
Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief: https://youtu.be/ql2yz7XDs2A Daniel Dennett, 2006
SaHARanpur D{anGe}r: https://youtu.be/n70JQeGY07k?t=2m34s pRiMe-TiMe
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-an-anti-Dalits-party
आरक्षण के ख़िलाफ़: भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674
Genesis of RSS & poLiTical aGenDa: https://youtu.be/vgXZlFLpWSc
Sons+Crit is not 2 millennia old: https://youtu.be/sKMf8W7P6zQ ईसा पूर्व की भाषा नहीं है संस्कृत – राजेंद्र प्रसाद सिंह
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-is-RSS-related-to-Hindu-terrorism
All Religions are Lies + Masters of Deception: https://youtu.be/PflixBTzi8o
support[ers,systems] + sons [en]crypted [Ramayan[a], Mahabharat[a], Wed:Dewa, etc/et-al] (creat|chang|transform-ed cryptic scripts|war|priest-crafts|[after]life|mythical-critters in India-n-world) through sons-crit(i) & [divid|en-slav|[re]creat|rul]ed crit-ters|ani/mam-mals|[after]life by divisive & devising plans, agenda, conspiracies, corruption & propaganda.
son-[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, das, ta[n,p], jai, ki, jeev, nata, son-i, char]
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Did-the-pseudoAryana-Sons-crit-ona-Varna-bring-the-British-English-for-own-ing-industrial-indian-advances-advantages-representations
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-chances-that-word-bha-rat-is-a-shortened-form-of-gar-bha-rat
[राष्ट्र,क्षेत्रीय]वाद[-ा,-े,-ी]दाव: https://youtu.be/qAPt5ND69LY?t=40m45s हिंदूV/sअंय
भारत माता की जय: https://youtu.be/031Gp5PtuVg NDTV
There have been too many:much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle-war-priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good-better living conditions for its-their nationals.
: क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ-आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU SBS
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism
sutch-mutch cow[bull-ox, bullock [castrated]] [butch[er]ing, s-laughter, [after]life]
गौ-हत्या सत्य:: https://youtu.be/UnmbKh3o_IY Osho
GoRakSha[Qs] eXPoSeD: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU RamaKAnt
लाखों के लिए [गौ,गउ]रक्षक: [दे,रे]ख़क[go,गाय][भ,ल]क्ष्यक़ and [कौ,cow]तस्कर[-ी] में शामिल: https://youtu.be/Y3YHjqooPz4 dosSier?
दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र-OBCs, दलित-Dalits, आदिवासी-Ad[h]iwasis, धार्मिक-अल्पसंख्यक-साँस्कृतिक-नृजातीय-minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए।
[brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, [k]shatriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए।
राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचा[ना।, या?]
KaiRANA, aFTer proPaGanDa & ruMors: https://youtu.be/6qOoeq6dYtA कैराना प्र[चा,सा]र{-ों}अफ़वाह के बाद
जितनी गहराई में जाँचो{गे}पुरखो, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे।
राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?]
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57
What Have i Got aGainst Religion? https://youtu.be/oSZYN8UV6yg
भारत के न्यायालयों पर वामन मेश्राम की सुपर स्पीच: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI
https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A tHe BiG FiGHT: Are iNDians raCist? https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ …Yes…. https://youtu.be/ilo_YRqXH1k
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people
iNDians are-racist/ kill-murder fellow nationals according to [beliefs, caste-drama-dharma, faith, iDeology, hypoCrisies, hypo-Theses]; who eat cooked cow-meat, kill those converted to Christianity, kill those dalits-darks-blacks-dasa,  bharat's racist righ!!!! are [racist, rapist, criminal, extremist, separatist, terrorist]s against other fellow indians.
God[s,dess+es] Bless {a[nti], un}Theism! https://youtu.be/y4mWiqkGy-Y
Theology as branch of phi-lo-so-phy, re[li]gion OR [re]creative/ecritirve art?. Heaven is right there waiting for you, and all you've got to do is die. That's some price to pay, isn't it for admission to a place which is full of [after]life clergymen and born again [christian, brahmin, aryan, we/a-re-a-n, arian, [k]shatriya, tradest, et al]s' afterlife, which i reckon makes it literally a fate worse than death [with]in[side] the earth world. But surely people need re[li]gion to answer certain questions [un]like "how better-worse can we stiffle the human[holi]spirit? How much can we squeeze from the poor and gullible? How many palaces can we live without blushing? But there are very many questions it doesn't have answers, so it try to adapt-adopt from modern-science or it cover the phenomena-process-program-etc and {it's [wo]men} makes them up. [a-nti]Theism says you just made them up, religion-theism says this what we call theology. What's the difference b/w doctor of [medicine, theology]? One preScribes drugs, other might as well be on drugs.
A theologian is somebody who's an expert in the unKnowable-unKnowledgeability.
जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्राम
[please] Do not use word-phrase {some[one,thing]} upRising[s]. It is [very, too] ofFensive. It had been used world over by [dominant, feudal] [propeller, con-vict-or]s to define-declare protests as upRisings, and then crush those, "by hook or by crook" modi operandi. You can use word like Rising Lagging/Scheduled Classes/Castes/Tribes/Dalits/Shudra.
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-is-dalit-crisis/answer/Laal-Musaddi
[जाति,वर्ण]वादी न्याय(अ)[न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY
mahaboret [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d-ange-r-ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!?
ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt
मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho
सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं [manDir-ties, mosQue-toes] में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo
inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4
It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s
Ram{a}Raj? https://youtu.be/56wbqiYjRyM?t=1m9s रङ्क{फ़}टीचर?
The Ayodhya – The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o
   [must watch] 1991
BAbri MosQue [to] demo[li][sh,te,tion] for — RAm [manDir-tymple] ke NAm: https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Shameful [right-center-left]wings [bha[T,D]Kau, pejoRative, wiL[Le]D gumRAh[i], [ins, assa]ulting, vile, vilifying, de-preDating] legacy of [maha]bhara-t ! [S-laughterer, killer, rapist, looter, [a]chieph[er], murderer]s – Overlords of Caste-Races [caste,rac][ism,ists]  ~1000 years of aParTheid.
is|are Buddh[a] [not] [m]any Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw
दिमाग से धार्मिक[ई] कचरा निकालो! https://youtu.be/l6HbVZJdVvE Osho
[aRTiCLe] http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/04/14/30-ambedkar-quotes-that-may-surprise-the-bjp_a_22039425/
Best arguments against religion|faith: https://youtu.be/w35krx_WQZs Richard Dawkins
eRaze+delete [enSlaving, pejorative, feudal, pseudoScientific] brahminic[Aryan–aRe-a-n][K]ShaTriya Social-Cult[ural] [re]Conditioning
All Religions Are False! https://youtu.be/Tt4eb6IHTug
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians
सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food..
छद्म[वि,वै]ज्ञानी [निंदापूर्ण, तुच्छ:-क्षुद्र:, दास:, दल-इत--ि] बनानेवाले ब्राह्मणी-क्षेत्रीय-वर्णवादी-सामन्ती [समाजी, sons-criti]c अनुकूलन: का उन्मूलन [तुरंत, ज़रूरी]
आपको अपना उद्धार स्वयं करना होगा: https://youtu.be/2rEd44TfSwY मा. वामन मेश्राम. koi bha[G,D]wa-n-bhag[a,u]ts Aye to Apke sonhAr+murDe ho sakte hain [zulm, {sha,sho,choO}Shak, jurm](i) poshaq?
नालंदा बौद्ध विश्वविद्यापीठ (iNDiA) https://www.facebook.com/829138893826348/videos/1553500264723537 व तक्षशिला युनिवर्सिटी (ChiNA) की वास्तविकता
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-Jumla-and-is-it-a-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5
Why ReLiGion Should Be rePLaCeD: https://youtu.be/pUxhU3eeSKw?t=1m44s Sam Harris on The End of Faith {2005} Danger to Society
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Who-obliterated-Buddhism-from-india-3000-BCE-1000-ADE/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : waSund[h]ara: shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : old monk{ey} : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sody
What Should rePLaCe re[Li,Di](e)Gi[Ons, o{us,se}Ness]: https://youtu.be/m5tGpMcFF7U Daniel C. Dennett
[re]Search: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion
BjP-ND[A,modi] के अबतक के सब [U-TUrn, proPaganda, perVersion]s तक का कच्चा-चिट्ठा: https://youtu.be/K26513O_KWU moDe-oPeRande. eXPosed with [proof, truth, fact]s
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-worst-U-turns-by-BJP-after-forming-the-Government
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-historical-events-that-are-taught-as-facts-but-are-in-fact-mostly-propaganda/answer/Naman-Mitra
Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned
re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On V/s: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI ReaL[ity, iSm]
What Comes After re[Li,Di]Gi+On: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE
[wo]men: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On
[w+] Ron{G,D,i,j,A,n}DhOn
Rama[Yana]DasaRatha[maha]Bhara+t+i+yan Race{st}Cast[L]e system: http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg
[a,un]Theism WiLL OverTaKe ReLiGion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA sTuDy
eQuaL[iTy, iSm]+juSTiCe & oPPorTuniTies 4 aL[Most a]L, apPeaSeMent+faVOr[Ti]iSm 2/& eXPLoiTaTion+eNSLaVeMent of[f]/on nOne?
God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc
{[D]aNG{St, e[R]}+ridDen, fake, raCe{st}cAST[L]e, faSCi[st]Nated, pRoPaGanDised, fARCE, aR[y,e]an{ist}[k][S]h[a,e]Tiya, tRaD[est, iTioNaL], reLiGio{us, se}+reGional, [a]bRah[a]M[a,i,e][n]iC{al}feuDaL} {[re]Creation, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie], [p,m]art[iaL, ie]s, [pRiest, wiTCh, [b]Hand[i], wAr]cRAFT[inG]}s [af,in,de,ef]FeCT us, {in[Fact, deeD], sin{Ce}nTuRies, time & aGain}
0 notes
“‘You’re a human-shaped headache’, he mutters.”
11 notes · View notes
“This is not a war I started, it’s just the one I’m ending.”
4 notes · View notes
“While I appreciate that you always assume the worst about me, you’re wrong this time.”
0 notes