#anabelle wadsworth
tbssims · 2 years
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Anabelle my beloathed i love her <3
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adrunkgiraffe · 5 years
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Hey so like a month ago I listened to the 1-A-5 ep and I had a lot of thoughts as a Bi so uhh here they are
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naazaif327 · 6 years
Even though I’m happy Lauren made Adam a regular human, and had his connection with Caleb just be the Power of Gay instead of powers, I always thought making him atypical would have put an interesting spin on his and wadsworth’s relationship
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clarislam · 6 years
Wadsworth: “I may be cold and unfeeling...”
Me: Oh NO Wadsworth. You’re cold and smug. SMUG LIKE A SLIPPERY SNAKE!
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the-slut-verses · 7 years
some thoughts on the newest tbs mini episode
[warning cuz of spoilers and this got rather long and rambly]
  Honestly I will never get over how satisfying it is to have Damien be put into his place. I’ve been relistening to some of the earlier episodes and I remembered just how much of an ass he was. Talk shit get hit ya jerk.
But at the same time, I still think he has some good in him and I wanna see him learn how to be a better person. And I think having to face the full consequences of his asshattery without having his power as an escape route will maybe at least show him why he maybe shouldn’t be such a tool. 
I really love the parallels between him and Chloe. Both of them have powers that can be very easily used against other people. Even if Chloe tries to use her powers for good, she can and has done some questionable things (like leaking the contents of Caleb’s and Joan’s phone call). And just like Damien, she uses the excuse that she can’t control what she hears. That might be true, but that doesn’t give her the right to share what she hears. And with Damien, he can’t control his thoughts, but that doesn’t mean it excuses his behavior of forcing people to do what he wants against their will. I can’t wait to see how they’re gonna play off one another!
Also, I’m so proud of how much Sam has grown! She’s gotten so far from where she was in episode 1 and it gives me hope. Also, I don’t think she’s actually sorry for The Punch. Who wouldn’t be tbh :p
And, I’m kinda worried about leaving Damien all alone in his current state. I don’t think I’m being paranoid when I say that the AM has probably got everyone under constant surveillance. Even though Agent Green said that they aren’t tapping Joan, I don’t trust him at all. And even if he’s telling the truth, I think it’s very likely Wadsworth could be lying to Green. 
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years
Hi Lauren!!! I have a question that's been on my mind for quite a while about Wadsworth and Green and this could've been in the show or one of the book and I just missed something, but what started Owen and Anabelle down the path of the am?
Like for Joan we know it was probably because if mark in some way shape or form that she found it, but is there any origin story or anything from Anabelle and Owen?
Hey!! This is a great question, and you’re not missing anything! We never explore the backstory for these two and how they got started at The AM. 
I’ve had some broad ideas through the years, but seeing as the show is over, I’m going to leave it up to each individual listener, especially since I don’t have any hard and fast canonical-for-me explanations for this. Something to explore in your own imagination or fic! 
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libraryspectre · 7 years
How I picture the Bright Sessions characters:
Joan: thin, Asian, short, long hair always in a ponytail. my jumping-off point for her was Lucy Lui but her image in my head has evolved. But the resemblance is still there
Mark: also Asian, which makes sense considering that’s how I picture his sister. Short hair that kinda naturally stands up, average height, a lil chubby, round face, happy boy, very handsome, dimples
Sam: my jumping off point for her was Sonequa Martin-Green (the actress who plays Sasha on the walking dead). Very pretty, mid-length curly hair that she wears naturally. Her posture makes her seem small but she’s actually pretty tall.
Chloe: also Asian, small and chubby, hair that’s dyed blonde with pink tips. Since she’s a college student/art major I picture her in any range from a complete mess™️ (paint splattered clothes, looks like she’s been awake for three days, hair on top of her head in a sloppy bun) to aesthetic princess with flawless and outrageous makeup. Fond of glitter.
Caleb: black, large muscle boy but definitely still a teenager, sensitive eyes, tall. Eyelashes for miles. He keeps his hair really short. I think he has muscles but also chub. The kind of boy who makes old ladies look at him and say “what a handsome young man”
Adam: I think I subconsciously pictured a teenage Ezra Miller? Long emo hair (but he makes it work), tallish but shorter than Caleb, skinny, always dressed like a disaster but like, fashionably. I think he likes scarves.
Frank: black, graying a little prematurely, a beard he trims into a nice goatee when he gets off the streets, I like to picture him as healthily plumping back up after getting off the streets, average height but wide frame.
Agent Green: generically handsome white boy who looks about as rebellious as a glass of milk. Looks easily manipulated, idk how else to describe it
Anabelle/Wadsworth: well she’s black so I suppose Adam is biracial. She wears braids that are all tied back together. Glasses. Looks like she’s never genuinely smiled in her life.
Damien: I hate him he doesn’t get a description
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thebrightsessions · 8 years
Is Wadsworth just using Adam to get closer to Caleb and by extension Dr. Bright? I don't trust Wadsworth. I also can imagine that finding out that Aunt Anabelle is Wadsworth would cause quite a disruption between Caleb and Adam.
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the-slut-verses · 8 years
so i’ve been listening to a bunch of tbs episodes and I noticed that both wadsworth and adam’s parents have some sort of conference in DC. I wonder how that’ll come up later
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