elizabethemerald · 4 years
Yo!! Hit me with this Trans! Ginny headcannons and hermione too please!
Hell yeah! I Mcfreaking love Trans! Ginny and Hermione. Also I totally ship the two of them. I think  They would be very good for each other. (That reminds me that I need to write a gay story about these two)
Young Hermione was a reader, to no one’s surprise. She read a lot and some of the books she read had to do with people like her. People who didn’t feel like they matched the way they were born. She told her parents that she was transgender. (There was no question in her mind that she was a girl) Her parents did their own reading on the topic and said that they love and support her no matter what. 
When newly 11 Hermione received her letter for Hogwarts she was so worried. What would the wizards think? What would they say? Did she have to be a wizard or could she be a witch? When McGonagall helped her and her family buy her books and robes Hermione asked her if she could be witch. Of course McGonagall, despite her usual sternness smiled at Hermione’s earnest question, and immediately pulled out a quill and marked down Hermione’s pronouns. 
Feeling bolstered but still worried Hermione dove into the books she was required to read with a new gusto. It was in her in depth read of Hogwarts a History that she found her salvation. The gendered dorms of the houses, they like so much about Hogwarts respected a young person’s ability to choose. If she said she was a girl, Hogwarts would know and place her accordingly. With this knowledge under her pointed hat, she marched gladly to face the Sorting Hat. 
When it was on her head she begged to be put into Gryffindor. She was smart and would excel in Ravenclaw, she was hardworking and would find friends in Hufflepuff, she was ambitious and would succeed in Slytherin. But she wanted to be in Gryffindor. Even in Godric Gryffindor’s time he knew that it took great bravery to be true to yourself. And most of all she wanted to be brave. 
The girl’s Dorm accepted her, without question, and Hermione cried herself to sleep her first night, so unbelievably happy. 
That summer, after making friends with Harry and Ron, she spent some time at the Burrow. Apparently Harry’s Uncle and Aunt had been starving him and locked him, so they all spent the last few weeks of summer at the Weasely household (I honestly can’t remember if Hermione did or did not actually go to the Burrow that summer or if it wasn’t till World Cup, but I don’t care enough to worry about it, so for this story she did)
At the Burrow she makes a surprising discovery. Ron has all brothers. Except...not quite. Something draws her to the youngest “boy” A kinship. The young kid asked her some questions, that seemed a little strange, but that Hermione of course knew the answer to. They talked long into the night about gender and Hermione told the kid, only a year younger than her about how there was always a place for you at Hogwarts. 
When she arrived at Hogwarts, Ginny decided to be brave as well. She put the hat on her head, sat at the Gryffindor table and boldly faced the stairwell up to the girl’s dorm. The stairs accepted her, because of course it would. 
Ron was a little surprised but Hermione had threatened to coat his underwear with Boiling Pus potion if he said so much as one word against his younger Sister. So Ron had no choice but to accept her. He talked with Harry about it through out the year, as Ginny grew more and more quiet. Harry was a little surprised, he didn’t know that was an option. 
After the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny recovers, slowly. Hermione spends the next year brewing a potion that served the purpose of hormones (after brewing Polyjuice potion this was insanely easy). She took them herself. Taught Ginny how to brew her own, and much to her surprise, also shared them with Harry. 
Harry learned slowly how She felt, started taking the potion, moved into the girl’s tower. She kept her name because it was a gift from her parents and she wanted to keep it. 
Eventually Harry, Hermione and Ginny won a war, graduated, and they all moved in together and got married. Because as we all know, Harry and Hermione both have a thing for cute red heads, and there’s none cuter than Ginny Weasley. And Ginny loves her two wives. 
Ok, that got really long and I think I lost what I was doing for a bit there, but I hope you enjoy! They are all trans and JKr can suck it, and they are gay and in love and poly and I love trans people and they deserve better then what jkr gave them. 
Send me more Trans! Harry Potter asks! For any of the characters. 
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Depending on my work schedule, I might do this tomorrow after work. I still have two days of Breath to finish, and this is a longer practice, and so I know I won’t have morning time to finish.
Anyone interested in starting with me, even if it’s a day or two late?
@ananthanika @nerdy-teddy-diet @maddygoesthemiles
I know @fatmaninalittlesuit is starting today? I don’t know if you started with Day 0, and a few other people too, but feel free to tag me y’all! I wanna celebrate your successes with the journey. Anyone doing YWA should tag me :)
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I've got two tattoos I'm planning out now. One is "Keep the blood in your head, Keep your feet on the ground" along my collar bone. From Brand New's "Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows." The other is a grey scale crescent moon dripping with chains and music notes surrounded by clouds. A friend of mine drew it for me years ago. The moon is currently in debate on whether to get is on my thigh or hip though. I already have a Winnie the Pooh on my ankle for my late grandpa.
mmmm yes i love brand new theyve such great lyrics and thats an excellent example (and placement tbh)
also yES chains you will have ME on your BODY muahaha (but legit that sounds cool, very ethereal and neat.)
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stressedspidergirl · 10 years
ananthanika replied to your post: My hair didn’t take to the braids. Sor...
Oh that’s sad. Still a major cutie though c;
I didn't notice Shamrock stuffing her fat face in the background. little cow.
0 notes
Hey you! Was tumbling and saw your lovely face, and made a comment to my boyfriend that you're adorable and probably the only lady i've shown interest in as of late. So i figured, what with the new year approaching and all, that i'd let you know.
Ah damn, thank you very much darling! That’s super duper flattering and I’m really happy you think I’m adorable
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circusfairy-blog · 12 years
ananthanika replied to your post: ananthanika replied to your post: Sometimes I look... I was talking about what makes the differences c: Okay so my boobs look smaller because my band size is 34?
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I have a feeling @ananthanika has been dying waiting for this, and I guess I still haven’t thought out all my thoughts and figured out all the things.
Or even how to explain it, but the tldr version is that when I can brain, this will become much longer. But for now I’ll have to just reblog it with a photo added b/c I can’t type on my phone rn. And tumblr won’t let you edit your own post from desktop on mobile...
Let’s just say after enough nonsense to fill two romcoms worth of movies.... I’ll be updating this with a picture.
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tiskycat · 12 years
ananthanikareplied to yourphotoset:Michiru outfits that I plan to cosplay!
Awesome plans!! I’m hoping to put together a Sailor Mercury one day. c:
Yay! Water senshi unite! ^^
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circusfairy-blog · 12 years
ananthanika replied to your post: Sometimes I look at my boobs and then other boobs... Band size and body shape ...34C. Are you asking me? It used to be 36C but I lost a lot of weight in the last few year and had to go buy new bras. I don't like bra shopping. I might have to go again soon sighs.
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Home Day 1: Recognize
I honestly felt like this was a nice follow up to Breath, with her reminding us to breathe so often.
It moved pretty slowly, and I think overall there weren’t too many challenging poses, for all I think down dog and some planks can be rough for anyone.
This is the longest practice, she says, so I look forward to some quicker ones, but this was nice and grounding. It felt good to me. I look forward to more.
I think the god thing about Adriene is if you can’t hold a pose, or need to take a break, she often reminds you it’s okay. Or to meet me back here in X pose, once things get moving. So it’s nice to know if once we move forward I can’t keep up, that’s okay.
@ananthanika @nerdy-teddy-diet
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Hi chain, I just saw that anon ask about SED. I'm not very familiar with this disorder and would like to learn more about it. Should I just google it or do you know any good places to read up on it?
Posting for anyone interested:
SED stands for Selective Eating Disorder, which was the previous title for what has recently been added to the DSM under the name “Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder.” (Usually abbreviated as ARFID). Information about it can easily be found on Wikipedia or Google or by searching for online news articles, but if you’d like to understand it from the point of view of the community, there’s also a few good resources on Tumblr. fyeahsedsnailkite is a meme and support/advice blog for SED sufferers, arfidresource is a newly started blog meant to coalesce resources for the same, and personal posts can be found in the #actuallyarfid tag (though please don’t spam that tag with your own posts if you don’t actually have SED). I think there’s an About and maybe external links on the SED Snail Kite blog too.
Otherwise you are welcome to ask me for my mental health blog, which isn’t posted on my links page, or to just ask me privately.
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Hello I'm here to audition for the part of Chain and I will be singing "I just Can't Wait to Be King" from the Lion King
yes beautiful perf
Tell me what song you would sing to audition for the part of me!
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You are a dragon disguised as a person thing. Just wanted to let you know that while I've not personally met you, that you've always been pretty legit and chill in my opinion.
Why thank you dear! It's been a long time and I very much appreciate that you still regard me highly
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queerandconfused a réagi à votre billet “i wish i knew more people with tattoo kinks mostly so that they would...”
quietly admires tattoos from afar and says little of them to you directly cuz im a big gay baby
wow rude you know i like people to share
ananthanika a réagi à votre billet “i wish i knew more people with tattoo kinks mostly so that they would...”
I would swoon, but you're kinda far away and all.
come closer
cronass a réagi à votre billet “i wish i knew more people with tattoo kinks mostly so that they would...”
squints at suspiciously,,, what does this mean,,,
feyland a réagi à votre billet “remember that time a couple people had had sexual fantasies about me...”
Sexual Fantasy: Many cuddles. Come on now. Chop chop.
<leaps into your arms>
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ananthanika a réagi à votre billet “Who wants to exchange letters and be penpals? I really like letters.”
I totally would if my handwriting wasn't total shite and i didn't have recurrent tendonitis.
likesdinos a réagi à votre billet “Who wants to exchange letters and be penpals? I really like letters.”
omg yes letters can itbe all old timey and like "I SPRAYED MY PERFUME HERE BECAUSE I MISSED YOU" "IT'S A LOCK OF HAIR BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP" not literally these though but yes
i will send you a lock of my hair if you want but not perfume. but GOOD SEND ME A LETTER. message me and ill give you my address.
i-have-never-been-wise a réagi à votre billet “Who wants to exchange letters and be penpals? I really like letters.”
I'm down!
good!! i sent your (extremely, extremely) belated postcard off today, so that means its your turn. message me for my address and write me a letter :D
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