jouissanceangel · 1 year
“I am interested in the sort of resistance we pursue, not because we necessarily believe it will produce desired changes or lead us into a brighter future, but because it is the most meaningful response to this world we can imagine. Because we simply can’t stomach the idea of being passive in the face of a system this brutal, regardless of how far we may be from our dreams.” - Serafinski, Blessed is the Flame
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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from @/airidescence on twitter
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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“Notes Toward a Theory of the Manarchist” by Ray Filar
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jouissanceangel · 5 months
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Alfredo Bollano, The Anarchist Tension (1998)
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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from “A Conversation Between Anarchists,” an interview conducted with imprisoned members of the insurrectionary anarchist formation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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אַ סך־הכּל פֿון ראַדיקאַל וואַנט־מאָלערײַ אין תּל־אָבֿיבֿ/יפֿו
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
“We are socialists, disbelievers in property, advocates of the equal claims of all to work for the community as seems good — calling no-one master, and of the equal claim to each to satisfy as seems good to them, their natural needs from the stock of social wealth they have laboured to produce ...We are anarchists, disbelievers in the government of the many by the few in any shape and under any pretext.” - Freedom, a Journal of Anarchist Socialism, Vol 1, No. 1, October 1886
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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“your politics are boring as fuck”
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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"We are anarcho-syndicalists on the shop floor, green anarchists in the woods, social anarchists in our communities, individualists when you catch us alone, anarcho-communists when there's something to share, insurrectionists when we strike a blow. Fight where you stand."
// a graphic by Crimethinc
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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i made this today
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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Demonstration commemorating Buenaventura Durruti on the first anniversary of his death, November 1937. Barcelona. The sign quotes Durruti’s famous aphorism: “Today, we anarchists renounce everything but victory.”
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
“You have done this thing, gentlemen who engineer the government; and not only have you caused this ruin to come upon others; you yourselves are rotten with this debauchery. You exist for the purpose of granting privileges to whoever can pay most for you, and so limiting the freedom of men to employ themselves that they must sell themselves into this frightful slavery or become tramps, beggars, thieves, prostitutes, and murderers. And when you have done all this, what then do you do to them, these creatures of your own making? You, who have set them the example in every villainy? Do you then relent, and remembering the words of the great religious teacher to whom most of you offer lip service on the officially religious day, do you go to these poor, broken, wretched creatures and love them? Love them and help them, to teach them to be better? No: you build prisons high and strong, and there you beat, and starve, and hang, finding by the working of your system human beings so unutterably degraded that they are willing to kill whomsoever they are told to kill at so much monthly salary.
This is what the government is, has always been, the creator and defender of privilege; the organization of oppression and revenge. To hope that it can ever become anything else is the vainest of delusions. They tell you that Anarchy, the dream of social order without government, is a wild fancy. The wildest dream that ever entered the heart of man is the dream that mankind can ever help itself through an appeal to law, or to come to any order that will not result in slavery wherein there is any excuse for government.” - Voltairine de Cleyre, The Eleventh of November, 1887
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
“we are not in the least afraid of ruins! […] we carry a new world here, in our hearts.” - buenaventura durruti
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