#anatoli kirkin
densi-mber · 6 months
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A Gesture of my Affection
A/N: You know I had to do it.
“Is this Martin Atticus Deeks?”
“Yes,” Deeks replied, instantly on alert at the sound of his full name over the phone. “Who is this?”
“I’m Charles Westhaven of Westhaven and Moore Financial,” the man explained. “I’m calling in reference to your account—”
“Sorry to interrupt you, but I don’t have any accounts with your company. I never have.”
“Well, unfortunately, our records show that you do. If you wish to close it out, you’ll have to come down to our office and fill out some forms.”
“All right, when can I come?” Deeks asked, hoping this wasn’t some plot that ended in him getting kidnapped.
Deeks arrived at the Westhaven and Moore Financial building Monday morning. He was ushered into an office almost immediately, by Charles Westhaven himself.
“I’m afraid I got you under slightly false pretenses,” he said once Deeks was seated in a deep cushioned chair.
“Oh here we go,” Deeks muttered. He glanced around for a possible weapon, eyeing the stapler and heavy ceramic paperweight on Westhaven’s Deeks.
“The account I mentioned is actually a trust in your name,” Westhaven continued, oblivious to Deeks’ plans. “Initiated by Anatoli Kirkin.”
“Excuse me?” Deeks said, startled out of his scheming. Anatoli Kirkin has been dead for more than two years.”
“Yes, I’m aware. A few years before he passed, Mr. Kirkin started the fund. He added to it regularly until his death, and it’s been accruing interest the entire time.”
“This is unbelievable.”
“Yes, it can be overwhelming to suddenly come into so much money,” Westhaven agreed, apparently mistaking the source of Deeks’ disbelief. “I understand you’re an attorney, but I do want to make certain you know the terms of this trust. Today we’ll sign the forms to make you the custodian of the trust. You may withdraw a specified amount each fiscal year and the rest is to remain until any and all of your children attend a higher institution.”
“Woah, woah, woah, back up a step,” Deeks said, holding up a hand. “So, not only did Kirkin set up a fund in my name, but he also included my children? I didn’t even have any kids when he passed.”
“Mr. Kirkin wanted any children you should have to be well-provided for. He thought you might have some difficulty accepting his other bequests, which is why he set up the account in this way.”
“Yeah, no. That makes perfect sense.”
Westhaven smiled sympathetically. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I’ll give you a few moments to consider everything while I retrieve the paperwork and the the safety deposit box Mr. Kirkin left in our care for you.”
“Of course there’s a safety deposit box,” Deeks sighed, rubbing his temples.
“So, what do we do with this?” Kensi asked, staring at the financial papers Deeks brought home from Westhaven and Moore.
Deeks, Kensi, and Rosa sat around the coffee table, discussing the latest development in the Anatoli Kirkin Saga.
“I have no idea.”
“I mean, this is technically dirty money, right?”
“Almost certainly,” Deeks confirmed. He shook his head, thinking back to the various shenanigans Kirkin had gotten into. “You know, I came to…like that odd little man, as disturbing and as obsessive as he could be, but damn if he isn’t still causing me problems from beyond the grave. Wasn’t leaving me his empire enough?”
“His empire?” Rosa repeated. “What does that mean?”
“After Kirkin died, he left Deeks all his criminal ventures. In the process, his employees abducted Deeks,” Kensi explained.
“Oh mi dios. And you liked this man?”
“It was more of a love-hate relationship. More love on Kirkin’s side.” Deeks cleared his throat. “It’s hard to explain.”
“Why don’t you open the box,” Kensi suggested, gesturing to the safety deposit box displayed in the very center of the table.
Deeks hadn’t dared open it in front of Westhaven after Kirkin’s past “gifts”. He eyes it dubiously, hesitating with the keys in one hand. Drawing in a deep breath, he grabbed the box, inserted both keys and gingerly lifted the lid.
Inside were several items, a thick envelope on the very top. Deeks took that out first, breaking the wax seal—even in death, Kirkin was over-the-top—and pulling out multiple sheets of thick paper.
“My Dear Marty,
I hope this letter finds you well. As always, your interests have been of the most importance to me. You may not agree with some of my methods, such as when I attempted to rescue you on the morning of your wedding (an act fully borne of love).
“Oh good lord,” Deeks groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and then ruffling his hair. “If Kirkin actually pops out at some point, I’m leaving.”
“He tried to stop your wedding,” Rosa said, turning to Deeks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes,” Kensi confirmed wryly. “He held a lot of affection for Deeks. It all started in a bathhouse.”
“Moving on!” Deeks said, clearing his throat again to drown out any details Kensi might slip.
He skimmed over the parts of the letter detailing Kirkin’s fond memories of said bathhouse and other moments Deeks would rather forget.
“As an extension, I wish to provide for your family in some way. Your lovely Kensi and any future children that may bless your home.
Please accept these resources as a token of my affection.
Anatoli Kirkin”
P.S. I have also included a few more keepsakes.
“Whelp, that tracks,” Deeks commented, folding the letter back up and jamming it back into the envelope.
“Oh, I bet I know what at least one of these is,” Kensi said with far too much glee for Deeks’ liking.
“Ok, calm down.” He paused to give her a look, and she pressed her lips together, adopting a suitably abashed expression. Satisfied, he turned his attention to the box again and started sifting through the remaining contents.
The next packet contained five medals emblazoned with the patron saint of children. “I guess Kirkin assumed we’d have a big family.” He handed one to Rosa, who accepted it with a smile.
“That’s sweet. What else is there.”
“Uh, some jewelry, a lifetime subscription to a bathhouse—lovely, and—damn it,” he grumbled, trying to conceal the final item, but Kensi was too fast. She snatched it out of his hand, grinning at the small framed painting.
“Oh my god, yes! This is perfect,” she said.
As far as Kirkin portraits went it was fairly benign and in good taste. Starting at mid-shoulder, the image of Deeks looked head-on, head slightly cocked, and a content smile playing at his lips.
“Is that a picture of you, Marty?” Rosa leaned forward to get a better look.
“Yes, yes it is, Rosa.”
“It’s actually very good. I wonder who drew it.”
“We don’t need to delve into that at all.” Deeks shook his head firmly, futilely trying to take it from Kensi.
“Wait, I think I see a tiny A and K,” Rosa continued. She looked at Deeks with a curious expression, one brow raised. “So this man drew a portrait of you?”
“Oh, it wouldn’t be the first time,” Kensi said in the undertone. She gave Deeks a sly look, raising an eyebrow. “At least this one is suitable for mixed company.”
“I think I need to hear this bathhouse story,” Rosa decided.
“Someone shoot me, please,” Deeks begged. “And don’t even think of adding that to your collection,” he added to Kensi, who hastily slipped the portrait out of her pocket.
A/N: As always, rest in peace to Kirkin and Ravil Isyanov who portrayed him.
This story contains elements of canon as well as references to details created for other stories of mine.
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rookheeya · 9 months
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NCIS Los Angeles
S12 ep11 "Russia, Russia, Russia"
Deeks models for Kirkin
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ejzah · 1 year
I know we'll never get to see that on the show but Could you write about kirkin meeting Rosa?
A/N: I don’t know if anyone’s in the mood for fic after tonight’s news, but I was already writing this before it dropped, so I shall carry on.
So We Meet Again
“So, what do you have going on next week?” Deeks glanced up from his menu, catching Rosa’s eye. In the last year, they’d made it a habit to go out as a family on Saturdays, barring and work-related emergencies.
“I have a study group on Monday and Wednesday after school,” Rosa answered. She paused, eyes dipping for a second. “Um, and I’m going to hang out with a friend on Thursday.”
Deeks’ suspicion, more sensitive than ever since becoming a parent, instantly rose.
“Is this a girl friend or a boy friend?” he asked. Kensi nudged his elbow, giving him a quick shake of her head. He narrowed his eyes, silently assuring her that he wasn’t about to flip out.
Rosa blushed, which was answer enough for Deeks, but he waited while she took a sip of her tea and cleared her throat.
“It is a boy.” Her voice lilted up at the end, and she smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, I see. Maybe you should invite him over for dinner some night.”
“Deeks!” Kensi hissed.
“What, I think it’s important to get to know—what the hell?”
“Deeks, what is it?” Kensi grabbed his wrist, instantly on alert, eyes searching the Italian restaurant for threats.
“I thought I just—but it can’t be,” he muttered.
“Babe, you need to tell me what’s going on before I have an anxiety attack,” Kensi told him. He twisted to face her more fully.
“I thought I saw Kirkin come in, but that can’t be because he’s dead.”
“Uh, yeah, I wouldn’t count on that.” Gesturing with her chin, Kensi looked beyond his shoulder. “That’s definitely Kirkin.”
“What’s he doing?”
“Mm, trying to pretend he’s not looking this way.”
“Who is Anatoli Kirkin? Is he dangerous?” Rosa asked worriedly.
“Anatoli Kirkin is a complicated person to describe,” Deeks began, drawing in a dramatic sigh. “He’s a supposedly ex-Russian criminal, who is oddly endearing but also kind of creepy and prone to pop up in the most inconvenient times.”
“He also has a pretty massive crush on Deeks,” Kensi said, ignoring Deeks’ strangled noise and Rosa’s gasp. “And now he’s headed this way.”
“Oh my god, not again,” Deeks groaned, just as he heard the hallmark drawl that meant it was far too late to escape.
“Maaarty! What a surprise to see you here!”
With a resigned sigh, Deeks turned around, but not before he threw Kensi a bemused look. She just shrugged, apparently just as confused as him.
As usual, Kirkin was smiling coyly, hands folded neatly together. Dressed in an impeccably tailored blue suit, he appeared a little older, but otherwise much the same as ever.
“Yeah, I’d say so. You look in remarkably good health for a dead man,” Deeks responded as he face Kirkin. For Rosa’s sake, he didn’t go into detail. “You want to explain that?”
“Oh, I was running into a bit of trouble and took the opportunity to enact my plan B,” Kirkin explained.
“I thought you died saving my life,” Deeks told him with a touch of irritation.
“And did that upset you?”
“Of course it did!”
Kirkin practically beamed, resting his hands on Deeks’ shoulders. He removed them before Deeks could, or Kensi, could fully react. Apparently he’d finally learned not to press his luck around Kensi.
Switching to the endearing smile he reserved for when he wanted gl charm people, he turned his attention from Deeks.
“My Dear Kensi, it’s always so good to see you too,” he said, daring to pat her hand. She just shook her head, going with the insanity. Though she did tuck her hands under the table as soon as Kirkin stopped touching her. “I know you’ve been taking good care of our Marty.”
“Yeah, because he’s my husband. Mine,” Kensi replied dryly.
“Oh, Martin has always inspired great loyalty in those who care about him.” Kirkin waved his hand airily. He snuck a sly look in Deeks’ direction and winked, before continuing. “And you must be Rosa.”
Rosa hesitantly accepted his outstretched hand, glancing between Kensi and Deeks uncertainly.
“Uh, yes.”
“I was so pleased for Marty and Kensi when I heard the good news that you were joining their family. I know how much they’ve wanted children.”
“I’ve been very happy,” Rosa said with a nervous smile.
“Of course you are! They are wonderful people,” Kirkin exclaimed. Pulling out a chair next to Rosa, he sat, making himself comfortable. “I’ve known your parents for many, many years. I met them during a case.”
Leaning towards Deeks, he lowered his voice, “Remember the bathhouse, Marty. I assure you I will never forget.” He winked suggestively, and Deeks shifted his chair a few inches closer to Kensi.
“What happened at a bathhouse?” Rosa wondered.
“Ah, you definitely do not need to hear about that,” Deeks interceded before Kirkin could respond.
“Oh, Marty.” Now he sounded disappointed. “I’ve always remembered that day so fondly. As I do the time you modeled my designs for the photoshoot. I still keep copies in my bedroom.”
“Well, that’s fantastic to know. And doesn’t creep me out at all.” Deeks grimaced, shaking his head a couple times to dispel the image of Kirkin with his pictures close at hand.
Rosa meanwhile fixed Deeks with a curious, wide-eyed expression. “You modeled clothes for this man.”
“It was the result of a poorly formed agreement and something with which we never, ever talk about,” Deeks explained. “Ever. Also, always clarify the terms of a contract, whether it’s verbal or written.”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it, Marty. I know Kensi did. Besides, you looked marvelous!”
Deeks pinched the bridge of his nose. Beside him, Kensi squirmed a little, probably thinking of the prints she’d kept from said photoshoot. He definitely felt a headache coming on. “Ok, is there some reason why you decided to come out of the shadows and interrupt our dinner?”
“Well, the people who wanted me dead are no longer a problem, and I’ve rebuilt myself to a satisfactory level, so I decided it was time to visit old friends.” He spread his hands wide to encompass Deeks, Kensi, and Rosa. “Aren’t you pleased to see me?” he asked more uncertainty, the corners of his mouth tipping down into the most pitiful expression Deeks had ever seen.
Deeks held out for roughly ten seconds while Kirkin continued to stare at him.
“Fine. I’m glad you’re not dead,” he settled on, and Kirkin immediately went back to smiling, pressing a hand to the center of his chest.
“That’s what I like to hear.” He checked his watch suddenly, and tsked. “Unfortunately, I must be going. It was wonderful to see all of you.” He blew Kensi and Rosa each a kiss, reserving a suggestive look for Deeks. “Maaarty.” With a final wink, he turned and started weaving his way between tables.
“So, that was Anatoli Kirkin,” Deeks said after an extended silence. Rosa still looked completely bemused.
“Still in love with you after all these years,” Kensi added.
“Thanks for that, babe.” Sighing, Deeks looked in the direction Kirkin had gone. “You know, it was kind of good to see him.”
“Well, I’m sure that it won’t be the last time since Kirkin miraculously returned.”
“Don’t you have to be naked at a bathhouse?” Rosa asked, eliciting another groan from Deeks.
A/N: Thanks for the prompt!
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romancemedia · 2 years
Kirkin reveals Anna and Kayta are Noble Maidens (12x14)
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thejanedoetoday · 2 months
Has anyone else noticed that Kirkin's first name changes from
Andrei in his first episode (S04 ep06) to Anatoli in the next episodes?
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orionares · 2 years
Whumptober, Day 25
Whumptober,  Day 25- "You better start talking"
NCIS: Los Angeles
A/N: Wrote a lot of pieces that I couldn't quite perfect as a solid 1,000+ word piece and  had let them sit in drafts for awhile.  However, I've decided to post these little guys anyway. Happy Halloween. =]
"You aren't what I had expected."
Investigator Marty Deeks slows to a stop at a man resting cross armed against a lone minivan sitting in a parking lot. At 4:45 in the morning, a lone vehicle in a lot isn't unusual.
A man seemingly waiting for him halfway through his run is.
"Do I know you?" Deeks calls out. The man peers at him without moving for a moment before answering in a faintly accented voice, "I'm someone with questions, Investigator."
Deeks steps back and tucks a hand in his shorts pocket. He can hear approaching footsteps from behind as his fingers brush and press against the Agent in distress button on his phone. He's outnumbered two to one but he isn't panicking.
That plan immediately goes out the window when both men charge him.
 Deeks sidesteps the man behind him and shoves him towards the van, giving him the space he needs to escape or fight: however, the move opens him up to the first man to deliver a kick to the Investigator's knees. The kick lands in the back of his right knee, causing the knee to give out.
"Ahhh!" Deeks groans as he lands awkwardly on his right knee. Whoever's responsible for the kick hooks an arm around the Investigator's neck  and yanks him back against their chest. The attacker in front of Deeks settles and even smirks as Deeks struggles against the chokehold.
"You made this harder than this needed to be," the attacker in front teases. He's around Sam's height with a very familiar military buzz cut and hollow green eyes.
"Kidnapping…" Deeks gasps, "makes….me…a little…antsy…"
"Now you have some questions to answer," the lead attacker nods and the attacker behind Deeks tightens his hold over Deeks' neck. "About an old friend of yours. You can do this now or we can actually take you and you'll be more than a little antsy."
Deeks digs his fingers further into the second attacker's arm as he begins to see dots appear in his vision. His lungs are beginning to work overtime under the increasing pressure on his neck. By a quick estimate, he's got a minute or so and even less, if more pressure is applied.
"Tell me about Anatoli Kirkin and you better start talking ." The lead attacker steps closer to Deeks with an increasingly smug smile growing on his face. He kneels  in front of Deeks and asks, "Kirkin took something from me before he died and I'm guessing the only person who'd know where it is you."
"I don't -" Deeks' vision narrows and blurs- he's got a few seconds at best. "It was years….ago that he….died."
The smile on the leader's face grows into a Chesire-like smile. The Investigator gasps again as the pressure around his neck increases. As he slips into unconsciousness, Deeks hears, "Anatoli was a liar and it seems you are one too. We'll fix that."
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windshield91 · 1 year
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Anatoli Kirkin was such an intriguing character. The way he embraced life with his promises to lavish Deeks, his humours, and even enjoying his one side love. His final moment was heartbreaking and beautiful, showing his sincere feelings.
R.I.P Ravil Isyanov.
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ohmyolicity · 3 years
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NCIS : Los Angeles - 12x14 » The Noble Maidens
You did all you could. He pushed me out of the way. Why would he... why would he do that? Same reason you would have. You care
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youcantwashoutghost · 3 years
Omg so the actor who played Kirkin died, what?! RIP😯
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
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raccoonsmate4life · 3 years
Since it’s Thursday, my feed is all OneChicago stuff so I don’t know if my LA peeps have posted about this
I’m so sad! No more Kirkin 😢
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idreamofdensi · 4 years
10x17: Till Death Do Us Part-Where Anatoli Kirkin wants to save his Marty
Deeks doesn’t need this right now. He is going to marry the love of his life and Anatoli can’t let that happen. If Anatoli wasn’t so serious I am sure Deeks, Sam and Callen would find this hysterical.
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paulanna · 3 years
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Arkady and Kirkin being more worse than Katja
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“Do not mess with us”
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ejzah · 2 years
NCIS LA Season 14 Countdown, Day 9
A/N: Since I messed up yesterday, we’re doing season 4 today. And I’ve gone with yet another favorite episode, Wanted.
It All Began In A Bathhouse
“Alright, Deeks, we have about 20 minutes to get this set up,” Kensi said, handing him a bag that was surprisingly hefty. Behind him, Anatoli Kirkin sat on a cushioned chair, legs casually crossed, like they weren’t currently staging his death. “Make sure he knows the plan. We can’t screw this up.”
“I think I can handle it,” Deeks responded with just a touch of sarcasm in his voice. “Although, if you want to take over…” With the way Kirkin kept looking at him, he’d be fine with handing over this particular duty.
“Oh no, he is all yours,” Kensi told him in an undertone. Raising her voice, she turned to Kirkin. “Mr. Kirkin, we’re going to have you wear a device with fake blood for when your shot.”
“Believe me, this will not be the first time I have worn a squib, Agent,” Kirkin assured with an airy laugh. “When you live a life such as mine, sometimes there are…sticky situations.”
“Yeah, I’m definitely not asking,” Deeks muttered to know one in particular. Kirkin stood then, folding his hands in front of him that would have seemed disarming if Deeks didn’t know he was a dangerous arms dealer.
“So, will you or the Detective be applying this device?” His eyes flicked to Deeks, his gaze suggestive.
“Oh, this one is all on Deeks.” Making a hasty retreat, Kensi whispered, “Good luck!” As she passed Deeks, ignoring his pleading look.
“And now it’s just the two of us,” Kirkin declared. “Lucky me.”
“Yeah, fantastic.” Deeks ran his hand through his hair and grabbed the bag. Kirkin watched his every move with great interest. When he’d woken up this morning, this was not how he’d imagined his day going.
“I noticed everyone calls you Deeks,” Kirkin commented as Deeks brought over the blood packs. “Do you have a first name?”
“You know, this is supposed to be a business transaction, not s
speed dating,” Deeks reminded him. And boy that was a poor choice of words based on the way Kirkin’s face lit up. He turned coy then.
“Mm, yes, and I’ve been so cooperative so far. I’d hate for that to end over such a silly thing as a name.”
“Fine.” Glaring at him, Deeks reluctantly told him, “My first name is Martin. Marty. Now unbutton your shirt.”
“Ooh, Marty, I like that,” Kirkin sighed while he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
“Yeah, I kind of prefer just Deeks.”
“Ok, Kirkin, I’m going to need you to stop drawling my name in such a creepy way. While you take of your shirt,” he rambled. He shook his head a couple times. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“You seem very nervous, Marty. You should calm down,” Kirkin suggested. He held his arms out wide, once again revealing more than Deeks wanted to see of him. True to his word though, he seemed used to the process and fortunately, didn’t interfere at all.
Once he was done, Deeks took a step back and started packing everything back up.
“Alright, you’re set. So, in the bar, you’re going to wait until Agent Hanna comes in. You’ll give me a signal—”
“Yes, I have that all figured out,” Kirkin interrupted. “When I’m ready, I’ll wink at you and your undercover agent will shoot me.”
“Pretty sure a wink isn’t standard protocol,” Deeks commented, pursing his lips.
“But it is so much more fun.” Eyeing him again, Kirkin touched the cuff of his sleeve. “You look good in this, but I preferred you at the bathhouse. Though, I have always liked the idea of dating a bartender.”
“And on that note, I will see you in the bar.”
“I look forward to it, Marty.”
Yeah, Kensi definitely wouldn’t let him live this down for a long time.
A/N: I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to bring Kirkin back for this countdown.
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romancemedia · 2 years
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freaksgeeksandeeks · 3 years
I just thought of something... what if Kirkin had a will and left Deeks money Densi would use to have kids lmao
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