nopointic · 6 months
Why YOU (yes YOU!) should purchase a READING from the ever so lovely @ancientgoddessofegypt.
super duper extra cool! how cool?
ICE COLD! cool!
my readings? i buy them and then wait and when they arrive i'm like LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo and i'm getting out the good ink pens (pink and purple of course) and writing things DOWN and nodding like i am on front row at fashion week reporting for a fashion magazine that's ECO FRIENDLY aka it's A BLOG (why am i not in the back designing i dunno, must be a glitch but let's go with that THAT)
i read my cards, i ponder, my goddesses watch me ponder, and then i go I HAVE AN IDEA. i want a second opinion. TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK BABEY!
fast fast fast GOOD VIBES readings like i literally feel BAD i am asking her for help but my cards and everyone is telling me GIRL ASK FOR HELP YOU DESERVE THAT and i went you know what... a little scrolling will do.
I scrolled and then went WHERE IS MY CASH APP LOGIN
i asked if i could get a reading and she said YES!
i went woah this is happening i am in the presence of PINK SPARKLY HEART EMOJI AURANESS RIGHT NOW I CAN NOT DROP THE BATON RIGHT NOW
i send in my lil ponderings and end up spilling more to her than my therapist and went ok, i gotta get back into THERAPY PRONTO and PICK MYSELF
and i have.
and it's hard.
i am the girl who will pack several umbrellas in several colors to coordinate with your outfit and then say don't worry about me, it's wash day. (it's always wash day in my hair world i really do side eye my ancestry results and go, well well well look what i found HERE)
i have been throwing Maury dna results at family members for weeks now but i'm gonna be aight i did not watch Maury all them years and learn nothing. i went hmmmm THE LIE DETECTOR SAID ACCORDING TO MY RESULTS AND THESE PICTURES I FOUND!
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and then i broke out into a stress rash and ate rice
my cat purred extra hard but the point is
GLASSES UP (mine has lavender green tea y'all can have some if you want in spirit i am NOT stingy cos i love dunking a tea bag and thinking i am helping i do enjoy that activity ngl) to @ancientgoddessofegypt
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anyways i love you more than the hours Usher was talking about when he was begging for forgiveness and sliding around on his knees like you know damn well we were not allowed to slide around in our good jeans like that so i knew he really meant he was sorry when he did that but that has nothing to do with this i s2g it doesn't, i just wanted to give my takes on him doing THAT while saying that number.
i really do bring up fiddy leven bajillion hours umteem minutes etc when saying love.
anyways this gif of mariah carey with champagne is the energy that @ancientgoddessofegypt has like she just GETS it.
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Dear people,
I would love to thanks all these tarot Readers for entertaining / helping us whenever we needed . I'm greatful for the time they had devoted to us for doing all those readings
There's no order its free of order.
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Tarot card readers:
@winisayswhat - thanks for the free reading I loved it really ♡ cuz it helped me a lot . You give me good vibes haha
@ancientgoddessofegypt - thanks for answering my question when I really needed clarity over the questions and query I had , you are blessed !
@lunarmystic - thanks for the game you conducted long ago ! Your intuition is good tbh ♡
@royaleofury - Thank you for that very detailed reading you had provided long ago , i hope you are answering still by helping people. I must say you were Apt with everything ♡ also that knowledge you have is really good of tarot .
@vantaeries - thanks for the free reading you had conducted long ago before, you helped me by that reading to get clarity over the things for sure and also that thanks for answering other people tooo ! ♡
@anyatarot - thanks for the free reading you did tbh they were really helpful and for the moodboard you held ♡
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Thank you all for doing these ! I love you guys to the moon and back 🍀🫂💙
People it's a request try to make posts or send feedbacks to the readers you get reading from :) it takes alot to do bare minimum .
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esoteriamaya · 4 months
Heyy there! How are you?? Hopefully you're doing great!
Saw your this post; https://www.tumblr.com/ancientgoddessofegypt/750924492935757824?source=share
Can I join too!?
hey, so im not doing that one anymore. but im currently doing one card readings for the energy of the rest of the week (thur-sunday) if you're interested.
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esoteriamaya · 4 months
Hey,@ancientgoddessofegypt 👋🏻 Thank you 💌 for your insightful✨ advice and uplifting💫affirmations. Your guidance🙌 to consider my relationships and environment♻️ prioritizing✔ what truly brings me joy🌈 and fulfillment🍀is truly appreciated.😇 Your reminder to recognize👁️‍🗨️ my inner strength🍁and worth is empowering.🌟
Thank you :) for organising🤍 the one card reading! I'm truly grateful🌸 for the opportunity!
no problem beautiful soul <3 take care.
and more to come ;)
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
Hello!!! @ancientgoddessofegypt 💜✨
I'd like to participate in the 'Dream Interpretation ~ An Intuitive Reading Game'
Angel number - '444'
My initials - SHEY
Dream analysis - I'm open to general interpretations:)
'to deny the flesh, is to live in atonement. to open up to the mind, is to learn that is more that could be defined.'
this a lil mantra that was made completely for you to kind of decipher, but i can explain it a little 4 u.
so basically im hearing is that your gut feeling is a lil off. pay attention to the intuition. to 'deny' the flesh is simply you ignoring the intuition, not you falling into temptation or whatever. the mind knows what it wants, but you have to listen to your heart and your body to sense whether or not what you've been craving for is really for you.
solar plexus healing is going to be necessary for the next coming months.
wear red ----> opens a portal to the imagination. akashic records pertaining to some information you are going to be needing on this journey.
red is connected to the root chakra, but right here im seeing the imagination has a lot of fear based thoughts subconsciously, and opening up to different gates of the imagination is going to take some guts. obsidian protects you while your sleep. get one and put it under your pillow. hope this helps.
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
can we participate twice? i just love ur readings sm😩🩷
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sun in pisces/ 10th house - your beauty glows when you allow the world to see you at your fullest potential. you have a gift in being a star and shining in spaces that you have a passion for. intuitively, i hear astrology, artistic ability is something that can become a skill in the near future. but please focus on being well known is what i here. you have talents people are needed in the world and your compassionate nature makes it all the better.
venus in aries in 11th - bold, confident, sexy, natural and mature. you should focus on friend groups as your beauty grows when being around the right people. with mercury (10th house) sextile to venus, your charm extends itself through the art of being a living canvas. photography would be a nice space to grow in your beauty. modeling shoots and what not. it could carry your essence to a knew height and can gift you rewards in the long run.
venus sextile lilith in the the 10th - omg. run!!!! passionate, intense and could suck the soul out of some body. you might be the devil boo lmao. but no serious, its a real special placement. your beauty shines through expressing your sensuality full bloom. wearing the most daring, lusty, sexy clothing can put you in the spotlight in a way you never saw before. be open to being yourself as this highlights your potential of being a well-known star light.
with venus sextile to the mc as well, you enjoy being the center of attention and should put more effort in beauty/fashion related spaces. dressing in more odd, unusual, out of the box clothing could make you a fashionista in some way or form.
venus trine pluto (8th house) shows an intensive aura. you're raw power is what shows and this ability to express your sexuality makes you a heart throb to others. being mysterious makes your beauty extend beyond new measures because people will try their hardest to figure you out.
and last but not least, taurus rising. the ruler of this house (venus) in the 11th shows that your sensual energy, grace and charismatic ability shows in groups, the way you go after goals and in most cases social media (11th house = aquarius = tech = s.m)
people see you as someone who has a soft, stern, caring, peaceful and relaxing persona. your beauty shows up as sweet and caring . your romantic qualities show deeply when in the right space (11th house) and should be explored more openly. hope this helps!
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
https://www.tumblr.com/ancientgoddessofegypt/738436420446912512/send-me-your-natal-charts-i-wanna-see-what-ways 🩷🫶✨
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gemini 2nd house
writing, blogging, using the voice, hands
second house ruler in tenth conjoin the mc point (mercury)
public recognition , being heard
venus conjunct 12th house cusp
mysticism, imagination, creative pursuits,
venus trine pluto in 8th
magnetism, occult knowledge, intense energy connected to the art/creative outlet
jupiter in 1st
lucky, larger than life attitude. big energy.
expressing more joy and faith in your life could attract a fortune to you.
so the 2nd house ruler being in the tenth house shows that these gifts needs to be put more into the spotlight.
mercury in aquarius conjoin uranus shows a mental ability that goes over society norms.
whatever it is that you say, it will draw attention.
luckily that 12th house venus is sextile the mercury mc point. so your words and your way of expressing them might be new and different but people will adore your words.
your speech has a magnetism to it that draws others in effortlessly.
art/creativity that connects to the mind and stimulates it can draw in thousands of dollars.
your gifts can def go into sketching, drawing or some type of craft.
venus in the 12th is showing me you can be a dream to people. your aura can be very enchanting. since it aspects the mc i'd say go for photoshoots as this can not only boost the attention you recieve this can also give a fortune in some way or form.
but anything connected to mysticism would be the best thing for you. <3 hope this helps.
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
Wow thank you for taking your time and your energy to do this reading. I love how you took your time to explain all of this. Thank you✨. I love singing and even acting but I never imagined I could be good in drawing cause I was not as a kid hihi but I should definitely get into it as we never know. When it comes to social media I started making covers on YouTube/ tiktok and even insta but stopped for a while for some reason but I'll get back to it for sure this is my dream career : singing and as long as it's art anything else. Astrology is like a hobby for me I love learning about it to discover myself more and I think you're right I'm still learning but I learn fast and also got my own explanation to stuff lol. This reading is really pleasant and made my day. I hope you have a nice day🤍
Yes yes yes !!! Please continue after your dreams it’s very needed at the time<3 also send some to me lol I’ll support !! Have a wonderful day my love .
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
omg tell me now some placements in a synastry chart that shows a situantionship
def venus/lilith/ mars/lilith sun/lilith moon/lilith
lilith placements in synastry is about autonomy, its too much freedom and no morals/beliefs give it anything substantial. its a great energy for sex because again, freedom. but wait... someone always gets most of the pie, and sometimes its the lilith individual.
pisces placements because of illusions most of the time.
sag and sometimes even scorpio but it will never last long.
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esoteriamaya · 10 months
Hello 👋. This 👆 post of urs was amazing. The last observation of urs in this post about 5th house Plutoians did speak to me as I can totally relate to this & I don't want to that missing piece of the puzzle that will be missed by the word. I don't get how can I express my creative outlet, how can I use my gift to soar in any artistic expression bc I don't know what's my gift, what's my creative outlet is it painting or anything or what idk. So please I request you if u please take a look at my chart and can tell what's my gift and what should be my creative outlet? I'll so grateful 🥹. U don't even have to answer in lines, I'll happy even if u just answer in one word about that creative thing & what can/should I create?
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Thanks 🙏. God Bless You 💟
Judging by the 3 planets in your third squaring your Pluto I see there could be a gift in, writing, speech or even singing! Poetry, short stories, theories and what not could be something your good at if you give it a try. It can help you express those big ideas of yours (Jupiter) and help you expand on whatever thoughts you may have.
With the stellium this could probably be a sense of motivation for you (mars) as well as being optimism & good luck (sun&jup).
Venus in first trine Pluto could be you seeing beauty in the world or yourself. Reminds me of Frida khalo because she had a Venus Pluto conjunction and she painted herself a lot as it mirrored her day to day reality.
All In all the power of words would be a great tool for u to get started with your self expression. Painting could be a good too as well because it also connects to mercury.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
I bought a reading from ancientgoddessofegypt and I am late with my review I promised due to literal failing health and I wanted my review to be perfect for her due to her kindness, talent, speed, and AUTOMATIC SUPER SONIC HYPNOTIC FUNKY FRESH talent and so I am using lyrics as the 90s baby I am.
And emojis cos I right now cannot toss actual biodegradable glitter at her and plan a super cool party in her honor because
1. I'm fucking broke
2. I'm actually dying. Cancer, tumors, PCOS or endo? They dunno but they said they'll get back to me soon! And it was rude of me asking for results at 5pm on Friday. She really did hang up on me.
3. I am 32 and I wanted to see BTS in 2025 and after being suicidal since I was 9 and holding on for so long and now to maybe having cancer and dying before 2025 BTS TIME is lowkey annoying me. I didn't even unwrap my YOONGI MERCH I GOT WHEN MY ASS HAD MONEY BEFORE I GOT SICK.
4. I really said fuck it we ball, and now I might not get to ball? Ain't that bout a bitch.
When I tell y'all that I was told by my sperm donor today that my dying is upsetting to him because I never told him about my "health problems" and I said wait. I have told you since I was in the single digits and you always replied "I don't wanna hear that shit" and I went? Then how am I suppose to tell you I am dying? "YOU ARE HURTING MY FEELINGS FOR A PAST MISTAKE"
*looks into the camera like the office*
Me informing you of my weak immune system and doing so for 32 years of you knowing me and saying to shut the fuck up if I mention pain is a wild take to have when the pain finally means dying, but ok!
I have literally had several seizures, a constanr fever, and I now have no immune system, and I went damn I ain't even gonna see BTS in 2025 and now I'm in trouble for being sick in the open while in charge of 3 disabled adults with no money.
My tone of dying offendes him.
He went on to blame my poor mental health and believing him when he said he studied my ADHD.
I really did give up on life there I did. Because I then asked, so me saying several things in several sentences to explain 32 years of health problems is making you angry and making you feel bad because I said I am now dying due to you ignoring my health and I wanted to know what I can do for you and mom before I die since I am well, dying.
Me dying from problems I continued to tell you about and you kept telling me it was rude to talk about and unladylike is now my fault? Because I should have said it nicer?
When I cried in pain you told me to shut the fuck up.
When I went quiet you yelled at me saying I was a bitch.
Now I am dying and don't look pretty, and you're upset I closed my door to cry about me dying.
While I am literally cleaning up your liquid shit, mom's pee stained mattress, and now grandma's dementia and novody left me money to do antthing but a text saying God Bless ajd WATCH YOUR TONE!
I'm laughing because deadass, God forbid women do anything.
Tumblr, am I the asshole for asking how I can continue to be of perfect daughter service although I am actively dying and trying to inform parents of said dying when for years they told me to "shut the fuck up" and "all you young people do is talk about death"!
Doesn't matter now folks. I am out of time soon unless some deity steps in, the USA healthcare system thinks of black women as humans, and I can afford said treatment.
But wild how me dying and not looking pretty got the VA doctors to step in and finally ask for extra testing because "hmmm you have little to no immune system and this will hurt your chance of becoming pregnant" let's take a look?
I asked for help for over a decade now, and was told help would arrive when my husband and I want children and I do not get pregnant quickly.
I'm 32, a virgin, and asexual. But thank you for that solid medical advice.
Red state? Well technically the world thinks Georgia is purple aka red and blue and a swing state, but I've been here since I was in 6th grade and it's absolutely red.
But you're black?
Yes. And the black people here are mainly red. And Christian. I am not.
Chronic pain and several disabilities not taken serious because I am "pretty, smart, and have a smart phone". I have literally less than $1000 in my bank account and at this point I'm just drinking energy drinks and buying my cat whatever she wants.
Yoongi, my bestie in my head, the fucking way I might not get to see you in person again with the whole BTS squad and Halsey...
I really said fuck it, we ball, and the universe said girl... The thing is...
Yoongi, bro I got this new galaxy z flip4 with the last of my savings (shoutout to backmarket for letting me coupon while dying awoman) and i only update my phone every 3-5 years and only for under $300 lmaooooo and bro...
Min Yoongi I don't even get to write you a sticky note saying "please wear saftey glasses when sanding wood, the dust can be harmful to your eyes and if i had a wood shop class you would be escorted out for not having glasses on and if you said but it's not big deal i would go 🫥 and nod and smile.
And because I LOVE YOU i am going to be in the spirit of Swag Surfin for you. But my heart? I am going this dumbass water sign really on the front row of Samsung who I thought he owned in 2021 but he don't, and he not gonna own it cos he thinks sanding wood WITHOUT glasses is no big deal. All purple everything frfr but bro... What the fuck. i gotta get him to be safe with wood and DUST i am... bro... the dust! Samsung ceos Min Yoongi is the best at rapping and being cool forgive his woodwork vlogs without safety glasses i know in his HEART THAT IS FULL OF PURPLE LOVE is committed to greatness. (please help me use this z flip 4 phone b4 i die i'mma figure it out)
someone: she's dying and beefing with a kpop dude not wearing safety goggles while in a wood working area and sanding? am i reading this review of services correct? 🤔🤔🤔
yeah. libra sun libra mercury libra mars. scorpio rising. lilith in capricorn. virgo moon. iconic huh? 😉
i wanna be in a pink jumpsuit recycling in Barbie land with pink safety equipment. but i'm in the real world and was shoved to the air force for being too smart and conviently poor.
the usa doesn't have a conscription its so much better than south korea hehehe says the online western chatter
Shoutout to us niggas in the usa, and when i say us niggas, i mean us black girlies who were told we talk too white and we better NOT have a baby with our fast ass and you better do better than them cos they not gonna listen to you anyways, oh and fuck your man hating ass for thinking your father and brother and male family members should treat others with respect! ya lil oreo ass think you too good now thinkin you know things. God don't like ugly! and you thinkin that sex without consent is rape is crazy talk and you need to mind ya fuckin business and what the fuck you mean i'm abusive? I GAVE YOU FOOD CLOTHING AND TOYS AND NOW YOU WANNA BRING UP OLD SHIT ABOUT ME NOT BELIEVING YOUR PAIN? WELL I DID THE BEST I COULD AND YOU YOUNG FOLKS TODAY THINK DEATH DEATH DEATH AND THE TIKITY TOK AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE WHITE MAN GOT TO RAPE FOR YEARS AND GET AWAY ON TV WITH IT BUT OUR MEN GET IN TROUBLE? NOW?SEEM LIKE BULLSHIT TO ME! WHY YOU KEEPING A BROTHA DOWN????? WE ALL WE GOT. IF YOU JUST KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART AND STOP LISTENIN TO THEM LIL GAY ASS KPOP BOYS WITH MAKEUP YOU'D KNOW. AND BELIEVE HER? SHE WAS THE ONE WITH WEAVE DOWN TO HER ASS AND AT THE CLUB AT 2AM SHE SHOULDA KEPT HER BLACK ASS IN THE HOUSE MAKIN HER PUSSY MUSIC SEE Y'ALL WANT EQUAL RIGHTS BUT IF I HIT YOU YOU WANNA CRY FOUL SEE THATS THAT BULLSHIT YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS BITCH. ANYWAYS DO YOU. I KNOW WHATS RIGHT.
*applauds Tyler Perry movie of a black man mocking a black woman in a dress*
*applauds Kanye for speaking the truth about "the Jews"*
*says black women should know better than to leave home at night, on the weekends, at rush hour, during the holidays, and while being alone*
*makes fun of darker skinned black women*
*frames Bull Cosby as innocent and Aaliyah was a whore who asked for it and her parents signed the papers so what can you do*
*i'm not against the gays* *calls crying bitch ass behavior*
*judges black women for hair(all hair, long short curly straight she should know better either way)*
*if you read the poor dad rich dad book then you'd be somewhere*
*yells at cashier for not smiling* so you don't want a job? entitled bitch doesn't deserve $15 for standing there!* worker not getting even $10 but go off i guess?
*when you having kids? i wanna spoil someone now*
*You always bringing up that man hating white women shit.*
I asked for equality and you said I hated men. You told me she's a whore, and she's a man hating dyke bitch. She's pretty and she's ugly for thinking she is pretty.
She better take care of her whole family, and start her own while being independent and knowing her place, under the Man.
Questions? Disobience. Liberal arts bullshit.
Black Lives Matter. BOUT DAMN TIME.
Black women? Well you see.... She wore this and sure girl power but not like that, and what do you mean this is bad? she asked for it being in the dark in the movies in room with men in that building in that lip gloss in that area without an alarm without a gun she knew better!
I don't know any black men who has mistreated a girl like that! she lyin! i can tell by the way she looks. lyin ass raggity black bitch. this why black men hate y'all lil weavealicious black bitter bitches.
"i'm sick of trump and his bullshit shit." *parrots trump talking points word for word* no this different because i have never hit your mother even though i should have beat her ass for the way she talked to me and i told her everyday to be thankful i don't hit her and that me calling her stupid isn't so bad because other women have marks so fuck you for saying i hate women when i forgave my nephew for sexually assaulting several women because God said forgive and that is MY opinion!
he, my black dark skinned father and light skinned black mother says "we all we got" and i am just an oversensitive bitter man hating bitch who needs to calm down cos other people have it worse.
we. all. we. got.
then i ain't got shit huh.
Anyways it be ya own squad.
Dying at this point would be a relief from the hell that has been being a black woman in the USA in the last 32 years.
But the love reading i got gave me strength to speak up about my troubles to one more person and the woman started a direct case for getting me help.
i'll keep y'all updated if you want.
if this is confusing i am sorry frfr but at this point i'm lowkey not caring about typos
and i am so sorry my samsung homies but the emojis...
whew... they ugly.
Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi
i turnedback on my old ass cheap ass iphone and got a new number within like 15 hrs of switching to samsung.
the way my libra ass couponed 2 phones and under $50 for 2 phone lines is kinda iconic for a dying poor bitch huh! 🤌🏾
i just wanted to use the cowboy emoji cos heehaw and i was a horse girl and this could probably explain so much if i thought about it more but i'm not cos i'm sleepy and found a cherry vanilla coke and i wanna play the bts island game. add me borahae hoes everyone welcome soon as i remember my login in
buy her reading i am so serious.
like i am literally wanting to know how much more time i have left from testing for several varioua bad outcomes and i am using my time to write this I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE SIS I REALLY AM!!!!!
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
He’s cool and now I want sex and attention hehe but he made a rule: it’s only sexual, no emotions attached and if one of us starts to feel something then is done… but I don’t like that, I don’t like to put rules in my emotions it just feels wrong AND we’re going to work together in a project in a few months so it’s kinda fucked up… emotions are like a flowing river, but I’m not in love I’m just uncomfortable with rules 💀 work stuff makes it difficult if we don’t wanna see each other faces in the future
okay! makes total sense. if you respect your emotions, then you'd follow your gut on this one. just vibe with him for a little to see where things go. even though men tend to shut that part of them off (which is terribly unhealthy) its still apart of sex whether they want to admit it or not. having to suppress your emotions thru sex is stuff and you'll feel awful when its done later. take it from me. i'd renegotiate that a lil and see where it goes.
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
yeah, well… and there’s nothing for me to do to change his mind and see myself not just as an object but as a friend and someone who he could care about, right!? Sometimes I think its my fault yk, it all started with me telling him I was horny for him 💀💀
yeah dont get to blaming yourself,
you said he was hot, and the feelings seem to me mutual (sexually) so i could see where the fwb is coming from.
but now that you've mentioned you said you were horny for him, were you wanting more than sex? or is sex all you want? because if so than than no problem. just go about your way. but if you wanna be more than friends you'd have to communicate that, however, they can still show there true colors after the do has been done.
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
What do you think it’s gonna happen if he acts weird? Something is telling me that he’ll get attached ☠️
lol if you feel he'll be more attached than by all means go for it!
situationships can be a little weird, is all im saying. a smooth hit or miss. if this is your first one just observe him a bit more and how he truly makes you feel cause it'll be a dead give away on whether its for you or not!
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
well… so there’s the thing: he was the first one to send nudes and text me when I don’t go after him, when I send something he responds back within minutes. He told me he’s focused on taking care of his daughter and doesn’t want serious relationships now… I mean, he clearly could fall in love first than me, I’m kinda nonchalant tbh
okay! go for it and see how it feels. just make sure he doesnt get weird after the sex.
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
I wanna participate!
Fav color is red, white, blue and my angel number is 2112/2332 💋
circe - darkness, enchanter, morpher, shapeshifter.
the world 'hilarious' popped out for you. you shift the energy in the room love. have fun <3
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