#oracle reviews
ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
TAROT SPREAD : $8.88 <3
Hey I have some more options for people who are interested in getting a reading. To pay for the reading my cash app is $dejadivine222 <3 Now here are the other options I have below.
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Higher Self Oracle Spead
A small reading on what your higher self wants you to know.
In this reading I'm focusing on the higher self and empowering you. It's time to let go of that lower self energy, its holding you back. Our higher selves are connected to who we truly want to be and who we really are deep inside.
There's somethings I can get into about your personality/aura in general but for now here are some things I touch on in this reading:
What you need to focus on right about now
The vision your higher self has for you
What energies you need to be aligning with at this time
Your aura and what it shows in the inside out
Animal Spirit Guide :
Is it a dog? a bird? a pig? - My Animal Spirit Guide Reading will show you what the energy around you is.
This one is a small reading on the animal spirit guide that is connected to you at the moment. My focus is based on the energy in THIS ready. Sometimes animals can come up with a message for you so this is where I am coming from. Each animal shows a message with certain warning, talents, guidance and so on so forth. This is one of my fun readings so I hope y'all enjoy.
Quantum Jump Reading :
Are you ready to change your story? If you're ready to take that leap, spirit will give me just the answer. It's time to make a way when it feels like it isn't one. If you gotta lose something just to do something then this is where I come in to give you guidance.
Risks you need to take
Luck, how it comes thru you and where you should apply this knowledge
How your vibration moves to get what it wants. Being yourself is the key to getting all the answers
Moving out of your own way
For the closing piece , sometimes we tend to control our destiny when it isn't necessary. So be calm with yourself and learn to allow things to be. You can't control the answers you seek. You'll have to force yourself into driving steady and get on cruise control. Get it?
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professoruber · 4 months
Quick thought on Barbara Gordon's role in the new Birds of Prey...
Spoilers for Birds of Prey (2023-) #7
Okay so; I am really, really happy that they actually told Barbara about the situation and what was going on this time. After the ending of the #6 I was kinda afraid they were going to do something like keep Babs in the dark while they chose the "Secret Barbara Gordon Defence Squad" route, so I have to say it was quite the relief when they instead went "Work with Oracle to solve this mystery" route.
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I guess this fear was mostly due to how they excluded Barbara from the first arc, and kept her entirely in the dark about even the existence of the mission. And then at the end of #6 they made a point of showing that Barbara was indeed hurt by this and they only revealed the reasons after Barbara had already left the roof.
So it was nice to have Barbara immediately get brought into the loop. I've complained a bit about the first arc of this run; and I suppose the heart of my personal issues with it was I felt it was all a tad contrived, between excluding Barbara and having a hero vs hero conflict with the Amazons.
But in #7 not only is Barbara informed of the situation, but she's working alongside Dinah and also acting as Oracle.
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Between all of the dead alternate Barbaras being shown wearing their Batgirl outfits and Barbara being dressed as Batgirl in the cover of #7, it was a pleasant surprise to find that Barbara was indeed taking the lead as Oracle instead Batgirl. In fact despite the cover art, she doesn't even use her Batgirl outfit in #7.
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Still feel like they should've just told Babs all the way back in #1 and had her take the lead as Oracle back then, but I digress.
With contrived conflict and lack of communication being the main thing which I felt distracted my enjoyment of the first arc, the fact that this new arc is getting kicked off with significantly less of that has made me really enjoy #7 and am looking forward to more.
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wigc · 3 months
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'Twilight Oracle' Review: Journey to the Mysterious Island
Underwater breathing. Not exactly something most humans are capable of. In fact, I do believe none are, save for Twilight Oracle's Leo. Does that make him special? Unique? All-powerful? A super-being? Not really. This guy's just your average struggling student, thrust into what's bound to be a grand adventure... provided he and his friends manage to survive the endeavour.
Continue reading
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
Valentine's Day special (review from customer ❤️)
The customer ordered a celebrity compatibility reading for Stray Kid's Bang Chan + A nsfw reading on their specific person
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emachinescat · 1 month
A Year in Book Review: My 2024 Reading Journey 📚
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#23 - The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
Fantasy / Trials of Apollo #1 / 385 pages / published 2016 / Finished Feb. 16 (reread)
One Sentence Review: Another brilliant installment in the Percy Jackson universe, this book boasts loveable characters - familiar and new - as well as truly loathsome villains, a hilarious narrator, tons of Greek mythology, some questionable poetry, real heart and emotion, and, of course, our beloved Camp Half-Blood.
Favorite Quotes
"Live fully and without fear."
"Aquaman driving / Couldn't possibly be worse / Oh, wait, now it is"
"Seven-layer dip / Chocolate chip cookies in blue / I love this woman"
"Things can turn out differently, Apollo. That's the nice thing about being human. We only have one life, but we can choose what kind of story it's going to be."
"I could feel the magic taking hold, despite the Arrow of Dodona whispering to me like an annoying Elizabethan stagehand, SAYEST THOU, 'PLAGUEY, PLAGUEY, PLAGUEY!' ... FIE! TOO STRONG IS THY PLAGUE. The Dodona Arrow hummed with annoyance. THY CHANTING SUCKETH ... METHINKS THOU HAST BLOWN IT, said the Dodona Arrow, my source of infinite wisdom. MOREO'ER, HIE! TAKEST THOU THE REINS."
"I spluttered something like, 'Nuh-uh, dun-doot!' I may have waved my Brazilian handkerchief with the hope that its magic would destroy my enemies."
"Listen to the trees / The trees know what is up, yo / They know all the things"
"A father should do more - a father should give more to his children than he takes."
My rating: 5/5
A Few More Thoughts (Spoilers):
Like all of Uncle Rick's books, it's fantastic. Of course, the fact that Percy Jackson makes an appearance makes me very happy, but the book is incredible in its own right. Apollo is the best kind of narrator - hilarious, loveably conceited, with excellent growth - and Meg is a joy. It's the perfect mix of action, tension, and humor.
For me, the most surprising part was that Meg was working with Nero and was leading Apollo into a trap. It's not just the betrayal that got me, though. It's the darkness of Meg's situation and abuse, that Nero - her "beloved" stepfather - and the Beast - her tormentor - were the same people, but separate to her.
Anyone can change and grow if given the opportunity, especially if they have someone to fight for, someone to believe in them.
Also, Nico and Will were beyond adorable and deserve the world.
Finally, I need a short story of Annabeth taking care of Percy as he recovers from that nasty head cold!
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pennilesswithannds · 8 months
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More contemporary reviews from that era. Give us mother 3, you cowards!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
When you folks are looking at reviews of tarot decks, what's the most important things to know? Whether the pips are fully illustrated? If there are nips or penii hanging out? Whether any of the cards are renamed? Whether any cards are switched to different numbers? Something else entirely?
And for oracle decks, is it mostly the theming? How many cards? Again, if there are nips or penii hanging out? Something else?
Given that I have 50 tarot and oracle decks, it's time for me to start writing long reviews, so I'm looking to cover what people most often look for in their decks.
Feel free to either send an ask or reblog this post to answer my queries!
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whalehouse1 · 2 months
I do love the fact that it seems without exception, no matter a reader’s view on Babs, it’s that DC treats her awfully and that Oracle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Batgirl.
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the-nameless-juan · 1 year
So guess what just came in the mail today! (Err well not technically today as I was out of country but y’all know what I mean!)
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That’s my copy of the 2nd edition Oracle Dice by @publishinggoblin, as you might know by my posts I am a big fan of Tarot and tarot adjacent practices but I also a big fan of the first oracle dice which I got as an add-on in one @publishinggoblin’s previous crowdfunding campaigns (believe it was for The Narmol Tarot 2nd Edition) which I absolutely adored. Haven’t really posted it much about it mostly because it more than an other form divination seems to almost gleefully cut to the heart of things and hit nothing but nerves, but not in a bad way? Honestly don’t know how to explain it, it’s just the reading we’re always intensely personal and raw, so I never felt comfortable posting about my readings with them.
Anyways, when this 2nd edition was announced I backed it almost immediately at the Etched in Stone tier, to get those fancy dice made of, you probably guessed it stone. So I’ve decided to do this rambling review first impression thing for… well anyone who wants it!
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First a look at the mat
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The very that jumps out at me is what an improvement it is over the first one! Not to say the first mat is bad, the things takes center stage of my tarot reading and in fact has shaped it radically I love it to bits but the design of this new mat is just 💋.
Plus the texture is just fantastic, has that fantastic smooth silky thing going that I just love to glide my hand along.
And then there is the second side, while the loss of the rubber bottom to prevent slippage is regrettable this second reading space is wonderful. I haven’t even cracked open the guide to see the traditional use and interpretations but I am already feeling inspired. I cannot wait to get started, and I have a distinct feeling this may well be taking over as the centerpiece of my divination practice going forward.
Now then, onto what is probably the main event, the Dice
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Ahhhhhh they’re so preety 😍 As a reminder these are the fancier Etched in Stone tier dice, each is made of a different stone and the faces are all etched in and inked and look absolutely stunning in person. Just holding them is a treat and the noise they make when you shakey-shakey them in preparation for a throw is fantastic. I fear now that I have experienced non-plastic dice I will never be able to go back, I have yet to even properly cast them but I love them already.
But wait, there’s more!
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There were two Oracle decks on offer so of course I had to get both.
On the right we got the Dice Face Oracle which turn each dice face into its own individual card along with a guide to reading them as cards, but also encourages you to read them as their dice versions meaning you have options when performing readings and I love that shit, there is nothing that I love more than a reading that evolves and shifts the more you stare and stew on it. Also every one of the dice face icons are excellently designed and having them in a bigger blown up form is wonderful.
On the left we got the 22 card Lords of Oracle deck. Each of the dice has its own lord who is an embodiment of their die with their own lore and my god I love this art! I can absolutely see myself pulling one of these cards and having on of these lords color a reading in a completely new light, the potential is just breathtaking.
And last but certainly not least, the tomes.
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I haven’t had a chance to truly sit down and read the guide, but from a quick skimming it is still written in the same easy to understand way as the 1st edition. The first edition was a fantastic guide to a admittedly complex divination practice and as long as this second edition continues that with the new dice it is a welcome edition to the books I reference on the regular, plus having page size version of the Lords of Oracle art is just wonderful.
The reading journal is a fantastically designed tool especially for those beginning with these dice. I would have loved something like this for when I started with the first edition as it was a tad bit overwhelming with it’s… everything. I will most certainly be making use of it
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Righto, that’s my first impressions/ review of the Oracle Dice 2nd edition done. Will be trying a few reading when I have a chance and will hopefully remember to talk about is here! So if you got any questions or if I forget to talk about the reading experience feel free to textually yell about it here or in my ask box, see y’all!
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helenaheissner · 6 months
A post I made reviewing one of my all-time favorite comic book runs, starring the incomparable Cassandra Cain as Batgirl!
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
$5.55 dollar oracle readings
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for one question
10.10 for three questions
I really need help right now. I'm doing whatever i can to make a dollar and right now I'm at my last and my lowest and I'm just being extremely honest right now.
if you or someone you know is interested, please dm me.
However I'm in need of money at the moment.
If you're curious to know what kind of readings I do I have a tag where it explains all that I do. But yeah.
My cashapp is $Dejadivine222
Spread the word <3333
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professoruber · 5 months
Thoughts of Birds of Prey (2023-) #6
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Spoilers for Birds of Prey (2023-) #6
So the newest issue of the current Birds of Prey comic has recently come out and I guess since I took the time to make multiple fairly long-ish posts about this run, I should go over my thoughts here.
To sum things up... I thought it okay but also not really too big of a fan by the end of it. I didn't exactly dislike it, but I guess it left me with too many questions and felt a bit too contrived. It was enjoyable enough, but kinda felt like my enjoy-ness of it decreased with each subsequent issue. It wasn't bad, but I guess that's my knee-jerk fresh reaction.
Of course, it still possible that there is more to the story than there is now and that future issues will reveal new information which might clear up some of my issues more, I'll be discussing that as well...
Note again that I am a novice in comics, and Gotham Academy was one of the first I read fully so perhaps I'm biased in that area. But to go over my thoughts for why I kinda feel slightly disappointed in more detail...
What was the point of Meridian?
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Warning of future doom, apparently. So as it turns out, the real reason that Barbara wasn't include was because she died eleven times already
(the fact that this was far from Meridian's first attempt was foreshadowed last issue with her noting where the last battle "always is"). So someone is out to get the Birds of Prey, and they're possibly using Future Maps time travel tech to do it.
While this does somewhat answer the question of why Barbara was specifically excluded; still doesn't explain the secrecy.
Like, all these visions of Barbara dying have her in her Batgirl outfit, so couldn't she just have been informed she'd die and asked to oversee the mission as Oracle? Or does that also somehow lead to her death?
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Being kept in the loop would also presumably have greatly helped avoid awkward feelings like this. And from what I know of Barbara, her tactical mind is probably more valuable than her martial art skills. But I guess whatever evil time traveller is targeting the BoP would've found a way to get to Babs anyway? (also on a side note; Barbara getting hurt by not being included was at least one thing I kinda predicted. My other, more thougt-out predictions though... well I'll get to those in a bit)
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It also confirms that Dinah indeed did not apparently get any explanation for why she had to exclude Barbara until after the mission was complete and.... that feels weird?
Like I said, I'm a novice on comics (although I am now definitely adding more Birds of Prey stuff to my to-read list) so I'm not the biggest expert on these characters. Nevertheless it feels that Black Canary here would've agreed to attack Wonder Woman and her people while excluding Oracle all on the word of a time traveller she's likely never met before (and in the present is a teenager who she's likely never met before either) without even demanding a damn good explanation first.
I guess it was more dramatic from a story perspective for Meridian to reveal this stuff now and set up the next arc. But it still just feels contrived to me. Maybe I'm overlooking/overthinking something though?
Meridian's Motives
So I've gone over a theory before that Meridian was in fact evil and possibly even connected to Megaera. That theory was not confirmed, or overly supported, by this. And it does seem like Meridian is probably on the up-and-up.
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Perhaps I'm a tad biased/sunk-cost fallacy right now since I spent a decent amount of time on the theory of Meridian being evil, but still worth noting that this mission ended up Megaera possessing Sin, albeit with Sin in control (and presumably actually in control because Megaera said Sin was in control while Sin used the lasso on her).
There's still quite a few similarities between Meridian and Megaera which are a bit difficult to overlook (you can check out the link I placed above where i went into more detail into that).
Its worth noting as well that Meridian mentioned that whichever evil time traveller is targeting the BoP, they're using her technology most likely. An interesting detail, and one which raises q
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Could it be Meridian is hiding something still? All the information we know about the future and her motives comes from her after all.
Or could it be she's being controlled without her knowledge? Or a second Meridian is up and about?
Perhaps it seems like I'm still focusing a disproportionate amount on Meridian, but she still remains the driving force behind all this issues of the narrative which have somewhat hurt my enjoyment and given me questions.
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And to repeat what I've said before. Meridian seems like a strange direction for the character of Maps Mizoguchi.
As I've alluded to before, I'm probably quite biased in this area because I've read Gotham Academy years ago before I really got into comics like I have recently and it was one of the first runs I've finished and stuff.
Maps is a character who wants to be Robin. And that's the path which she seems to have been developed upon during her fairly recent return.
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Given how still early she is in her storyline of becoming Robin (or some other kind of vigilante) it just still feels like a strange choice for Maps Mizoguchi of all people to show up as a time traveling hero with a persona and skillset which seems in stark contrast to her every prior appearance.
Meridian does not appear to be a martial artist, Maps doesn't appear to be a tech genius. Magic would seem like a more likely 'superpower' than super-tech for Maps considering the more supernatural focus of Gotham Academy.
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Maps has been established with a preference for swords while Meridian is only shown fighting using a fancy taser.
Am I thinking too deeply into it? Probably, yes.
But still feels like an overall strange decision to introduce Future Maps in such a manner. Especially when Present Maps has only returned to semi-focus in recent years and still hasn't really developed too much in her own current goals (such as being Robin).
So taking a character who's still in need of a bit more focus and development and then giving them a future persona which is at contrast to their current development chain? Seems odd.
Also at first i just assumed Meridian comes from a post-apocalyptic future which would be retconned out of the timeline by this arc. But Meridian's comments about how she doesn't take time travel lightly and is trying to right the timeline suggests she does not in fact come from a post-apocalyptic timeline.
So does that mean Maps is destined to become Meriden?
Again, this is probably my bias due to Gotham Academy nostalgia. But I'm not sure if I'm too much of a fan of this direction for her.
Especially, as I keep noting, Present Maps has only barely gotten started on working on becoming Robin (or any-kind of vigilante); but Meridian seems to suggest Maps is going to drop her current direction and go in a completely different direction at some point in the future.
Well those of my thoughts I guess. I suppose I'll see how things develop from here.
While I did find the Birds of Prey quite well-drawn so far and fairly enjoyable. All this thoughts I've gone over and the general feeling this arc was a tad contrived has all somewhat mitigated my enjoyment.
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letsgauxplay · 4 months
ok ok ok. lemme get this straight. When I saw the banner images for the oracle event, I thought, damn. Gotta prepare for the lore drop. Like, look how majestic they look! But quick preview for those who don't have it yet, we get;
Rafayel blowing our hair (among other things and *slurping noises*
Zayne tying our hair and...*napping*
Then Xavier.......and lotion.
A bit strange but hot cards and hot whispers = 2-in-1 fun 🤭
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sagstelliums · 10 months
Hey y’all! So if anyone was thinking about getting a reading from me but you weren’t sure about my accuracy here’s a review from a while ago, I don’t post reviews often or at all because I’m used to keeping the readings between me and my clients just out of respect but this client said I could use hers. If anyone was wondering about how long my personal readings are they are at least a paragraph long and very detailed 😉
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making-a-ru · 1 year
A Very Detailed "Year in Review" 48 Card Tarot Spread
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It's a pretty simple spread. The number of cards is what adds the weight of the reading, but I was very impressed with how much information I received. At first, I thought it would be too much, but the amount of clarification was so illuminating! They create a full image of what each month has in store for the Querent.
Pull 4 cards for each month:
Energy of the Month
Lesson of the Month
What You Can Do
Outcome of the Month
It does take some time to go in depth with the reading. It takes me 2 days to do one as detailed as I want (but I'm also writing it up, so that definitely adds more time).
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chthonicreverse · 2 months
🌸Jungkook, 전정국 🌸 Oracle Reading 🌸 Tarot Reading closest environment 🌸 career creativity wishes
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