#and 5b was bonkers in that regard
untherapized-eddie · 2 months
i've always kind of wondered if 5b was supposed to be leading to buddie in s6 (or even just the hintings of it more explicitly in s6). because i know part of it was eddie's ptsd arc and the fact he was at dispatch so he & buck couldn't have scenes together at work anymore, but the amount of scenes of buck in the diaz house in 5b was truly unprecedented. like he was fully enmeshed in their life and their space during that period.
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reflectismo · 3 years
On May 19th 1967, Brian Epstein hosted a dinner party in his Belgravia home to celebrate the launch of the upcoming Beatles LP, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Radio DJ Kenny Everett was among the invited, representing BBC-Radio. Everett would manage to record a few brief conversations with John, Paul and Ringo throughout the evening. Clips of the recording would be used the next day for the program "Where It’s At".
"I remember them standing up against the fireplace, bonkers, they couldn’t string two words together," said Everett. Lennon in particular, "was on Mars!"
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JOHN: (introducing the title track, in hushed announcer voice) "We're sitting in the hushed semi-circular theatre, and waiting for the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band to come on. (excitedly) And here they come now playing the first number, ah let's go! (pauses, then to Kenny) Alright? I can't do it for 'em all or I'll be dizzy."
PAUL: "This is James Paul McCartney, Upper 5B, saying that Kenny Everett is just about one of the finest disc jockeys in the world, as disc jockeys go, aren’t you Kenny?"
KENNY: (regarding the effects used in the studio) "How long would you say... you got into technical details like phasing?"
JOHN: (excitedly) "Oh, phasing is GREAT!"
PAUL: "Double-flanging."
JOHN: "Double-flanging, we call it. Now there you go, right? We're on the same thing. Flanging is great. We're always doing it."
KENNY: "You used it on 'Lucy In The Sky'..."
JOHN: (giggling) "You name the one it isn't on! You know, you name it!"
PAUL: (laughing)
JOHN: (giggling) "You spot it, you get a prize! You get a Sgt. Pepper badge!"
KENNY: (jokingly) "I'll pick a moustache."
JOHN: "Try anything you like!"
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