#and Charmy is just happy to have a waste bin for all his Gross Nasty Vegetables
true-blue-sonic · 7 months
Cream and Charmy being picky eaters because they're little kids and giving Silver the food they don't want to eat and he happily eats it
Now I have the funniest mental imagine in my head of Charmy, who's been sat down at the table by Espio and is N O T allowed to leave before he's eaten all his Brussels' sprouts. Bickering about it doesn't work, because Espio is just ignoring him and only intervenes to grab him by his scruff if he dares fly off... But in comes Silver, followed by a suspicious silence, and as Espio turns around Charmy proudly proclaims he ate everything and is allowed to leave now. Espio would not fall for it, but Silver claims innocence when questioned, and so there is little he can do this time. I think he would prefer this scenario over the food getting thrown away, haha!
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