#and Dundee is so….idk how to even describe it other than quiet
andromedda · 2 years
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moralambigutitty · 6 years
so i have Thots about the stupid multiverse theory or whatever it’s called
i know this probably won’t even show up in the tags but i love rambling into nothingness so here we are! honestly this is the most Articulate i can be on this subject bc it is literally so ridiculous to think about but We Love It. 
anyway i’ve been thinking about the isaks and evens meeting up recently and who would like who and who would hate who and how they would all react to each other’s differences. so i have compiled my thoughts into a post starting with....
The Isaks
so when the idea of the isaks and evens meeting up was first brought up in the fandom, it was originally theorized that the isaks would all hate each other’s guts while the evens would get along swimmingly but i tend to disagree. how i think it would play out under the cut
you see, i can agree that the isaks would definitely be weary of each other at first. our suspicious kings (and queens)!! they would all at first be collectively staring at each other with those Eyes (you know the ones), thinking shit like “this guy really thinks he’s that cool, huh?” because you know all isak’s have that Thing where they think they’re smarter than everyone around them?? but you also know that every one of them finds that exact trait incredibly annoying in other people. oh shit can you imagine them all around each other!!! their slytherin minds!! they’re like “who does that guy think he is? fake fake fake fake.”
so the isaks and evens have separated to different areas of the room they’re hanging out in and all the isaks are quietly just smoking together while the evens are going off about some film shit that doesn’t interest any of their boyfriends. matteo like laughs to himself softly and all of the isaks look up at him like “what” and he’s just like “oh david just hasn’t shut up about this vampire movie in forever, im glad he finally has some people to rant to who understand what he’s talking about” and all of the isaks like take a minute to fondly giggle at how silly all of their art hoe boyfriends are and suddenly it’s like all inhibitions are gone!!! these boys cannot shut up about whose manz is the most dramatic and theatrical!! isak talks about how even ran across oslo in 2.5 seconds to reunite with him. lucas lallemant pulls up eliott’s art finsta that’s literally dedicated to him, describing the significance behind every single post in detail. matteo opens up about how david let him see his Private drawings on literally their FIRST DATE and the other guys are like “brooooo wtf!!!” martino breaks his silence (idk i’ll talk more about martino’s Energies later but i just feel like he wouldn’t be talking much around this group of guys. he’s so very different from all of the other isaks in my head) to tell the story of when nico stole his mom’s car and drove for like six hours or whatever to wherever marti and the boys were. oh and also they skipped a whole day of school that one time to go to milan? and they like jumped over a fence and trespassed on like private property or something to smoke together (honestly is it extremely obvious that i have little to no idea what happened in sk*mit lmao) and the other guys are like......nodding along.....just kind of going with it like....”yeah dude woah how crazy! yall really uhhhh yall really Did That” and then martino just goes back to being quiet and staring at his hands. honestly, his personality is just so......different. idk if the other guys would vibe with him tbh. like while isak and fr lucas would obviously take the lead in the convos, i see martino just sitting there, his head constantly switching back and forth between the two of them like in the cabin scene where gio’s telling him how to text nico lmao
also!! yeah no isak and fr lucas become fast friends. they’re constantly making points and just aggressively agreeing with each other like!! imagine the conversations these two would have about science! matteo would jump in every now and then with some random comment about idk evolution or whatever the topic is now and isak and fr lucas would just bust their guts laughing like idk but they definitely think everything that comes out of matteo’s mouth is like the funniest thing in the world ya know like they have that energy. justice for isak and lucas lallemant and their Chaotic Best Friend Energy. then matteo just goes back to smoking and staring at david across the room like he hasn’t just won the dundee award for Funniest Isak.
lucas vdh is there too and he’s like 100% keeping up with the conversation and adding his own little quips every now and then. isak thinks he’s funny but he’s still like Suspicious of him (bc ofc he is i mean it’s vdh!! very on brand of him!!) and they like Smirk at each other every time vdh says something Snake-like bc isak lowkey respects the hustle?? vdh reminds isak of a younger version of himself. like honestly, out of all of the remakes, lucas vdh has the STRONGEST og isak energies to me. idk why he just like exudes season 1 isak snakeness. like look at them!!!!
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The Same Face.
also, robbe gets a honorable mention in the category of Remake Isaks Who Make OG Think Of His Younger Years And Tear Up A Bit. robbe’s like the little brother that somebody was forced to bring along but secretly they all love him. vdh and shay are constantly making fun of the silly tv shows that he’s always rambling on and on about. isak and fr lucas just punch them in the shoulders and shake their heads disapprovingly but don’t tell them to stop cuz they think it’s funny too
AND SHAY MY DAUGHTER dude you have no idea how amazing the guys would think she is. so we have some Class A misogynist kings in this group BUT shay might just be the exception. yall this is the girl who was talking about doo doo streaks. like she makes the other isaks laugh but in a different way than matteo does and she loves the validation! she highkey thinks they’re all annoying and is constantly saying things like “bro nah once i get my gf WATCH i am never gonna talk shit about her like yall do with all your bfs” and they just go pfftt like yeah wait until she blasts katy perry or some shit in the kitchen at 9 o’clock in the morning and you have pretend like youre into it just WATCH. WE ALL HAD TO GO THROUGH IT. YOU WILL TOO! shay says “watch me bitch!! katy perry’s bomb!”
fr lucas says he and eliott still listen to dubstep sometimes and then proceeds to get roasted by the squad when they find out that he plays classical piano lmao
also can we take a moment to appreciate our king lucas rubio bc let’s be honest he would sit down with the isaks for one second, listen to matteo talk about how he told david he loved him for the first time while discussing their favorite kermit the frog memes or something and scream into a pillow. like our one (1) mature isak king would just look over at cris who happened to tag along and roll his eyes but nope!! she’s actually like into it and immediately, she pulls up her secret meme instagram and now they’re all following each other and ugh! anyway lucas rubio gets up to go join the evens in their discussion about the fall of the 1920s noir film genre around the time shay, robbe, and vdh start arguing about who’s hair in the group is the best. he’s sensitive okay???
bro i gotta make a whole other post about the evens someday i have SO MUCH TO SAY
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ace-malarky · 5 years
Novel Prep Tag Game #1
tagged by @zmlorenz for this one as well, good stuff (I am taking forever on these I’m sorry here we go)
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
Ok, so Expect to Fly...
 Oh!  Ok first off I actually have a wip page now! It’s still a bit rough but I’m working on it (if anyone knows how to make it... expand to different screen sizes that would be neat, nothing I’ve tried has worked satisfactorily yet)
First Look
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
 When Ifernia summons her wings in what she claims is an accident, the flyers of the world are thrown into uproar about what this could mean for them. With only a few flyers on her side, Ifernia has to learn who she is and what she wants all over again.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
The last draft is sitting at 96k words! I think it should be dropping a bit in the current edits but I’m not altogether sure. But it’s definitely... meant to just be a novel...
 plus a sort of off-shoot novel dealing with the fallout in the parallel world. A duology then, I guess?
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
 Wings, fire, the open air, fists up and learning to fight. Growing confidence and an easy smile, uncertainty to ‘this is who I am’
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
 Oh... what was I reading at the time... I can’t remember but it was like ten years ago (shit it was ten years ago)
 Uh probably things like... Michael Morpurgo’s The Ghost of Grania O’Malley, Michael Molloy’s The Witch Trade, maybe Jean Ure’s Pumpkin Pie?
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
 hecking images ok
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Main Character
6. Who is your protagonist?  
 Ifernia Fiarer! She’s a sixteen year old girl in high school who would really just like to get on with schooling and her exams, thank
7. Who is their closest ally?
 Probably Vechtir and Kari? 
8. Who is their enemy?
 Merphis! He’s a ladder climbing dude who will trample over anyone in his way.
9. What do they want more than anything?
10. Why can’t they have it?
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
 How about I thump in this picture that I paid @paper-shield-art for? Look it’s beautiful
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Plot Points
13. What is the internal conflict?
 She does a lot of avoiding the problem because she didn’t really... want this... she just wants a quiet life - or... well, to finish off her schooling and get to decide what she wants to do then, not have to decide now
14. What is the external conflict?
 Partly that she gets lost in the wrong world, partly that the flyers are [background] fighting over what she’s going to be to them (ie a figurehead, a scapegoat, a martyr)
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
 I think if the council decided to take her with them and make her their figurehead, or make an example of her in front of everyone. To just have all her choices taken away from her and not have her friends & family about her.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
 I’m not sure if there is one...? Unless her becoming the Phoenix counts...?
 Or it’s possibly something Kari teaches her about selfworth, idk
17. Do you know how it ends?  
 Yes. Yes I do :3
Bits and Bobs
18. What is the theme?
 Choice and Identity
19. What is a reoccurring symbol?
 I’m not too good on these, not gonna lie. So this draft round I am... trying to pull in more fire imagery & symbolism along that way. Maybe throw in some artsy rebirth stuff, too
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
 So it’s set about Dundee, Scotland, on the banks of the Tay. I’m unsure whether or not I’m going to pull it from its original year bc if I don’t then like... the city’s changed and I’m gonna have to remember things...
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?  
 Already written the whole thing buddy but uh. I gotta rewrite a couple things so 
 The museum scene needs... actually added in. Just to flesh out Billy a bit more (because I suck at keeping antagonists antagonistic ok)
22. What excited you about this story?
 Back when I first thought of it... probably the flying, not gonna lie.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!
s c r e a m
  but really I find writing a lot of it longhand helps. Although last draft I did do mostly to the computer, so there you go. Soundtracks in the background, lots of surfing around the web, very few interruptions. Occasional long ass walks when I hit a wall
 And I’m gonna tag... @minny-king, @bookishdiplodocus, @katiehahnbooks
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