#and Hajimu in the AZRE au
rwbyazre · 1 year
Do you also want to talk about the other ships in AZRE that you like but won’t really appear?
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hi lorekeeper ais here to steal this ask to talk about the ships in azre i love that won’t show up because luke hates me
tarnished silver [adam/eirian]: i love these two & have been vying for them from day one, even though i do still love manticores & golden fleece. really what draws me to adam & eirian is that they are two sides of a coin, not only in their mentality on the world & their oppression, but in the way their stories play out. both come from sources of pain & struggle in different ways to keep on their paths & change what they can even when the world is trying to push them in the opposite direction. some of my favourite scenes in the story so far have been on these two because they’re so rich in character development & tension. chefs kiss.
school tests [eliana/ozpin]: the OG ride or dies tbh. eliana loves ozpin, her trust in him is as constant as water, which is why she also consistently butts heads with james who doesn't trust ozpin. now this isn't blind trust, but one that was hard earned through their relationship & it's something i just love about them. eliana wants a safe world for her children & with a heart as guarded as her, having that belief in ozpin is earth shattering to the pair of them.
cats eye [ruri/blake]: see now this is a ship i love because it won't work out in the end. ruri & blake are so similar, that's not the issue here, but the way they handle situations is fundamentally juxtaposed. blake has her mind set & struggles to move away from that, combined with her innate instinct to run when things get tough — which isn't a bad thing when it's kept her safe all these years — & it's just paradoxically too fixed for ruri. i don't think ruri would ever get over being left behind, especially with her own trauma of what happened with seigyoku & kogyoku.
nikong [sun/pyrrha]: they are the best of friends, doo doo do doo! which is kind of the issue cause pyrrha lets sun get away with so much until she has to put her foot down but there's also a comforting familiarity between them. sun has that mischievious nature that pyrrha can't help but be drawn to because she wants that, she's spent so much of her life straight laced for the good of everyone else that seeing sun like this is exhilarating. sun i think also finds himself gravitating to pyrrha because she's, in a non oedipus way, like eliana. they're both strong minded, strong willed: they do what needs to be done & keep a smile on their face throughout it for the betterment of everyone else & sun wants to help her shake that off a little, just so she can be a teenager for a while too.
black bengals [sienna/hajimu]: this one is like, semi canon in an au because if we could've done azre again, we would've just gotten rid of ghira & made these two the former power couple of the white fang & menagerie. which is precisely why i love them, i'm a sucker for tragic sapphics.
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spectralscathath · 3 years
For Antares, why is Blake's mom using a different name?
I finally have the time to answer this, so first of all, hope you're enjoying Antares, I'm currently in a writing haze for it to make up for lost time from my uni semester. There will be more!
And to answer your question, the easy answer is that I've changed Blake's mom to basically be a different character with a different allusion. Ghira Belladonna has graciously handed his 'Bagheera' allusion to his wife, and has now taken on the allusion of Tybalt, Prince of Cats, from the tales of Reynard the Fox (famously referenced as a moniker for Tybalt in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet).
Blake's mom in Antares, Mrs. Rajani Belladonna, fills a much different role to in the show, as Blake's storyline has changed in a few key ways as well.
The other answer, and what inspired the name change in, is because of an illuminating conversation with my friends where I found out that Kali, and similar words, while a Hindu goddess of destruction, is also a slur when referring to people, especially based on skin colour. And if you don't believe me, it's on wikipedia's list of slurs.
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So, that's my reasoning for changing Blake's mom's name to Rajani, as it takes out the Actual Slur and also, since Rajani is an entirely different character pretty much compared to Show!Kali, I feel like it's a good differentation.
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