#and I am more of a Spyros if anyone cares- though I do scream EEEEEEE like zoumpoulia unironically
kyeterna · 11 months
OC-tober day 19 prompt: inspiration
Featuring the main squad from Search Party of Four!! (Kassandra, Roza, Lucy and Dimitra)
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August of 2020. We are messing around a school yard none of us have ever attended. We are chatting, I mostly keep bringing the conversation back to Sto Para Pente. Unlike my cousins (and most people of my generation) I hadn't watched it until then. And damn it was I obsessed. "I just love the whole found family dynamic going on. Just the concept of wildly different people from different backgrounds working together to solve a mystery- hey remember when we used to play pretend as cousins we were the main cast?" "How the hell do you remember stuff like that" [A] asks. "Must be nice to be living in the same city-" [S] mumbles just loud enough for us to hear. "[M] was Dalia, you were Aggela, my brother was Spyros, yours was Fotis, I was Zou- HEY WHY WAS I ZOUMPOULIA?!"
Us as the main cast. I thought it would be fun to make a mystery story where four stand ins for us from wildly different backgrounds would have to work together to uncover a mystery. "Hey guys, what fake name would you choose for yourselves?" "What do you mean?" [M] asks. "For example, when I was like 10, I decided if I were to ever use a fake name to introduce myself I would choose Dimitra Lyritsa" "Reason being?" [M] probes. "I don't know, seemed nice" "I think I would go for Roza" [A] states. "Wooooooo spicy name- I would go for Kassandra. I think it's mysterious and cool" "What about you [M]?" "Uhhhh I don't know.... Lucy?" "That doesn't sound Greek at all" "Loukia works" "She's half Greek whatever-".
And so we spent that evening roleplaying as our fake personas, getting to learn more about their personalities and backstories, making a story from the ground up. "Kiki you should make this an actual story" "I will"
Search Party of Four in my eyes is very specific things at its core. It's my hometown, the month of october, and all the fond memories I have with my cousins. I always thought it was kind of a shame that I US-ified my stories, without really showcasing anything related to my every day life yknow. So this was a good way to do it. While it is inspired by the show Sto Para Pente, it barely has any real similarities to it. Like the similarities begin and end at how different people become friends as they work together to solve a mystery and it takes place in Greece. That's all of it. As for pure vibes inspiration, lovejoy music, especially their first EP. It could be that I make this association because I was listening to the EP a lot when working on the story (well more like the EP came out when I was working on it). Taunt is a Kassandra song-
If you recognise where the pictures were taken from- no you don't <3
From bweirdart's OC-tober prompt:
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While I am doing this challenge mostly to keep an archive of my characters on tumblr (and to incentivise myself to draw them), if you, person stumbling upon this post, are curious and wanna learn more, my askbox is open >:3c
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