#and I didn't want to take more bc it has very scary warnings about destroying ur liver
martianbugsbunny · 2 months
sitting here in my Castle Of Kleenex w my Blanket That Does Absolutely Nothing and my Useless Four-Hour Cough Medicine
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thedragonsfate · 3 years
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Long post abt Willie bc Ive been thinking about him CONSTANTLY (warning for discussion of emotional abuse/manipulation)
- Anyway yall ever think abt how LONG Willie mightve been wrapped up with the HGC if he rlly died in the 80s. like we're probably talking DECADES under Calebs thumb
- how engrained survival behavior becomes after a fraction of that and escapism (thank God for ghost skateboarding) and Convincing Yourself it's Not That Bad
- also the weird instinct of allegiance toward the person who's manipulatated you (fuck Caleb) because of specific conditional kindnesses that have been skewed to feel like genuine care/something you owe them for
- I feel like it's really apparent in Willie taking the FULL blame so hard for the boys getting stamped. the fact of the matter is Willie didn't cause Calebs actions, and yes he brought them to the HGC but he did everything out of a desire to just. genuinely help them. A little bit of guilt for bringing them makes sense but I think just like Alex's anxiety pushing him to take the full blame just because he met Willie, Willie taking the full blame for Calebs actions bc he "knows what he's capable of" is an over ownership of blame that isn't his. which makes sense bc im sure some of yall know what I mean when I say ppl like Caleb are Very Good at twisting their actions into being Your Fault.
- I'm sure Willie probably wanted to give them the chance to see the other side of how he spends his afterlife a little as well. Bc he DOES like to just hang out and party and I'm sure there's a part of him that wanted to give the boys (Alex) the opportunity to taste it, even with the price, not to trap them but to share something hes surely been actively convincing himself is awesome with the boy he wants to spend forever with (and his band)
- I think so much of it comes down to that convincing yourself / being convinced that it's Not That Bad even when your gut is screaming that it is.
- Willie is obviously fearful of Caleb, and we see Caleb threaten him, and you know Caleb keeps that exact threat under his belt and has surely used it before. and you can see how immediately the self loathing and "you should've known better" mindset kicks in and you Learn that shit. decades of being belittled and blackmailed and gaslit and mocked but given small bits of "kindness" (see: I even saved a special table for them + Willies excitement and surprise) makes you harsh on yourself bc you can only be treated a certain way for so long before the manipulation sets into your own thoughts, hell that's the point
- ALSO the feeling of powerlessness! willie spying on the boys and telling Alex that he can't explain. I know there are some people who, even with the threat of being destroyed, would argue that he can but. between the threat of being ACTUALLY snuffed out and other potentially more painful fates from a man with everything on you and no qualms about hurting others.. he can't. idc what anyone says there IS bravery in Willie finally telling them what's going on and how to potentially fix it.
- not to mention the horror of hearing that Caleb stamped them - whether you believe the club stamp is attached to taking the souls of club members or if you think it's Always about the flickering - Willie knows what it is immediately. Willie has seen Caleb use it SPECIFICALLY for the jolts and the end of existence altogether. and that's scary
- and the FEAR of that because it's not an empty threat. he's seen what Caleb can and will do. it was already such a heavy weight on him and then it happens to this great guy he's met and really likes and he's convinced it's entirely his fault
-and honestly there's also just the element of. even if it WAS an empty threat. Caleb has established himself as this all powerful ghost who can and will hurt others should he "need" to. regardless of his actual power he's instilled too much fear into Willie for him to take the chance that he's bluffing
- all I'm saying is. there's a really poignant duality to Willie knowing and fearing Calebs cruelty and Willie knowing he's stuck tied to the HGC & having to make the most of it if he wants to mentally survive this eternity long debt to this stupid magician ghost. that just screams emotional abuse lmaoo
-that's all for this post sometimes I just think abt ppl who blame Willie and go????? bro did we watch the same show? guy couldn't be more kind hearted and earnest to help. there's not a shred of malicious intent toward the guys. It makes endless sense that Willie would convince himself he's nervous about Caleb for no reason and that he would help the guys out. both because he wants SO bad to help Alex and his friends, to get him smiling again because they looked so frustrated and disappointed but also because there's no way he can have survived, enjoyed being around the HGC, aware of the dangers and threats it comes with, without having been even just somewhat convinced that it's fun it's not that bad I'm overreacting Caleb takes care of us surely he'll help and the guys can accomplish what they want
ok now I'm done xndndnncn always feel free to talk to me abt this thank u if you read the whole thing lmao
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