#martianbugsbunny has a cold
martianbugsbunny · 3 months
sitting here in my Castle Of Kleenex w my Blanket That Does Absolutely Nothing and my Useless Four-Hour Cough Medicine
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priscilla9993 · 1 year
Rogers and Weaver Scenes
I can’t get enough of the tension and comradery these two have so here’s a summary of key moments. @martianbugsbunny I hope this helps you. :D
7x01 Rogers gets promoted to detective and meets Weaver as his partner
7x02 Before Sabine and Jacinda appear in Roni’s bar, Weaver is parked outside the precinct, upset at Rogers for showing up late (early really since his shift is not for another hour) and having an inflated ego. Rogers thinks he got promoted for his hard work but Weaver states that Rogers only became detective bc he chose him. Why? Well, we get riddles as Rogers gets thrown the keys and forced to drive as the new guy. 
In Belfrey Towers, when they are told to destroy Henry with blackmail, Rogers gets mad at Weaver in the elevator about legality and where loyalties lie. Another moment in Roni’s bar where Roni warns Rogers about Weaver’s partners never staying around long. Definitely in Henry’s apartment with the lightbulb that Rogers knows how to turn on bc he’s been there before. During Lucy’s ballet, where Rogers drops the swan keychain into Henry’s apron pocket and then later gets confronted by Weaver for almost throwing away the expensive blackmail bracelet into a gutter. However, in the process, Rogers has restores Weaver’s belief that the rookie detective has a moral code that can’t be sullied by greed or pressure. Absolutely stunning tension and resolution.
7x03 Rogers does some investigating of his own on Michael Griffiths, a guy working for Victoria, and gets caught by Weaver in the police station. Rogers fibs that he’s late for a court date over parking tickets. Weaver spies on him from the overpass and later, about 25 mins in, releases Griffiths in front of Rogers, explaining how some things aren’t black and white, requiring ‘finesse’. I love how Weaver covers up for Rogers’ mistakes, lawful and righteous as they may seem, and turns them into both a teaching moment and an upperhand on complicated things like cold cases and Victoria.
7x04 Nearly 9 mins in, Rogers and Weaver walk through the park as Weaver explains how Tilly, his informant, has managed to make Victoria fearful. Weaver goes looking for Tilly to use her as a pawn to gain leverage, while Rogers gets emotionally protective of her, realizing Weaver doesn’t care about anyone. Then, big key moment, Weaver wakes up in the hospital bed with Rogers by his side clutching a bullet that tore right through the lucky bastard, ‘must be bloody immortal’. Rumple/Weaver lies about who shot him and orders that Tilly can go free, gaining Rogers’s empathy of “Well, perhaps you do care about her” as Rumple pretends to be Weaver with an uncaring attitude and rude remark.
7x06 Cute back and forth in hospital as Weaver decides to leave the medical facility early, walking out and kicking the wheelchair, as Rogers clearly takes joy in seeing the older man be stubborn but not as threatening as before. This takes a sour turn as Weaver makes it clear he’s not nice as he warns Rogers about having errands to run later.
7x07 Rogers finds the dead body of a guy he interviewed and arrested a few days before. Weaver shows up to the crime scene and takes Rogers off the case for emotional attachment and obsession with a cold case, along with investigating without proper procedure or communication between partners. Rogers accuses him of being shady and working with Victoria Belfrey to cover up something in the Heights or regarding Eloise Gardener. Another big key moment: Rogers and Weaver dance the line across each other’s personal space in the evidence room as Rogers gets rightfully upset over Weaver’s lies and sneaky actions, using Tilly as a pawn and a fake painted journal page to trick him into believing the girl from his cold case is dead. Weaver states that ‘obsessions can be dangerous things’ and cryptically admits that he had good reason for being prickly, wanting to protect Rogers from his easily short tempered and stubbornly headstrong self, the person who can’t see that Eloise Gardener isn’t who he is truly looking for. 
7x08 Rogers solved the cold case and Eloise is now free, but Weaver warns him in the police station that he has no idea what he just blew wide open. 
7x09 Ten minutes in, Weaver escorts Victoria out of the police station jail under the notion of Rogers failing to obtain a warrant despite exigent circumstances. Rogers is sure that Weaver made the judge look the other way and that there’s something fishy going on. Weaver advises he keep his head down, not dig for clues, and heed past advice. The episode’s last bit is important and sticks clear in my head XD. Near the end of the episode, Rogers asks Weaver who or what he’s looking for, drawing of dagger in hand. Rogers isn’t going to take any bs and wants the truth since all Weaver has been doing is speaking in riddles or shutting him out. Rogers gives him the chance to be honest and Rumple does him a favor by backing out of his Weaver persona, explaining the best he can without sounding insane about how everything he’s done currently is an attempt to get back to his wife. While the two may be on rocky terms, this creates a solid foundation and understanding based on newfound trust, Rogers insisting to help and Weaver asking him to help find Lucy. (just gonna cry over here from these two finally being partners on equal ground)
7x10 Quite the blink it and miss it kind of scene. At the end of the episode, Rogers and Tilly find Weaver in a messy evidence room, torn ‘all upside down’, ready to tell him about the wagon wheel graffiti symbol found on the streets, behind the Troll. Weaver shows them a coin with the same symbol and Rogers knows the older detective probably has an explanation, but doesn’t want to hear it as he can tell it won’t make sense or be believable.
7x11 Twelve mins in, Weaver tries to tell Rogers the truth about Eloise Gardener, how she’s a cult leader who repeated the actions of what was done to her, leading to the kidnapping of a teenager named Anastasia. Rogers doesn’t want to believe he freed a bad or dangerous person so he leaves the precinct to prove her innocence. 24 minutes in, after Rogers visited Eloise in her apartment, he finds himself doubting Eloise’s innocence, ‘unable to find unassailable proof’. One thing’s for sure, Rogers has a nose for the truth and wants to know what Eloise is hiding, trusting Weaver’s next plan of action, the search for greenhouses. After finding Ivy holding a dead Victoria, Rogers gains an open mind on what is considered good or evil as Weaver says things are about to get darker in Hyperion Heights.
7x12 Sixteen minutes in, Rogers and Weaver are on the case of Andrea Sage’s murder and what connects to it. They meet gingerbread baker with the wagon wheel tattoo. Luckily, they come back to the bakery later and find the passed out baker in the kitchen with turned on gas stoves, saving her life. 
7x13 Unrelated but can someone please give Tilly a hug? Rogers is getting played like a fiddle by Eloise as she emotionally torments him in return for sharing relevant info. Weaver has to sit out and watch through cameras since she won’t speak with him near. They gain info on heart shaped chocolate boxes and talk to flower shop owner to no avail. At the end of the episode, Tilly caught in a compromising murder situation, the two detectives can tell she’s been framed and choose to protect her. Weaver explains what the other police could see as motive, sharing with Rogers her tragic history, and buys him time to go find Tilly and prove her innocence.
7x14 Seven minutes in, Rogers calls the current case ‘The Candy Killer Case’ as Weaver glues a porcelain teacup (iconic chipped cup) back together. Them wishing each other well on some time off or away from the case is so sweet. 
7x16 Rogers and Weaver scout the Belfrey Towers parking lot for the Candy Killer’s trail. The two dads discuss their parenting techniques as Tilly gets a proper job lol. As an analogy, Weaver supplies fish as Rogers teaches Tilly how to fish. Somehow they find the killer’s book of scribbled book margins and relation to story. How? It’s a magical macguffin. 
7x18 They find Hansel/Jack/Nick dead inside of the interrogation room. Separate character moments in this. Not much else to say.
7x20 Twelve mins in, Rogers gets back to the police station after running out from the underground theater. Weaver tries to gently tell and explain to him the truth, why his connection to Tilly and sense of purpose to do good stems from the past life he can’t remember. Then a bit of comedy as they recruit Margot to try and wake up Tilly from the spell casting ritual. Absolutely sweet as Rumple and Killian get to be like old rivals that have gone soft or grown with maturity. 
7x21 and 22 Killian is there for Rumple as he explains the hobbling of himself to avoid war, them saying why they’re friends as they pound against the glass in the magical snowglobe that is blizzarding over, and the heart exchange.
Overall, I’m amazed at how many scenes they had with each other as detective partners (as I had forgotten so many of these) and still happily torn up at how the built up trust led to less tension and more heartfelt scenes. 
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