#and I dont read stuff that villainzes them really so
percabeth4life · 2 years
Saw your posts about the inaccuracies of the gods and I was wondering if you had any recs/If you wrote any that feature the Gods that are more like the myths ? Or not as silly, I get why Rick wrote them as such considering its demographic but I would like something showing they aren’t human or good people.
// hope this isn’t too long I did try to shorten it I swear 😭
*squints* well uh- I do have a few recs where the Gods are actually treated respectfully... But uh- if you're looking for stories that villainize them this ain't the place for it. They are good, they are wonderful, they aren't *people* they're *Gods* but they're most certainly *good*.
If you're wanting ones where the Gods are treated right tho-
Continued below the cut
To Make a Legend Series- aka. ATLOP Verse by Me
Percy learned he wasn't a normal human on one ordinary day at the beach. First he thought he was a waterbender (like Master Katara), then he thought he was a demititan (why else would Triton be so worried about his parentage?), and then he was told he was a demigod. Now he's got to deal with the rising conflict and a war on the horizon while learning how to be a good prince of the sea.
This fic is a full fledged rewrite, including actual Hellenic practices, a pagan camp, lots of diversity, and properly treated Gods. I aim for accuracy as much as possible, and every chapter has quite a bit of research put into it. Latest chapter is very informative on funeral rites :)
Follows canon at the start, slowly snowballs away from canon.
Pray to the King, the Protector, the Murderer (Pray to Time) by Me
Kronos was a really interesting God, in Percy’s opinion. He was a Titan God who had killed his dad to take over, then ruled for a long time and created the Golden Age... before he ate his kids and they got revenge by cutting him up. Percy related to him though, not on the eating his kids part, but the part where Kronos murdered his own dad.
Percy very much wished he could murder Gabe. Kronos probably had loads of ideas for killing horrible (step)parents. And people prayed to Gods for help all the time, why not for help with murder?
Or: Percy starts worshipping Kronos as a kid, hoping for some advice on how to off Gabe. Kronos is happy to assist.
This one is more of a crack fic, but is also a love letter to Kronos (from me) lol. Percy worships Kronos, the Gods are mostly Rick verse but also not given much attention as the focus is on the dynamic between Percy and Kronos. Switching POV: Kronos and Percy.
Stories of the Futures Past by Me
The Fates have seen troubling times to come, and wish to correct wrongs before they are done. These wrongs are ancient though, and not even correcting the Gods could fix the crimes. Thus the Fates go back, to the times of the Titans. And with some hand-picked heroes, and a set of books, they hope to prevent the mistakes of the future from occurring again.
Titans read the books with the kids.
A read the books fic I desperately need to update. The readers end up in the Titans time, with no guarantee of returning home. Showcases as accurate as possible portrayals of the Titans and ancient practices (books are Rick canon and thus not proper to them but the Titans call it out).
You Will See Me Thrive by Me
Percy Jackson has struggled his whole life handling pain, having Rheumatoid Arthritis would do that to a person, but he's always had his mom there for him. Now he's been thrown into the world of the Gods, and his mom is gone.
Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse he got claimed by Poseidon, who's being accused of a theft. What a fun time proving him innocent will be.
While I will be sticking with a more canon esque portrayal of camp, Percy is a Pagan and worships the Gods and the Gods themselves will be portrayed properly. Showcasing a lot of the subtle ways the Gods act in ones life, and a disabled Percy struggled extra hard to deal with demigod life.
I may be a dumbass but I'm not stupid by @izzymrdb
Percy may be oblivious, but he eventually figures out that something up when the fish start talking.
And when the only available conclusion to all the evidence he's gathered is that he's the son of a god, what will he do?
Izzy is a classics major and while this fic is effectively on hiatus, it is one of my absolute favorites. Amazing portrayals of the Gods, further divergence from canon, exploration of Hellenic practices.
And I will swallow my pride (in hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong.
Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise."
It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Fem!Percy time travel to the past AU. Fairly accurate to history and mythology in culture, with some liberties, very engaging and Rhea has a lot of interesting adventures. Perpollo, with misunderstandings abound (but in a very fun way).
Red Tide by @alicekumori
Red tide: A phenomenon caused by algal blooms during which algae become so numerous that they discolor coastal waters (hence the name "red tide"). The algal bloom may also deplete oxygen in the waters and/or release toxins that may cause illness in humans and other animals.
Olympians may be forbidden from interfering directly in their children's lives, but nothing is stopping them from dropping in on the rest. After losing to Percy Jackson on the beach in Los Angeles, Ares' reputation has suffered a downfall, so the War God figured that if rumors are going to spread, he was going to at least make sure they believed he lost to a mighty warrior.
Or an AU where Ares decides to train Percy Jackson into the warrior he was always meant to be because there is no way in Hades he's going to let people think he was taken down by such a scrawny twig.
A delightful fic all but dedicated to Ares which, while slow to update, is always a delight. Good portrayal of Ares, expected good portrayal of other Gods to come.
Here's some selections, most by me as I don't read a whole lot of PJO fics rn. I have a few others I like, but they aren't necessarily... True to the Gods. This is a nice variety of genres and styles of writing so you should find something to enjoy.
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