What’s your favorite chapter/bit in Midnight Sun?
I have to cop out and say I can't pick one.
It's every word of every sentence.
Do I pick where Edward picks up his family (who he ditched with no explanation) in a car smelling distinctly like Bella Swan where he giggles like a maniac while they watch him with wide eyes from the back seat?
Is it Edward cackling gleefully when Rosalie storms out of the room, humiliated, when Edward reads in her thoughts that she's jealous of the attention Edward's giving Bella and refuses to explain this while Esme just sits there listening to his playing piano saying, "Play it again, Sam"?
Is it the fucking vote on whether we should assassinate a seventeen-year-old girl today in which it shockingly (or perhaps not if one follows the blog) looks like the uh vote was hm... not in Bella's favor?
Do I pick Alice making it clear, numerous times, that Edward has less than 50/50 odds of not eating Bella in any given moment and he chooses to hang around her anyway and Alice enables this? Or is it Alice years ago having bought Edward a blouse and him realizing on the day he has to show Bella his sparkle magic that Alice is omniscient because she knew he would wear it someday even though he hates short-sleeves?
Do I pick Edward literally sugar-coating everything to Bella, everything possible, all the time because he knows the second he fesses up she'll bolt.
Is it Edward's constant, violent, fantasies about murdering Mike Newton for the crime of simply existing?
Is it the very noticeable capitalization of the word "son" in dialogue when Carlisle is speaking to Edward?
Look, I genuinely cannot pick, the entire thing is a fucking ride and a mad house.
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wakeofvultures · 12 days
Hey !! I’ve finally got some free time from school and re read CITC, was wondering if you had any plans to update ?
Wow, that's so nice to hear that you read CITC! I'm really sure that I will get back to it eventually!
Unfortunately (for that fic), I got really sucked into the Hunger Games prequel fandom at the beginning of the year, and it refuses to leave me!
I do have a bit of the next chapter written that I occasionally stare at, feeling a little bad that I haven't updated in so long! Maybe, I'll try and spruce it up to publish at some point! I really do plan on finishing this fic, haha! And I'm so glad to hear that you're still waiting on updates!
Anyway, thanks for the patience! I really hope I can at least army crawl out of this other brainrot to deliver something to you before the end of the year!
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therealvinelle · 1 year
Have you watched any media that has something similar to what/how you think vampires sound like ?
You mean Twilight vampires?
Not really.
The closest I get (and I know this is a nonsense answer) is Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The magical girls are demigods who have sold their souls and surrendered their humanity in exchange for a wish fulfilled and the power of the magical girl, and their demise is inevitable: sooner or later they succumb to a despair that destroys them.
Fantastic, 10/10, "This is just like Twilight" - me, "Vinelle, I think you forget what those books were about" - The Carnivorous Muffin.
Also I just read your question again and realized you were asking about what their voices sound like. I have a fancast for Twilight here, I hope that answers the question.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Saw your posts about the inaccuracies of the gods and I was wondering if you had any recs/If you wrote any that feature the Gods that are more like the myths ? Or not as silly, I get why Rick wrote them as such considering its demographic but I would like something showing they aren’t human or good people.
// hope this isn’t too long I did try to shorten it I swear 😭
*squints* well uh- I do have a few recs where the Gods are actually treated respectfully... But uh- if you're looking for stories that villainize them this ain't the place for it. They are good, they are wonderful, they aren't *people* they're *Gods* but they're most certainly *good*.
If you're wanting ones where the Gods are treated right tho-
Continued below the cut
To Make a Legend Series- aka. ATLOP Verse by Me
Percy learned he wasn't a normal human on one ordinary day at the beach. First he thought he was a waterbender (like Master Katara), then he thought he was a demititan (why else would Triton be so worried about his parentage?), and then he was told he was a demigod. Now he's got to deal with the rising conflict and a war on the horizon while learning how to be a good prince of the sea.
This fic is a full fledged rewrite, including actual Hellenic practices, a pagan camp, lots of diversity, and properly treated Gods. I aim for accuracy as much as possible, and every chapter has quite a bit of research put into it. Latest chapter is very informative on funeral rites :)
Follows canon at the start, slowly snowballs away from canon.
Pray to the King, the Protector, the Murderer (Pray to Time) by Me
Kronos was a really interesting God, in Percy’s opinion. He was a Titan God who had killed his dad to take over, then ruled for a long time and created the Golden Age... before he ate his kids and they got revenge by cutting him up. Percy related to him though, not on the eating his kids part, but the part where Kronos murdered his own dad.
Percy very much wished he could murder Gabe. Kronos probably had loads of ideas for killing horrible (step)parents. And people prayed to Gods for help all the time, why not for help with murder?
Or: Percy starts worshipping Kronos as a kid, hoping for some advice on how to off Gabe. Kronos is happy to assist.
This one is more of a crack fic, but is also a love letter to Kronos (from me) lol. Percy worships Kronos, the Gods are mostly Rick verse but also not given much attention as the focus is on the dynamic between Percy and Kronos. Switching POV: Kronos and Percy.
Stories of the Futures Past by Me
The Fates have seen troubling times to come, and wish to correct wrongs before they are done. These wrongs are ancient though, and not even correcting the Gods could fix the crimes. Thus the Fates go back, to the times of the Titans. And with some hand-picked heroes, and a set of books, they hope to prevent the mistakes of the future from occurring again.
Titans read the books with the kids.
A read the books fic I desperately need to update. The readers end up in the Titans time, with no guarantee of returning home. Showcases as accurate as possible portrayals of the Titans and ancient practices (books are Rick canon and thus not proper to them but the Titans call it out).
You Will See Me Thrive by Me
Percy Jackson has struggled his whole life handling pain, having Rheumatoid Arthritis would do that to a person, but he's always had his mom there for him. Now he's been thrown into the world of the Gods, and his mom is gone.
Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse he got claimed by Poseidon, who's being accused of a theft. What a fun time proving him innocent will be.
While I will be sticking with a more canon esque portrayal of camp, Percy is a Pagan and worships the Gods and the Gods themselves will be portrayed properly. Showcasing a lot of the subtle ways the Gods act in ones life, and a disabled Percy struggled extra hard to deal with demigod life.
I may be a dumbass but I'm not stupid by @izzymrdb
Percy may be oblivious, but he eventually figures out that something up when the fish start talking.
And when the only available conclusion to all the evidence he's gathered is that he's the son of a god, what will he do?
Izzy is a classics major and while this fic is effectively on hiatus, it is one of my absolute favorites. Amazing portrayals of the Gods, further divergence from canon, exploration of Hellenic practices.
And I will swallow my pride (in hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong.
Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise."
It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Fem!Percy time travel to the past AU. Fairly accurate to history and mythology in culture, with some liberties, very engaging and Rhea has a lot of interesting adventures. Perpollo, with misunderstandings abound (but in a very fun way).
Red Tide by @alicekumori
Red tide: A phenomenon caused by algal blooms during which algae become so numerous that they discolor coastal waters (hence the name "red tide"). The algal bloom may also deplete oxygen in the waters and/or release toxins that may cause illness in humans and other animals.
Olympians may be forbidden from interfering directly in their children's lives, but nothing is stopping them from dropping in on the rest. After losing to Percy Jackson on the beach in Los Angeles, Ares' reputation has suffered a downfall, so the War God figured that if rumors are going to spread, he was going to at least make sure they believed he lost to a mighty warrior.
Or an AU where Ares decides to train Percy Jackson into the warrior he was always meant to be because there is no way in Hades he's going to let people think he was taken down by such a scrawny twig.
A delightful fic all but dedicated to Ares which, while slow to update, is always a delight. Good portrayal of Ares, expected good portrayal of other Gods to come.
Here's some selections, most by me as I don't read a whole lot of PJO fics rn. I have a few others I like, but they aren't necessarily... True to the Gods. This is a nice variety of genres and styles of writing so you should find something to enjoy.
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dearestones · 2 years
It’s Nicer Inside (Yandere! Near x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character/behavior, obsession, implied stalking, isolation of the reader, etc. 
@socksandaslide: Hey its me from ao3 lol requesting Yandere Near
Rain was not an uncommon occurrence in England.
Today, like most days, the sound of rain hitting the ground and colliding with the roof distracted you as you stared out the window. For some odd reason, the thunderous roar felt unusually loud today. As you rested your head against one of the windows, the cool glass acting as a respite against boredom, you heard some of the aides instruct the rest of the children to stay inside.
Ha, all of you knew better at this point.
Sure, some of the younger and more reserved of your peers would stay inside, but it wasn’t because of obedience. Rather, it was because they couldn’t be bothered to make the trip outside, knowing that it wasn’t worth getting rained on. For others, however, you knew that within a few minutes, the rebellious children would escape through whatever route generations of children had been using. Already, you could see some of the older wards, lighting up cigarettes or scaling the gates to freedom.
If you really wanted to, you could escape the aides’ notice and leave, but you weren’t too inclined. It was warm and cozy inside, but the rainfall looked a little too hazardous to brave going outside.
As the sky continued to darken, you heard the sound of a door opening slightly, the rasping wheeze of dry hinges grating on your ears. Your eyes flickered at the newcomer, only for you to avert your gaze in irritation.
It was him.
As was par for the course, when children were cooped together for long periods of time, negative interactions were more than likely to happen. Some of the older wards liked to bully the newcomers and the young. Some of the younger children liked to manipulate their peers. And most would turn a blind eye when a playground fight escalated into horrific displays of violence. The poor aides at Wammy’s were so overworked and fed up with the children’s antics, that they were often rendered inefficient.
You have had your fair share of bullying and getting bullied, but that didn’t mean that you would intentionally act out in ill will. Often, your acting out was usually because you were forced to do so; there was only so much patience one had before it would begin to wear thin.
But this was Near.
And Near wasn’t a target for ill will. Usually.
Mello would say otherwise, but many of your peers and yourself would say that out of everyone, Near was not a target to be manipulated, exploited, or targeted. He was far too high up the chain: an apex predator in an environment filled with other worthy opponents.
And, as much as possible, you tried not to interact with the number one candidate for succession as much as possible.
Was it out of fear?
Perhaps, but it was more out of the knowledge that you could never measure up to him. As the top candidate with only one member vying for his spot, socializing with him was akin to trying to talk to a star: far out of reach and impossible.
Plus, it was also out of a sense of self-preservation. Mello was mercurial on the best of days. If he found out that you weren’t avoiding Near or was actively getting involved into their rivalry… Well, you feared for the worst.
However, here was the thing: Near came to you.
You weren’t sure when it started, but all of a sudden, he began attaching himself to you at every given opportunity. It didn’t matter if you were seated at one of the tables in the library, sneaking into the kitchens, or hiding away in one of the classrooms, Near always found a way to get a hold of you.
At first, you didn’t know what to think. What was he doing, following you around? The first few times he had begun tagging around you, the thought of Mello chasing and harassing the both of you came to mind. Near, you could handle, but that spitfire of a boy? Not at all! You tried to shake him off, but that enabled him to continue hanging out with you more and more often.
Miraculously, Mello didn’t care too much about his rival hanging out with you. In fact, other than a few snide comments on how Near was socializing for once with the “normal kids”, he had taken to stalking the halls and staking his claim over the best table in the library. You had thought that Mello would take you aside and probably threaten you, but you supposed that you weren’t important enough to warrant his attention.
Really, the main problem in this situation was none other than Near.
You didn’t mind his presence, per se, but you could not deny that it was unsettling. His eyes were a deep brown that bordered on black when contrasted with his pale, gaunt features. He looked frail, breakable in comparison to most, including you. His body was bony, all angles and lacking the softness that came with youth.
If you were to touch him, you thought, the both of you would end up getting hurt.
Children, for the most part, were social creatures. As such, you had your own circle of friends you trusted and a few other children you considered amiable acquaintances. With the addition of Near into your life, you quickly found that no one wanted to be with you.
It wasn’t personal. Again, it was that self-preservation instinct. Even if Mello didn’t care about you, he would definitely start getting vicious if he discovered that his arch nemesis was becoming more popular than him.
(Not like the top two students were popular, only notorious in name).
And because of that, you found yourself isolated.
Except for Near, that is.
You had thought that maybe Near was trying to avoid Mello. Over the past few years, the blond had been steadily ramping up his antagonism from petty insults to outright physical violence. Although Roger had tried to curb his tendencies by assigning him to counseling, Mello barely mellowed out. However, you found that your theory wasn’t sound.
Near simply didn’t care.
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that Near sought you out for company.
Which led you to this very situation.
Rain continued to pour heavily outside as you regarded him. Although he was slight of frame and was not accustomed to standing straight, he seemed to tower over you. His pitch black eyes, thus rendered even darker by the dim lighting, haunted you as you leaned fully back against the window.
In the beginning, you had tried to talk to him, but when you had been rewarded with silence, you had decided to stop talking to him.
Now, though, you were curious.
You paused for a moment, hoping that you wouldn’t sound rude. Before you could open your mouth to speak, however, you found yourself interrupted by the one person you’d never think would speak to you. Because that was the thing: Near, despite his clingy nature, had never spoken to you.
Not really.
Not a hello, how do you do, or a goodbye.
He was just… there.
“You don’t want to go outside.”
That wasn’t a question. You of all people knew how observant the higher ranked children could be. Near was simply stating a fact: there was no changing that you wanted to stay inside, even if you were practically stalked by someone you knew shouldn’t have come so close to you.
You answered, a tremor in your voice that you tried to steady. “Well… it’s raining.”
His dark black eyes darted from your face and towards the window. Like a ghost, he glided up and then past you, his thin, fragile fingers tracing the glass.
“The world outside is so cold. Why would anyone want to go outside?”
You struggled to keep up with the conversation. It wasn’t like he was unobservant or fishing for information. It seemed as if he was speaking because he wanted to… It was strange, but it was as if he was seeking companionship.
But why?
If not the second best successor, then someone else in the top ranks.
You weren’t particularly gifted or smart.
You were simply yourself.
You answered, “Does it really matter? Different people want different things.”
“And you want to stay inside.”
Not knowing where he was taking this conversation, you nodded. “It’s… nicer inside.”
His eyes narrowed, appearing like slits on such a pale face. Had he expected that you speak poetically? Or that you would elaborate on your answer?
Just as suddenly as he rewarded you with such an irritated expression, he relaxed and walked to your side, his presence ringing alarm bells in your head.
Something was not quite right… The rain was still pelting outside, the air was still cool and damp from the outside elements, but Near seemed to suck all of those atmospheric factors away. What you were most aware of was how his pupils were blown open wide, dilated. There was a rich ring of brown ensconcing a pool of darkness, but it was made all the more unnerving when instead of moving away or moving closer for what you could assume to be in a pantomime of a hug—of personal connection—he hovered close to your body a few centimeters away.
Too close for comfort, too far away to do anything about it.
For once, Near, the affable sheep of the flock as Mello would put it, almost seemed like a predator just waiting to strike.
The rain fell down harder.
What could he possibly want, the boy genius who would later inherit the power of a man who could conquer the world if he wanted to?
You felt a chill rise and fall over your spine like a retreating wave before the crashing of a hurricane.
“And you…” You swallowed your uneasiness. “You want to stay inside.”
Over the course of a few horrible seconds, Near’s face utterly twisted. It was as if he had never known how to smile, only to emulate what it would look like as if he had only read about it from an encyclopedia. First his eyes, so dark and consuming, began to widen even further in the planes of his too pale face. Then his mouth began to curve, his lips thinning—like a pastry chef slicing through the icing of a cake.
But what disturbed you the most was that Near was coming closer and closer. Whatever distance was there was steadily decreasing until there was only a breath of air between the both of you.
You weren’t trapped, but Near’s manic gaze held you fast.
“Yes.” He stated. Simple as a fact. That fragile smile that threatened to tear the flesh from his cheeks and hang from his teeth widened further. “It’s nicer inside.”
You should have left when you had the chance.
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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wakeofvultures · 1 year
2 asks in 1
1) How do you picture Marcus’s gift ? Like literal strings (like “red string of fate” type of deal ) or a sort of sixth sense
2) do you have your own personal fancasts for the volturi and Myrtis ?
Whoo! 2 asks in 1!
This is very ramble-y, so I hope it's coherent.
(I'll put my response under the cut)
I picture Marcus' gift as a bit of both. I do think that he sees strings. He instinctively knows what each string means. Mentally, if he's looking for a sort of bond it would appear. So, I guess it would be like a sixth sense that he just mentally envisions with strings? I don't think he would need to manually sort through them, he'd think to kind of input a search (what's this person's bond with X? Does this person have a romantic attachment?) and the bond will present itself. He can also just look at a person and see the various bonds without a specific search. Like he's looking at them, and he can skim through the various threads floating around if he wants. I imagine that he only needs to see one side of a relationship to know about a bond (For example, before meeting Sulpicia, he would have known Aro had romantic feelings for someone, and he would know that this person felt the same way back but he wouldn't know anymore information about who Sulpicia was). I think that Marcus' gift is useful in battle because it not only helps identify leaders and relationships to exploit but also within a short distance, alerts him to nearby people potentially lying in wait if someone with relationships to that person is visible.
Okay, the very boring answer is not really. As a person whose media consumption has been mostly prose and anime/manga, I don't really have a large visual catalogue of actors to pull from. As a person who draws, I tend to just draw what I think they look like(to varying degrees of success). For Myrtis specifically, I did try to think of one, and the best I could come up with was Bailey Bass (who actually has a pretty good face shape for what I am thinking). She was already in a vampire show (Interview with the Vampire) and she looked young enough to play Myrtis. Honestly, I applaud everyone who does fancasting. I haven't really done it though.
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What’s your favorite media to either read/watch at the moment
At the moment?
God, I don't know, usually I'm on the hunt for something is how it goes and if I find something it gets added to my list of "good things". The in the moment part is the search.
At the moment I'm in the middle of Lupin the Third: Part 2 (which is very 1970's but very entertaining)
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wakeofvultures · 1 year
Omg I can’t believe I came across your tumblr by chance, love the drawing’s & twilight Fic <3
The aforementioned fic.
hjkfdshs. Thank you! I need to get better at linking my stuff to each other so people can find me more easily, but I get lazy lol.
I read your message really fast, so at first I was like who is this? And then looked at the URL and was like??? Beloved Commentor, socksandslides!?!?!?! Running into each other in the wild sure is a surprise.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Did you ever make the Meta about how Twilight is Shakespeare's Othello ?
There have been two posts on the subject actually! Here's the tag.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Have you ever watched Blood of Zeus? If so was it any good, I’ve been meaning to watch it but I don’t want to dedicate time if it’s bad lmaoo
Yeah I watched the first few episodes. Idk, it's... It's good from what I remember but it didn't catch my attention long enough for me to watch more. The animation is stunning tho, might recommend it just for stuff like:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
And more lol
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