#and I had to go with the quickest coloring styles possible for alla m' last college works :'>
piranhartist · 7 years
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My half of a fun sorta character design thingy I did with @thememime, which I'm wanting to do with a few other friendos overtime too~ :,D
We basically made characters for each other based on the interests n' design motifs we know each other like, so here's the monSTER BUDDY I MADE FOR HER.
I'm sorry for not having a ton of flavor text for him, since I wanted to see where you take the character yourself, but after you wrote up some fun stuff on your half I triED to come up with at least a little something that could go along with him .;,,D
This monster-like fella is a creative muse for the arts (espECIALLY with music). He's not exactly seen by everybody, but can at least show himself to people he's wanting to pump up with inspiration (whether they actually want him there or not). He can be a huGE prankster at times, honestly screwing up the reason he appeared for a person to begin with, but won't mess around too much as long as you keep him fed. Taffy, caramel, or other sticky sweets he's an espECIALLY big pushover for. And even when he’s full he won’t turn a treat down- throwing whatever extras you have his way into the bottomless abyss of a hat he wears.
By-and-large he's a mellow dude that just wants to see folks thrive with their work, even if his own actions sometimes get in the way.
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