#and I have Sentinel and Shield Master lined up as her first and second feats
papermonkeyism · 5 months
Thinking about the new DnD character. So I'm making the tabaxi fighter into a battle master, and her point is to be the team tank and protector. We're probably going to get to level 3 pretty soon, so all of us can unlock our subclasses, and I got to thinking about which maneuvers to pick at the start.
I know I want Bait and Switch for the whole protector role (I already could have used it in our first game last week), and Trip Attack is probably also good to take, for knocking enemies prone, though I'm kinda waffling about what to take as the third option. Distracting Strike would give an advantage to the next attack made by party member, which is very useful, but I could also see Disarming Strike to come in handy. I do want Maneuvering Attack at some point as well, though I might willing to wait for level 7 for that.
My character's point is to get in the face of the bad guys to be the meat shield between them and my squishier buddies when needed, and I'm willing to put all my points to make that happen. Just wondering what would be the most optimal way to do that. 🤔
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