#and I kinda changed Masumi and Lu’s dynamic to fit the story same with AA themselves but it works for the story
lcs-library · 1 year
Safeshiptember Day 7: Fantasy AU/Modern AU
Taglist: @dango-daydreams
Lu wiped a bead of sweat from her brow as she sat up, admiring the polished floor of the ballroom.
It was an average day for her, meaning she’d simply tidy up her parts of the castle, possibly have the soon-to-be king’s retainer bother her, and help the other servants with their tasks. Certainly not the most exciting thing, but it was satisfying and paid well, so who was she to complain?(Plus there was a bonus of a cute ruler, but she could never truly admit to that.)
She picked up her bucket, turning around to go to the next area of the palace, only to be met with a grumpy retainer in her face.
“Woah! Masumi, don’t scare me like that!”
“Didn’t mean to,” he deadpanned, sighing.
“Well? What do you want?” she asked, promptly dodging him to get to where she needed to go.
“Prince Sakuya needs you,” he said, following her down the hallway.
“He can have any other handmaiden, and besides, isn’t that your job?”
“He asked for you.”
“No he didn’t.”
Masumi took in a breath, deciding that it wouldn’t be best to argue with her.
“Okay, so he didn’t.”
“Thank you.”
“But I can’t find him.”
“Did you even try?”
“Not really.”
“Masumi, that’s your job!”
“He wants you more.”
“Well, he can have any other handmaiden in the castle, he doesn’t need me!” Lu exclaimed, hoping she could pass the red on her cheeks off as anger.
“He said he wants you.”
“Didn’t you just say you couldn’t find him?”
“Yeah, but he’s been talking about you nonstop.”
“He should know my skills are about the same as any other servant here,” Lu replied with a sigh.
“Just go. I’m done looking.”
“Masumi-“ she couldn’t get another word out, wailing as Masumi pushed her aside to casually amble towards the kitchen, once more abandoning his duties.
Sure, he was never the delinquent type, but the amount of times he pushed his work regarding Sakuya onto her was starting to get ridiculous. He never did this until about a few months ago, but why? Lu could only groan as she wiped the spilled contents of the bucket from her already messy frock, setting the supplies down to go look for the prince in his stead.
Her shoulders slumped over as she checked every room in the corridor, even if she already had her suspicions as to where he was.
Not in the parlor, nor in the music room, but surely, she found him in the library.
He looked almost angelic as she peeked in, his red hair sparkling in the light as he paced around the room, going over another monologue, even if he knew full well nobody would be in the audience. That was, aside from one person.
Lu. She’d often find him there, reciting pieces to himself when he was done with his daily lessons. It was why she’d always make sure to clean this area of the palace last, just to hear him improve each day, to hear the wonderful stories he wished to tell.
She sat for a moment, waiting until he finished his performance, before gently pushing open the large door, making the prince jump.
“Your majesty!”
Sakuya nearly shot out of his skin, dropping the script he was holding.
“Oh, it’s just you, Lucille. What brings you of all people here?” He asked, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Your retainer is failing at his job again.”
Sakuya had to laugh, kneeling to pick up the dropped book.
“It’s not like I need one, anyway. I’m eighteen now.”
“And your coronation is in a week.”
Sakuya’s expression fell.
“Right,” he said, defeated.
He glanced down at the script before going to place it back on the shelf. Of course, a king could never do these sorts of silly things.
Lu’s gaze followed his hand, silently wishing he wouldn’t put that passion away the same way he put away those “childish” desires. She hesitated for a moment.
“Masumi said you wanted me,” she finally murmured.
“Masumi. He said you wanted me to come for you.”
“I never said that!” Sakuya exclaimed, his eyes widening a bit in shock.
“But do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Do you, erm, well, is there a reason you ask for me so often when Masumi’s not available?” She asked quietly, fiddling with her hands as she stared down at them.
“Well, you’re dependable and kind! Plus I think you’re pretty sweet, too, unlike some people here,” he stated as if it were fact, taking a seat on a couch near the fireplace as Lu approached him.
“Thank you,” she replied, making sure to bow slightly.
They fell quiet, leaving a silence behind them that hung thick in the air for far too long.
“The king and queen died fourteen years ago, right?” Sakuya’s entire demeanor changed, looking almost meek for a moment.
“What’s this coming from?”
“I need to stop.”
“Stop what?” Lu asked, feigning ignorance.
“This! Running away, pretending to be someone else! I need to own up to it, rule the kingdom with a smile, you know?”
“But you can still act, right?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he hesitated, letting the words sink in, “how did you know I was talking about acting?”
Lu gulped, somehow avoiding eye contact even more than she already was.
“Well, um, I sorta watch you perform sometimes? I can hear it when I’m cleaning. It’s really good.”
“You think I’m good? Even without any true experience?”
“Yeah! I always get so engrossed in your world that I forget to work sometimes!”
“So you’ve seen me perform…that monologue?”
“The one you do over and over again?”
“From Romeo and Juliet. The balcony scene.”
“Of course I have. Why do you ask?”
“I wish for that.”
“To forsake thy house and thy name?”
“And run free. You know how they treat me,” he groaned, finally forcing eye contact.
“I do.”
“I wish it was us.”
Lu stood for a moment, staring blankly into space as the words processed.
“Lucille, I love you.”
Lu was stunned, backing away from him for a moment.
“Like any other servant?”
“No, not like that.”
“Like a sibling?”
“A friend?”
“Lucille,” Sakuya said stubbornly.
“Call me Lu.”
“Lu. You love me too, right?”
Sakuya stood from the couch, kneeling to take both of Lu’s hands in his.
“Then, let’s run away together. Just the two of us.”
“Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I know you’re crazy too, so, come. We can be traveling performers. Just you and I, we can live out our dreams.”
“Are you kidding? I can’t risk that, and neither can you! Coronation, remember?”
“And? You know I’ve got tons of relatives, they can fight for it!”
“Your majesty-!“ Lu exclaimed.
“Call me Sakuya.”
“Well, Sakuya-“
He gripped her hands tighter, staring into her eyes earnestly while his own seemed to glow with anticipation and fear. And yet Lu didn’t feel pressured. A genuine plea for escape, for freedom from the hurt, and not just by playing house or pretending to be a different character in the wee hours of the morning, sobbing as the words came out all jumbled. A plea from a heart of gold and a shining soul.
Lu couldn’t refuse, she didn’t want to see her lord and love in pain any longer.
“Yes, your majesty.”
“Yes, Sakuya. I’ll come with you.”
His eyes lit up, a gentle smile gracing his features.
“Thank you,” he said, ever so lightly kissing her knuckles, “we’ll leave at midnight. Be sure you’re ready.”
“I will, I promise.”
“Good. You should probably go, huh? Don’t want to worry anybody. I’ll tell Masumi everything. I know he’ll support us, and maybe even join in!”
“Alright,” Lu agreed, letting go of the prince’s hands, no matter how much she didn’t want to. “I’ll see you later, then.”
“Goodbye. Until we meet again,” he replied, bowing as his smile became ever wider.
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