#and I managed to put like.my entire collarbone/shoulder/chest area out somehow
Tag Game
I was tagged by @lotsoffandomimagines​ and @supervalcsi​, thank you so much, I hope you’re having good days!! 💕💕💕
Name: Matthias
Nicknames: Matt
Zodiac Sign: Squishy squishy fishy mcfish god I am tired
Height: 5′4
Languages: Very bad native English and way, way worse slowly-being-learned-good-god-have-you-ever-heard-an-Australian-try-to-speak-Spanish?-no?-good-you-don’t-want-to Spanish :D I can’t roll my Rs :D
Nationality: Australian
Favorite Season: Winter even though my lungs hate it with a ~burning~ passion
Favourite Flower: Snpdragons and forget-me-nots
Favourite Smell: Tea
Favourite Colour: Navy blue 
Favourite Animal: Dog!!!
Favourite Fictional Character(s): This will quickly devolve into what characters I have crushes on so I’ll just say Klaus Hargreeves and leave it at that lmao
Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate: TEA
Average Sleep Hours: Like... 4 or 5? I’m trying to get better. I made a schedule and this is the first time I’ve broken it bc I was out all day and I have shit to do now I’m home uughajshaklvsjvhshaHJOajbPajbk
Cat or Dog Person:
D O G 
Dream Trip: idk man I didn’t think I’d live this long what’d you want from me
# of Blankets I Sleep With: 1 to 2
Blog Established: Uhh, either late 2016 or early 2017....??? maybe??
Followers: 538, it’s been sitting p steady there for a while and I love all of you :’)
Fun Fact: Uhhh I have a cap on one of my teeth bc it grew it bad but the dentist I had at the time sHOULD HAVE JUST PULLED IT OUT BC NOW IT’S CAUSING LIKE 5000 MORE PROBLEMS I LOVE HAVING A BODY IT’S GREAT :))))
I tag whoever would like to do this!! :D
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