fishsfailureson · 4 months
I hope everyone who infantilizes autistic people have to deal with literally every inconvenience forever.
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jasbell · 7 months
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No thoughts. Only the childe.
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agoobersretreat · 7 months
foobed bowl?
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"Foot of the beddle~!"
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444names · 2 years
english surnames BUT excluding "h"
Abellum Agnes Akridley Alber Albott Albutt Alcombs Aldredford Allwells Anner Ansford Apper Asburgis Asburrone Astles Atkington Atney Atting Attledbey Avens Aycockerson Babey Backley Baine Balderder Bannantler Barborn Barman Barneller Barnetten Barrell Baterson Baxton Beace Becrangers Beddixion Beley Belkney Benningley Bewles Bickup Biggett Birdsley Bitton Bizzard Blace Blames Blane Blange Bling Bloomb Blost Bluncefield Bluntin Boardest Bodder Bolingall Borner Boster Boulding Boulsey Boulsife Bowerst Bowrange Bracloseman Bradis Bradison Brants Brell Briddle Brideout Bridgen Briendelle Brigg Brimlett Brimm Brocter Bromes Brounger Browooden Brussexter Bryde Bulmerry Bulmes Burbe Burker Burledgelor Burron Bussett Byfiel Caber Caiford Calfe Calls Cannaford Cannard Caper Cappers Capple Carbee Carlester Casey Caudlows Cauldins Clayne Cleatman Cobby Colbridge Coller Colvers Conson Cookery Copassell Coppers Cordy Corles Corward Cotts Coulden Coverton Cowlkeley Cowlton Cradley Cradwell Cribble Crippin Criss Cristins Critten Crofton Crossart Cruss Culvere Custims Cutton Cyrumple Darwardson Davis Dawayne Deakman Debott Deesons Delknel Deminy Deputman Dexted Dillyard Dittle Dobby Dolbee Dorsley Dowesters Drumley Drump Dunkles Durry Eadawson Earlill Ecklandidge Edgemake Ement Engills Fabing Fairleton Fattennison Faunterman Fenwork Fessett Ffreckford Fieldenford Figgs Fingstanmer Fland Fowlings Frand Frard Freton Frienden Frienderd Fristis Fuggles Fullin Fulling Futreenman Gadden Gaddon Gains Garberton Garley Garman Garrownson Gatleton Genton Gibbots Gidler Gilkin Gillcom Glads Gladwartin Gland Glazel Glead Glide Glidebnam Glidges Gobby Goodbee Goodburkins Goodcock Goodlock Gooks Grance Gread Greets Griston Grizzell Gullington Gumpus Irbank Jackenson Jaqualls Jernaboddy Jerson Jollin Journes Jowell Judgett Justillins Keetman Kenfiell Kerser Killmore Kimbiscoult Kirkin Kitton Knigale Knigall Lackle Lakenn Lames Lasey Lasscofield Leakin Leaton Leavey Ledgoodson Leeverman Lives Longford Longley Lorden Lovinton Loware Lummerry Lunkey Luter Mabell Maddon Mallman Marburner Markeritage Marlison Marly Martince Mastea Maulkley Meles Merfieldo Merson Milley Milson Molds Molyerson Mumfield Musgrosser Mynarden Naverbey Nigannison Nolds Norse Nyers Oakle Olmarcy Orcestbro Orrowney Osbornelley Packson Palmon Palmsteason Parkley Patribble Pearbord Peedlow Pegrove Penix Pettler Pickey Piers Pince Pipper Pittiss Plander Pleby Pockman Polincer Poller Pollins Pomes Pontford Pooling Postick Preton Prett Prinklin Prock Prockman Pryden Puckleston Puckman Pyburnaby Quartson Radsden Raiferne Ransey Ransfield Rasscoe Rater Ratter Raway Rawsomes Ricklands Rides Ridgles Riven Roebuckman Rolford Rollias Roystead Ruggs Rumpuse Ruper Ruton Sabinskelty Sackmon Saller Sampton Sanden Santon Saudley Saway Scages Scouncy Scraft Seaboddard Selps Sendale Sesson Siggett Sildens Simes Simore Sington Skillar Skilling Slace Slades Slyne Slynn Smeas Smedles Soseberman Spars Speacey Spers Spicks Spinn Sprall Sprudge Spruillin Spruitt Stabb Stacress Stalbery Stall Stankin Stann Stantaggs Stiddy Stigan Stillbriggs Stills Stockell Stovers Strail Stratt Strear Sturges Sutten Swell Sworrisp Talberry Talmersby Targins Tauntjoy Tawnes Teelin Tiddle Tillen Tinton Tolme Topes Totterson Towray Traft Trawlin Triples Tripletson Tuney Turges Turgister Tutton Twile Vanton Wagston Walding Wates Watrot Wayze Weates Webstebb Weete Weetwell Wilbridgeon Wilden Wilman Wilmerton Wince Winnell Winnock Worke Worton Yalstone Yarbelton Youndy
same thing but shorter names
Abellor Abey Abrow Ackett Adampson Aine Ainton Akerick Albourse Aldon Alvore Amberly Andagge Annard Apple Appley Artinter Artt Aster Aver Ayre Bage Bagnes Band Bane Bank Bannison Barby Bare Barles Barn Barnall Barriddy Basilcox Bats Bazell Beaman Beazle Beber Beck Becker Beddle Bedge Beding Belf Belster Bennard Bens Berton Bett Bick Bige Bigoody Birce Bircland Blackery Blackman Blancas Blatton Blin Blundley Blunn Blytton Boarden Boldings Bolt Bomaster Bonner Booksey Bosandy Bost Bott Bourley Bowerton Boye Bradle Braiford Bram Brazel Brazenby Bridden Bridder Bridmons Broadles Broomb Brostead Brott Brotton Bryden Buckling Buff Bulkins Bullman Bunt Burdy Burn Burnall Burne Burrett Buse Butt Buttert Cagg Cainer Cale Calfe Calfred Calk Cant Capert Cauton Cland Claypoor Cles Cobbler Cock Cogg Coggs Cold Coles Colley Colmster Comb Cong Conks Cons Cookin Corbell Corleep Corner Counge Cour Cove Covett Crable Crence Crisom Crison Croce Croffin Cruill Cruton Cular Cutt Dall Dard Daver Deputnam Dibblew Dick Digwell Dodrian Doggin Dors Dowlesby Downe Duck Dunker Eaks Edder Eden Eelye Efield Eggett Embler Engilson Farrell Faulter Faulton Feling Fent Ferst Fited Flacey Flee Flington Flipscoe Fosslin Foulter Fowley Fulfield Fulling Gall Garl Gater Genter Gland Glin Glovett Goford Gold Goodfell Gord Gowe Gree Gris Grundale Gunn Idder Imeon Inday Ingfell Ingles Irwickey Jackera Jaker Jann Jarrow Jeffield Jenn Jerrer Joinerd Juling Justigan Kayer Keatman Kelson Kens Kett Kiddy Kill Kimbley Kins Kison Knigan Lackney Lackwell Landy Lardsley Last Layson Layton Lemer Liday Lidge Ling Litt Lobbitt Loome Loomer Loverton Luncey Lunkenn Madger Mage Majord Majorsey Makers Makins Mallin Marges Mart Maxford Mayer Mayne Maynes Mayork Mayson Mean Mers Midge Migg Mill Mins Moble Morell Moreman Mors Mowell Mudges Mull Mung Mynation Myris Nick Nickmore Norcer Nowlings Nunner Nurser Nutton Nyerson Odumbly Olitts Ormwood Orrow Osbors Oveday Ovell Paddon Pain Palman Parkey Partrine Pearison Pendes Perd Pett Pice Pikensir Ping Pipps Plas Ploway Pooleman Popes Prier Profts Pulliffe Purins Quibbell Rail Rangles Rate Raves Redge Rickens Rickerts Ridge Riplett Ripps Riscoe Roll Rollison Rollye Rooke Rosvens Royale Ruffum Sabey Sadden Sale Sary Satte Saver Savera Saway Saye Sayes Scritton Secull Sedgood Seele Segroud Sign Silves Simer Simmer Sings Skipps Smon Sock Soleson Sout Sowe Sparking Spennard Spin Spraley Stabbot Staffin Stalk Stall Stallin Stampter Stanield Stanison Stant Stapling Starkson Starly Staynatt Sted Ster Stilles Stilton Stine Stington Ston Stopps Stravey Stree Stron Stus Summer Sump Swell Table Talls Tard Tartin Templey Tendens Tiffer Tinger Tituster Toberton Tobian Tompton Toot Tovert Townard Trice Trimmon Tringer Trivey Tron Truell Tuckox Tugg Tunker Turbee Turby Twixon Uptilton Vant Varne Vibb Walland Walpote Warry Water Watert Wates Weaton Well Wenby Wentint Wester Wett Widge Wilbert Wilker Wince Wing Wingle Wirton Witted Wittin Wold Woman Wrend Wrent Yearson
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @lotsoffandomimagines​ and @supervalcsi​, thank you so much, I hope you’re having good days!! 💕💕💕
Name: Matthias
Nicknames: Matt
Zodiac Sign: Squishy squishy fishy mcfish god I am tired
Height: 5′4
Languages: Very bad native English and way, way worse slowly-being-learned-good-god-have-you-ever-heard-an-Australian-try-to-speak-Spanish?-no?-good-you-don’t-want-to Spanish :D I can’t roll my Rs :D
Nationality: Australian
Favorite Season: Winter even though my lungs hate it with a ~burning~ passion
Favourite Flower: Snpdragons and forget-me-nots
Favourite Smell: Tea
Favourite Colour: Navy blue 
Favourite Animal: Dog!!!
Favourite Fictional Character(s): This will quickly devolve into what characters I have crushes on so I’ll just say Klaus Hargreeves and leave it at that lmao
Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate: TEA
Average Sleep Hours: Like... 4 or 5? I’m trying to get better. I made a schedule and this is the first time I’ve broken it bc I was out all day and I have shit to do now I’m home uughajshaklvsjvhshaHJOajbPajbk
Cat or Dog Person:
D O G 
Dream Trip: idk man I didn’t think I’d live this long what’d you want from me
# of Blankets I Sleep With: 1 to 2
Blog Established: Uhh, either late 2016 or early 2017....??? maybe??
Followers: 538, it’s been sitting p steady there for a while and I love all of you :’)
Fun Fact: Uhhh I have a cap on one of my teeth bc it grew it bad but the dentist I had at the time sHOULD HAVE JUST PULLED IT OUT BC NOW IT’S CAUSING LIKE 5000 MORE PROBLEMS I LOVE HAVING A BODY IT’S GREAT :))))
I tag whoever would like to do this!! :D
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virmbot · 4 years
I drew Beddle to test out firealpaca and i like how it came out!
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ivieissketching · 5 years
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Omfg I found this Beddle X Link comic I made on my iPad. It’s over a year old lol
I have all the pages sketched out after these along with nsfw pages I’d be willing to post if there’s enough interest.
This comic all started from my original post here:
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crystalsexarch · 4 years
Argy-bargy - E
“You are so beautiful,” he said. “I could...I could eat you.”
“Please do not.”
“I would not. But I could.”
Explicit. Specific male WoL Bas'ir Bahani. Takes place before ARR, when G'raha Tia and the future Warrior of Light studied together. Tonight, though, they attend a party and quickly go from making a scene to making ugly, drunken love.
Also on AO3.
Part of the 2020 FFXIV Writing Challenge
It began at a relaxed gathering of young academics and ended exactly where you’d expect.
After exams. Before the next semester. A smattering of departments coalescing in leisure with what would likely be the most decadent meal of the entire year, and all but certainly the most libatious. Bas’ir Bahani and G’raha Tia had emptied more than a few bottles by the time mouths started flapping with accusations and insults and—
“You delusional buffoon!” Bas’ir said, landing his index finger beneath Raha’s chin. The Keeper was one of those people who never slurred in his cups, even if the cups had him grounded and seeing gods. A trio of historians watched on with wary eyes. Bas’ir knew none of them by name, but even if he had...who is to say he’d have remembered? “As if arms are the only component, the only factor to weigh here! Why, you’ve not—”
Raha pulled his head away and laughed into his palm. “You think…? You think this is about arms? Ha!” He rolled his right sleeve up and flexed. “Remember, you, whence these muscles came. Archery. With archery, I would sooner prevail over...over...well, over you in any case.”
Bas'ir reared forward and shook his open palm before his eyes. “Menphina, you can’t even remember who we’re on about. This is precisely why the likes of you could never hope to overcome a true poet-lord of Allag. My ‘storybooks’ have done me well, I say.”
“Bas’ir Bahani!” Raha said, throwing his arms into the air. A few more heads turned, including an important one stationed near the back of the common room. “Bas’ir Bahani, I will lift you from the ground and toss you into beddle. Bat. Battle, that is. Then we shall see how you fare.”
Krile Baldesion approached the quarrel and tugged at Raha’s shirt. “What has gotten into you two?” she said, exchanging urgent glances with the onlookers. They looked every which way, as if denying responsibility.
Bas’ir leaned forward with his hands on his hips, swaying like the scarf that dangled at his neck. “This man...this insufferable man is decrying that noble order of Allag. Besmirching those poet-lords who came before by insinuating he—” Bas’ir jabbed the Seeker’s belly with his index. “—could best one in battle. Why, he hardly understands the—”
“You are doing any and all besmirching,” Raha said, grabbing the hand that jabbed. Its owner lurched forward onto one knee, hissing. “Your idea of combat is beyond juvenile.” Raha turned to Krile, unphased by Bas’ir’s squirming. “See how he flounders at the slightest physical inconvenience. A mockery of his own creed. I say, this much is clear to each observer.”
Krile’s eyes danced between their faces and the stabler folks watching with mild reproach. “The only thing that’s clear here is that the two of you want for supervision,” she said. Sighing mightily for one so small, she took them both by the hand and tugged. Bas’ir scrambled to a standing position. “I am making the executive decision to remove you both from this celebration.”
The pair protested—loudly and repeatedly—but ultimately followed the Lalafell out of the room, shamefully slouching as if she’d grabbed them by their ears.
Krile walked ahead of the drunken fools, who’d apparently overcome their differences at some point on their journey down the hallway.
Bas’ir had his arm around Raha. “You are so beautiful,” he said. “I could...I could eat you.”
“Please do not.”
“I would not. But I could.”
Somehow, their drunken swaying evened out, so they could amble in a relatively straight line when linked. Krile checked every now and then over her shoulder. “Do you know where you are?”
“We’re missing the party,” Bas’ir said.
“The party, I am certain, is not missing you.” Krile set her gaze forward again. “Though I am proud of you two for carrying on this far without collapsing. My room is closer to the common room, but I have a feeling I would regret leaving you there on your lonesome…”
“Ah! This is my room!” Raha said, pointing at a door not too far in the distance.
It was Bas’ir’s room. Krile rubbed her forehead. “Close enough. If I leave you here, will you stay and drink water?”
Both Miqo’te mumbled in agreement.
“Excellent.” A sinister thought painted her eyebrows. “And...and I trust you’ll get along?”
“All too well,” Bas’ir said.
Raha nodded. “Best of friends.”
Thus, Krile wrangled Bas’ir’s room key from him and opened the door. Her friends waddled in smelling absolutely toxic. She made sure they each had a full complement of Lalafell-approved beverages at the ready, helped them take their boots off, and urged them both onto the bed. Whatever happened next, she did not particularly want to be around for.
Silence, it turns out, is what happened next. A long bout of silence, spare the creaking of wood, cricket-song, and heavy breathing. The bed was large enough for both of them to spread their limbs without making contact, but sooner or later someone’s arm ended up on someone’s chest, someone’s ear flopped over another’s. And then:
Bas’ir’s voice was husky and grave, so Raha answered in kind. “Yes?”
“How come...how come you’re such a right bastard?”
Raha groaned, tossed and turned himself to a kneeling position. He held a blanket like bat wings at his back. “Well, Bas’ir? Do you love me or do you not?”
The Keeper blinked and drunkenly wondered what kind of insect was trying to come up through his throat. “Yes.”
“That’s no proper answer. I’ve given you two options, old fool.”
“You’ve given me none.” This room was too tight, to say nothing of the clothes suffocating Bas’ir’s body. He ripped the scarf off, threw it who knows where. “The truth is I despissssse you.”
“Oh, is that right?” Raha’s hand moved to the first button of his shirt.
“That’s right.” Bas’ir squinted and gestured with his chin. “Well, keep going, then. Let me see that chest I loathe so completely.”
With a sneer, he unbuttoned. “So completely.”
“So utterly. Your form, your face...everything about you enrages me.” He leaned up and pulled his sweater over his head, shook out his ears. “The thought of being with you makes my heart flutter like the wings of some tiny, ugly bird.”
“Your words. Like the poetry you so admire.” The shirt fell off his shoulders. “Behold!”
“Gods! My eyes!” Bas’ir shielded himself with his forearm. His other hand fiddled at his belt, but couldn’t manage. “See, I’m shaking with rage.”
Raha lost his trousers. “Erotic rage!”
“Erotic enragement, yes, heavens!” Steadying both hands now, he unbuckled, unzipped, and shimmied his pants down to his knees. “The idea of spending my days, my life with you...how it makes me shudder.”
“Roll over, will you?” He held the band of his smallclothes down and let his cock bob free.
“Ah yes.” Bas’ir turned himself around and clawed preemptively at the pillows. “That thing you wield at the hip. How it wounds me.”
“Let me.” He clapped his hands on Bas’ir’s ass and shifted closer, cornered his tongue at his lips.
“Oh I will. Only because of all men in this world, you’re the only one who makes me feel this way.” He buried his face in the pillow. “Disgusted, of course. Since I despise you so veritably.”
“Yes, of course.” He started pressing with his finger.
“Ah ta ta ta ta! By the gods, oil me, or I’ll tell you how I really feel.”
Raha paused and thought about where he was, where he could find what he needed. The nightstand. Dick absentmindedly in hand, he shuffled over and retrieved the bottle. “Bas’ir,” he said.
The Keeper turned his head on the pillow, let himself breathe. “Yes?”
“I think I know how you really feel.” He slicked his fingers, smirking, before plunging the first digit inside. Bas’ir tensed around him with a whimper. “I just don’t think you can look me in the eye and say it.”
The Keeper tried to focus on being stretched, tried to ignore the heat beneath his eyes. “Please, I beg you. Act less sober.”
Raha’s eyes felt heavy. “Liquid courage, so they say…” He yanked the base of Bas’ir’s tail before slipping another finger inside, toying with the embarrassing idea about slipping a ring on his finger someday instead.
The sex they had was ugly. Clumsy. For all their precise verbal dances, the drink helped them forget the steps to lovemaking and gave them opportunity to learn them all over again, this time in the wrong order. Hands ended up in strange places. Legs flopped everywhere. More clothes came off. They flipped each other and gave up words for growls and grunts. Bas’ir managed to come eventually, stroking himself when Raha rolled his hips against him fast enough. He shook and helplessly sullied his chest, the bed, his friend. It wasn’t a particularly good orgasm—alcohol always numbed him—but it lasted for a long time. Not long enough for his companion, however, who fucked him ever faster before finally collapsing onto his wet chest, cackling.
I can’t come!” Raha said. “ Gods, I can’t come!”
Bas’ir threw his head back and yelled. “You have to, or I’m going to explode!”
“I swear I can’t!” He spoke through fits of laughter, rubbing nose over sternum, missing the mess by luck alone. “I’ve tried everything...I’m...I’m going to die like this...”
“My poor, miserable creature. My poor quivering coil of love. Lust. Of lust.”
“Help me, won’t you?” Raha looked like a lost animal. “You must have a secret somewhere.”
It turns out he had several, but he thought one particular treatment would do in their place. The Keeper groaned and pushed his lover back, shuddering when Raha's dick slipped out. “I will try my best. Because of how I feel about you.”
“Yes.” Raha flattened himself upon the bed and tensed his legs. “Show me how you feel.”
Blushing, Bas’ir positioned himself over the throbbing point at Raha’s thighs and lowered himself upon it. It still felt good. Always would, he figured, to let his favorite person fill him. Once he’d taken everything in, he started moving. Though it burned his thighs, the reaction was immediate. The Seeker was all songs and hisses, gasps and groans. Every now and then he’d raise his head in a frenzy, like he was trying not to come, and then he’d stare drunkenly at Bas’ir’s hard work before flopping back onto the bed and pressing his hips up.
Bas’ir wanted so badly to deliver. Whatever it took. He could not give this man the truth, but he knew how to be useful. That must have been the reason—the only reason—he leaned forward and took Raha’s ear between his teeth. “What do you want to hear from me?” He kept riding. His dick, by now half-hard again, rubbed against Raha’s formidable abdomen.
“The truth,” Raha said. “Once, at least. We’re drunk. I could very well forget.”
“Hmm.” He trailed from his ear to his neck and sucked. “This truth is unforgettable.” Then he bit.
Raha clasped his arms around the Keeper and held him hard, fucked him harder, before finally uncoiling inside. Beat by beat, pent up energy poured inside. It was a happy feeling, a feeling of relief for both of them. And it was a lot. Before Raha even pulled out, Bas’ir’s prize was dripping from his ass onto the covers.
Yes, Bas'ir was thankful Krile had taken them to his room instead of stowing them in hers.
But he was even more thankful he hadn’t had to say it.
"I have never come while drunk before," Raha said, sweeping his hands over Bas'ir's back. "You are a man of many talents."
The comment took the Keeper by surprise. He blinked and blinked, until he remembered Raha would be able to feel the nervous lashes on his chest. "Cleaning up will...be less than ideal."
"You will be okay." He held tighter. Held in a wholesome way with a wholesome smile on his face. The lust had been sucked out of him. The drunkenness had not. "You will be okay, Bas'ir."
"Hmm. Er..." Why wouldn't his heartbeat just shut. Up. Could hardly think with it blaring throughout his drunken body. Alcohol amplified each hit, but it couldn't drown out his affection. Not entirely. Nothing could. Never would. "You...you too?"
"I mean it." Straining, his pulled his head up and kissed the tip of Bas'ir's ear. "You're going to be okay."
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monsterslm · 5 years
Trans man, 19, blonde, blue eyes. I love art and I’m currently learning to sew. I love the Witcher games and books with a passion. My ideal date is camping/hiking, or just hanging out at home in a way too big sweater and underwear and just cooking and watching a movie! Main: beddle
bro thats a mood !! i wanna hang out in my underwear n a hoodie so bad its my number one goal
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betareaderwanted · 5 years
Supernatural A/B/O-looking for help with english
Destiel Dean Winchester/Castiel
Mostly helping with my english-translation, I am not a native speaker and need some help with correct grammar and so on...
Write me an email! [email protected]
Its complete and postet in german (on ao3)
Its in a victorian/english-royality setting (a bit like Downton Abbey). Cas is an Omega who has a free mind and no intention of getting married, his mother Naomi and older Brother Lucifer have other plans and want to marry him to Dean, the Duke of Winchester. But why does he seem to be so aggressive, his eyes always glowing in alpha-red?
Will you help me to translate this correctly? Help me make my sentences sound right? I am translating myself, I just need someone reading it and iron out my kinks 😉
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Random Notes Transfer 1
Trying to get out some rapid fire things for vocab, elements of culture, etc. I’ll mark things I’m not actually sure about with an asterisk that’ll be fun
There is really pretty coral on the east coast of Hestaklis, probs called something like Kirikstone. I like that the frogfolk are really the ones who have valued it and worked with it. 
The Þrigwegian widowstide is a lawful decree of some Sun King that no one will court a widow(er) for two months or longer if decreed by a Fratly Ruthie. Does this create a Sapphic tie in public consciousness to Ruthie? I don’t know. Haven’t lesbians dealt with enough irl
The Quilted Story. I have it in my head, but I don’t want to write it out right now. A fun concept.
Liuhudi as lightning is a problem, because something like Lijúdi is a possible outcome of phonological development, but it bugs me I guess hahaha. It throws off that lovely gothic initial stress and that makes me want to poke around and find out how deeply that changes the language. >:( It also is the outcome (I think) if I went with Wardijan but that would also yield Gudija, which I don’t like as much as Guja. I’ve since handwaved it by making Hulster the hotbed of a hot new dialect, blending elements of RightSpeech and MountainSuckle. 
Many Þrigwegian Yuman groups inherited p[atronymy and patro-whatever inheritance. Hestaklis lost it with the Mihilzlots, but also why the Senn of all those luffordries was such a big deal. “Senn Amann”. 
Hoffer. Hoffling. Heffling? That’s silly. Anyway, what would you call someone whose only brooking is a luffords or kings court?
Okay so with Affle as power, I’m sure there’s a name component in there. I like Afflings, but for what I don’t know. A term for whatever beings are born from energy’s interaction with matter? A rank or honor to brave Hiltwolves?
An Ackwern. Eckwern? A squirrelly-type thing but bigger. Domesticated and bred for meatier breeds. 
Addler may be a poison-maker, one who deals in diseases? Addle is fever, rot, muck, disease, but where are fun places for that to live? Addlings as a name for the group of the sick and infirm. This will be something I am interested to research but also V scared to. Grappling with disability is a bit exhausting. Related, blain could mean a sore or boil? Burn?
To dwine could be to waste away, and hence dwindle. 
There’s the concept of the ae-book which seems like it’d be fun to trace down to e-book, or abbuck if I’m feeling less silly. But it doesn’t quite feel like it fits what’s been built. 
Acrecarl, Acreman :). An Acretiþe, demanded perhaps by the Sun King on occasion. 
Oaknozzle, as “degenerate”. I think this is a folk etymology of an actual old english word but I didn’t write it down. I don’t think it’s a calque? 
Edder as river, veins, innards. Maybe less “river” and more wetlands? *Edderlands? 
Tungle from tungol is a heavinly body and I’m sure the reason it doesn’t sound like anything from Tolkein is because he also HATED how silly it sounded for such an important concept. That’s just a guess but I’m right. 
Emmett as an alternation to ant is wonderful.
Eþlings are exactly what they sound like, the Noble Class. Can’t escape the indo-european caste system, baby! Maybe that’s the POINT!
-beck as a brook, used for demarcation of a border. Fun stuff. Want to remember it.
Bale means harm, evil, malice, and I’m sure I’m SURE ITS BEEN USED. Which is why I’m hesitant. 
Barrow as pig. Just a fun thing to build off of. Has that PERFECT distance of use where it can be recognized but not with any sort of immediate disruptive connotation.
Beddle as “prone to questions”. I LOVE IT, but need more context and maybe to fuck around with some needless suffixes. Beddly is...dubious. 
BEAN DAY! Yeah baby it’s B E a N D a Y. Bean as in requests, maybe from your Lufford? Maybe from the King? I dunno but I’m really into BEAN DAY. 
Beebread? Love it. Beechurl? Beekarl? Nah just kidding.
Billy-wit is sincere, honest, innocent. I wrote billewit which I imagine I got from trying to haphazardly trace some word in an anglosaxon dictionary. 
Bime. Trumpet. obvs horn is better
Blee-fay as multi-colored. -Bold as “building” in names? Beech or Booch as a ‘fixing drink’. -bottle as “significant dwelling”. 
Coaþe as Disease. Brekþ as heartbreak/grief? Breech-sick. Yucky, but funny. 
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axolotlottie · 7 years
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
New Post has been published on https://mommyspicks.com/how-does-swaddling-affect-my-baby/
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
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How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
An analysis lately printed in the journal Pediatrics clarified 8 well-liked doubts that mommies have regarding how precisely swaddling affects their infant. Underneath tend to be the thoughts, and also the systems the researchers constructed: Let’s take a look a little more into this below. 
Can swaddling assistance my baby sleep within the course of the night?
Yes! Most studies which have investigated sleep patterns with and without the want of swaddling have figured that swaddling over the waist outcomes in longer naps and longer overall quantity of sleeping all by way of the daytime. Babies who’re swaddled have lowered startle responses whereas asleep, lowered motor activity whereas asleep, minimizing heartbeat variability (which guarantees they could possibly be inside a lot more steady circumstance).
Will swaddling overheat my newly born baby?
It could. Most of us use swaddling that can help keep their little ones warm in the course of naps and nighttime snooze. The reality is, swaddling does continue to keep your baby warmer through the night time and help with temperature regulation. The chance, on the other hand, is it is really probable in warmer environments that swaddling may overheat your infant and result in hyperthermia; this is most definitely dangerous once the baby’s head is additionally covered (such just like a cap) or if your toddler boasts a fever/infection.
Really should I swaddle when my little one is showing they have a fever?
Most doctors propose which you do not ever swaddle your newborn if she or he provides a fever, although it is really a small fever. This can make sleeping complicated, but nevertheless, as the newborn is by now awkward and it is now swaddled. Click here to determine an internet site that provides a large amount of solutions on how to reduced a fever, and also a suggestion on ways to swaddle a infant accompanied by a fever without overheating her or him.
Will swaddling lessen the chance of SIDS?
 Yes! Most scientific tests that have investigated SIDS probability with and without the need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling decreases the danger of unexpected toddler deaths. Most researchers are convinced that one purpose swaddling decreases SIDS threat is it immobilizes the arms and makes it difficult for your toddler to tug his/her beddling over the experience and head (that may cause overheating and/or asphyxiation). One more reason swaddling may decrease SIDS probability is usually that it really is characteristically conducted whilst the child is sleeping in supine posture (around the back again), which in and of alone is assumed to decrease SIDS possibility. Most also concur that you ought to don’t swaddle your child even while she or he is sleeping in prone posture (for the tummy), that can improve SIDS probability.
Can swaddling harm motor development?
No! Most research that have investigated motor advancement with and with no need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling may need constructive outcomes on motor enhancement, particularly in pre-term (premature) infants. There is not any proof that swaddling has short- or long-term repercussions on motor growth, or whether or not your little one can satisfy her or his motor milestones.
Does swaddling change breastfeeding and bodyweight acquire?
No! Although just a very small handful of studies have examined these situations, they may have seen no formidable evidence that swaddling can have an impact on the duration or frequency of feeds or the whole number of milk that a newborn consumes. Not surprisingly, granted that swaddling will not show up to change feeding behaviors, there is also no evidence that swaddling impacts fat develop.
Does swaddling lessen crying?
Of course! There happen to have been numerous scientific tests which have examined it doesn’t matter if swaddling can lessen the frequency and period of crying, most definitely in infants that suffer from harm or ailment upon delivery. A lot of the experiments have when compared even if swaddling can minimize crying even more than therapeutic massage procedures, and many present that in contrast to massage, swaddling can lower crying by about 30%.
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lovelymuscles-blog · 7 years
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
New Post has been published on https://mommyspicks.com/how-does-swaddling-affect-my-baby/
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
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How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
An analysis lately printed in the journal Pediatrics clarified 8 well-liked doubts that mommies have regarding how precisely swaddling affects their infant. Underneath tend to be the thoughts, and also the systems the researchers constructed: Let’s take a look a little more into this below. 
Can swaddling assistance my baby sleep within the course of the night?
Yes! Most studies which have investigated sleep patterns with and without the want of swaddling have figured that swaddling over the waist outcomes in longer naps and longer overall quantity of sleeping all by way of the daytime. Babies who’re swaddled have lowered startle responses whereas asleep, lowered motor activity whereas asleep, minimizing heartbeat variability (which guarantees they could possibly be inside a lot more steady circumstance).
Will swaddling overheat my newly born baby?
It could. Most of us use swaddling that can help keep their little ones warm in the course of naps and nighttime snooze. The reality is, swaddling does continue to keep your baby warmer through the night time and help with temperature regulation. The chance, on the other hand, is it is really probable in warmer environments that swaddling may overheat your infant and result in hyperthermia; this is most definitely dangerous once the baby’s head is additionally covered (such just like a cap) or if your toddler boasts a fever/infection.
Really should I swaddle when my little one is showing they have a fever?
Most doctors propose which you do not ever swaddle your newborn if she or he provides a fever, although it is really a small fever. This can make sleeping complicated, but nevertheless, as the newborn is by now awkward and it is now swaddled. Click here to determine an internet site that provides a large amount of solutions on how to reduced a fever, and also a suggestion on ways to swaddle a infant accompanied by a fever without overheating her or him.
Will swaddling lessen the chance of SIDS?
 Yes! Most scientific tests that have investigated SIDS probability with and without the need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling decreases the danger of unexpected toddler deaths. Most researchers are convinced that one purpose swaddling decreases SIDS threat is it immobilizes the arms and makes it difficult for your toddler to tug his/her beddling over the experience and head (that may cause overheating and/or asphyxiation). One more reason swaddling may decrease SIDS probability is usually that it really is characteristically conducted whilst the child is sleeping in supine posture (around the back again), which in and of alone is assumed to decrease SIDS possibility. Most also concur that you ought to don’t swaddle your child even while she or he is sleeping in prone posture (for the tummy), that can improve SIDS probability.
Can swaddling harm motor development?
No! Most research that have investigated motor advancement with and with no need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling may need constructive outcomes on motor enhancement, particularly in pre-term (premature) infants. There is not any proof that swaddling has short- or long-term repercussions on motor growth, or whether or not your little one can satisfy her or his motor milestones.
Does swaddling change breastfeeding and bodyweight acquire?
No! Although just a very small handful of studies have examined these situations, they may have seen no formidable evidence that swaddling can have an impact on the duration or frequency of feeds or the whole number of milk that a newborn consumes. Not surprisingly, granted that swaddling will not show up to change feeding behaviors, there is also no evidence that swaddling impacts fat develop.
Does swaddling lessen crying?
Of course! There happen to have been numerous scientific tests which have examined it doesn’t matter if swaddling can lessen the frequency and period of crying, most definitely in infants that suffer from harm or ailment upon delivery. A lot of the experiments have when compared even if swaddling can minimize crying even more than therapeutic massage procedures, and many present that in contrast to massage, swaddling can lower crying by about 30%.
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asklpxvc · 7 years
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
New Post has been published on https://mommyspicks.com/how-does-swaddling-affect-my-baby/
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
Tumblr media
How Does Swaddling Affect My Baby?
An analysis lately printed in the journal Pediatrics clarified 8 well-liked doubts that mommies have regarding how precisely swaddling affects their infant. Underneath tend to be the thoughts, and also the systems the researchers constructed: Let’s take a look a little more into this below. 
Can swaddling assistance my baby sleep within the course of the night?
Yes! Most studies which have investigated sleep patterns with and without the want of swaddling have figured that swaddling over the waist outcomes in longer naps and longer overall quantity of sleeping all by way of the daytime. Babies who’re swaddled have lowered startle responses whereas asleep, lowered motor activity whereas asleep, minimizing heartbeat variability (which guarantees they could possibly be inside a lot more steady circumstance).
Will swaddling overheat my newly born baby?
It could. Most of us use swaddling that can help keep their little ones warm in the course of naps and nighttime snooze. The reality is, swaddling does continue to keep your baby warmer through the night time and help with temperature regulation. The chance, on the other hand, is it is really probable in warmer environments that swaddling may overheat your infant and result in hyperthermia; this is most definitely dangerous once the baby’s head is additionally covered (such just like a cap) or if your toddler boasts a fever/infection.
Really should I swaddle when my little one is showing they have a fever?
Most doctors propose which you do not ever swaddle your newborn if she or he provides a fever, although it is really a small fever. This can make sleeping complicated, but nevertheless, as the newborn is by now awkward and it is now swaddled. Click here to determine an internet site that provides a large amount of solutions on how to reduced a fever, and also a suggestion on ways to swaddle a infant accompanied by a fever without overheating her or him.
Will swaddling lessen the chance of SIDS?
 Yes! Most scientific tests that have investigated SIDS probability with and without the need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling decreases the danger of unexpected toddler deaths. Most researchers are convinced that one purpose swaddling decreases SIDS threat is it immobilizes the arms and makes it difficult for your toddler to tug his/her beddling over the experience and head (that may cause overheating and/or asphyxiation). One more reason swaddling may decrease SIDS probability is usually that it really is characteristically conducted whilst the child is sleeping in supine posture (around the back again), which in and of alone is assumed to decrease SIDS possibility. Most also concur that you ought to don’t swaddle your child even while she or he is sleeping in prone posture (for the tummy), that can improve SIDS probability.
Can swaddling harm motor development?
No! Most research that have investigated motor advancement with and with no need of swaddling have concluded that swaddling may need constructive outcomes on motor enhancement, particularly in pre-term (premature) infants. There is not any proof that swaddling has short- or long-term repercussions on motor growth, or whether or not your little one can satisfy her or his motor milestones.
Does swaddling change breastfeeding and bodyweight acquire?
No! Although just a very small handful of studies have examined these situations, they may have seen no formidable evidence that swaddling can have an impact on the duration or frequency of feeds or the whole number of milk that a newborn consumes. Not surprisingly, granted that swaddling will not show up to change feeding behaviors, there is also no evidence that swaddling impacts fat develop.
Does swaddling lessen crying?
Of course! There happen to have been numerous scientific tests which have examined it doesn’t matter if swaddling can lessen the frequency and period of crying, most definitely in infants that suffer from harm or ailment upon delivery. A lot of the experiments have when compared even if swaddling can minimize crying even more than therapeutic massage procedures, and many present that in contrast to massage, swaddling can lower crying by about 30%.
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phantomthread · 7 years
I need to tell you that I read your URL as 'there will beddl'. And I genuinely thought that was quoting a drunk person announcing that 'there will be a battle.' ... I'll see myself out.
lol i thought my url is quite obvious but at this point i accept whatever people want to call me :)
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