#and I think it also speaks for Wataru that he also didn't even mind that they just flew off without Tomoya
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I still think the more I think about it that sanctuary at it's core is a perfectly understandable reaction on Eichis part I mean have you read blackbird imagine being Eichi and experiencing that. I would also go insane if the guy that's stuck with me through weal and woe — who's been a main motivation for me to keep on living by being kind of the reason I fell in love with idols in the first place which is a fact about me that proceeded to shape the narrative at it's very core and who I'm so close to it makes other people uncomfortable sometimes, yet I feel like I don't know him at all and like there's this chasm between us still — just disappeared without any notice for a few days at least and then I find out he's hypnotized himself to play around with some boring kid from his theater circle because he wasn't able to do that as a child. Shakes you there are so many layers to the Sanctuary thing when you think about it of course Eichi was being eaten up by jealousy I would be too for god's sake imagine thinking you're getting closer to someone and then they pull a stunt like that. Why would he rather toy around with this boring weirdo who doesn't even know him like Eichi does that should've been Eichi stuck in that construction area with Wataru not Tomoya! It's only logical because Tomoya hasn't been through what they've been through together. And Eichi is petty and a menace and I still think it was overly dramatic and a tad bit of an asshole move to just leave Tomoya there because he was angry with him while Tomoya was just some guy roped into this without his will or knowledge but I get it. In a way I understand it. I think it's over the top but what is Eichi Tenshouin if not over the top and a little (or very) dumb sometimes and you know what they say about how love makes blind yeah I think that also applies to common sense there.
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argonavis-hcs · 11 months
Hii! Can i request bestfriends to lovers headcanons with yuto, wataru and rio? ^^
» a/n: They're fit the category and i enjoyed writing this hehe. Thank you for requesting and enjoy~
» Tags: Yuuto Goryo x gn!reader ; Wataru Matoba x gn!reader ; Rio Kikyo x gn!reader
» TW: none!
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If you guys have known each other since high school, then you know what happened between Yuuto and the three current Gyro members. You were there at that point in his life and that's something that he will never forget. He thinks he's forever indebted to you, even
The two of you are basically inseparable. Especially when he's struggling with his uni assignment despite you guys studying two different majors. As long as he has his favorite drink and favorite person, he believe he can go through any hardships!
He's a dork, alright. A dork with so many things on his mind. He's the type to remember the most random thing about you or what you've mentioned but a lot of times not the important ones. Yet you're always patient with him because years of friendship with him made you accept the fact that he's a baby trapped in a big body
You were worried when he told you he wanted to start a band, because a part of you didn't want to see Yuuto repeat the history but at the same time you want to see him fly and reach the stars above. Meanwhile, you were the core motivation for him to go back on his dream. For once, he wanted to do something to make you proud of him. A simple token of gratitude for always being there for him no matter the situation.
The four addition to his band made him realize how important you are to him. Without your to support him all these time, he wouldn't be able to reach where he is right now. And your frequent absence in his life felt like a slam in his face. It's not like you're absent because of any issue between the two of you, it's just that both of your are busy chasing each other's dream to the point where these sacrifices has to be made.
It pains him to see how many time you have to reject his invitation to watch the band live, but all he could do as your best friend is to support whatever decision you make, right?
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Oooooh I want Wataru with a best friend that either has the same obsession to sweets as him or someone that's completely the opposite. Like, someone that will drag him by the back of his shirt away from a bakery LOL
Both of you promise to go hang out occasionally to catch up on each other's life no matter how busy you guys are. if Wataru is currently close to where you or vice versa, a hangout between two *cough* best friend *cough* shall be arranged immediately
You're the first person Wataru go to when it comes to checking his new song. Speaking of the lyrics, can you tell that some of the lines are made with you in his mind? No? Hmm, maybe he's not obvious enough
On bad days he'd be cooped up in his room by himself. He'd be spamming you with messages and asking you to call him when you got the time. The days might be rough but at least he got to hear his favorite sound, which is your voice
Imagine if the lyrics he'd written were becoming more and more romantic and Rio was like, "Who are you writing these for?" and then the realization hit him and he went "Ah, that's why you've been writing while being on the phone with someone."
Funny enough, not even Wataru himself realize it. He had thought that it's how best friends are, even if they don't talk everyday doesn't mean the person doesn't go through his mind everyday. Rio's words starting to weigh day by day and Wataru doesn't know what to do with the feeling in his chest. A part of him is afraid to confess because the probability of you leaving him was never 0 but a part of him also wants to take this relationship to another level
What he doesn't realize is how you always compliment the lyrics that were actually directed at you. He thought you were simply criticizing but it's your way of saying "they catch my attention the most, how do you write all of these?" Seriously both of you need to be more direct wit each other. Open your heart a little more, ok?
Aren't you curious on what he writes every time you talk about other guys that has potential to be with you romantically? I hope not. They're all secure at the deepest part of his drawer and hopefully one day he'll the one to win your heart instead.
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The king of tease istg. Oh you have difficulty in anything? Here's how it will go. 1. He'll either call you clumsy or cute, it's always one of the two. 2. He'll say: "What will you ever do without me around?" 3. He'll help you. Of course he will, what kind of best friend do you take him for? 4. He'd ended up not helping at all. He did all the work by himself instead which make you feel dumb at times because how else will you be good at those things? 5. If you say anything other than "Thank you" he'll reply with "Do you really need to be good at them when you have me around?"
Both of you might be best friends since early childhood or high school so you already know what he's like before the band came along. You noticed every little change in him but he doesn't ever want to hear it. Kind of unfair since he love to tease but doesn't want to be teased back.
Since the beginning of your friendship Rio would randomly give you something at random times. An apple at P.E class, a bag of candy on weekend, a new pair of cute sock at 3rd period of Monday, you name it. And there's always a paper attached to it with either him bullying you (affectionately) or weird drawings he did on boring classes. The other classmates genuinely thought the two of you were dating that they're surprised they learn the truth.
"You guys should date, then." If you get a dollar for every you hear it, you'd be rich by now.
Fast forward to present time, the teasing never go away it's a huge part of character at this point. But do you want to know what changed? His demeanor when you're introducing him to another one of your guy friends. In his head his existence in your life is equal to all the guys in the world combined so why would you need another guy in your life? Especially one as capable as Rio.
The things he'd do to show his stance to these guys are usually having his arm on your shoulder, carrying your bag even though you're not carrying anything other than that, leaving the group for a moment only to come back with your favorite snack and say "What? Isn't this your favorite?", and more.
One of these days he feel like saying "Remember what those people always tell you about our relationship? I think It's time to give them what they want."
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
LIS!! I was about to come here to cry about yuuta bcs i missed him this is a great opportunity qwq
the question itself is whats your thoughts on how the others in the cast would react to yuutas shift in personality!! its not the exact term i would use to describe his recent doings but ig thats how it would seem from outside so
just. im actually such a sucker for outside povs it always gives such nice perspective for characters its one of my favorites <3 i also love him so its a great mashup i would say
HELLOOO STARRY. thank you for always saving me in these cases <3 both of us miss him, good timing then.
THIS ended up being long, looong as always. I'm sorry I can't help it, but I hope you enjoy.
“Yuutakun Yuutakun, what have you become..?” thoughts
Replying to your question. hmmm, I think it depends on the person. Undead were definitely the beta testers already, alongside Hinata.
Let's see, Yuta used to be perceived as "one of the twins" just like that. And the twins were perceived as poor and miserable by all the yumenosaki students after Setsubun. You know how Mika says that it's "his duty to look after them" because it's a collective agreement in yumenosaki? As for the people close to him, I think they've always perceived him as a calm but cheery person except when it comes to Hinata. Everyone who has been 5 minutes talking to him should be able to notice that there's always this little pinch of boiling rage when something has to do with Hinata.
Now, as for the recent.. meltdown and explosion of personality, we have three phases. Entering the darkness (sandstorm), walking that dark tunel without hopes of finding the exit (mirage), finding the exit and being able to see outside's light again (love letter).
Many characters experienced a phase of it already, we could even claim that everything started in nightclub and everything, but that was just a brief moment. A brief taste that Rinne offered him so that he could see the world through his eyes.
I think Yuta is very conflicted himself, that's why he keeps deprecating and carrying burdens (please take him to therapy I am begging) BUT OK, moving to what's important, what's everyone reaction to this? how do they feel?
Starting with undead in sandstorm, we saw them raging and confused about his actions. Specifically Koga who was a step away from throwing hands. I believe Rei is the most important key in all this, since he felt hurt more than anything else. I believe Rei not only felt betrayed but felt like he did something wrong, since y'know, he 'raised' the twins in yumenosaki. This idea is further expressed in Love Letter, where he finally understands that Yuu is just.. changing, but that he isn't alone.
Speaking of, Hinata is devastated. Hinata has lived that change right before his eyes and he's absolutely terrified that he will loose Yuta. I spoke about this in my little liveblog of Love Letter when it dropped, but the twins are in a very unstable place. For Yuta to be happy, he needs to separate himself from Hinata, but this is exactly what will end up hurting Hinata, so now Yuta is growing while his brother is sinking in depressive thoughts all over again (at least Wataru helped a bit with that and thank god).
We see a couple more characters who witness the process. Shinobu? Absolutely terrified too. Shinobu, despite being Yuta's best friend, knows little to nothing about his true self, his true feelings. Seeing his friend get corrupted by those emotions scares him and also hurts a lot. He said it in Mirage even, he just wants Yuta to open up and trust him and understand that he isn't alone, but again, Yuta was in a blinded state of mind in which the pain overcame him and didn't listen at all.
I believe. the only person who took this positively has been Rinne. Rinne is. very very proud of him. Rinne is happy that his advice was able to reach him. He took the father figure that Rei previously had and embraced it. Rinne, despite his personality, truly cares about the ones he loves, so I think it's pretty normal that he feels proud and tries to help Yuta in his journey, specially when he sees himself reflected on him (yeahh read hotlimit).
ANYWAY. I would love to see Sora's opinion though, I'd love to see if his color has changed though I know that if it did, Hinata is going to cry and I do not want that.. but ! He's growing, I'm very proud of him.
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ota-division · 2 years
Chinami's Thoughts on Kanazawa Division
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Wataru Sasaki
Standing at the entrance of her home, which also functioned as the shop for her business, the blind seer, Chinami, inhaled the fresh air of Ōta before exhaling. It paid to get out of her house every now and then. It was a nice day today. She thinks she may take Jin out for a stroll around the city once he wakes up from his nap. But before that, there was one task Chinami had to do. Sitting down and placing her hands around her crystal ball, she began divining the pasts of another division team. Which one this time? Kanazawa Division.
"Sasaki Wataru."
Speaking aloud the name of the Justice Shield leader, the crystal ball began playing out images of the veteran cop. The image that comes on shows a young boy of 10 or 11 sitting in a chair in a semi-small room. He is by himself in the last row, but sitting in front of him is a group of men and women, all of them dressed in professional blue uniforms. The boy, like the rest of the people in the room, are looking and listening to an older man who is standing on a stage, speaking into a microphone. The man and the boy have very similar facial features, and the boy is listening to the man with stars in his eyes. After about five minutes, the man finishes his speech and salutes the crowd. Everyone in attendance claps for him, especially the young boy who gives the man a standing ovation. As the man walks off the stage, the boy has only one thought in mind, 'That's who I want to be someday.' The scene then ends.
The scene changes now showing a young man in his early-to-mid 20s. He is standing in a line on a stage outside with other men and women, some of them in the same age range. They all had serious looks on their faces as this was an important day and an important chapter in their lives. After weeks of hard work, harsh training, and long study sessions, they all had managed to make it to this point: the point where they were now graduates and official police officers of the Japanese government.
Out in the crowd, the young man could see his middle-aged mother, a gentle smile on his face. He was happy that she was here, though he knew that she wasn't happy to see him following in his father's footsteps. ...His father, the man whom he respected more than anyone else. It had been over a decade since he sadly lost his life taking down a dangerous drug cartel. The city hailed him as a hero, which he undoubtedly was. The young man didn't need anyone telling him that. He lived with the man, and he knew just how heroic his father was. And he also knew that he had big shoes to fill. But he wasn't scared, wasn't intimidated. He knew that no matter what happened, his father would be watching over him. Looking up at the sky, he swore he could have seen the old man looking down on him...
The scene changes again to show the young man now a few years older. He was staring at himself in the mirror, as he was giving himself a once over to make sure nothing was amiss. He looked as he always did, but... he felt more than a bit nervous today. No, nervous didn't even begin to describe how he felt. He was anxious. No, he was downright scared! Why? Because... because after hours of debating with himself, he... he was going to do it. He was finally going to do it!
Breathing to himself, trying to calm his nerves, he walked out of his room and headed for the entrance. His mother, now a few years older, spotted him as he was leaving. Giving him a kiss on his cheek, she reassured him. Thanking his mother, the man gave her a hug and walked out the door to his house to his vehicle. Where he was off to? Not to work, surprisingly, but to pick up a... special friend of his. One that he had met with and talked to on a number of occasions. They had accidentally bumped into each other at a concert and... well, as they say, the rest is history. Today, he was taking her out on another date. But that still didn't explain why he was so nervous. Why was he, you ask?
...Well, let's just say that the small black box he had in his coat pocket which contained a gold diamond ring, it wasn't for him...
The scene changes once more showing the man is now a few years older. However, unlike his previous appearance which had him more professional and alert, this time, he is shown as bedraggled and disorderly. His hair is a mess, his eyes are red with heavy shadows beneath them, and his attire is wrinkled with a few spots and stains on them. Even his posture was pathetic. Suffice it to say, he was a mere shadow of his former self.
It had been over two years since he lost the love of his life, and he still hadn't recovered. He hated people leaving; he hated losing people. It was already hard enough when he lost his father. It had taken him years to get over his death. And after he had finally managed to put it behind him, he had to lose someone else! He hated this! He hated it all!
...But... as he stood outside the entrance of a room where two young boys with similar features as him were staring at him, shock written all over both their young faces, it was then that he realized what his elderly mother had been trying to convey to him... he hadn't been the only one suffering. Walking up to the both of them, he fell to his knees and took both of them in his arms as he hugged them both, shock still on their faces. He couldn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes, nor could he stop apologizing to them both as he let go of the grief he had been holding onto for so long...
The scene changes once more, showing the man in his current appearance. He is currently inside a police room with other officers as they are looking over a very large map of Japan. There are different-colored thumbtacks all over the map. What he is looking for as he stares at the map with intense eyes is unknown. As another participant in this D.R.B., this police officer will not stop as he continues his fight for truth and justice. ...But in this day and age, such things are considered futile, as evil runs rampant throughout the world. And sometimes, it is harder to locate. Will this veteran be able to uncover the truth that is hidden? Or will the darkness of this war-ridden country swallow him and everyone he loves whole?
Kyler Aaron
"Aaron Kyler."
The scene on the crystal ball opens showing a young American boy with blonde hair at a playground. He is sitting on top of a jungle gym, playing with other kids. He makes it to the top and stands up, raising his arms in victory. He prepares to climb back down, but stops as he sees something in the distance. A young girl with blonde hair is playing hide-and-seek with other kids. He looks as she goes to hide in some bushes, making his eyes grow wide. Aren't those the bushes his parents told him to stay away from cause there was a skunk's nest near there?!
Not thinking twice, the young boy quickly climbs down from his jungle gym and hurries over to where the girl is. Walking over to her, he kneels down next to her, making her look at him. Thinking she is trying to take his spot from her, she waves him off. He puts his finger over his lips and quietly points to a hole behind her. Confused, the girl looks behind her and sees a black and white striped four-legged rodent crawl out of the hole. Taking the girl's hand, he quickly, but quietly leads her away before the skunk becomes agitated. It is only when they are a few feet away that they both release the air they were holding in. Suddenly, the boy looks up as he feels a pair of soft lips on the side of his face. Looking to his side, the girl smiles at him and introduces herself, causing him to do the same. The scene then ends.
The scene opens to show the young boy from before, though he is far older than before, probably in his early teens. He is sitting in an expensive lounge chair in what looks like a doctor's office. He is obviously not in the best of conditions. His hair is ragged, and his eyes are bloodshot and red. Ever since he woke up from his four-year coma, he... well, let's just say things could have been better for him. For one thing, he can barely remember anything about his past. Falling and cracking open your head can have diverse effects on your memory. Either that or his mind was subconsciously trying to block off something that it desperately didn't want to remember. The mind was a funny thing. It seemed so simple on paper, but when you got down to the nitty-gritty parts of it, there were still things about it that not even the most talented doctor could explain.
Secondly, he woke up to find out that his parents, the people who raised him and gave birth to him... both had died. ...Well, that's not exactly true, but it's not totally false either. His father had been disemboweled, like he was some type of lab animal. He wanted to see his dad's body, but the police wouldn't let him. They cited the reason as 'There are some things a boy your age shouldn't be allowed to see.' What kind of bullshit reasoning was that?! His father was dead, damnit! He wanted to know what had happened to him and wanted to see him! Was that so much to ask?! But no matter how much he demanded, the police's answer still didn't change.
As for his mother... she had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. No one knew where she was. The police were actively looking for her as they had been doing for years. But clues were hard to come by. ...He knew he shouldn't have thought about these things. They only made him angrier and more upset. But what else could he do? He woke up after being presumed 'dead' for four years. Four years! Do you know how long that is?! How much the world has changed on him?! And now, because his parents were gone, he was told he was going to have to live in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids. He sighed as he put his hands on his head.
Thankfully, it wasn't all bad. His parents had set up some sort of trust fund for him so that when he was of age and was kicked out of the orphanage, he'd have money waiting for him to do what he'd like. ...That's partially the reason he was here in this office to begin with. The doctors who had taken care of him thought it would be best if he'd see a counselor at least once a week to get his thoughts in order. ...Yeah, right? What the hell was some doctor going to do? Talking about things wasn't going to make everything good. ...But was bottling everything up any better? He looked up as the door to the room opened, revealing a young woman who greeted him with a smile. All she got back was a black stare. The scene ends as she sits down behind her desk.
The scene changes again, this time showing a large green field with more than 20 people on it. All but two of them are busy chasing a black and white round ball across the field. The last two are busy standing in front of a netted goal on opposite sides of the field. One group of players are wearing a blue and green uniformed shirt, while the other group is wearing a royal blue and white shirt. A crowd in attendance is shown sitting on some silver bleachers, some cheering for one team and some cheering for the other. A large clock on the field lets everyone know that there are only 20 seconds left in the game.
One of the blue and green uniformed players manages to get ahold of the ball, heading straight for the opposing team's goal. However, the ball is quickly stolen from by a familiar blonde-haired individual, who is wearing a royal blue and white shirt. A look of determination is on his face as he dribbles the ball down the field, bypassing all of the other players. As he gets close to the opposing team's goal, the goalie stands ready to block his kick. A hidden smirk is on the blonde-haired boy's face as he kicks the soccer ball towards him before kicking it up in the air. Then, to the amazement and shock of everyone watching, he performs a flawless bicycle kick in the air, sending the ball flying into the opposing team's goal, giving him and his team a score.
A loud alarm goes off, signaling the end of the game, and the final score is 2-1, showing the blonde-haired kid's team as the winners of the game. He is immediately tackled and slapped on the back by his teammates who congratulate him. He smiles and thanks everyone, sighing as he was used to this. Did it get tiresome game after game? Kinda. But he wouldn't deny that there was some satisfaction that came with it. The scene ends as he is still being applauded and congratulated by his team.
The scene changes now showing the blonde-haired teenager in his current form. He has grown into an attractive young gentleman. He is shown sitting in an airplane, one of his legs crossed over the other. He is looking at his phone as he replays a message that was sent to him, giving him details about his mother. He didn't know if the message was a hoax or not; he didn't know enough about technology to figure out who had sent it, and neither could anyone who was in the R&D department of the CIA complex. It was obvious whoever sent this knew what they were doing. Hitting the 'play' button once more, he listened intently to the message:
"Your mother, Marie Clover, has been spotted. If you wish to know more, come to Japan."
That was it. Just a simple message, as well as a photo of his mother that came equipped with it. Nothing else. Clenching his fist, the American didn't like this. Whoever sent this knew him, and they made have had something to do not only with his father's death, but also with why he had lost four years of his life when he was younger. He didn't know who was behind this, but he was going to get some answers, one way or another.
...But what happens if those answers aren't the ones he was expecting to get? What will happen when he realizes the person he is searching for is not who he thinks it is? What will the young FBI agent do then? Are answers all he is seeking? Or is there something more... personal to this quest he has found himself on?
Joey Kurusu
"Kurusu Joey."
The crystal ball begins by showing a young boy of five or six with dirty blonde, wavy hair, and skin that screamed that he was born somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. He was currently sitting outside a hospital room, looking at everything that was around him with wonder. An older gentleman with similar facial features was busy walking in front of him, anxious. The boy wondered why he was so nervous but when he asked, the man seemingly ignored him, which made the boy frown a bit. What was wrong with him? Why was he constantly walking back and forth? Did something happen? Where was his mommy?
After about 10 minutes of this, the door to the hospital room the boy was sitting outside of opened, revealing a female doctor with a mask on. She waved her hand in, and the man gently but sternly took the boy by the hand, and led him into the room. Lying on a hospital bed was a woman who was holding onto a crying baby. The man covered his face as he started crying for some reason. Putting on some gloves, he took the baby from the woman and held onto him, still crying but with a smile. After handing it back, the woman looked at the boy who was still staring at her. She smiled as she revealed that he was now a 'big brother'. The boy didn't know what that meant, but for some reason, it made him smile. The scene then ends as the baby is still crying.
The scene changes to show the boy a decade or so older as he steps into a convenience store. He looks around as it is empty, save for one or two customers; no surprise considering how late it is, and the fact that it's a school night, meaning most people were already in bed, prepared for work or school in the morning. Walking up to the clerk, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else than at his job right now, the young teen got to the point of him being there that late: he wanted a lottery ticket. The clerk looked at him and held his hand, obviously waiting for the kid to show him a form of identification.
Sighing, the blonde teen reached into his pocket and pulled out a white identification card. Of course, it wasn't a real ID. Don't ask where he got it from. He was just grateful his current boyfriend knew a guy who could make one for him. The clerk takes a look at the ID, looks at the boy, then back at the ID. Shrugging, he hands it back to the boy before reaching under the counter and handing him a long pink and white colored piece of paper with some numbers on it. Looking at it, the boy thanks the clerk before pulling a pen from his pocket. The scene ends as he begins filling out numbers.
The scene changes showing the teenager again, though he is a few years older. He has a hoodie on, concealing his appearance as he heads into a large stadium. Standing in line, he tries to calm himself. Why was he getting nervous? He wasn't doing anything illegal! He was just here to place a bet, the same as everyone else here! This was all for his sister, whom he was trying to save! So he wasn't doing anything wrong!
...At least that's what the teenager kept telling himself as he walked up to one of the many betting windows. Slipping the money he had in his pocket to the man in the window, he tells the name and number of the horse he is betting on. The man nods, writes his name down, and hands him a ticket with a number. Nodding, the teenager then gets out of line and heads up to the stands where the races are about to begin.
"Just one more bet," he tells himself. "Just one more, and I'll have enough to pay for her operation. Just one more bet..."
He continues repeating these words as if trying to convince everyone around him except himself. He hears a gunshot go off as the horses come out of their stables and start galloping down the racetrack. The scene fizzles out as the teen is grasping onto the ticket as if it were some sort of lifeline.
"Just one more!"
The scene changes showing the teenager again, though now he looks to be in his early 20s. He is sitting in an alleyway, completely dead to the world. His lips are chapped, his hair is a mess and his clothes are ruined. If not for his age, it'd be hard to distinguish him from any of the other hobos or beggars you'd find in the slums of a city. If those were his only concerns though, that wouldn't be so bad. ...But they aren't. In fact, they're the least of his problems right now.
His parents' marriage was on the fritz, his boyfriend, whom he thought he could trust, was lying and stealing from him, he had little to no money in his pocket due to gambling it all away, and he couldn't be bothered to care about his university classes right now.
...But the worst part of it all, his sister, the light in his life, the one whom he had sacrificed so much for... was dead. She... she was murdered. Murdered by some sick depraved animal! Thinking back to her mangled body, lying on the streets with knife wounds all over her body... he didn't want to remember. He didn't want to think about it! Grasping his head, the boy found it hard to contain his sobs as he started crying. The scene ends as he continues sobbing.
The scene changes once more to show the teenager in his current form. He looks and feels better as he is sitting on the passenger's side in a police cruiser, eating a hot dog. After his last appearance, the boy managed to clean up his act. And now, here he was, a cop. Hard to believe, but it was the truth. And he was going to make use of this opportunity fate gave him to search for the truth behind his sister's murderer.
...But though he managed to distinguish himself from his past self, that doesn't necessarily mean the past will let him forget. The past has a funny way of coming back to haunt us, unfortunately. And what will happen when he comes face-to-face with someone from the past that he desperately doesn't want to see? What will he do then?
Justice Shield
Stroking her chin, Chinami lifts her hand and, like before, lets fate decide for her which tarot cards shall be chosen. She stops at three, yet the first one gives her pause for some reason. Not thinking much of it, she flips them over and reveals them. The first card is a familiar one as it features a woman with a sword in her left hand, and a pair of scales in her right (The Justice). The second card, like the first, is also familiar. It features a man inside a horse-driven machine (The Chariot). The last card is the only new one, and it features a naked child sitting atop a white horse as a large bright star shines brightly (The Sun).
Upon completion, significant moments of Justice Shield's lives begin playing out: Wataru's proposal to his late wife, Emi Ishikawa, Kyler's proposal to his fiancée, Roxanne Thompson, and Joey meeting his current boyfriend, Mamoru Hirano. Three men. All aligned for the sole purpose of establishing law and order in the country of Japan. Their assignment, they hope, will help to give them the answers and peace they've all been searching for.
...But what lengths will these three men go to achieve them? Are the answers they want really worth putting themselves and their loved ones in danger? Will they be forced to compromise their morals, or betray their allies in hopes that it gets them to their goal? Only time will tell...
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