#and I want to see more women being encouraged to pursue a career in motorsports too
hensunrik · 2 years
Anyway enough of the nonsense look at my comms casually praising hannah by saying “All the data we are discussing [she] has clearly in front of her and surely [she] will make a choice that will likely impress us”
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f1 · 2 years
Avoid language which may discourage women from entering motorsport Vettel | 2022 Belgian Grand Prix
Sebastian Vettel warned against discouraging women from entering motorsport after Formula 1 CEO Stefano Domenicali said he doesn’t expect a female driver to join the series within the next five years. Domenicali said F1 is trying to “see what we can do in order to improve the system” to encourage more women to enter motor sport and “you will see soon some action.” However he added that “realistically speaking” the F1 grid is likely to remain all-male for the time being. “I don’t see, unless something that will be like a sort of meteor coming into the earth, a girl in F1 in the next five years. That is very unlikely.” Vettel, who held a go-kart race for female competitors ahead of last year’s Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, said Domenicali’s statement was unfortunate because it could serve to discourage women from attempting to enter motor racing. “I know Stefano and I think it is – I haven’t read, exactly – a very unlucky choice of words,” said the Aston Martin driver. “Because it’s statements like that I guess women or girls are probably confronted with when they grow up and sharing their dreams, sitting at breakfast saying ‘I want to become a racing driver’. And then the father might have just read exactly that statement and making it clear to her that ‘but you do like other things, why not focus on other things?’ And then maybe they do focus on other things and drop racing or the idea. “So it’s important that we don’t say these things because there’s [bright] sparks everywhere.” No woman has attempted to qualify for an F1 race since Giovanna Amati 30 years ago. Vettel is confident women can compete on an equal footing with men in F1 and hopes to encourage more to pursue motor racing careers. “I don’t see a reason why we can’t have a woman on the grid,” he said. “I think the challenges we are facing, they can be faced by women. “So I do the opposite, I encourage every girl at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table to speak up. And we can prove Stefano in this regard wrong and all these people wrong that say that certain things can’t be done by you because you are a girl or a woman. I think this sort of stereotype thinking is slowly disappearing, but has to disappear completely.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2022 Belgian Grand Prix Browse all 2022 Belgian Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net
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maxenceandrebisset · 3 years
hey! i'm kind of curious abt this, can't wait to see who you come up with! i'm 6 foot, hazel eyes and brown hair (naturally anyway, atm it's green 😅). my hair's also buzzed! i'm a mechanical engineering student, hoping to either go into motorsport (not f1 ironically, fe or wec) or classic car restoration. outside of uni i do a lot of performing (musicals and normal theatre), i help out in student union (subject representative, and i was head of the union at college) and general crafty things; knitting, sewing, embroidery etc. i try to do them as close to early modern or industrial period historical practice, just for fun!
as the performing might suggest, i like to talk! but only once i've actually gotten to know someone, otherwise, as i spent most of my childhood at work with my dad, i can apparently come across as quite serious (my dad works in government, so i had to learn quite quickly how not to offend councillers and mps 🤣). when i do open up a bit, i sort of end up being the mum friend, for lack of a better term? i cook for my flatmates a lot, make sure they're going where they need to get. i do really like to learn things, no matter what they are; my dad always jokes that if money was no object he doesn't think i'd ever leave uni (which he's not wrong abt djgjjd). i in a partner, i generally get on well with people who can offset my nerves a bit, esp when it comes to being out and about in public, but also someone i can have a laugh with, and likes to get out and do things/explore new places!
thank you sm, hope you're having a good day/night ❤️❤️
For the beginning, love the detailed answer - let me tell you, you are hell of excting person! Or at least you sound like this.
As I read through your answer, the only driver, who kept popping up in my mind over and over again was
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Now, I won't lie, I am a bit scared that you are some avid Max fan or something along these lines and detest Lewis as many people out there do, therefore you will hate even this answer, so if that's the case, then I am sorry.
- I feel like Lewis would be extremely supportive of your engineering studies and dream of having a career in the motorsport/car restoration - just following him on his social media, you can see that he is encouraging everyone both famous and regular people, especially women pursuing male-dominated fields
- plus I also think that he would eagerly want to help with this interest/direction of yours in particular - tell you his experiences and knowledge of the motor racing, which could help you and be valuable in your profession, or just give a helping hand in the car restoration if he knew for sure that he could help
- outside of F1 Lewis is also artistic, probably the most out of all drivers, so I think that he would love to attend your performances in the theater/musicals and would actually genuinely enjoy them, not attend them only because you are his partner and it would be respectful to do so as many other drivers would
- Differently from the first point, I believe that he would use your interested in knitting, sewing, etc. and "use you" when it comes down to his passion for fashion - letting you design or put together pieces he would later on wear and pull off even if they didn't turn out as great as they were supposed to, ask you for advice or give you ideas for your creations
- Now, Lewis also likes to talk, but he is not any sort of crazy out-going extrovert like Daniel, who would be speaking nonstop even in front of complete strangers - just like you, he likes to talk when he is around people he is comfortable with or he uses his voice and its influence during the more formal events and occasions since he has matured into a very well-spoken guy, who uses his popularity and platform to speak for those, who are not heard, and represent them in the world
- When he is not around his friends, he also seems like that overly serious person who is no fun, (standing alone with his umbrella, earphones and sunglasses on the truck every single race), but from my personal experience of meeting him two times during race weekends and having the chance to exchange some words with him, he is actually really kind-hearted and polite fella with a good sense of humor, surprisingly good one (and his dad-like laughter, which cracks me up every single time I hear it)
- Don't know why, but I think that Lewis actually needs someone, who is like the typical mum friend - he might be 36-year-old, but there is so much on his plate, that I think he would appreciate someone, who wouldn't be completely lost in life and could naturally take care of someone
- Not to begin the suggar daddy discussion here (seriously didn't think I would bring this up, whatever, here we go I guess), but I think that you could peacefully study for however long you would want to because he definitely has enough money to solve the financial issue preventing you from studying forever
Also, let's be honest, your dad would probably like such a rich guy, who could financially back you up until you would have a stable income yourself, as well.
- I also believe that he would be able to take you to many different places all around the world, which you could explore together (not only his house in LA and Monaco) since he definitely is not someone, who would hate travelling and exploring new countries, cultures, etc.
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