#and I will always have a weakness for boba’s drama
acatalystrising · 2 years
At long last, my next winged Boba piece is complete! As soon as I saw a certain Fortnite picture, it was so ✨iconic✨ I just HAD to draw my own interpretation, obviously winged of course because that’s my brand. He’s such a drama king and I love him for it!
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chapter 6 thoughts: (spoilers ahead!)
oh. fuck.
he was king. now he’s a martyr.
holy shittttt
aftg really brings us all together, this is random but i love talking to other fan accounts about the books
anyway fanfics will no longer have to speculate when rikos funeral was, and if kevin attended or not (or if he had a mental breakdown about it)
also neil u have no tact babe and i love u for it
oh renee ur so lovely ur so insightful (neil u should listen to what she has to say)
jean and his ‘i won’t grieve him’ ❤️🫶
- ‘promise me’ jean said with a desperation that should have kill him, nathaniel didn’t hesitate, ‘i promise’ SHUT THE FUCK UP I LOVE THEM THANK U NORA THIS IS EVERYTHING I WANTED FROM THIS BOOK
it’s 1:40 am and i’ve just made a cup of tea to keep myself awake
feeling many things about jeans perusal of the fox photo wall and taking renee’s picture
i know these motherfuckers aren’t accusing neil kevin and jean of abandoning that cunt and leading to his ‘suicide’
WE ARE THE RIGHT PEOPLE I THINK JUST NOT THE RIGHT TIME (look i am admittedly not a jean/renee shipper but good god they are so sweet in this)
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screaming as silently as i can rn
- petition for someone to put summertime sadness on the jean playlist
whattttt is the mystery about jeremy’s family?? what is this fabled fall banquet that tore his family in half im so intrigued i have to know more
jeremy dad of the trojans checking to see that they’re safe and also cody first cannon non binary character??? pls say yes
accidentally fell asleep in the middle of my planned all nighters whoops it’s currently 7 am
chapter 7:
“I like to indulge,” Jeremy said with a dimpled smile. ​Kevin’s words mocked him in the back of his thoughts: “Some of them you like.”
i did. notice this in chapter 2 or whatever but is this?? are we getting jerejean???? that’s what this means righ??
jeremy wdym ‘oh to be the pampered elite’ u have a butler??
jean defending kevin saying he’s earned the right to be arrogant be still my beating heart i love these stubborn mother fuckers
He was years away, watching a different beautiful boy lean in close to say, Will you teach me when he’s not watching? It could be our secret.
chapter 8!!
flicked him a sly look. “Easy on the eyes, maybe.”
also so glad that there’s 100% confirmation cat and laila are dating (shared bedroom!)
the description of laila and cats lounge room is so soft and cozy im so jealous i wish i was there
barkbark von barkenstein u will never top sir fat cat mcatterson (although props to nora for always having simultaneously the worst and most creative names for pets)
jean telling cat she’s a good player but misses every ball at her hips is literally every raven! (someone) fic ever come to life where they meet a relatively normal other team and have absolutely no tact or awareness of what others considered rude and immediately tell the other players what their weaknesses are (i’m obsessed)
“Yes,” he said, and if he didn’t sound sure, he at least sounded angry. “Let them all burn. I hope none of them survive.” BABY I LOVE U IM SO PROUD OF U UR SAFE NOW FUCK RIKO FUCK THE RAVENS FUCK THE MASTER
“Oh, he’s good. A bit rude, but I like him. I think we’re going to be good friends.”
i’d say the exact same thing
*jeremy giving jean the keys*
well it’s not andreil levels of drama and symbolism but love a good comparison
or they do not care enough about her wellbeing. It’s unforgivable either way.”
giggling a bit over jean being up in arms about boba knowing that he’d be seriously unimpressed with me if he knew how much boba i drank
he wants to know what it was for
The Ravens had given up everything to be the undefeated champions, only to be destroyed last month by a tiny team from South Carolina.
“Loving something is not enough,” Jean told him, right on cue. ​“When is the last time you enjoyed playing?” Jeremy asked. ​“Irrelevant,” Jean said. “I am Jean Moreau; I am perfect Court. I do not need to enjoy it to be the best backliner in the NCAA.”
that was what Jean felt safest in, Jeremy would back his decision wholeheartedly.
chapter 9999
also i’m so glad that we have jeremy/laila/cat friendship like in fics and stuff they were always best buddies coz they were the only trojan characters named in the books but it’s great to see they’re actually good friends in cannon
“I need you to listen to me for one moment,” Laila said, “and I need you to believe me when I say it. Fuck Coach Moriyama.”
cat talking macronutrients and promising to help with his diet so it’s still familiar but more fun in order to begin healing jeans relationship with food is so important to me
nora bleaching jeremy’s hair blonde after telling us she was shocked we all headcannoned him as blonde while she thought he was brunette is so funny to me,, don’t worry fan artists u do not have to change a thing!
(frosted tips made me giggle too, jeremy u pussy)
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?”
chapter 10
jean learning basic household chores like sorting and washing clothes and deep cleaning the apartment and learning his way around a supermarket <3
Afternoons were filled with whatever the women were in the mood for that day, be it wandering downtown, shopping, or combing through estate sales.
Jean went where they took him because it was better than being left in the house alone,
Ravens graduated; they didn’t leave.
fuck if that didn’t just stop my heart
i definitely should have been more wary of the trigger warnings. if anyone is wanting to read the book but is worried about certain parts, i’d be happy to let y’all know what sections are triggering so u can try and skip around them.
But Jean was not a Raven, and Wayne was dead.
the thought of that quiet space with its single bed was so repulsive he turned toward the living room instead. - this is so important to me
He could sense the others’ presence even if they weren’t around to bother him, and that was enough to take the edge off the loneliness eating at his heart.
literally end my life i’m so happy for jean, he’s healing slowly but surely
this was better than anything he’d ever had. It was worlds more than he deserved. He feared it as much as he wanted it;
wait wtf,, zane is reacher??? in literally every raven fic ever reacher is the most abusive character other than riko
^ yeah i wrote that two seconds before then reading jeans panic attack about drowning and the trigger of riko waterboarding him and neil and now i want to cry
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milkybonya · 1 year
crush ☆ doyoung
order 069, anon: large taro milk tea with strawberry popping boba for treasure Doyoung
! : suggestive (kissing), explicit language (swear words)
# : bad boy!doyoung (but he's really just tsundere) x gn reader, ft. best friend!Jaehyuk
[💌: since hello era... doyoung and junghwan be hitting differently like THESE BOYS ARE ALL GROWN MY BBYS :( also anon i hope u like this one i'm sorry its so late T_T and on Haruto day?? not me posting a Dobby fic on Haruto day hehe HAPPY RUTO DAY]
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there's no bad boy that makes you as weak in the knees as Doyoung. you have the fattest crush on him but no one will ever know. not even him. well, no one except for your best friend, Jaehyuk.
you keep your eyes straight ahead as Doyoung loudly enters the classroom, slamming the door accidentally (?) behind him and loudly pulling out his chair in the back to sit down.
you watch Jaehyuk wriggle his eyebrows as you from two rows ahead. then, you steal a glance back at Doyoung. he's leaning back in his head, facing the ceiling, revealing his attractive neck--
okay, seriously. you've gotta stop. how can a neck be attractive? well, his can.
you gulp as you face the front, trying to focus on the lesson. but... the teacher doesn't show up. so, as always, the kids start causing a ruckus. Doyoung keeps his head down in the back and you sigh as you sift through your homework, trying to find something non-violent to do.
just as Jaehyuk approaches you to have a conversation, he gets pushed aside by one of your class's rude idiots. he falls to the ground.
"y/n, is that the homework? can i borrow it?" they ask, leaning way too close.
"fuck off," you mutter, annoyed.
"huh? did you say something?" they ask, leaning even closer.
you sigh, trying to decide if you should fight back or just give them your homework--when you hear the legs of a chair scraping against the floor from behind you.
"just piss off! leave them alone," Doyoung yells at the rude idiot. "if you care about homework that bad, why don't you actually do it, hm?"
"yeah, he's right," Jaehyuk pipes up, finally getting up from the floor.
"and what if i don't leave them alone?" they challenge Doyoung, who makes some kind of quiet snarling sound before he bounds over to you.
"fuck. off," he says, shoving the person with each word.
they fall backwards onto a desk and Jaehyuk cheers.
your heart is racing, both because of the adrenaline the situation is making you feel, and because Doyoung is so... damn attractive while he's shutting these idiots down. his jaw is clenched and the outline of it is sharp. his lips glisten under the ceiling lights from when he licked them moments ago, trying to hold back his anger.
Doyoung turns to you, his ears red and his hands in his pockets. his dress shirt uniform is unbuttoned, revealing a black shirt underneath.
he doesn't say anything, just scans your face with slightly furrowed brows before walking to his spot in the back. once he's gone, you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. then, you race to Jaehyuk, making sure he's okay.
"i'm fine! are you, though? your knight in shining armour totally just saved you--" Jaehyuk starts, wiggling his eyebrows.
"shut up!" you whine, slapping his arm.
you can't help but smile, though. as you look back to glance at Doyoung, you watch his head immediately jerk away from you.. as if his eyes had been on you before you looked at him.
you shrug it off as the teacher finally walks in.
Doyoung watches you for the entire lesson. he's never paid much attention to you until today, when those idiots were harassing you. usually, he doesn't get involved in class drama. but for some reason, he got so angry this time. he wonders why. he needs to know why.
the whole day you feel someone's eyes on you. every time you turn around, you see nothing. there's always so many students everywhere, so you don't pay it much mind. that is, until you notice something.
Doyoung is always there, in your line of vision, when you turn around to see if someone is watching you... but it's probably just a coincidence. it isn't until he joins you and Jaehyuk at the cafeteria to eat that you think maybe it wasn't a coincidence.
you're both stuffing your faces with food when he smoothly slides his tray in next to yours, sitting down and poking at his food.
"can we help you?" Jaehyuk asks, seeing how you're too stunned to speak.
"no. keep eating," Doyoung says somewhat coldly.
he watches you from the corners of his eyes.
"well, anyways, i think it's so dumb that we all have to do an outdoor activity this weekend and write a story about it. that's what little kids get assigned to do!" Jaehyuk complains, ignoring Doyoung.
"whyyy? i think it sounds so fun and cute! we could go on a picnic and both write about it--"
"i'm coming, too," Doyoung blurts out. he's shocked by his own words.
"why would you come?" Jaehyuk questions, maintaining (or trying to) a friendly tone.
"because... i don't know what else to do for the project either," Doyoung grumbles.
you stare at his lips, stained with the strawbery milk he just took a sip of.
"stop drooling, y/n," Jaehyuk says.
"shut up!" you screech, slapping your friend.
Doyoung chuckles and catches himself in the act. why was he so amused by you? he's never cared about a single living soul at this school before.
all three of you show up to the park with hands full of goodies... except, Doyoung's 'goodies' are just his skateboard... that's it.
Jaehyuk shakes his head, sighing as he lays down the blanket and one side of it folds in because of the wind. you're too busy staring at Doyoung as he sets his skateboard down to notice your own friend struggling.
"hello? a little help here?" Jaehyuk whines, but you still can't hear him.
the wind blowing through Doyoung's hair and rustling his clothes makes him look incredibly attractive. your knees feel weak and you decide to help Jaehyuk to distract yourself.
before you know it, you're being stopped by Doyoung himself.
"no, let me," he says in a deep voice, taking over and helping Jaehyuk with the blanket.
eventually, everything is set up and the three of you are sat surrounded by snacks and your notebooks.
"well.. we can't just write that all we did was sit here and eat. what should we do?" Jaehyuk points out.
"how about a game?" you ask excitedly.
you peek at Doyoung to see his reaction, but he's staring off into space. you pout and Jaehyuk notices.
"hey, Doyoung! what do you think?" Jaehyuk asks.
"yeah, sure. if y/n wants to, let's do it."
you feel butterflies within you as you grin as Doyoung.
"how about truth or dare?! Jaehyuk first! truth or dare?" you say.
"boring," you and Doyoung say at the same time. you both look at each other and you watch the boy's lips curve slightly upwards.
"i pick truth. now ask me something."
"have you ever liked y/n?" Doyoung asks, lazily.
your heart races at the question, even though you already know the answer.
"i did before, actually. i confessed but.. it didn't work out.
"how long ago was that?" Doyoung asks, brows furrowed.
"Doyoung, your turn! it's one question only," you say.
he presses his lips together before choosing 'dare'.
"i dare you to eat all those strawberries in one minute," Jaehyuk says.
you slap his arm, telling him that's too much, but Doyoung goes for it. you watch as his cheeks fill with the red berries, his face puffy as he chews. he starts laughing when you both laugh at how funny he looks, and he isn't able to eat them all because he laughs so hard he has to spit everything out!
"y/n, your turn," Doyoung says softly.
"mmm.. okay what will my truth be and what will my dare be?" you ask.
"dare is you kiss Doyoung and truth is do you like Doyoung," Jaehyuk asks.
your jaw drops and Doyoung smirks, amused.
"pick!" Jaehyuk urges.
you sigh and choose dare, thinking that'll be the safer option.
Doyoung's face is slightly red as you turn to him.
"kiss! kiss! kiss!" Jaehyuk chants like a kid.
"shut up!" you say before turning to Doyoung, gently cupping and squeezing his cheeks so his lips are puffy, and pressing your own lips to his.
the kiss is soft, his lips are plump and his mouth tastes like strawberries. as if instictually, Doyoung's arm wraps around your waist, but Jaehyuk's giggles make you pull away.
"well, won't i have quite the situation to write about!"
"shut up, Jae," you say, nervously.
you still feel butterflies and you can feel Doyoung looking at you. every time you look at him, he looks away.
a few moments later, Jaehyuk gets up in search of a washroom. you and Doyoung are left on your own.
"i'm sorry if you didn't want to do that kiss--" you start.
"no. i wanted to," Doyoung replies sweetly.
"did you want to?"
"yes," you reply.
"do you want to do it again?" he asks while leaning back his weight rested on his arms.
and that's how Doyoung kisses you so hard that you fall onto the picnic blanket, Doyoung's arm also catching you as you fall. you place a hand to his chest to keep yourself grounded as butterflies rage inside you, but feeling his heartbeat makes you melt even more.
"hey, i leave for one second and come back to this?!" Jaehyuk says in disgust.
quickly, the two of you pull away.
Doyoung's face is red and he clears his throat.
"well... to avoid this from getting awkward, i say we end the picnic here," Jaehyuk announces.
after cleaning up everything, Doyoung pulls you aside to ask if you want to hang out with just him some time.
"i like you, y/n. something about you just keeps drawing me to you," he says, caressing your cheek.
"i-i-yes.. let's meet! this weekend! wait, it is the weekend... maybe some time this week after school?"
Doyoung laughs, a rare sight. "sure. let's meet after school."
you and Jaehyuk walk home together and the whole time he's teasing you, but you couldn't be happier.
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awkwardbeartrio · 2 years
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The Bros as your s/o !
WOAH DUDE! You’re so cool!
Grizz is totally your hype man one hundred percent.
You could even mess up on baking cookies and he’d still eat the whole tray
“Dude what are you talking about? These cookies are the BOMB!”
“I’m glad you liked them.”
He inhales all your food, no matter if the preparation is good OR bad.
You’re going to get picked up A LOT.
BIIIIIIG bear hugs!!
If you’re an athletic person, awesome! You can have cool sporty dates and carbo load!
If you’re not really an athletic person, that’s okay too! You and Grizz can just lounge and watch cool tv shows and maybe a horror flick!
He’s pretty flexible and is quick to understand (with a bit of explaining)
Sometimes he gets too in his own plans and drags you along with him without really asking first.
You gotta really remind him sometimes that you just might not be in the mood to, i dunno,, do a whole run throughout town or something.
Grizz understands and just wants you happy.
so after awhile he starts to get it.
“So, Y/n! What is it you wanna do today since i picked yesterdays funtivity (fun activity)! What’s it gonna be!? A trip to the aquarium? OH OH! The new burrito place downtown!?”
“It’s gonna be a whole day dedicated to comedy movies, honey wasabi gummies and naps. Sound good?”
Grizz has heart eyes.
“That sounds perfect, my sweet. NOW C’MON LET’S CHOW DOWN ON SOME GUMMIES!”
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Panda thinks you’re an absolute dream come true.
He’s head over heels for you and at first confessed through texts! (since he couldn’t really vocally speak to you face to face)
Y/N you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.🥰 I’m soooo sorry I couldn’t talk to you 😖I just got super nervous!! 😖😖😖
Awe! That’s okay Panda! I was super nervous too. I’m not all that great with words sometimes 🫢but texting is nice 😊 I think you’re amazing too!
After a loooong week or two of texting one another non-stop almost, the rest is history!
He had boldly asked you out in person, sending you on a whole text search hunt throughout town.
Of course his brothers helped him. it was super sweet.
Some things you guys do together is watch Korean and Japanese romance dramas.
Usually ends up with the two of you debating on who the main character really should be with.
sometimes bets are made! …and you win MOST of them.
When you’re not bickering over tv shows, you’re going out on nice boba dates, taking SO many pictures of your shared food and tagging each other in practically every post.
you guys also have matching profile pics ❤️
Every post you make he’s flooding them with such positivity.
He double texts a LOT when you’re not together. Like a LOT a LOT.
You remind Panda that he can do other stuff while you’re away. It’s usually not for long that the two of you are apart anyways.
Makes time go by faster!
You think it’s just because he’s afraid that you’ll leave. Also he’s cutely clingy.
and you’re right.
So you’re gentle with him about the massive texts thing and luckily …. it doesn’t go too bad.
He sorta beats himself up over it and thinks he’s a dingle.
but you love him and he starts to work on it and his sense of self.
Even his anxiety has gotten a bit less since you came around.
Truly, he loves you and he’s gonna post about it for the 5947747483744 time.
and you’re going to heart it and with a comment I love you Pan-Pan! 💕
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🐻‍❄️ Ice Bear
For the LONGEST time, neither of you said anything to one another.
It was really hard to read him.
and it was really hard for him to read YOU
so it was a weird western standoff for awhile.
but that’s in the past!
He doesn’t really let you do much heavy work. if at all.
“Ice bear will get it for you.”
You sorta wonder if he thinks you’re weak.
He just cares about you and his love language is acts of service.
You just sit and watch him create such heavenly meals for you and for his brothers.
You are always full and happy which makes him happy too.
He cleans, cooks, builds etc… he’s got it all under control.
You just fill his ears about your day and trust me, he’s a master at multitasking so he’s heard every word.
Sometimes you just want to help though.
A part of you feels bad and once you’ve expressed that, Ice Bear can’t help but feel bad himself.
“Ice Bear is sorry.”
He starts letting you in on his chores here and there.
It’s small work like folding towels and laundry but he’s steals a few glances between the rest of the monstrous tasks.
You’re smiling and that just makes him smile a little too.
He loves you dearly.
— hello! hoped you enjoyed reading! i’m FINALLY posting on here after countless months of just not doing anything with the account. if there’s anything you’d like to see next, let me know! bye bye now! 🐻🐼🐻‍❄️
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limi-pie · 2 years
Like a butterfly part 2
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A/N: Chapter 2 of my Yuta🦋 fanfiction is here! I’m starting to like how things are slowly building up between the characters and Y/N.
Thank you so much for all the love and support on part 1! :D
🦋< Previous part – Next part >
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Female! Reader
Contains: Non-idol! AU, Tattoo artist! Yuta, Librarian! Reader, Comedy, Drama, Friends to lovers, Romance, Y/N dealing with a bit low self-esteem :( Descriptions of: getting tattoos and piercings,
Warnings: Alcohol, bad language, cigarettes, cursing, drinking, smoking, jealousy.
Wordcount: 5,026
Disclaimer: The reader I’ve created in this fanfiction is a woman of East Asian descent and she has certain features and looks a certain way. The reason for this is that I wanted some more East Asian representation in Kpop fanfics! Some of these relationships between said persons are only meant to be considered fictional, in no way do I ship them in real life. They’re just there to add dynamic to the plot. (Also, because my multi fan ass just wants to have fun.) Please keep in mind that the way I’ve described the idols in this story is in no way real or representative of how they behave in real life, this is just based on my imagination.
Also in this fanfiction, some said persons are involved in an abusive, unhealthy and manipulative relationship. Please keep in mind that this is all fanmade and fiction. I don’t encourage this kind of terrible relationship and if you are in one, please seek help. Never put yourself second to anyone; remember that you’re important and loved. 💚
“Unnie, didn’t your mom call yesterday?” Chaeyoung asked, adding some tofu to the red soup. “Yeah, she did. My mother actually wanted to say hi to Bryce if he was nearby, but I lied to her and said that he was studying with his classmates…” You mumbled, feeling guilt in your heart as Chaeyoung patted your shoulder.
“You know Unnie, you should break up with Bryce. He’s always broke and never cares about you. I don’t want you to be with a horrible lowlife loser like him!” Chaeyoung said as she filled the two bowls with the Kimchi Jjigae we made.
She’s right… but you can’t break up with him… You didn’t want to be left alone and lonely again… You felt so fragile and weak on your own…
“If I break up with Bryce, then I’ll be alone and so lonely… Chaeng, I’m not as strong and outgoing as you are…” You confessed sheepishly as she sighed. “You’ll never be alone, Unnie… You have me,” she said comforting you. “Besides, there are other guys that are sweeter than him, you know,” Chaeyoung added as you chuckled, the two of you ate dinner.
“Jungkook’s going to have a lip and eyebrow piercing done once he has saved enough money,” Chaeyoung giggled as you smiled, “wow, isn’t getting one piercing painful enough?” You asked as she shrugged, “well, after getting tattoos you kinda get numb to the pain I suppose,” she explained as you continued watching ‘NeverTheLess’. “Park Jaeon’s so cute, it’s just too bad he’s a player,” you sighed as she chuckled. “You seem to like bad boys, Y/N-Unnie~” Chaeyoung giggled.
“No, I don’t.” You denied it, knowing there was some truth to her statement. “Ah, my aunt and niece will visit Seoul soon,” you added as she smiled. “Oh that’s nice, Ayaka must be a big girl by now,” Chaeyoung folded her arms and looked at you with a smile.
“I might have to babysit her one of these days,” you said. “That’s fine, we can go on a boba tea date,” Chaeyoung said, sketching some pokémons.
“Long time no see,” Ten said, greeting his tall friend, “how was Hong Kong, Yukhei?” Mark asked, doing the handshake. “It was nice, I really missed my mom’s food, how has it been here?” Yukhei responded.
“It’s been alright, quite busy these days with butterfly tattoos,” Johnny said, looking over at Yuta drawing one from the book.
“I’m actually here to get a tattoo myself, a lion one,” Yukhei chuckled, lifting his shirt, “right here, please,” Yuta and Ten nodded, “got a sketch or a picture for reference?” He nodded, showing a picture of a lion. “Alright, let’s get started then, follow me, Yukhei,” Ten said, walking over to his room.
A few hours had passed…
“Hello, ah aunt Asami, how are you?” You facetimed with her as she smiled and waved. “I’m fine, we just arrived at the hotel in Seoul. How are you sweet Y/N?” Asami asked. “I’m doing just okay, it’s good to see you had a safe trip. Where’s Ayaka-chan?” You looked at her. “She’s sleeping, hehe,” Asami replied as you nodded, “It must be exhausting to travel, huh?” You added while chuckling a little. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 3:00 PM, would that be okay with you?” She asked as you checked your calendar, “sure that’ll be perfect, I get off around 3:00 PM,” you smiled and waved, “goodnight, aunt Asami.” You looked at the time and it showed 9:45 PM, someone knocked on the door as you went to check it.
“Ah good evening, Y/N-Noona,” Jungkook smiled and bowed as you did the same, “hey Jungkook, how are you?” You said, opening the door to let him in. “Thanks, Noona, he took his shoes off as he was holding a bouquet. “Chaeng’s showering, did you guys have plans tonight?” You folded your arms, smiling and leaning against the wall.
How sweet, Jungkook got Chaeng’s favorite flowers…
“No, I just wanted to see her,” Jungkook smiled, his dimples appearing. “I thought that you were in Busan.”
You said as he sat on the couch, “I was, but I heard that Chae was stressed with her upcoming art project so I thought I’d go and see her.” He held the bouquet with white roses. “Would you like something to drink?” You walked over to the refrigerator as he nodded, “thanks Y/N-Noona,” he took a sip. “How’s Bryce?” You had your hands between your legs as you let out a sigh.
“Ah Babe, you’re here,” Chaeyoung said, walking out with a towel on her shoulders. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. Jungkook got up and kissed her, “what are these for?” She looked at the bouquet and blushed, “they’re for you, I thought you’d love them,” he chuckled as she giggled. “You’re so sweet, you came all the way just to see how I was doing.” She voiced as he nodded, “anything for my Chaeng,” he kissed her.
“Aww you two lovebirds are so cute,” you teased as Chaeyoung giggled, “are you staying here tonight, Babe?” she asked, fluttering her eyes. “I’d love to, but I have an early shift with my partner tomorrow, so I gotta go but I’ll see you tomorrow, Chaeng-girl,” Jungkook said before kissing her goodbye. “Have a good night, see you Y/N,” he waved and left.
“Right, we should probably also head to bed,” you yawned, turning off the TV as Chaeyoung stretched her arms, “mmh-mmh, you’re right, goodnight Unnie,” she said, waddling to her room. You walked over to the bathroom to do your skincare routine and brush your teeth.
The next morning you woke up and walked over to the kitchen when you noticed a piece of paper written next to the plate. It was Thursday the 9th of September 2021.
Mornin’ Unnie I’ve made you some waffles with fruit, hope you’ll have a lovely day. See you later. - Love, Chaeng
“How sweet of Chaeng to wake up early and make Belgian waffles for me…” You mumbled with a smile as you began to eat it, you also ate some strawberries and slices of kiwi.
“Irene-Unnie, do we have any Japanese releases of my favorite manga?” You asked, stacking a pile of returned books in the cart. “Hmm, I’ve ordered a few, they’ll arrive today,” she said, checking the computer as you smiled.
That’s great, Ayaka’s going to be so happy. And you also get to practice your Japanese.
“Any particular ones in mind? I’ll reserve them for you if you’d like that Ms. Miyoshi,” Irene said with a smile as you nodded, “well, if you happen to find volumes 1 and 2 of Tokyo Mew Mew, I’d really appreciate it, my niece Ayaka really loves that series.” You started returning the books to their original place on the shelves. “Sure, I’ll make sure to look out for them.” She said, cleaning the tables.
After a few hours had passed, you went to the nearby 7-11 to grab lunch. You walked around the aisle for a bit, searching for chicken katsu onigiris. You smiled and placed them in your basket, you also got a cup with ice cubes, kimchi rice bulgogi beef onigiris, and a pouch of lychee juice. Lastly, you placed three fruit sandos and you were ready to pay.
You walked back to the library inside the staff’s room as you began to eat your lunch. “Enjoy, your food, Miyoshi,” Irene said, giggling as you bowed, “thank you, Irene-Unnie,” you checked your phone as a facetime call with aunt Asami popped on your screen.
“Ah hello, you two!” You waved as Ayaka giggled happily, “Y/N-Onee-chan! How are you?” She asked, “All good, just eating my lunch, how are you two?” you asked, waving your onigiri as she smiled. “We’re fine, just shopping in the Lotte Department Store. The weather seems to be a lot better here in Korea after all,” Asami said as Ayaka leaned in, “Isn’t Chaeyoung-Onee-san with you?” You shook your head, “she’s in school right now and I’m at work, sweetie,” you rested your head in your hand, “but you’ll see her later when we go to drink some boba tea, he he~” you smiled happily.
“Yay! I’d love to, I can’t wait to see you later, Y/N-Nee!” Ayaka giggled as you ate your bulgogi onigiri and waved goodbye.
Man, I was starving. I guess I’m nearing my period…
You walked around, collecting books. Afterward, you began scheduling events and author signings. “Ah, there’s going to be a tea ceremony next week?” You asked Irene as she nodded, “yes, I’ve heard there’ll be a lot of people,” she smiled, “would you like to join? I’ve heard there is going to be Japanese matcha tea too.”
You smiled and nodded, “I’d love to, Irene-Unnie.”
A few hours had passed as you were finally off, “I’m off, see you,” you waved as she bowed. Suddenly stood Mr. Nakamoto in front of you, “hello Ms. Miyoshi, are you off?” You nodded, “yes. Are you here to borrow another book?”
He rubbed the back of his head, “Actually, I came to see you,” he looked into your eyes. “Me? You came here to see me?” Nakamoto nodded and stepped forward, “do you have any plans right now?” You nodded, “I’ve got to go and see my niece, Ayaka,” you mumbled, rubbing your arm.
“Y/N-Onee-chan!” Ayaka ran and hugged you, “hello Ayaka-chan,” you giggled. “Who’s this guy?” She looked over at Nakamoto as you held her. “Is he your boyfriend?” Ayaka chuckled as he smirked. “Ayaka… He’s not my boyfriend, this is Nakamoto-san,” you said feeling super flustered.
“こんにちは、アヤカさん.” (Hello, Ayaka-san.)
“ええ? 中本さん日本語ははなせますか?” (Ehh? Nakamoto-san can speak Japanese?”)
“もちろん!” (Of course!)
Ayaka giggled happily, she was super happy to meet another Japanese person like her. “Are you ready to go Ayaka-chan?” You asked as she nodded, “where’s aunt Asami?” you looked around, “she’s waiting outside.”
“Shall we get going then?” You asked, placing Ayaka down as she bowed before talking to Nakamoto, “またね!” (See you!)
She ran outside to her mother as you bowed to Mr. Nakamoto, “see you around, Nakamoto-san,” you waved and walked past him.
“Hello aunt Asami,” you bowed to Asami as she smiled and hugged you. “You’ve really grown into such a beautiful lady since I last saw you, Y/N-chan,” you blushed at her compliment, “ありがとう.” (Thank you.)
“Right, it’s going to be so much fun at that party, Somi,” Chaeyoung said, locking her arm with her, “so is Y/N also coming along, Unnie?” Somi asked as she nodded, “hopefully some cute guys will ask her out, I just want her to break up with that asshole Bryce already.” Chaeyoung voiced, walking to her locker as she grabbed her books. “Wow Unnie, you seem to hate him, is he that much of a bad guy?” Somi folded her arms, looking at her as she chuckled.
“Yup, he’s a cheap, lying, and ugly fuckboy,” Chaeyoung said, annoyed as she walked out. “Ahaha, maybe introduce her to one of your guy friends?” Somi suggested, following her as they walked out of campus. “I would but I think they’re too extroverted for her,” Chaeyoung pouted her lips as she walked down the street, “well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Chae. I’ll have my notes ready so we can speak to Ms. Min-young,” Somi waved as she waited at the bus stop, “bye Somi, see you tomorrow.” She said, heading to the subway station.
Asami, Ayaka, and you went home and you made some tea, “how was Jeju Island and uncle?” you took a sip of your tea as Ayaka was playing with her teddy bear. “Your uncle, Seung-heon is doing alright, he seemed to have grown fond of living on Jeju Island. He’s busy planting his vegetables,” Asami laughed and looked around, “it’s a lovely apartment you and Chaeyoung have gotten.”
The door opened as Chaeyoung entered, her tote bag on the shoulder as Ayaka ran and hugged her tightly, “Chaeyoung-Onee-chan!” She chucked and held her, “こんにちは、アヤちゃん.” (Hello, Aya-chan.)
“It’s been a while since I last saw you, Chaeyoung you have also grown so much!” Asami said and smiled, “thank you, aunt Asami you look great.” Chaeyoung smiled and looked over at Ayaka as she drew, “Aya-chan sure has grown a lot bigger.”
“Here you go,” Asami handed a fancy basket with soy sauce rice crackers and a packet of strawberry Pocky. “For me? Oh, aunt Asami, you didn’t have to,” Chaeyoung said, smiling happily. “Please, I know how much you love those rice crackers and Pocky,” she laughed as she walked over to me. “And here, of course, I couldn’t forget about Y/N-chan,” You looked and bowed, “thanks, aunty. Oh my goodness, you got me Royal milk tea and those Meiji chocolate almonds that I adore, thank you so much!”
“Let’s go out and get some Boba tea!” You said, patting Ayaka’s shoulder as she nodded in excitement, “yay!” You walked inside Gong Cha and ordered for everyone. “Say, what grade are you in right now, Aya-chan?” Chaeyoung asked, smiling at her. “I’m in 3rd grade, Chaeyoung-Onee-chan!” Ayaka giggled and smiled cutely. “You sure have grown into a pretty girl, eh hehe~” she laughed as you walked over with the drinks.
“Alright, here you go Ayaka, Chocolate Cookie and Cream Smoothie with strawberry bubbles. Matcha Tea Latte with Azuki beans for aunty, and Strawberry Cookie Smoothie with tapioca pearls for Chaeng.” You said, handing their respective drinks as they all smiled. “Thanks, Y/N,” Asami said, smiling, “yeah, thank you Y/N-Onee-chan!” Chaeyoung and Ayaka said in sync as we laughed.
“So what do you three want to eat for dinner?” Asami asked, looking at us. “Ehh, aunt Asami, you don’t have to pay for us,” Chaeyoung said politely, “yeah, aunty it’s okay. Say, Ayaka-chan what would you like to eat?” The two of you looked at her.
“I want to eat Japchae!” Ayaka said, finishing her beverage rather quickly as she was full of energy. “Okay, that’s a deal,” Asami nodded and got up, with the drink in her hand. “We’ll go back to the hotel and change into something more casual, then I’ll find the restaurant and make a reservation for us.” She said and winked.
“See you later, Aya-chan!” Chaeyoung waved as we headed home.
45 minutes later…
“Man, aunty’s always super generous…” You sighed, walking out of the bathroom, and drying your light brown hair with a mini towel. “Your family is always so sweet and kind,” Chaeyoung said, giggling as she rubbed her face with some lotion. “I bet your aunt’s going to be shocked to see the tattoo behind my ear,” she giggled as you used the hair dryer. “Aunt Asami has always been artistic, but I bet she’ll love seeing that tattoo of yours.” You smiled, brushing your hair.
You wore an orange sweater and a pair of loose beige pants, you tied your hair in a low ponytail. Chaeyoung wore some stockings and some denim shorts and a tank top, “let’s go, we shouldn’t keep aunt Asami waiting,” she giggled and put on her coat as we went downstairs, “come get in ladies,” Asami said as waving from a car she had rented.
“Woah~ it’s been a while since I had this great Japchae!” Chaeyoung exclaimed as she was eating happily, “mmm-mmm, it’s so yummy, Onee-chan!” Ayaka added as you and Asami chuckled. “Say, Chaeyoung. Did you get a tattoo?” Asami cupped her head as she nodded, “how did you know?” Chaeyoung’s eyes widened, “I noticed you tugged your hair behind your ear, it’s a cute tattoo you’ve gotten,” she giggled.
“Did it hurt to get it, Onee-chan?” Ayaka tilted her head as she chewed her food. “A bit but I’m a strong girl, eh he he~” Chaeyoung stuck her tongue out, “I’m planning on getting a few more!” She placed her sketchbook on the table as there were four sketches of tattoo ideas.
“Wow they’re so pretty, did you come with the designs yourself?” Asami asked as Chaeyoung nodded proudly. “This time Y/N’s going to tag along with me!” You smiled, “it’s going to be interesting, to say the least,” you giggled, finishing your food.
Today was the day you had to accompany your roommate to the tattoo studio, this was your first time tagging along with her. Usually, it’s Chaeng’s boyfriend that attends with her but he was busy with work in Busan. You walked inside the small and cool-looking tattoo studio and looked around. When Ten and Johnny greeted you. “Welcome, Ms. Miyoshi, to our tattoo studio.” Ten said as you smiled. “Thank you, Ten.” You bowed, “this place is really nice. It looks so clean and well-organized,” You added, looking around. “Thanks, Miyoshi. Well, the three of us actually worked hard for the design.” Ten said as Johnny walked us to the private room, “ladies first.”
“Thanks, Suh,” Chaeyoung said, walking in as she took off her black leather jacket and hung it on the coat rack. “Heyo, Osaka Prince. Long time no see~” She said, patting his shoulder when the swivel chair turned around. You were somewhat surprised to see who was sitting there. It was none other than Nakamoto Yuta, himself. “Hello, Miyoshi-san.”
“Hi… Nakamoto-san…” You said, flusteredly, and rubbed your arm. “What… Do you two know each other?” Chaeyoung asked, looking at us.
“We met at the library several days ago,” Yuta said, smirking at you as you turned away. “No way! Y/N, so the handsome guy that you met turned out to be Osaka Prince himself?” Chaeyoung said out loud as you exclaimed, “Chaeng! That’s not it! You got it wrong!”
Why? Out of all places, why do you have to meet him here?
“Should we get started on your tattoo, Chae?” Yuta asked, gathering some blank pieces of paper. These are the designs I want. The cherry tomatoes, the stars, the lips, and the four carrots.” She drew on the paper as he looked at them closely.
“Alright, that’s quite a lot. Are you sure that you will be able to handle it? I mean just as a warning you may faint, but as a tattoo artist I have to keep on going with the ink.” Yuta stated, looking at Chaeyoung seriously. “Fainting… Wait, what? Chaeng, doesn’t that sound a bit dangerous?” You said, hugging her arm as she smiled. “Nah don’t worry, Unnie. It’s normal to faint because there’s a lot of ink digging into my skin, after all.” She said, comfortably seating herself on the tattoo chair as you sat on a regular chair next to her
“Please, be careful, Nakamoto-san…” You mumbled, holding Chaeyoung’s hand as he looked into my eyes. “I will, Y/N-san. Don’t worry.” She smiled at you as he began tattooing the orange carrots. Once he started on the lips tattoo, Chaeyoung fainted. “Chaeng!” You shouted, caressing her hand.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Yuta asked when he stopped and looked at you. “Yeah, please just focus on her tattoos.” You mumbled, placing the blanket from your lap to her lap. “Chaeng is so silly, she always forgets to bring a blanket with her whenever she’s wearing short skirts like that.” You said, patting her legs when you pulled your skirt a bit down. He looked down at your legs which you kept rubbing together to keep some warmth.
“Aren’t you freezing?” Yuta asked, glancing at you. “I’m fine…” You lied, hugging yourself as he finished tattooing the lips and mini stars on her.
“Here, take this.” He said, taking off his white jacket as he was left with his visible mesh shirt. “But what about you, Yuta-san…” You mumbled, putting his jacket on your thighs, “I’m used to the cold from the air conditioner. So, don’t worry.”
Yuta is so kind and thoughtful. It’s no wonder that he’s a good friend of Chaeng.
“Thank you, Yuta-san.” You said, watching him add the finishing touches of her cherry tomatoes. “They’re so pretty. You’re so incredibly talented, Yuta.”
“Come with me, I want to show you something.” He said, holding your wrist as you walked over to the corner of the room as he opened the door. It was a small room with a couch, cabinet, and table. We sat on the couch as he showed me the book he had borrowed from our library. “This is the book… that you got the other day,” You said when he flipped through several pages. “This is the butterfly inspiration.”
“Thank you for helping me find this book, it has been so useful for both me and our clients,” Yuta said as he slowly lifted his shirt as you caught a glimpse of that pretty butterfly.
“Did it hurt to get your butterfly tattoo?” You asked, glancing and studying the details. “A little, but it was tough to get the details on its wings.”
“Can I touch it?” You asked, reaching your hand out.
“Sure,” Yuta said, sliding his t-shirt off as you looked away shyly. “It’s so beautiful, did Ten or Johnny tattoo it for you?” You pointed at his other tattoo of flying birds.
“None of them.” He chuckled as you traced your fingertips on the wings of his butterfly tattoo when you looked up.
“It was actually me. I did it on myself.” You looked up shyly, “how did you do it?” You asked, noticing his belly button piercing.
“I used that large mirror over there and began carefully working on its shape. While looking at images of butterflies.”
“That must’ve taken a lot of time. But you’re amazing, Nakamoto-san.” You expressed as our eyes met when Yuta lowered himself and placed a small kiss on your head.
“Thank you, Y/N.” You looked up, pursing your lips together.
Does Yuta have a crush on you? Why did he just do that?
“There you two are!” Chaeyoung said while walking in as Ten walked, “oh are we interrupting something?” He chuckled, looking at Yuta being shirtless.
“Chaeng, are you alright?” You said, walking up to her as she nodded while smiling.
“Mmm, thanks for coming with me today.” Chaeyoung expressed and bowed slightly, “anyways how much do I owe you, Osaka Prince?” She asked, opening her wallet as she pulled out her credit card. “Forget about it, and just get Y/N to take me on a date,” Yuta said while smirking as he stretched. “Ehh?” You exclaimed surprisedly and stared at him.
“Deal.” She giggled as you looked at her, “hey Chaeng! That’s not fair!” Chaeyoung filled in her address, ID, and number.
“Just kidding. It’s 80,000₩, but I’ll make it half-price because you brought this cutie pie along with you.” Yuta said, looking at you as he entered the payment on the cash register. “But really, thanks a lot Yuta. They came out just as I had expected them.” Chaeyoung said, using her credit card before looking at her arm. “You’re welcome. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight on them, and here take this too.” Yuta said, handing her a moisturizer as she accepted it.
“Hey Babe, I just finished getting my tats done,” Chaeyoung answered her phone, speaking to Jungkook. “Wanna go and get boba, Y/N?” Yuta asked, looking at you. “Umm, sure thing. But only if the others join us too…” You stated, folding your arms as you walked out of the room.
“Yo what’s up,” a blonde-haired guy said, walking inside as he greeted Ten. “Nothing much just finished making Chae’s tattoos, how is it going, Yukhei?”
“Ah Yukhei, what’s up?” Johnny said, smiling as he did a small handshake. “Oh that’s nice, well, I was just nearby and thought I’d say hi.” He chuckled, his smile was warm and bright.
“Who’s this lady?” Yukhei looked over at me as you bowed, “hello, my name is Miyoshi Y/N. I’m Chaeyoung’s friend and roommate.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Yukhei.” He bowed and smiled when you suddenly felt an arm around you. “Don’t flirt with Miyoshi. She’s mine, Yukhei.” Yuta said, pulling you closer as you could hear his heartbeat. “Ehh, Yuta? What are you saying?” You mumbled looking at him in confusion as Yuta stuck his tongue out.
“Ooh, so Yuta got a girlfriend now? Congrats.” Yukhei said, raising an eyebrow as he clapped. “What? N-no, you got it all wrong me and Yuta aren’t dating!” You yelled out flustered.
“What’s going on here?” Chaeyoung walked out as her eyes widened, “omg, Yukhei! Welcome back!” She ran and hugged him, “thanks, Chae. It’s nice to see you and your new tats too.” He chuckled as she showed off her arms.
You looked up at Yuta and naturally made eye contact with him, his arm was still around you.
Yuta’s warmth was so comforting and safe…
“Put a shirt on already, you pervert!” You said flusteredly, looking away as he chuckled. “Right, let’s go and get some Boba everyone,” Yuta said, putting on his shirt. “I’ll watch the store, you guys better not forget my order!” Ten said in a joking manner as Johnny nodded and laughed, “don’t worry, we won’t forget this time,” Chaeyoung put on her leather jacket.
So it was finally Saturday evening, this party had been on your mind the whole week. Although you were hesitant to attend it at first, you were happy that Chaeyoung convinced you to tag along.
“Hey, Chaeng… Don’t you think my outfit’s a bit too revealing?” You asked. “What? No, come on Unnie, you look so stunning!” You were wearing that black leather miniskirt, a hot pink top, black stockings, and a mesh-sleeve blouse underneath. “Besides, we’re kinda matching! I’m wearing a silver top with black leather pants,” she said, turning around with her arms in the air. “Anyways, Somi’s there, I’ll just go and look for Jungkook,” Chaeyoung said, walking away as she waved to her.
“Wow, Y/N-Unnie, you look so incredibly sexy!” Somi exclaimed as you blushed a little, “thank you Somi, you also look super pretty in that yellow dress.” She giggled as she waved to the guys approaching us, “ah, if it isn’t Y/N?” Johnny said, holding a glass of beer as you bowed, “hi Johnny,” you rubbed your arm awkwardly, “it’s good to see you.” He shook your hand as he introduced you to his friend, “hi, the name’s Mark, nice to meet you, Y/N. You look pretty” You waved and shook Mark’s hand, “thanks, nice to meet you too, Mark.” Somi suddenly grabbed a hold of Mark’s hand, “come on, Mark. Let’s dance, woo!” She giggled as she threw her hands in the air.
God… This is getting kind of overwhelming… Maybe, I should get a drink. You walked over to get a virgin Pina Colada. You watched Chaeyoung dance with Jungkook, it seemed like the others had a lot of fun too, and then you noticed him.
Nakamoto Yuta’s also here?
He looked at you and smiled. You looked away shyly, you looked around everywhere hoping to see Bryce but it seemed he was nowhere to be found. You drank your drink and let out a deep sigh as Chaeyoung surprised you from behind, “Chaeng! You scared me!” Somi and she giggled, “come on, what are you doing here sulking all alone, let’s dance!” They pulled you as they danced with you, Yuta looked over at you and chuckled as he danced smoothly.
You looked over when you noticed Bryce walk inside, you smiled happily and ran towards him, “oh looks who decided to come,” Chaeyoung said in her annoyed voice, “ah it’s Bryce,” Jungkook said, they all looked at the two of you.
You hugged Bryce and kissed him when he looked at you up and down, “Bryce, you’re here, I was waiting so long but you finally came!” You smiled, holding onto his shoulders. Yuta watched the two of you talking as he clenched his hands in jealousy. “Tch, what a show-off.”
“Why are you dressed like that?” Bryce stared at you, almost as if he was disgusted by your outfit. “What… Don’t you like the way I look tonight?” You asked, looking into his eyes as he looked away. “You look so slutty, this type of outfit isn’t your taste,” Bryce walked away from you as he went outside to smoke.
You clenched your hand in frustration as you closed your eyes.
Maybe you should head home and change, Bryce’s right. This outfit isn’t you after all…
You walked away fast, wiping the small tears that had formed, “I think that bastard made her cry,” Yuta voiced angrily, “that asshole…” Chaeyoung sneered as Jungkook held her back, he tried to follow you, “I’ll go comfort her.” You went inside the women’s bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Why…? Why would Bryce say such a horrible thing?
You wiped your tears away and splashed some water into your eyes. Everyone else said you looked stunning. You took one final look at yourself and shrugged your shoulders. You felt beautiful in that outfit, a bit revealing but it was a nice chance for once.
There’s nothing wrong with trying something new after all…
You walked out as Yuta approached you, “hey, are you okay?” You looked at him and nodded, “thanks… I’m fine, did Chaeng send you over?” He shook his head, “no, you looked upset so I ran after you, did he say something mean to you?” You wanted to tell him the truth but you ended up shaking your head and not looking into his eyes.
“Y/N, you look incredibly beautiful tonight in that outfit,” Yuta complimented you when your cheeks blushed red. For once, you felt relieved at this party. Yuta’s words comforted you and made you feel confident. “Thank you, Yuta-san,” you smiled, looking at him.
“These two look much more like a better couple,” Somi said, watching you, “I know right?” Chaeyoung agreed, holding Jungkook’s hand. “I think Yuta might be crushing on Y/N,” Johnny said bluntly. “What? No way, Yuta-Hyung and Y/N? Doesn’t she already have a boyfriend?” Mark wondered, “Yuta seems to always fall for women that are already taken,” Jungkook said.
A/N: I apologize for any incoming grammar errors, it’s literally almost 3:00 AM as I post this 💀 I’ll fix it tomorrow hopefully, so enjoy! I think I’ll make a masterlist once I’ve posted chapter 4, I wanna see if you guys like this fanfiction so far.
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rebelsofshield · 2 years
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett: “In the Name of Honor”-Review
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The Book of Boba Fett closes in a (quite literally) explosive finale that plays to the series’ comforts while failing to improve on its weaknesses.
War has come to the streets of Mos Espa. The Pyke Syndicate has struck the first blow with the destruction of Graza Fwip’s sanctuary and the gunning down of Cobb Vanth. In preparation for the oncoming bloodshed, Boba Fett must rally his allies in the hopes of maintaining his territory, but of course not everything goes to plan.
After two weeks of cameos and diversions, we finally return to Boba Fett. For better and for worse, this actually feels like a continuation of the series we watched for the first four weeks of its existence. Boba is back and so are the Pykes, the Mods, Black Krrsantan, the other Tatooine gangs, etc. If the first four episodes of this show were about assembling various action figures, “In the Name of Honor” lets loose as director Robert Rodriguez plays with his assorted toys. For most of its runtime, The Book of Boba Fett feels like the blaster and explosion filled story you might get from an excitable young fan told to go wild for an hour. There are big droids with big blasters! Boba and Din get to use their Mando armor! Boba Fett rides a frikken rancor! It’s big and it’s loud, but for the most part it’s very fun. As someone who has always been a fan of kaiju media, I particularly loved getting to see a rancor tear through the streets of Mos Espa and do battle with giant mechs. There’s a giddiness to the carnage and like his episode of The Mandalorian Rodriguez shines when he gets to lean into the excess of it all.
It’s also mostly hollow. Sure the action is explosive and fun, but there’s a decided lack of drama to it all. Rarely are we at all worried that Boba or his various allies are in serious danger. Sure, our dear Gamorrean friends plummeted to their deaths, but they end up being the only real sacrifice that Boba has to make. This is not to say that I wanted massive bloodshed amongst our supporting cast, but eventually “In the Name of Honor” transforms into pure spectacle and nothing much else.
The lack of stakes also speak to a continued issue with Jon Favreau’s scripting. The Mods and Black Krrsantan, hell, even Fennec and Boba are barely characters. Sure we’re familiar with them and sometimes they do cool things, but their personalities are simple, their motivations one dimensional. There’s a moment where the Mods and the people of Freetown make a sort of jab at one another that hints towards a rural/urban cultural divide in Tatooine that gestures toward something potentially more complex. It’s the managing of these different personalities that The Book of Boba Fett really feels like it missed out on. Boba Fett may have gathered various allies but they rarely, if ever, feel like a team. We never got to see him, or his various underlings, learn to work together or even establish the internal friction within the group. It’s a profound missed opportunity especially when the series often reminds you of the more interesting story paths that could have been taken.
The one aspect of The Book of Boba Fett that does carry some actual weight is Cad Bane. Between impressive, emotive practical effects and always outstanding voice work by Corey Burton, Cad Bane carries with him a magnetic presence every time he is on screen. With its over reliance on the relatively bland Pyke antagonists, this series has desperately needed a villain with a voice and personality and Bane provides that in spades. There’s also a nastiness to him that feels appropriate. Even if this is the first time we’ve really seen Boba and Bane on screen together, their interactions carry a surprising amount of weight. He’s one of the few characters to actually make Boba flinch, to make painful personal barbs at his failures and losses, and call into question his bloody mercenary past. There’s actual drama there, both between characters and thematically. It marks one of the few times when Boba actually feels like three dimensional part of the story. For a moment, there is the worry that Boba may lose his cool and collected demeanor and give into his baser instincts, letting his hole empire come crashing down around him. It’s disappointing that we didn’t get him sooner then as having a continued presence in the series may have done wonders for ratcheting up its tension. It’s also more than a little bit of a letdown that Bane is killed off here. After such an impressive showing in live action, it feels like a missed opportunity to take him off the playing field so early, but at least our grumpy, Duros cowboy went out on a high note.
Speaking of letdowns, as touching as it is to see Grogu and Din get to reunite, it can’t help but feel frustrating to see the two of them together again. One of the things that made “Return of the Mandalorian” such a standout was seeing Din chart a future for himself without having to look after his surrogate son. One of the continuous problems with the first two seasons of The Mandalorian was its commitment to a status quo that remained relatively stagnant for much of its existence. How many more stories can we really tell about Din and Grogu flying from planet to planet running errands for people? It also undercuts some of the more powerful moments of The Mandalorian’s second season. As much as Luke Skywalker’s appearance irked me in “The Rescue,” it was genuinely moving seeing Din bid Grogu goodbye. It comes off as Lucasfilm leaning into a dynamic that they know worked in the past and, let’s be honest, has been a serious cash cow. (Also, can you imagine how confusing it would be if you were one of the poor viewers that didn’t bother to watch The Book of Boba Fett and season three of The Mandalorian just opens up with the two of them together again?)
The Book of Boba Fett ends with a moment of relative quiet. The city of Mos Espa is grateful to its savior (who also blew up half of their buildings but hey who’s counting) and Boba Fett settles into his role as daimyo. There is an awkward moment when Boba admits that maybe he isn’t the right person for the job, which is an odd realization to come to in the final minute of the series. It’s even more confusing that the visual language of this scene seems to indicate that Black Krssantan and the Mods should be the leaders of Mos Espa? Which is equally puzzling. I honestly am pretty clueless on how we are supposed to read this sequence. It feels like an attempt to close out this show on a pleasant, upbeat note but the nature of it just feels awkward.
And so, The Book of Boba Fett closes with a finale that is action packed and filled with blaster bolts, but ultimately rather lifeless. The structure of this series is honestly one that I feel like will puzzle fans for quiet sometime. It’s a show that never really was able to find its footing. Between its underwritten lead characters, clunky pacing, and its diversion heavy second half, The Book of Boba Fett may not be the worst thing to come out of Disney and Lucasfilm’s partnership (The Rise of Skywalker will be hard to beat), but it is definitely the messiest and most confounding. With the shining exemption of its Tusken Raider centric second episode, The Book of Boba Fett was a show in search of identity and purpose and for all of its enjoyable flashing parts it never really found one and it speaks to the growing awkwardness of the Star Wars television arm. Spectacle, universe building, and callbacks are really only going to carry this franchise so far. Eventually, we have to let Star Wars’ humanity (or alienity or droidity), always its most important asset, shine through.
At least, Cobb Vanth lived. My horny heart hurt with the thought that he perished last episode. If we lose Cad Bane at least I get to keep one sexy space cowboy.
Score: B-
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kkrazy256 · 3 years
Fic writer interview 
 Thanks for the tag Maddie! <3 
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
284,656 (at least 400K including ffnet I think) 
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh boy. I’m including stuff from middle school to now so lots of old cringe fandoms that I will never revisit out of sheer horror please don’t judge akhfkajsh: Code Geass, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, Durarara, Gravity Falls, Hetalia, Legends of Tomorrow/Constantine, The Mandalorian, Mystic Messenger, Naruto, Soul Eater, The Clone Wars, Total Drama, Transformers, Yuri on Ice. Sheesh...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Breath of Moonlight (Naruto)
Debt (Mando)
Ascent (Mando) 
Meaning (Mando)
Hopeful Mistletoes (DCMK) 
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Not typically unless it’s a question that needs clarification or a request for permission to translate. Or if they write me an entire essay and I *must* respond with crying rambles of my own. Mostly because I have so little spoons. I feel pressured that if I respond to one, I’ll have to respond to all and then if I can’t deliver, I’m a horrible person. I just want everyone to know I reread comments constantly and hold each and every one of them close with heart eyes and they keep me motivated to write more. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I guess the new one with Thorn and Fox  is pretty brutal, especially because I baited people into thinking it was a fix-it :^)  There’s one I have in the making that is even worse than this one :))) 
But a lot of my older fics are very angst in nature so it’s hard to pick out the one that hurt the most. And that’s mostly because a lot of them got put on hiatus on the really hurty chapters.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written crossovers! But a lot of them are like technically in the same universe (ex. DC and MK, or LOT and Batman). The dumbest one was in middle school when I thought a DCMK/Hetalia one would be funny. It was very stupid cringe. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think I have? The most I’ve gotten would probably be passive aggressive ones. I’ll never forget the time I finished a chapter, posted it, and got a comment within the hour that said: ‘oh good you updated, maybe the next one will be up when I’m still alive, please.’ My petty ass never updated that fic again LMAO
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I’ve written it twice when I was in middle school-high school and didn’t know what I was doing and just using all the tropes I saw in other fanfics. It was not pretty. And the experience was bad enough to kind of sour it for me and I don’t really write it now. Maybe one day. The most you get out of me nowadays is tension, handholding and maybe a smooch.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of? Hopefully not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve had a lot of people ask for permission to translate my fics! So I think there are a few links floating around for my fics in other languages on foreign sites. Most are for my DCMK fics (lots of overseas fans), but one of my LOT ones was also translated into Russian. 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don’t know if this counts. But back when I was into the Spiderverse, I was in a discord where we basically chat-wrote an entire fic. We copy-pasted it for publishing on ao3. 
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I do enjoy writing platonic more. But I guess HakuKai, Vox, and BobaDin. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t want to put definitive ‘I’m never finishing this’ labels on fics because hey you never know. But a lot of my old fics from old fandoms will probably never get revisited unless I do a complete rewrite. That is due to vastly improved writing skills, and actual fic planning skills nowadays instead of just rushing in blind. 
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and the general plot ideas. Also, I’ve gotten fairly decent at action scenes solely from writing Fox kicking ass and getting his ass kicked lately ahsjkfah
What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing fics. Description and emotions. The words I use are fairly simple, no flowery prose here haha. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t think it’s wise to put whole sentences/chunks of dialogue in a different language because it ruins the immersion to have to scroll down to see what the hell is being said (the hover function isn’t always readily available). But a few pieces of vocabulary here and there is fine, especially if it’s words that are widely known and understood in the fandom. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Naruto, when I was 10 :V
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Nooo, help I can’t choose. My most recent favorite is my Fox helps Boba out of jail. The one I look at fondly is Ascent, the most fun I have writing is, Party at a Sith Dude’s House. 
tagging but no pressure <3 : @chiafett @neverfeedthesarlacc @bisect-u-maul @meerlichts @billielurked
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cora-the-dramatic · 3 years
[semi-coerent ramblings]
The Candle Wax Hero: Soybean(name under revision lmao)
Name: Hirose Kaoru(First name means fragrance)
Quirk: Wax, can make wax constructs, like the wax-wax devil fruit. Is low-key about her powers, makes people think that she can make and most a shed or small house when she can totally make concrete-strong apartments out of wax. Keys, rapped fire sharp wax projecticles, wax armour, wax prison, etc. When she overuses her quirk her hair catches fire, she gets a fever, a headache, desidrated, and all around exhausted but unable to sleep.
Dream: To be an average gal pal hero, who absolutely does not know ANY weird shit at all, no sirr. (She wants to help people, but also wants to live happily, and boringly.)
-Has her own agency.
-Is not low-key, but not flashy either
-Very oblivious to people's admiration, but when she notices fells flattered and happy.
-doesn't check out other heroes or the rankings very often. Normally only watches the top 15, and *maybe* top50 heroes.
-When she is interviewed she goes on long ramblings about what she's doing to help the community, why it's important, why other heroes should do it, and how civilians can help. When confronted with any prejudice she completely derails the show, extolling about the difficulties of mutation-types, villainous quirks, weak quirks and the quirkless. The reporters that thought she was timid or just a pretty face are barreled over by her oblivious essay-reading talks, minimizing or completely eliminating the chance for gossip, publicity or drama. Because of it she becomes a meme and internet celebrity, as well as a small idol for the victimized and villainized people; also because she's completely hilarious, as well as posting her essays, articles, and funding online(only eventually noticing that they get money). Unfortunately she only goes there to use it as a public journal as well as an awareness platform.
-she absolutely does not notice when she gets to the top 200.
-She does not have a lot of official merc, but they're all practical and come for all body types and mutations, being all types of quirk-prof and coming quite cheap. It ends up being used as a cheap, durable, affordable clothing by all.
-She volunteers stuff, what most would do to public service punishment, chatting with people, discussing stuff, helping around the community. Playing with kids, volunteering in hospitals, picking up trash, cleaning trash heaps with her quirk(compresion), occasionally cleaning the streets and helping around in general, Making support beans and just helping around in general. Not being flashily like that.
-she influences others to do more too. To do more community service, to have their own honest vloggings and posts. To volunteer and help.
-she gets a minor rival(?) who tries to out-do her by doing all the community service, Kaoru instead thanks them, said she admires them and obliviously one-ups them by opening like, a school or something, idk
-Uses a mask? Maybe? Either that or she's always been recognized.
-helps out with underground stuff when she can
-Is publicly disappointed in both the commission and Endeavour.
-Publicly says she doesn't like all might, or rather, what he represents.
-loves boba tea.
-has a side job of selling candles. Bethey big and artistic, small and compact, they're all pretty.
-Secrets keep being dumped on her lap, she doesn't like this.
-She believes she's succeeding in being lowkey. She is ABSOLUTELY not.
-She does not attend the annual gala  for top 200. Everybody is surprised. She's invited by the top interviewers, and ends up rambling about how she kinda wishes she could have gone and its moments like these that she wishes she were a top 200. Everybody kinda stalls at that. And realizes that she is, in fact, not kidding. They make her look it up online and her face is meme-worthy.
-interviewer: why didn't you go to the gala
 Her: i'm not a top200, but i wish
 Interviewer: you are, in fact, a top200
-Is invited to do presentations at school
-is publicly suspicious of the commission.
-post{ uh, does anybody think Hawks is an overworked baby or is it just me??? #givethismanahug #getsomesleephawks #mycomissionsensesaretingling #newfannammeforhawks:babybird}
-post{congratulations again to endeavour for completely analihating a villain that had three broken ribs, a concussion, malnutrition and was having a flashback due to accidental misuse of quirk after being assaulted by a hero using exercise force for stealing groceries! Great job, buddy! #flamingtrash}
-post{...i'm halfway tempted to sue UA for this shit. @LordExplosionmurder if you want some lawyer contacts just hit me up. #whyisthisbabychainedup??? #unnecessary #unjust}
-private text{ Soybean: Hey! It's pro hero Soybean, I'm wondering if you're okay after the shit you went through at the festival? If i can help in any way or if you just want to chat, hit me up!}
-post{actual serious essay about why ua action was bad after info gathering. Hoping they change ways and policies, and that this never happens again.}
-post{everyone that thinks those 1-A kids need therapy say aye! #omg #therapy #lookatallthesetraumatisedbabies Comments: Soybean: AYE! *fixed*}
-post{ i never feel as gay as i do as when i see Miruku destroy villain ass #powerfull #beautiful #shelooksatmeandillDIE}
-agency growns.
Story outline{ imma be following cliche movie shit that i hate. Imma use the flashbacksies}
Chp1: •Dramatic inner monologue on a roof. Is a hero, achieved all she wanted in life, has her own agency. Hears a sound and goes to fight villain, she accesses the situation, form a climax/tension->
•flashback/past, The day she knew she would become a hero.
•(?)interceding flashes of past and present of her determination to be a hero(beat the villains ass ayyy, ends with a flash of the future(?)
Chp2: •Description of her day, painfully detailed, as boring as possible, end in cheerful note about how she loves how boring it is, and how for her its not boring at all. Description includes how her agency works, how it interacts with nearby agencies, what the status is for the neighbourhoods in general, how the crime rate is, compares it to other crime rates for other villains and hero's areas. Talk about her small number of employees and how she found them, briefly. Talk about where she sleeps, if its in an apartment, if it's in the office, where both are located and about the neighbours. Talk about the neighbours, about their clothes and their voices and how she feels about them, all in that satisfied this-is-normal-and-i-love-it kind of way. Talk about if she has a pet, about her apartment, touch briefly about something that reminds her of hero school, continue describing her apartment and the things there. Move on to what she's gonna eat, from where, what fast food and groceries, about how she thinks about food and who or if she shares her meals with. Have her have an idea for the community in general and head to bed.
•Flashback that surrounds the item that made her remember something. It needs to be something that makes her bittersweet. Like how her school was full of assholes, and that her teacher didn't like her because she was either too quiet or too loud, how she poked at too many sore spots and was bullied for it. Talk about a grand event similar to the sports festival at UA, and how a teacher -just tease, maybe don't even properly name- encouraged her to be better, and made her actually put up a fight, despite considering herself a coward at the time, and ended up getting 3rd place. Finish with her hurt, in pain but staring her bullies and the people who defeated her(maybe someone with something similar to pain quirk) down(also bullies?).
Chp3: •Describe in painful detail about her day to day school life. Her first year or second. Describe the building, if its dorm system or home-to-school system, describe what she sees on her way there, and the people she talks to. Talk about her bullies and the victims, and the people who watch, talk about the other classes and someone she admires at school, who she wishes she would talk to if she only had the courage. Talk about the teachers, how they interact, talk about her favorite teacher and how he helps her so much and how he takes care of her.
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bards-song · 4 years
Haikyuu Boys as my Guy Friends
I saw @bluberryparfait do a post on Haikyuu Boys as their guy friends so I wanted to hop on the train with a few of my own:
Starring: Akaashi, Lev, Tsukishima, Ushijima, Sugawara and Kenma
Akaashi as my friend from elementary school - Bony as hell, seems serious to others but lets me goof around with him, pats his lap to let me know I can sit there, used to stage manage for my schools musicals and plays, bones constantly cracking, complains about back pain, will buy you food and not expect any money in return, has the scariest expressions but the nicest laughs
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Lev as the guy I met in theatre class - met him on a whim, great at being spontaneous, would kiss his best friend with no hesitation, cannot read for shit, always wears skinny jeans, wants to be in a band, going to niche concerts, don’t dare him to do something because he will do it, once got the entire drama class to play musical chairs to rock music, seemingly friends with every teacher on campus
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Tsukishima as my college friend - can find your weakness so fast, eats the same damn sandwich every day and calls it a meal, pushed me down a ramp in a shopping cart and laughed about it, can build really well so ends up building sets, always slouching, tells crude jokes on purpose while people are eating, joked about tying me up with rope during one of my musicals, was the imposter 7 times in a row in Among Us
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Ushijima as my best friend - A big boy, his chest is like pillows its so nice, doesn’t like hugs too much but his hugs are the best, does all the heavy lifting on the drama set, will work himself into exhaustion, picked me up and swung me around when I saw him for the first time in months, gets concerned when I don't eat a lot, got intensely competitive over an idle ant game, always says he has a tiny dick but it’s really not 
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Sugawara as my friend from orchestra - met him in middle school as a friend of a friend, was in my cello section, became really close over just a few years, have shared our bdsm test scores multiple times, constantly making fun of each other, laziest typer in the world, somehow both the dad friend and a bad influence, had one bad relationship that everyone gives him shit for, wrestled him once to prove dominance and failed
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Kenma as my ex-bully - used to tease me and relentlessly criticize my choices (he still sometimes does), constantly plays osu, gave himself wrist issues from playing games, asking for relationship advice from me then disregarding it, not trying in school because he is naturally smart, texts friends during class to make fun of the teacher, always changing who he has a crush on, obsessed with boba shops, asked me to wingman for him multiple times
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This was really fun to do! Thank you again to Blue for the inspiration. Please check out their OG post, which I linked their blog above.
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hoseok-is-my-bias · 7 years
|| Volcano Cafe || Sehun x Male Oc
Plot: It was crazy. Almost something out of a movie. The lonely kid with nothing going for him meets the famous pop star in a coffee shop. Well...Tea shop. It’s crazy the way boba tea really brings people together.
Pairing: Sehun x Male! Oc
Word count: 2,817
Genre: || Romance || Drama || 
Notes: I haven’t been able to work on any other story in a while so i decided to start a new one to get my brain working again. Especially since my school year is about to start again. I’m gonna be lucky if i ever upload within the same MONTH again until late June of next year. So, here we have a cheesy story. It might be short, might be long, who knows. All depends on whether people like it or not. 
“Come now, Ha-Yun, you can’t keep wasting your life serving tea!” Kao flinched at his father’s yelling, bowing his head. This always happened whenever he came to visit them. One minute he’d be calmly conversing with them, the next his father would be on top of him about his job. Sure, it wasn’t what he had always hoped to do but..it was all he had.
Kao’s mother shot her husband a look of concern, showing that she clearly did not approve of the behavior. His father sighed and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “Ha-Yun, you could be so much more. You could be in college with your sister.” Here we go, Kao thought as he rolled his eyes.” You could have studied dentistry just like her.” “You know i would never want to do that.” Kao replied with the obvious discontent in his voice. They would always compare him to his older sister, but no matter what he would never budge at the idea of leaving to play with other people’s teeth.
“Well...We know dear but, you must understand that we really do feel like you could do more with your life. You are a very beautiful and talented young man.” His mother said calmly, finally calling Kao’s attention. His mother always knew that Kao dreamed of going into the fashion industry, she always encouraged his clothe making work, but not his father. “Listen to yourself, Ara, he is a man. A man must go into a man’s work. The medical field is very much a masculine area for him to seek a career.” Kao scoffed, causing his father to silence and tilt his head.
Kao looked his father in the eyes and shook his head, “I believe it’s getting late.” Kao said, standing from the cushion on the floor from which he sat on. “I have work in the morning, so really must be going.” He continued calmly. He walking over and gave his mother a gentle hug, placing a soft kiss on her cheek as he did so. “I will come back to visit soon.” Kao said to his mother as he pulled away before looking at his father. “Good Night papa.” He said simply before turning away, a scorn that had found its way to his father’s face had followed him out while a smile from his mother did the same.
As soon as he stepped out of the house and closed it behind him, he let out a sigh of relief and turned to look at the bicycle that stood against the wall beside the door. The rusted down Mike Moulton looked pitiful and almost like it was in its last few days but, Kao had made it work for seven years and still enjoyed the ride it gave. With a weak smile and took the bike by the handles and turned it around, his sneakers cracking under the dirt. As he turned it, a soft squeak was heard from the bike, showing that it was probably in need of some sort of oiling. Finally, with one last glance back to his parents home, and with his headphones now being plugged into his ears, he threw his leg over the bike and pushed himself with the pedals, the bike moving swiftly down the dark, dirt road.
It would be another two hours before he’d make it back to his apartment but hey, his was an excuse to enjoy the late night air.
It was 11:37 when he finally got home, carrying his bike up three flights of stairs and down the end of the hall to his apartment. He let a sigh of exasperation leave his lips as he pulled his keys out and unlocked the door. He pushed the door open and blinked heavily into the dark apartment. He pulled his bike in and closed the door behind him, the faint sound of a cat meowing allowed him to smile as he turned on a light. He threw his bag off and walked to his bed where his kitten laid curled up sleepily. Kao sat down and gently stroked the kitten, waking it slowly. As he left it to wake up, he got up and began removing articles of clothing, making his way to the tiny bathroom for a quick shower before bed.
When he came out, a towel laid on top of his head while another was wrapped around his waist. He yawned loudly as he walked to his dresser where he pulled out plain black shorts and pulled them on. Once on, he rubbed the towel on his head quickly, tossing out whatever droplets of water remained in his raven hair.
With that, he threw his towels to the side of the room and slumped onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling lost in thought.
One thing kept bothering him.
Why DIDN’T he go study fashion? His mother was always encouraging him and he was sure if he tried hard enough, he could get into a very nice school for fashion on a scholarship.
So why? Was it because...he was scared? Or perhaps it was because of his dream to grow simply? Whatever it was, it plagued his thoughts.
He groaned and ran a hand through his still damp hair, calling his kittens attention. He looked over at the kitten and smiled, “Oh Maka....I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.” Kao said with a sense of sadness lingering in his voice. “I just….I just wish i could have done something. I wish i could have something happen in my life, for once, just ONCE, just to make my life...not so sad and boring. Do you know what i mean?” He asked, turning to the feline only to receive a meow as a response.
He gently laughed, pulling the small cat to his chest. “Of course you don’t, you have me to keep you company and keep you happy.” He said jokingly, scratching the cat’s ear. He laid back on the bed, leaving the kitten to rest on his chest as he too began to drift into sleep. Tomorrow he had another hard day of work after all. Another hard...and boring...day of work.
The day usually starts around the same time. Kao would wake up ten minutes before his 5am alarm, hair messy as all heck and he’d always sit up quickly when he’d wake up. He wouldn’t open his eyes as he quickly walked to his bathroom. As soon as he’d walk in, he’d turn on his sink and splash cold water onto himself to wake himself up. He’d finally open his eyes, hissing still from the freezing water. He’d shake for a second before grabbing the face wash and quickly washing his face and brushing his teeth. He’d sigh with content as he’d finish and walk back out. He would go to his phone and turn off the alarm before it would ring and instead would begin playing korean music.
He’d always play BLACKPINK or BTS, since those were probably the only korean groups he’d listen to. Then he’d have disney or Orchestral music play as he grabbed his uniform. A Bright green collared shirt that read Volcano Cafe on it in black and red letters. He’d pull on some black slacks and tuck his shirt in before putting on his black cap, facing backwards. This way it kept his hair slick back rather than in a mess as it was. He would walk to his cat’s food bowl and give her new food and then place down a water bowl for her. He would pet her once or twice before leaving. “Be good Maka.” He’d say as she would play in the middle of his room while he pulled his bike out. He’d close the door and laugh as he placed his headphones in and began his trip to work.
He’d be there by 5:40, opening the cafe for other employees to get in. He’d clock in and began wiping down tables and cleaning dishes before 7 came around. When the time did come though, he opened the cafe to the public, welcoming in customers as he walked back to register and began taking orders. He would be working like this until about 2 in the afternoon. Customers weren’t regular but today the cafe seemed to be especially bubbly. Perhaps it was just because the summer was coming to a close and teens were going out with friends before having to be submerged in school work.
Whatever the reason, it was keeping Kao busy until way past his clock out time.
When the crowds finally died down and only three or four people remained in the cafe, Kao finally looked at the clock. He sighed as he read it: 4:30. He stepped away from the register as someone else offered to take it, allowing him to clock out. He made himself a quick tea in the back before he stepped out through the front. As he stepped out, he was stunned when his hit something hard. He flinched and dropped his drink as his nose hit someone��s hard shoulder, spilling said drink all over his pants and shoes. He groaned and rubbed him nose, looking at the person he had ran into. He was met with a tall male with blonde hair and some of the nicest eyebrows he had ever seen. He wore a white tank top with a blue button down over it as a small cover and blue jeans. Simple looking guy, sure.
The male also had flinched and stepped away, removing his sunglasses and looking at the injured and stained male. “Aya...Oh no, I-I’m so sorry.” The male said, quickly grabbing napkins from off the counter and placing them on the floor where Kao’s tea had spilled. While the stranger quickly cleaned the tea, Kao reached down and went to pick up the tea cup. This time, the stranger was startled and looked up, hitting Kao’s forehead with his own, causing them both to yelp and whince. Kao threw his hand back and placed it over where his head had been hit and sighed, rubbing it quickly before looking down at the stranger who also rubbed his head.
“I am so sorry sir, please stand up. I’ll clean this up and i-i’ll pay for your drink as an apology for my clumsiness.” Kao said quickly as he took the napkins out of the stranger’s hands and left them on the floor to soak in the tea. The stranger shook his head and waved his hands, “No please don’t apologize. I was in your way and plus, i managed to injure you. Twice.” He said, standing up to look down at Kao. Kao chuckled nervously and brought his hands up in defence, shaking them sheepishly. “No, No, please. I’m not seriously hurt. Please, allow me to buy you a drink.” Kao said, turning the the girl now standing at the register.
The stranger stopped him and called his attention once more, this time the seemingly embarrassed facade he had on previously had melted away and a more serious tone came over it. “I made you spill your drink. I’ll buy you a tea.” He said simply, pulling out his wallet and placing a silver looking card onto the counter and sliding it to the girl. She raised a brow and looked at Kao who was probably more shocked than he had ever been in his life. He kept his eyes on the male, he head turning only a little as he ordered. “Uh...my...usual…” He said meekly before turning back to the male whose sudden sternness had been replaced back with his softer face. “Ah, and May i please get a Passion Fruit green tea with boba?” He asked simply, earning a nod from the girl. “Name?” The girl asked. The stranger looked at Kao and then to the girl. “Sehun.” He replied quietly. Judging by the lack of reaction, they had no idea who he was. He gave a thank you to her before looking back at Kao who had gone down on his knees and began wiping up as much tea from the floor as he could, not caring about the stickiness of his pants.
When he felt like he got most of it, he stood back up and put the napkins and cup into the trash can before turning to the stranger. He sighed and gave a 90 degree angled bow, his arms to his side as he gave a most respectful of bows. “I am very thankful to you for buying me a tea. Thank you sir.” The stranger smiled and equally bowed to him, “And thank you for accepting my apology.”
The two stood back up and looked at each other for a moment before the strangers tea was called out. “Ah. That’s mine.” He said, grabbing his tea and a straw. He looked at Kao and gave another bow, a bit more relaxed this time. “Well, have a nice day sir.” He said as he turned on his heel and walked out of the store, placing his shades back onto his face as he left. Kao was left almost in awe as he watched him walk out. “Sehun…” He muttered to himself as he allowed himself to process what had happened. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice when his drink was called out.
The ride home was a thoughtful one. Kao kept thinking about the man he had met. Sehun. Sure, it was nice of him to buy him a drink but why did he insist so much? What was up with the intense stare he gave him? Oh good lord, and Kao was giving him a seriously suspicious look. Great. He probably looked like a creep to the guy. Kao groaned to himself as he slowed down in front of his apartment building. He got off and picked up his bike, climbing up the flight of stairs to his apartment once again. As he walked inside, he found himself stopping at the entrance in thought.
“That’s a nice name.” He said aloud to himself as he thought of the man he had met today. Sehun. Yeah, it was a pretty nice name. Kao pushed his bike inside and shut the door behind him, sounding his cat off in a playful alarm.
Kao knelt down and picked up the kitten, cradling her in his arms as he spoke. “Hi Maka. So, something interesting happened to me today.” He said, earning a purr from the kitten who rubbed her head against his cheek. Kao softly chuckled as he placed her down and began to remove his backpack and clothes. Great. He wouldn’t have slacks to wear tomorrow.
Kao slipped them off and tossed them into his laundry basket before going to his cabinet and pulling out a white shirt and pulling it over himself. He walked over to his bed and sat down, picking up a cat toy and playing with Maka as he spoke. “I ran into a guy today. He made me drop my tea and my nose still hurts from bumping into him.”
He stated as he placed his head on his hand, flicking the toy to the left causing the kitten to jump. “He...was really tall. He was super nice and bought me a tea as an apology. I felt kinda bad for accepting it though. It was my fault for running into him in the first place.” Kao sighed heavily as he dropped the toy and flopped back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. “But Maka...his eyes. Oh Maka his eyes…” he repeated, placing his hands over his eyes as he spoke. “They could burn holes through steels, i swear to you. His eyes were so unnecessarily intense!” Kao exclaimed, shooting his hands up as if he was reaching for the ceiling. “Good lord...You should have heard him too, he was all like, ‘I made you spill your drink. I’ll buy you tea.’ and he was super serious about it!” Kao continued, imitating the stranger's voice almost mockingly. “He made it seem like that tea was more important than my life, like WOW.” Kao sighed as he came down from his anxious spat. “Well...i guess i can say i still got a free tea from that guy. Sehun…” He droned out, thinking about the name. It seemed to roll out like a melody off his tongue. 
Something kicked inside of Kao causing him to shoot up off his bed and run to his closet, pulling out rolls of fabric in all sorts of colors and patterns and laid them out on his floor, startling Maka. 
The stranger Sehun.....had given him inspiration.
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