#and I will always treasure some tumblr memories 5ever in my hearts heh
kuroheishi · 2 years
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|| I know that I’m absolutely dead on here like the whole fandom tbh but I was on holiday while Owari no Seraph celebrated its 10th year anniversary of publication so MY TIME HAS COME NOW.
Even if I can’t be active on here anymore unfortunately I still love this series to death and I gotta ramble about it, especially for such a big birthday event!
This series will always hold a special place in my heart! I''ve met so many wonderful people thanks to Owari, both irl and internet friendos and I met my future wife @littlxlamb​ too heh. I have grown as a person and matured throughout the serialisation of Owari and for how cringey it might sound I definitely have reflected a lot and hopefully improved too thanks to this series!
There's certain topics Owari brings up that have touched me deeply and Yu is a massive comfort character for me.
I've always related a lot somehow to Yu, I'm definitely not as courageous/reckless and determined as he is but damn I do feel him when I see all he seeks is people's love. To see a character so selfless who is so greedy to be liked by everyone to patch up his own emptiness and pain is like WOAH DUDE I feel attacked right now.
And overall I'm happy how for once we have a main character who does stupid mistakes like any human being, who fails multiple times but still keeps crawling forward and selfishly does what he thinks is best for those he loves. Yu has uglyness in him and that makes him double relatable, even his kindness in a sense is part of his need to find purpose in others so still kinda self-centered of him haha. Perhaps by following his story I learnt also how to put my own boundaries- family is everything, friends are to treasure for sure but I have learnt to step back if people who supposedly love me hurt me instead and it feels so much better to protect myself too. Yu is on a level of toxic towards himself that definitely pushes me to not be like him in this kind of aspect damn.
AND LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT GUREN AND ALL THE OTHER SUPER COOL CHARACTERS KAGAMI HAS CREATED. I know lots of people have grown distant from Owari and I do agree it’s not the best written story ever: there’s lots of flaws, too many subplots and ideas that are not explained properly BUT. I will still keep loving this series and what has brought to my life.
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