#and I would start to work on fable 4 fan project again but I understood that I have zero experience whatsoever
doli-nemae · 2 years
Feminine urge to make a pixel adventure game with my Sparrow in RPG Maker
I`m wondering if this is just another impulsive idea that will go away soon oR IS IT NOT
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askiisoft · 5 years
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Like anyone that proclaims their something “the final chapter,” of course I couldn’t let a good thing lie. 
Since the conclusion of All The Warriors on Fan Art Friday a few months back, the Katana ZERO community has continued to dream up fantastic OCs to expand the mythos, and some of them were simply too amazing not to feature. Here we go, a bonus Part 5 in the series!
[WARNING: The work herein is based on fan creations, and should not be considered canon.]
Alpha 90 by @moryu
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The NULL diaspora transformed New Mecca’s underworld overnight—particularly in Chinatown, where they find easy employ as bouncers and bodyguards, scouted for their unique abilities and paid handsomely in Chronos. 
But appearances can be deceiving. Thanks to her Asian features and waifish build, Yaeko has managed to hide her NULL status behind the masquerade of a harmless waitress—one who just happens to work at the restaurant where Chinatown’s premier mob bosses gather each month, allowing her to listen in on their plans as she serves up tea and dumplings. To them, she’s a familiar face, and not even their bodyguards realize they’re in the presence of a fellow NULL—aside from when she catches a dropped teacup a bit too quickly, almost as if she knew it was about to fall...
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Alpha 52 by @TailWood
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In a world where the New Meccan Police Department wasn’t routinely decimated thanks to NULL killing sprees, an idle beat cop might have time to do a stop-and-search on Alpha 52, if only as a pretense to chat with a cute redhead. 
What he’d find would be truly bizarre: an assortment of razor-sharp knives and stilettoes mixed in with candid photos of old men playing chess, kids eating ice cream, and people picking their nose when they thought no one was looking. In an effortlessly disarming tone, she would explain that the knives were for peeling apples and the photos were part of her art exhibition, and the officer would bid her farewell with a tip of his cap. She’s just that good.
Gamma 3, “Third” by @Kazzang3
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“The best soldiers aren’t born, gentlemen—they’re made.”
He turned to face to the delegation of military leaders and heads of state, gesturing to the rows of glowing tanks lining the laboratory with his remaining arm. For years, Beta NULL had been considered the fullest expression of Chronos, the plateau at which its properties abutted the limits of human physiology. Yet the war was still not won.
The solution, it seemed, was genetic engineering. Bred from the genes of the most outstanding Alpha and Beta subjects, this yet-unnamed generation of fighters would have superior strength, mental acuity, and most importantly, a heightened reaction to Chronos: if they ever lost themselves to bloodlust or went rogue as previous NULL had, they wouldn’t survive a week before withdrawal rendered them inert.
“Oh, look,” he mused as he led the group between the tanks. “Twins.”
Alpha 13 by @PsykoShipht
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As a child, Noel never seemed to fit in, thanks to an early growth spurt that made him tower above his classmates. Among the lineup of star athletes and wunderkinds who would become New Mecca’s first NULL, poor Noel was chosen for his slightly above-average height—a desirable trait for comms operators, who had to shoulder heavy, fragile radio backpacks through the jungle in addition to their field gear.
After a woeful showing in boot camp, he was offered a chance to test a prototype light-bending camouflage. What happened after, no one is certain, save for rare accounts of distorted shapes moving through the trees or enemy guards slumped at their posts, their throats slit and blood still warm.
Now, Noel finally fits in, anywhere and everywhere. If you see a tall, gangly shape flickering in the shadows and a high-pitched electronic whine, drop your wallet and run!
Beta 32 by @super0yo
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He may seem bleary from lack of sleep, but the redder and more sunken Beta 32′s eyes are, the more people he’s killed in the recent past. He can’t really name the feeling that overcomes him every time he ends a life—definitely not sadness, but perhaps shame over doing something wrong that feels so right. 
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Beta 33, “Claire” by Maple
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Some NULLs prided themselves on accomplishing a lot with little: clearing an entire enemy camp armed with only a knife and their Chronos abilities, even if it meant dying countless times in the process. 
Claire never quite understood the appeal; already an exemplary soldier prior to becoming a Beta, she treated Chronos as just another tool in her repertoire of weapons and gadgets, enhancing her deadliness further. To her, having to finish off an enemy up close just means it’s time to hit the shooting range again, because she just ran out of ammo.
Gamma 4 by @TCSF95293
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Gamma 4′s immense potential was always hindered by his reputation as a hothead and sadist among his commanders; he swore at the doctors during his weekly medical checks and tended to ‘accidentally’ kill prisoners of war before he could extract any useful intel. 
But even inflicting that much pain on others has a cost, and now no one’s sure just what he’s after anymore. Revenge? Vigilantism? Perhaps even contract killing, as absurd as it seems? Whatever it is, his comrades know he won’t rest until it’s accomplished—or until they’re dead.
Alpha 64, by @Tacoyaki86
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In a run-down city like New Mecca, no one looks twice at a kid carrying a saw, hammer, and length of rope down the street; after all, what apartment in the Third District doesn’t have a leaky roof or faulty electrical wiring? It just turns out hardware meant for repairs is also useful for gaining entry into tricky places to kill people, which is exactly what “Matt” does in his off-hours.
Nobody would suspect him, of course. After all, Matt’s profile says he’s near-sighted and was a valedictorian of his graduating class, even after he disappeared for a few days and came back having lost nearly a hundred pounds, grown a few inches shorter, and gained different hair, eye, and skin colors. Guy just plays vidcons in his spare time, he couldn’t hurt a fly.
Beta 46 , “Albino” by @OwOsameOwO
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Beta 46 was far from the only NULL who admired their father figure as something more, and he and Beta 13 often clashed vying for his attention, which neither of them ever got. They quoted his speech and mimicked his every move; while Beta 46 couldn’t cut off his own arm without diminishing his combat effectiveness (and thus risk displeasing the doctor), he compulsively wears upper garments with one sleeve empty. 
Alpha 2109 by @mazotive
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By the time the Chronos project began recruiting test subjects from the Third District, Alpha Squadron had become a dumping ground for the least promising NULL, used as distractions while their Beta brethren did the real fighting. But Silence was an exception—without a scope or silencer, she could provide overwatch as well as any fully-kitted sniper, and her skill at staying undetected meant her physical frailty didn’t matter.
Now she's forgotten the project just as much as it forgot her. But something still feels off whenever she sees visions of events a few seconds into the future, or feels the days start to get longer and longer...
Initially, I thought interest in Katana ZERO OCs might die down as the interminable wait for the fabled DLC went on. But it seems people have gotten hungry enough for more story to invent their own, and I love what I’ve seen so far. 
If your latter-day OC didn’t make it, chances are A.) you didn’t send it to me or B.) it’ll be featured in a future bonus entry of All the Warriors. As long as I have enough to fill the banner picture, rest assured there will be more. 
See y’all next week.
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by @nizioroMOMO
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