#and I’m saying this exclusively about taylor stans I know there are other group of fans exactly like that too
bisexualhobi · 4 years
So there is this thing right... if u are a multi like u ult other groups too ( mostly groups like bp, exo, nct etc) Being a manti is kind of inevitable? Like most of these fandoms hate bts i am like 80% sure these idols hate bts too. so like if u are not in the fandom social medias like twt or tumblr then u will be fine but if u are on twt or tumblr or even insta/tik tok u will become a borderline bts anti lmao 🤷🏽‍♀️ i have seen SO many ex armys who are now kpop multis and hate bts 😕 its so weird lol. The only multis who like bts are 80% of moarmys and like 50% of the armyonces.
where would you get the idea that idols hate bts too?? that's so weird I don't think there's any evidence to say that. but tbh being a manti is just what happens when you consume media critically and realize that big hit is a company the same way every entertainment company under capitalism behaves. they're not "better" than sm or jyp, armys just like to think that because they like to romanticize every aspect of bts.
I don't consider myself a multi bc I don't keep up this kind of energy for any group besides bts, like here I just rb pretty pictures of pretty people but idk it's just such a weird concept to me, like.... you wouldn't call yourself a multi for listening to bts and listening to taylor swift (to put an example)? so why is it different for liking other kpop groups besides bts? algorithms on the internet /will/ show you more kpop groups if you watch bts videos and buy their stuff online, so if another group catches your attention then...? idk, I don't get why it's such a big deal to like other groups.
idk it's just weird to me to even think you can know something/anything actually relevant about a person or their behavior because of the groups they stan. by twt standards I would be an armyzen because I love both bts and nct, and according to them I'm the worst type of multi there is lol.
but yeah it also doesn't surprise me at all that a lot of kpop multis who hate bts used to be armys. it's a pretty standard, reactionary respond to the way internet culture revolves around bts and the level of success they've reached. but being an army exclusively doesn't make you better than being an army multi. stanning bts doesn't make you better or morally superior in any way whatsoever, and the fact is that 90% of armys on twt seem to act that way. if someone gets fed up with that or voices an opinion that contradicts the general fandom consensus they are ostracized, bullied and then they pour those feelings of frustration into bts themselves instead of the fandom. it's called projecting. they hate bts now bc they used to spend so more energy loving them they need to direct it in some other way 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm not excusing bts antis and I'm not defending army shooters either. they're both sides of the same coin, they both suck and they make liking/hating bts only their entire personality
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idsb · 5 years
Will you make a keep reading post about it? I totally get if that's too private so pls don't feel pressured
no it’s okay!!! tbh there’s a lot i don’t remember because i was so nervous i like. lowkey blacked out lmao but he finally came outside and immediately started talking to one of his neighbors, and bless this neighbor’s heart that when i approached, they were like ‘we’ll leave you two!’ so he walked me to his car and gave me my stuff back, he started asking me about what i was doing / we were actually talking (already shocking lmao) and when it would’ve been time for me to leave i was like “okay. so i know you hate confrontation, and this is literally making my skin crawl right now, but i think we both know we have to talk about something” 
and he looked mad confused and then i kept talking and his face kinda changed to like ‘ah fuck i can’t pretend i don’t know what she’s talking about’. so i explained the situation from my POV and everything that happened the other night, and i was like, ‘you don’t owe me anything romantically or as far as exclusivity. i don’t even want that from you, i never have, and i’m not mad bc i don’t have a right to be’ lol most of that is a lie i was mad ‘but i think as someone who considers you a friend, and if the feeling isn’t mutual someone who’s in your friend group, i think i’m owed at least a bit of respect and with the way you were all but dangling her in front of my face the other night, and the way you just kind of threw me under the bus after i left, it doesn’t seem like i’ve gotten any. i don’t care if you don’t care about me, but i wish at least you’d told me that’. and he immediately started apologizing. he told me that it wasn’t that he didn’t care, and the only reason that he didn’t ever address what was going on between us out loud was because, ‘it happened, and it was cool, but i honestly just didn’t think there was anything to say. and because i don’t want a relationship with anybody - this isn’t about you, it’s with anybody - i just didn’t know what to say’. and i was like, yeah, that’s cool, but now that this is out on the table, for anything that ever happens in the future, like. above all you’re my friend. i think you’re hot and i’ve fucking loved hooking up with you, but you’re my friend and i’d appreciate some transparency about it. and he said he understood and he was sorry, and he ‘knew he made a giant mess’ and every aspect of it was over. and i found out when i got back in my car that he had, immediately before i approached him, texted the other girl - who is @meredithdardenn  and is also a Taylor stan and you all should follow her bc she’s wonderful and none of this was her fault and she’s been very open and honest and kind about the WHOLE thing - and told her the same thing about knowing he made a mess and it was all done, so i know he wasn’t shitting me and if nothing else that part was honest. 
idk there was a lot more and the parts about me and him went more in-depth than that but that’s the gist and i’m really satisfied with that. 
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